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Name: Period:

Crossword 12
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1. Which category would these transitions go into? also, 2. These transitions ___ __________: and, therefore,
likewise, as, as though furthermore, also, in addition
4. these are all___ in our language arts class: daybook, 3. can be a noun and a verb
pencil, brain 5. fancy word for speech
6. a group from the same origin 7. I am ___to see my family again, our visit was too short!
7. to want something desperately 8. a transition that shows time - ___you might like Tom Brady,
Name: Period:
9. a verb meaning to reach the high point you will love him after reading my report on him.
12. All these transitions can go into which category? but, 10. Which category would these transitions go into? indeed, in
however, although, even though fact, basically, obviously
13. These transitions fit into this category: adjacent, 11. These two transitions fit into this category: because, since
below, under, near, among 15. Raul was ___ Raquel into a fight.
14. I was ___ with anger when I discovered what he had 17. thinking about something in an unhappy way
done. shows time: ___ the government can work together we will
16. almost ready to boil over, overly excited or disturbed always see fighting between democrats and republicans
20. usually given at a formal occasion 19. you do this when you tease or prod someone into doing
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