Who Pays The Bills? This Is Tsoukalis Question For Europe's Crisis. There Is A Question

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For Tsoukalis, the explanation is not simple or one-dimensional.

The constrains for the

political leaders were numerous and nationalist movements are rising within as economic
divergence is widening between countries. The main purpose for the European institutions is
to find common solutions, but there has been a lost of trust between them, mainly the lack of a
common language to interpret the crisis.
Who pays the bills? This is Tsoukalis question for Europes crisis. There is a question
mark whether the European Union will be capable to cover the expenses for the bankrupt Irish
banks, the Irish or the European taxpayers, whether it can successfully help the Greeces
bankrupt state, the people who lost their jobs from these countries or the rest of them. As the
list of countries and banks in trouble grows, this problem becomes a bigger burden to the
European countries involved.
The total amount of official assistance for the countries which were in great danger is
more than a half a trillion euros.

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