Romeo and Juliet Final Essay

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Jasmine Johnson
7-8th hour
Don't waste your love on somebody, who doesn't value it. William Shakespeare, Romeo

and Juliet. This quote is important to the story Romeo and Juliet because it is just saying that

you need to love who you want to love not who your parents want you to love. Who is
responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliets death? Romeo is responsible for the death of
Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is responsible for their death because he was the one who went to the
party. Romeo is childish. Also Romeo is immature. Romeo is responsible for their death.
First of all, this whole thing between Romeo and Juliet would have never started if he
would have never went to that party. For example in Act 1- Scene 2- line #107 Romeo says Ill
go along, no such sight to be shown, but to rejoice in splendor of mine own. This is showing

that he is saying i will go i don't care. He is basically giving the I don't care attitude.He should
not have went to that party because he was not specifically invited. This reason shows that
Romeo is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliets death because if he would have never
went to a party he wasn't supposed to then he would have never met Juliet and they would have
never fallen in love.
Next, Romeo is the cause for Romeo and Juliets death because ha is childish. For
example, Act 1, Scene 2, Line# 243/ nurse: Romeo is banisht; [...]/. This says that romeo is
banished for getting into a fight. Romeo is the reason for the death of Romeo and Juliets death
because he is childish and he got into a fight and fighting is never the answer to solve a problem.
he could have found a different way to solve the problem.
also, Romeo is the reason for the death of Romeo and Juliet because he is immature. For
example Act-1 scene-5 Line#243 /Nurse: Romeo is banisht[...]/ Romeo got banished because he
got into a fight with Tybalt. He thought it would be ok to get into a fight and kill someone. The

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Jasmine Johnson
7-8th hour

only problem is that he killed Tybalt who is Juliet's cousin and he loves Juliet and he would have
never got into a fight if he would have known that it was his loves cousin.
Although Romeo is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet others say that Juliets
nurse is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet. They say Nurse is responsible because
she met with Romeo multiple times for Juliet, she arranged their marriage, and she kept it a
secret. Nurse went and met with Romeo a couple of times for juliet for example, in act 2, scene 4
line# 178 /nurse: I will tell her, sir,that you do protest, which, as I take it, is a gentelmanlike
offer. Also another example is because she arranged their marriage in secrete in act 2 scene 4
line#176 Romeo says /Nurse commend me to thy lady [...]/ This reason shows that Nurse could
be seen to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet because she helped Romeo arrange the
marriage so that Juliet could just go get married then go back home and be done with it and her
parents didn't need to find out. That is why nuse could be the one to blame for the death of
Romeo and Juliet because she met with Romeo multiple times for Juliet, she arranged their
marriage, and she kept it a secret.
In conclusion, Romeo is the one to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet because he was the
one who went to the party, he is childish, and he is immature. Romeo is most responsible for the
death because everything all started with him he went where he wasn't supposed to witch let
Juliet onto him and they were madly in love. That is why Romeo is responsible for the death of
Romeo and Juliet he led her on made it more than it was and it ended with their death.

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