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JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT’S LICENCE Theoretical Knowledge Manual 7 010 AIR LAW Second Edition, First Impression. APPROVED This learning material has been approved as @ JAA compliant by the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority. ah OXFORD 5. JEPPESEN. Aviation Wainin i © Oxford Aviation Services Limited 2001 All Rights Reserved “his fox Book Ts to be used only for the purpose oT private study by Indlviduals and ay nt bo reproduced in any Yor or medium, ‘opled, stored ina retrieval systom, lent, hired, rented, transmitted or adapted n whole ori part without the prior writen concent of ‘Oxford Aviation Sarviens Limited. ‘CoRR a GOST AE TTA BOUT WA WR GOVE OF ATACHST TG, AUT ATaT WHEN TOWODNCOT Hy Wo Kd permission of hid pares and acknowledged as such, Delonge exclusively o Oxors Aviation Serco Lintod Conan copyright mst s reproduced withthe permission of the ntnatona Cov Avlaon Organisation, the Unites Kingdom Ca Avion ‘Aunty and the Joint Avon Arti JAA) “Thiet boa has Boon wien a pubiohed a a eeronca work Wo asa nla envled onan approved JAK A Tranap PROT Lance (ATPL) coure to proparo nemselve forthe JAA ATPL treoracalKoowige examinations. Noting h the cotnto this books abe Interred as conetutng inerucono advice relating wo pracical Tying. ‘ist every effort nas boon mato ensure the accuracy othe information contained wii is book, nether Oxford Aviation Serces Lined ‘nor thepublcher gives any warranty aoe accurcy or ohare, Stadentapreparag for he JAA AvP heceticl knowledge examinations ‘Should ot rgard ths book esa subsiue forthe JAA ATPL teoreeal knowledge taining slabs pubtehod inthe cre’ ean of JAR.CL “Tight Crew Licensing (aroranes) (he Sy), The Sylabus cones the eae auoratve Sefton of te sbjact mate tobe sad InaJAA ATPL theoreteal rowlecge Varing programme. you elect fo subscrbe to the menament service offre wi Ps bock pease Noe ‘hat here ibe dely between the itoaucton of changes tthe Sylabus and you eel et prepare for ors cureryenled to ener hmeetherse forthe JAA ATPL theoretical tnowdge examinations without rt beng eraled in a {raning sto! whicn nas been granted approval bya JAA-autersednatioalavlabonauorty io deiver JAA ATPL taining. ‘vor Aviation Senices Lint excludes al lat fr any oss or damage Incured or sere asa result fan reliance on aoc prt of is book excepto any lblty for death or personal ry ruling fam Oxtrs Avion Services Line's nogigence ot anyother habit which may not egaly be excluded Cover picture by courtesy of the Boeing Company Published by: Jeppesen GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany Contact Details: Pilot Ground Training Department Sales and Service Department Oxford Aviation Training Jeppesen GmbH Oxford Airport Frankfurter Strasse 233, Kidlington 63263 New-Isenburg Oxford OXS 1RA Germany England Tel: +44 (0)1865 844290 Tel: +449 (0)6102 508240 E-mail: E-mail: For further information on products and services from Oxford Aviation Training and Jeppesen visit our web sites at; www.oxfordaviation.net_and ISBN: 0-88487-277-7 FOREWORD Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) pilot licences were first introduced in 1999. By the end of 2002, all 33, JAA member states will have adopted the new, pan-European licensing system. Many other countries world-wide have already expressed interest in aligning their training with the syllabi for he various JAA, licences. These syllabi and the regulations governing the award and the renewal of licences are defined by the JAA’s licensing agency, known as “Joint Aviation Requirements-Flight Crew Licensing”, or JAR- FCL. ‘The introduction of JAA licences is, naturally, accompanied by associated JAR-FCL practical skill tests (tests of flying ability) and theoretical knowledge examinations corresponding to each level of licence: Private Pilot Licence (PPL), Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL), CPL with Instrument Rating and Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL). The JAR-FCL skill tests and the ground examinations, though similar {n content and scope to those conducted by many national authorities, are inevitably different in detail from the tests and examinations set by any individual JAA member state under its own national scheme. Consequently, students who wish to train for JAA licences need access to study material which has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the new licensing system. As