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- AB systemic inj :
genta 40mg20 mg / 6 hrs
ceftriaxon 50 mg/kgBB(1-2gr) 1 daily
- AB local : genta , dibekacyn , tobra /hrs
- Lab , anest , oph


Tranexamic acid : 3 x 250 500 mg

Vit C
AB + st ED : 6 x
( Timolol 0,25 0,5 % : 2 x )
Semifowler position

~ 2nd Glaucoma :
^ IOP : Timolol ED 0,5 % : 2 X
Carpine ED 2 % : 4 x
Acetazolamide 3 x 250 500 mg
K tabl : 3 x 1
AB + st Ed : 6 x
. Co/ ..

4Th/ lens dislocated to COA

~ 2 nd Glaucoma

5Note :
Sympt - sign : ..
Bed rest ~ pro op. + NU ( LAB )

6Th/ Chemical Trauma ( Acid / Base )

RL sol
Doxy : 2 x 100
Vit C
AB ( + st ) ED : 6 x
EDTA 1 % : 3 x

7Th/ thermis trauma normally visus

- Analgetik
- Normal cornea : AB + st ED
- Co

Th/ Keratitis
AB local

Th/ Corneal Ulcer

Inj AB
Local AB hi grade ( cipro oflo tobra
dibekacin - . ) hourly
AB oral
Co ( complication : corneal perforation )

Th/ Anterior Uveitis

AB + st ED : 6 x
SA 1 % : 3 X
Focal inf
( ~ 2nd Glaucoma )
Co /..

Th/ Endophthalmitis ( for GP )

Inj . AB syst
AB ED hi grade ~ hourly
SA 1 % : 3 x

Th/ Acute Congestive Glaucoma (GP)

Asetazolamide tab : 3 x 250 500 mg

K tabl : 3 x
Timolol 0,5 % : 2 x
Carpine 2 % : 4 x
AB + st ED : 6 x
Co ..

Th/ G O conjungtivitis
- AB syst Inj :
Ceftriaxon : 1 gr IM
PP 50000 IU/kg BB
- AB local : Levo / Cipro hourly
- Secret : X , lab every day
- ( NEWBORN : hospitalized ) , Father & Mom :
co/ to Dermatovenerologist

Th/ DR
Check : DM : ~ HbA1C

Th/ Corneal ulcer

AB syst inj
AB local hi potent

Th/ corneal erosion

Symptoms : pain , palpebra spasme

Local anestetics
Local AB ( zalv ) . Patch
Oral analgetics , ( oral AB )
Co/ .

Th/ Corp Al .
Corneal : .. Co : local AB + analg + oral AB
CONJUNGTIVA : Handle if U can ! :
- local anestetic
- <<< needle
- AB local + oral + oral analg

Th/ bacterial conjungtivitis

AB local : 4 6 x

Steroid ?

Refraction anomalous

H :
A :
P :

Acyclovir oral : 4 x 500 mg
Co / ..

RB + Hyper Thyroid
RB : cats eye . Co/ a s a p . Enucleation
Hyperthyroid : ~ internist ( T3 T4 TSH )

co/ ophtal
( lagophthalmos etc )

Th/ Vi conjungtivitis
Symptom and sign
AB local

Th/ Vernal
Mast cell stabilizer
Steroid . Corneal complications

Th/ pterigium
No wind and sun
Anti edema

Th/ hordeolum .

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