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Continuous Time Markov Chains

and Basic Queueing Theory

Review: DTMC
pij is the transition probability from i to j
over one time slot
The time spent in a state is geometrically
Result of the Markov (memoryless) property

When there is a jump from state i, it goes to

state j with probability

Continuous Time Version



qij is the transition rate from state i to state j

Upon entering state i, a random timer Tij~ Exp(qij)
is started for each potential transition i j
These timers are independent of each other
Recall that Exponential distribution is memoryless

When the first timer expires, the MC makes the

corresponding transition
Let Ti be the time spent in state i, and qi=ji qij,
then Ti ~ Exp(qi)
When there is a transition, the probability of
jumping to state j is qij /qi

{X(t):t 0} is a continuous time Markov
chain if
P{X(s+t)=j | X(u);u s} = P{X(s+t)=j | X(s)}
Similar to Discrete Time MCs, Continuous
Time MCs have stationary distribution p
Exists when Markov chain is positive recurrent
and irreducible

Stationary Distribution
Balance equations:

Transition rates in and out of state i are equal

Define matrix transition rate Q = (qij) with
qii= -qi , then p Q = 0, where p is a row vector
Together with i p(i) = 1, can solve for p

Queueing Theory Notation

A is the arrival process, e.g., Geometric, Poisson,
S is the service distribution, e.g., Geometric,
Exponential, Deterministic
s is the number of servers, e.g., 1, N,
k is the buffer size (if k is absent, then k = )

E.g., Geom/M/1, M/M/1, M/D/1, M/M/

M/M/1 Queue


Arrivals are Poisson with rate l

Inter-arrival times are exp(l)

Services are exponential with rate m

These are also transition rates for the Markov chain
This looks very similar to Geom/Geom/1 queue,
but different

Solving M/M/1 Queue

We have pi l = pi+1 m
Let r = l/m, then pi = pi-1 r = p0 ri
If r < 1, the stationary distribution exists:
pi = (1 - r) ri
Average Queue size:

M/M/1 Queue
NQ is the queue size, excluding the one in

M/M/ Queue




Customer arrival process is Poisson(l)

All customers are served in parallel ~ exp(m)
Departure rate proportional to # of customers

Solving M/M/ Queue

We have pi-1 l = pi i m
Let r = l/m, then

The queue size distribution of the M/M/ queue is Poisson()

M/M/ Queue
The queue size distribution of the M/M/
queue is Poisson(r)
Therefore the average queue size is E(Q)=r
Whats the condition for the queue to be

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