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The Lion and the Mouse


Once upon a time, deeply in the forest, there was a big strong lion. He was the king
of the jungle. The lion liked sleeping under the trees and his snoring was really
loud. All the animals were afraid and while he was sleeping, they were singing: The
king is asleep! Dont wake him up! His temper is bad! He will get
MAAAAAAD!!!!!One day, a tiny mouse climbed up on his head and started
scratching him. The lion woke up. Whos there?????he shouted. He grabbed the
mouse and he was about to eat it, when the little mouse said : Please mighty king,
Spare me! Maybe one day, I will help you, Ill save you. Hmmmm, you are too small
to save me, but I will let you go if you sing and dance for me!!!!the lion answered.
The mouse started singing: Tra lallalallalalal tralallal la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!It
was so bad that the lion laughed! OK, OK, thats enough! You can go. The mouse
ran happily back in the forest. Days later the lion was walking proud in the forest.
Suddenly, he got caught in a hunters trap. The other animals were looking at him
but they couldnt do anything. Then, the tiny mouse I ll keep my promise and Ill
save you mighty kinghe said and he started chewing the net. He made a small
hole, but lion was too big to come out. He kept chewing and chewing and finally
he made a biiig hole and the lion broke free! All the animals were very happy and
the little mouse said: You see mighty king, even the weak and small may be of help
to those much mightier than them. The lion answered:You are right!!!! For this
reason, Ill make you king of the jungle for one day.The whole day, all the animals
in the jungle were singing and dancing ..and they
lived happily ever after.
" ".
, "and they
lived happily ever after"
My first visit to the dentist!I have learned how to clean and take care of my teeth

properly so I always have a bright smile. I met the enemies


and the

of my teeth. I learned many things about the dentistry and what

should I do so that I wil always have strong teeth!!

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