Assignment 2011

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Elements of Mechanical Engineering (110006)


Assignment No: 2
1. Sate the Charles Law, Boyles Law & Characteristic gas
2. What is adiabatic process? Derive an expression for the work
done during the adiabatic process.
3. Prove that relation between Cp and Cv is Cp - Cv = R
4. For adiabatic process derive PV = constant.
5. Prove that in polytropic process the heat transfer is given by
the equation
= ( - n)
X 1W2 during polytropic
( - 1)
6. 0.15m3 of air at pressure of 900 KPa and 300C is expanded at
constant pressure to 3 times its initial volume. It is expanded
polytropically following the law PV 1.5= C and finally compressed
back to initial state isothermally. Calculate (1) Work done during
cycle (2) Heat transfer during cycle.
7. 60 liters of an ideal gas at 290K & 1 bar is compressed
adiabatically to 10 bar. It is then cooled at constant volume &
further expanded isothermally so as to reach the initial state.
Find 1. Pressure at end of cooling 2. Change in internal energy
during constant volume 3. Net work done & net heat transfer
during cycle. Cp = 14.25 KJ/kg K, Cv = 10.15 KJ/kg K.
8. One kg of gas is compressed polytropically from 150 KPa
pressure and 290K temperature to 750 KPa. The compression is
according to law PV 1.3 =constant. Find (a) final temperature (b)
work-done (c) change in internal energy (d) amount of heat
transfer and (e) change in enthalpy. Take R = 0.287 KJ/kgK and
Cp = 1.001 KJ/kgK.
9. A cylinder contains 0.6 m3 of gas at a pressure of 1bar and 900
C. The gas is compressed to a volume of 0.18 m 3 according to
law pvn =C. The final pressure is 5 bar. Assuming R=0.287 kJ/kg
K and = 1.4
Calculate (i) The mass of gas (ii) The value of index n for
compression (iii) The change of internal energy of gas (IV) work
& heat transfer during the process
Note: All students of semester-I of ME/EE/EC branch are hereby
informed that they have to submit the above assignment on /
before 10th Oct 2011 without fail.

Elements of Mechanical Engineering (110006)

Prof. H.S. Patil

Mechanical Department

Assignment No: 3

Define heat engine. What are the essential requirements of

heat engine?
2. Prove that efficiency of Carnot Engine working between
temperature limits T1 and T2 is given by the expression =
T1- T2 / T1
3. Draw P-V & T-S diagram for an ideal Otto cycle & Derive an
expression for its air standard efficiency in terms of
compression ratio.
4. Draw P-V & T-S diagram for an ideal Diesel cycle and Derive
an expression for its air standard efficiency in terms of cutoff & compression ratio.
5. Derive thermal efficiency formulae for Rankine cycle.
6. In an Otto Cycle, air at 15 C and 1 bar is compressed
adiabatically until the pressure is 15 bar. Heat is added at
constant volume until pressure rises to 40 bar. Calculate (i)
Air standard efficiency (ii) compression ratio and (iii) mean
effective pressure for cycle
Assume Cv= 0.718 k J/ Kg K R= 8.134 k J/ k mole K
7. 0.15m3 of air at pressure of 900 KPa and 300 C is
expanded at constant pressure to 3 times its initial volume.
It is expanded polytropically following the law PV 1.5 =C and
finally compressed back to initial state isothermally.
Calculate heat received, heat rejected, efficiency of cycle.
8. Determine the compression ratio, the cycle efficiency, and
the ratio of maximum to minimum pressure in an air
standard Otto cycle from following data: Minimum
temperature = 25o C Maximum temperature = 1500o C
Heat supplied per kg of air = 900 kJ. Take Cv = 0.718 kJ/kg
K & = 1.4
9. In an ideal diesel cycle the temperature at beginning and at
the end of Compression are 57.0 degree centigrade and 603
degree centigrade respectively. The temperatures at
beginning and end of expansion are 1950 degree centigrade
and 870 degree centigrade respectively. Determine the ideal
efficiency of the cycle if pressure at beginning is 1.0 bar.
Calculate: maximum pressure in the cycle
10. In air standard Otto Cycle the Maximum and Minimum

Elements of Mechanical Engineering (110006)

temperatures are 1673 K & 288 K. The heat supplied per Kg
of air is 800 KJ. Calculate. (i) Compression Ratio. (ii)
Efficiency (iii) Ratio of Max to Min Pressures. Take Cv = 0.718
KJ/Kg K & = 1.4 for air.
Note: All students of semester-I of ME/EE/EC branch are hereby informed that
they have to submit the above assignment on / before 15 th Nov 2011 without fail.
Prof. H.S. Patil
Mechanical Department

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