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What is representation?
the description or portrayal of someone or
something in a particular way.
Within media platforms such as programs and
films there are a variety of things that represent
certain things. For example there are many
conventions that represents the wealth, status
and social class of the character presented. There
could be representations of disability, ethnicity,
sexuality, age, gender etc all which are within a
social group.

Representation theorists
Carol Clover- Clover argues that yound male viewers of thehorror
genre are quite prepared to identify with the female-in- jeopardy,
a key component of horror narrative.
Branston and Strafford- Their theory stated that
representationhas characteristics including a categorizing and
evaluation ofthe group being stereotyped, the evaluation that is
oftennegative, but not always.
Laura Mulvey- Male gaze.
Mulvey sees the representation ofwomen in film and literature as
being dominated by a male pointof view. Her belief is that the
world is a patriarchy and that men have the active roles
and woman passive.

Representation and the horror genre

Many representation theorists have different theories on representation
within a horror genre presented in a variety of social groups.
Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze is generally the most recognisable
theory to do with the horror genre. This is because it refers to gender
within the social group. Laura Mulvey states that films are dominated by
the male within the film they are seen as the strong hero type character
where as women are more of the damsel in distress this is apparent in
quite a lot of horror films as they use the male as the hero and women as
the victim who needs help as they pysically are usually portrayed as
weaker which allows a more sympathetic view for the audience, it creates
more of an impact.
However there are films that go against this stereotype of the genders.
The film I spit of your grave 1&2 both films present the woman as the
stronger, dominant figure. In fact she hunts down the men that tortured
her and gets her revenge by completely overpowering and torturing each
one in horrific ways. Going against the stereotype made the film more
unique with critics saying it made it more interesting and unique, setting it
apart from most horror films.

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