Auteurism and Psychoanalysis

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Auteurism is a filmmaker whose individual style and complete control over
all elements of production give a film its personal and unique stamp.

Auteurism has arguably been at the center of film practice, theory, and
history since the 1950s, originating in the films and writings of the French
New Wave.

During the German occupation in world war 2, the French were denied
American movies but by the end of the war they rediscovered the
greatness of American cinema and took it very seriously.
The rediscovery of American films led to the reconsideration of the
director as an artist.

Sigmund Freud is said to be the founder of
psychoanalytic theory. The psychoanalytic theory is a
method of investigating and treating personality
disorders and is used in psychotherapy. Freud believed
that the mind is made of two parts - the conscious mind
and the unconscious mind . The unconscious mind often
prompts people to make certain decisions even if they
dont recognize it on a conscious level.

The human psyche

Id: The id is the primitive and instinctive component of the personality
which consists of all the inherited components of the personality. The id
demands immediate satisfaction regardless of the consequences and is
not affected by logic or reality. It also engages in primary process thinking,
which is primitive illogical, irrational, and fantasy oriented.

Ego: The ego is the decision making component of the personality and
usually works by reason whereas the Id is more chaotic and unreasonable.
The ego works out realistic ways of satisfying the Ids demands by
postponing satisfaction to avoid negative consequences from society.

Superego: The superego's function is to control the id's impulses,

especially ones that go against societies norms. It also persuades
the ego to turn to moralistic goals rather than just realistic ones.
The superego consists of two systems: The conscience and the ideal
self. The conscience can punish the ego through causing feelings of
guilt e.g. giving into the Ids demands. The ideal self is an imaginary
picture of how you ought to be, and represents career aspirations,
how to treat other people and how to behave as a member of

Auteur directors

Stanley Kubrick was an American film director, screenwriter, producer,

cinematographer and editor. he is regarded as one of the most influential directors
of all time.
Kubrick's cinematic style was very distinctive and influenced many other films and
film makers. He established a technique as an auteur that was recognisably his
own, and frequently spurred diverse opinions and interpretations in viewers and
Wes Craven- Nightmare on Elms street
Alfred Hitchcock- Psycho
John Carpenter- Halloween
Roman Polanski- Rosemarys baby
David lynch- Mullholland drive

The shining
The shining is about a married couple and their son who take on the role
of the caretakers of the overlook hotel for the winter.
Danny, the son starts to see disturbing visions of the hotels horrible past
using his telepathic gift known as The shining.
Jack, the father whilst writing his next project slowly slips into insanity due
to cabin fever and the influence of the former residences of the hotel.
After some advice from the waiter telling jack to correct his family, he
goes completely insane and tries to murder his wife and child.

Psychoanalysis and The shining





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