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This week in Health & P.E.

January 5th 9th

Mr. Greg Derr

Pre-k 2nd Grade

This week in physical education, the grade levels of Pre-K through 2nd grade
will be beginning their unit on jumping and landing. I have set up the
gymnasium in a way that allows 6 stations to be performed simultaneously.
Each of the stations I have prepared allow students the opportunity to
practice various forms of jumping such as jumping for height, jumping for
distance, and even timing with jump rope activities.

3rd Grade 6th Grade

This week in physical education, the grade levels of 3rd 6th will begin their
unit on Basketball. As this is the introduction to the unit, fundamentals will
be the primary focus of the lesson. Some of these fundamentals include foul
shooting, lay-ups, dribbling, the movements of sliding and backpedaling, and
the major types of passing. Prior to beginning their work in stations, students
will have a warm up activity that will help them understand how to
manipulate a basketball.

3rd 6th Grade Health

This week in health, the grade levels of 3rd 6th will have their lesson on the
urinary system. The class will cover the following:

Major Organs
Function of this System
Activity: How Kidney Stones are Formed in the Body

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