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Descriptive Study

To help managers assign goals to each SP tool.
To what extent those goals are more strategic or tactical.

Survey Goals : Analysis
Short Term Allowing efficient retaliation and reacting quickly
to competitors action.
Long Term Enhancing brand awareness and rewarding
customer loyalty.
Stimulating brand switching and generating trial.

The Survey
Selected 35 companies responsible for 87% of
the sales. [FMCG sector]
200 managers selected [population of dataset]
from multiple strategic business units.
Secondary survey from 200 retail managers
for the most relevant point of sales areas.
A total of 123 usable responses was collected.

The Survey
6/8 SP tools were End of aisle merchandising, Cut price,
Banded packs, Premiums, Lotteries/contest [R], point of
purchase displays and demonstrations [R], cash back and
cooperative advertising.
Use of a five-point Likert Scale.
Identify importance of SP goals previously known.
The retailers and the manufacturers data set were analysed
Factor analysis to summarize the statements of population.
Cluster analysis to combine the SP instruments into groups
that were similar to each other.

Manufacturers perception :
1. End of aisle merchandising
2. Cut price
3. Banded packs
4. Premiums
5. Cash back
6. Cooperative advertising.

Manufacturers Spatial Map of SP tools

Retailers perception :
1. Lotteries/ contests
2. Cut price.
3. Premiums.
4. Point of purchase displays and demonstrations.
5. Cash back
6. End of aisle merchandising.
7. Banded packs.
8. Cooperative advertising.

Retailers Spatial Maps of SP tools

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