far as the JAA ATPL ground examinations are concerned, the subject matter to be tested is set out in the ATPL training syllabus contained in the JAA publication, “JAR-FCL | (Aeroplanes)’. Inevitably, this syllabus represents a compromise between the differing academic contents of the national ATPL training syllabi it replaces. Thus, it follows that the advent of the new examinations has created a need for completely new reference texts to cover the requirements of the new syllabus. This series of manuals, prepared by Oxford Aviation Training and published by Jeppesen, aims to cover those requirements and to help student pilots prepare for the JAA ATPL theoretical knowledge examinations, Oxford Aviation Training (OAT) is one of the world’s leading professional pilot schools. It has been in ‘operation for over thirty years and has trained more than 12,000 professional pilots for over 80 airlines, world-wide. OAT was the first pilot school in the United Kingdom to be granted approval to train for the JAA ATPL. As one of the most active members of the European Association of Airline Pilot Schools, OAT has been a leading player in the pan-European project to define, in objective terms, the depth and scope of the academic content of JAA ATPL ground training as outlined in “JAR-FCL I (Aeroplanes)’ OAT led and coordinated this joint-European effort to produce the JAA ATPL Learning Objectives which are now published by the JAA itself as a guide to the theoretical knowledge requirements of ATPL training, In less than two years since beginning JAA ATPL training, and despite the inevitable teething problems that national aviation authorities have experienced in introducing the new examination system, OAT has achieved an unsurpassed success rate in terms of the passes its students have gained in the JAA ATPL ‘examinations. This achievement is the result of OAT’s whole-hearted commitment to the introduction of the new JAA licensing system and of its willingness to invest heavily in the research and development required to make the new system work for its students. OAT has not only been at the forefront of the effort made to document JAA ATPL theoretical knowledge requirements, but it has also produced associated academic notes of the highest quality and created computer-generated and web-based ATPL lessons which ensure that its students are as well-prepared as possible to succeed in the ground ‘examinations, OAT"s experience and expertise in the production of JAA ATPL training material make this series of manuals the best learning material available to students who aspire to hold a JAA ATPL. continued... Jeppesen, established in 1934, is acknowledged as the world’s leading supplier of flight information services, and provides a full range of print and electronic flight information services, including navigation data, computerised flight planning, aviation software products, aviation weather services, maintenance information, and pilot training systems and supplies. Jeppesen counts among its customer base all US airlines and the majority of international airlines world-wide. Italso serves the large general and business aviation markets. ‘The combination of Jeppesen and OAT expertise embodied in these manuals means that students aiming to gain a JAA ATPL now have access to top-quality, up-to-date study material at an affordable cost. Manuals are not, of course, the complete answer to becoming an airline pilot. For instance, they cannot teach you to fly. Neither may you enter for the new JAA ATPL theoretical knowledge examinations as a“self-improver” student. The new regulations specify that all those who wish to obtain a JAA ATPL must be enrolled with a flying training organisation (FTO) which has been granted approval by a JAA- authorised national aviation authority to deliver JAA ATPL training. The formal responsibility to prepare you for both the flying tests (now known as “skill tests”) and the ground examinations lies with your FTO. However, these OAT/Jeppesen manuals represent a solid foundation on which your formal training can rest. For those aspirant airline pilots who are not yet able to begin formal training with an FTO, but intend to do so in the future, this series of manuals will provide high-quality study material to help them prepare themselves thoroughly for their formal training. The manuals also make excellent reading for general aviation pilots or for aviation enthusiasts who wish to further their knowledge of aeronautical