Course Information For Honors Algebra II

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Information and Procedures for Pre AP Algebra II



Pencil with eraser

Composition Book
Graph paper
Red pen
TI 83 Plus or TI 84 Plus calculator (The Silver Editions of these models have more memory. This is nice to have. The
84 Plus is a newer version of the 83 Plus and is the one I would recommend. Although the calculator is optional, it is
highly recommended.)

1. All work must be done in pencil.
2. Students must bring all supplies including their textbook to class each day. We do not have class sets of textbooks.
3. Homework will be assigned and taken up daily. It will be graded on completion and the effort put forth on the
assignment. The problems must be written down. All work must be shown or no credit will be given. Also, the work
must be neat and done in the specified manner. The full assignment must be written on the top line of the paper. A
proper heading will also be required. The grades will be a 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. I will not accept late work. Makeup work for excused absences must be turned in at the proper time. The time period is one day for each day absent.
4. Quizzes will be given daily over the homework material. Any missed quizzes must be made up before school and during
class. Make sure you let me know ahead of time when you are coming in to do make-ups. These make-ups must be
done within a few days of your return to school.
5. Tests will be given approximately every two weeks depending on how long the chapters are. If you are absent the day
of the review, you will still be required to take a scheduled test! Always check your syllabus. Make sure you study
for the test, because no retakes are given.

Monday through Friday 7:00-7:30 A.M.-- room 1106--Bowles

Monday through Thursday 2:45-3:30 P.M.--room 1106--Bowles


Major tests count 60%.

Quizzes count 25%.
Homework counts 15%.

Rules of Conduct:
1. Be in your assigned desk with all supplies when the bell rings.
2. Stay in your assigned desk.
3. Give full attention to the teacher.
4. Respect the rights and property of others.
5. Follow directions the first time.
6. Do not get out of your desk while I am talking, not even for a kleenex or to sharpen a pencil.
1. First violation: verbal or written warning.
2. Second violation: student/teacher conference
3. Third violation: parents notified.
4. Fourth violation: student referred to V.P. for additional discipline.
5. Severe clause: If a student exhibits severe misbehavior, such as disrespect to the teacher by word or deed, open
defiance, vulgar language or gestures, abuse of school property or fighting, he or she will be sent immediately to
the appropriate V.P.

Jeri Bowles
Pre AP Algebra II
Algebra II

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