subjects to the standard required of airline pilots. ‘At present, the JAA ATPL theoretical knowledge examinations are in their infancy. The examinations will inevitably evolve over the coming years. The manuals are supported by a free on-line amendment service which aims to correct any errors and/or omissions, and to provide guidance to readers on any changes to the published JAA ATPL Learning Objectives. The amendment service is accessible at hutp:// htm OAT’s knowledge of and involvement in JAR-FCL developments are second to none. You will benefit from OAT’ expertise both in your initial purchase of this text book series and from the free amendment service. OAT and Jeppesen have published what they believe to be the highest quality JAA ATPL. theoretical knowledge manuals currently available. The content of these manuals enables you to draw ‘on the vast experience of two world-class organisations, each of which is an acknowledged expert in its field of the provision of pilot training and the publication of pilot training material, respectively. We trust that your study of these manuals will not only be enjoyable but, for those of you undergoing, training as airline pilots, will also lead to success in the JAA ATPL ground examinations. Whatever your aviation ambitions, we wish you every success and, above all, happy landings. Oxford, England. January 2002 PREFACE TO EDITION TWO, FIRST IMPRESSION Edition Two of this work has been recompiled to give a higher quality of print and diagram. The ‘opportunity has also been taken to update the contents in line with Oxford Aviation Training’s experience of the developing JAA ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Examinations. Oxford, England. September 2002 Textbook Series Book [THe Sublect 010 AirLaw 020 Aircraft General Knowledge 1 | 021 01 Airframes & Systems 0210101104 | Fuselage, Wings & Stabilising Surfaces 0210107 | Hydraulics 0210105 — | Landing Gear 0210108 | Flight Controls 021 01 08/09. | Air Systems & Air Conditioning 021.01 09/10 | Antiicing & De-icing 0210400 | Emergency Equipment 0210111 | Fuel Systems 020 Aircraft General Knowledge 2. | 021.02 Electrics - Electronics 0210201 | Direct Current 0210202 | Alternating Current 0210205 | Basic Radio Propagation. 020 Aircraft General Knowledge 3 | 021.00 Powerplant 0210301 | Piston Engines 0210302 | Gas Turbines 020 Aircraft General Knowledge 4 Instrumentation Flight Instruments Warning & Recording ‘Automatic Flight Control Power Plant & System Monitoring Instruments 1030 Flight Performance & Planning 1 Mass & Balance Performance (030 Flight Performance & Planning 2 Fight Planning & Monitoring (040 Human Performance & Limitations 050 Meteorology (060 Navigation 1 General Navigation (060 Navigation 2 Radio Navigation 070 Operational Procedures 080 Principles of Fight 090 Communications Reference Material Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 (Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 ‘Chapter 21 AIR LAW TABLE OF CONTENTS Definitions. International Agreements and Organisations Ainworthiness of Aircraft Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks Personnel Licensing Rules of the Air Procedures for Air Navigation Services/ Aircraft Operations Air Traffic Services Procedures for Air Navigation Services/Rules of the air and Air Traffic Procedures Area Control Service Approach Control Service Aerodrome Control, Radar Services, Advisory Service and Alerting Service Aeronautical Information Service Aerodromes Aerodrome Lighting and Signs Aerodrome Obstacles and Emergency Services Facilitation Search and Rescue Security Aircraft Accident and Investigation UK National Law 1 12 13 14 CHAPTER ONE - DEFINITIONS INTRODUCTION ABBREVIATIONS, DEFINITIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY Contents Page AIR LAW Ld 12 ‘The content of the Oxford Aviation College A’ ‘TRODUCTION DEFINITIONS ion Law course meets the requirements of the JAA-FCL syllabus (Subject 010- Air Law). The main reference document is JAR-OPS 1, other reference material is drawn from various ICAO documents and annexes to conventions, agreements and other organisations with specialist interest in aviation, ABBREVIATIONS The following is a list (not exhaustive) of abbreviations commonly used in aviation. ‘AAIB ‘Air Accident Investigation Board ‘AAL. ‘Above Aerodrome Level ABN ‘Aerodrome Beacon Ale Aircraft ‘ACC. ‘Area Control Centre ‘ADA ‘Advisory Airspace ‘ADF. ‘Automatic Direction Finding ‘ADR ‘Advisory Route ‘ADT ‘Approved Departure Time AFI Assistant Flying Instructor AFIS ‘Aerodrome Flight Information Service AFS ‘Aeronautical Fixed Service AFIN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network AGL. ‘Above Ground Level AIC ‘Aeronautical Information Circular AIP ‘Aeronautical Information Publication AIREP, Air Report AIS ‘Aeronautical Information Service ‘AME, ‘Authorised Medical Examiner ‘AMSL. ‘Above Mean Sea Level ‘ANO- ‘Air Navigation Order ‘AOC ‘Air Operator's Certificate "ARP Aerodrome Reference Point ‘ARN ATS Route Network ‘ASDA ‘Accelerate-Stop Distance Available ASR Altimeter Setting Region TAS Air Traffic Advisory Service ‘ATC Air Traffic Control ATCC Air Traffic Control Centre ATCU Air Traffic Control Unit ATCRU__| Air Traffic Control Radar Unit (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management ATIS ‘Automatic Terminal Information Service ATS Air Traffic Service ATSU Air Traffic Service Unit ATZ Air Traffic Zone ‘AUW All up Weight ‘AWD. ‘Airworthiness Division AWY Airway CAA Civil Aviation Authority ‘CANP Civil Aviation Notification Procedure CAS Controlled Airspace CofA, Certificate of Airworthiness CTR ‘Control Zone DA Decision Altitude DE Direction Finding DH Decision Height DME Distance Measuring Equipment DR Dead Reckoning EAT Expected Approach Time ECAC European Civil Aviation Authority ED Emergency Distance EET Estimated lapse Time ELT Emergency Location Transmitter EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETOPS Extended Twin Jet Operations FAL Facilitation OF Air Transport FCL Flight Crew Licensing FI Flying Instructor FIR Flight Information Region FIS Flight Information Service FL, Flight Level FLPFM. Foot Launched Powered Flying Machine FTL Flight Time Limitations GASIL General Aviation Safety Information Leaflet GCA Ground Controlled Approach #24 Day and Night Operating Hours HF High Frequency Hz Hertz Radio Frequency TAS Indicated Air Speed Tbn Identification Beacon 1-2 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS ICAO. Intemational Civil Aviation Organisation TFR Tnstrument Flight Rules ILS Instrument Landing System IMC Tnstrument Meteorological Conditions IR Instrument Rating. TRE Instrument Rating Examiner IRVR Instrument Runway Visual Range ISA, International Standard Atmosphere JAA Joint Aviation Authority JAR JAA Regulations KHz, Kilo Hertz Kt Knots LARS Lower Airspace Radar Service LATCC | London air Traffic Control Centre LDA’ Landing Distance Available LF Low Frequency MATZ Military Air Traffic Zone MDH Minimum Descent Height MEHT Minimum Eye Height (PAPIs) MEL Minimum Equipment List METAR__| Aviation Routine Weather Report MF ‘Medium Frequency MHz Megahertz MNPS ‘Minimum Navigation Performance Specification MoD. Ministry of Defence MOTNE | Meteorological Operational Telecommunications Network MRSA Mandatory Radar Service Area MIWA Maximum Take-off Weight Authorised NAPS ‘Noise Abatement Procedures NATS ‘National Air Traffic Services NDB ‘Non-Directional Beacon NOH ‘Notified Operating Hours NOSIG No Significant Change NOTAM ___| Notice to Airmen ‘OCA ‘Oceanic Control Area ‘OCA (Obstacle Clearance Altitude ‘OCH Obstacle Clearance Height OC, (Obstacle Clearance Limit PANS Procedures for Air Navigation PAR Precision Approach Radar 1-3 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator Pax Passengers Pile lot in Charge PT Public Transport RCC Rescue Co-ordination Centre RIS, Radar Information Service RLCE Request level change en-route RNOTAM _ | Royal NOTAM RTF Radio Telephony RTOW Regulated Take-off Weight RTG Radio Telegraphy RVR Runway Visual Range RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima Rwy Runway SAR ‘Search and Rescue SARP ‘Standard and Recommended Practice (ICAO) SARSAT __| Search and Rescue Satellite Tracking System SELCAL _| Selective Calling Sfe Surface ‘SID Standard Instrument Departure SIGMET _ | Significant Meteorological Warning SNOCLO | Closed by Snow SPECI Special Met Report SPL Supplementary Flight Plan SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar STAR ‘Standard Instrument Arrival SVFR ‘Special Visual Flight Rules TAF, ‘Aerodrome Meteorological Forecast TAS, True Airspeed TCA, ‘Terminal Control Area TMA, ‘Terminal Maneuvering Area TODA Take-off Distance Available TOM, Take-off Minima TORA Take-off Run Available TR Type Rating TRE Type Rating Examiner TL. Transition Level TVOR ‘Terminal VHF Omni Ranging Twr “Tower (Aerodrome Control) UHF Ultra High Frequency UIR Upper Information Region 1-4 {© Oxford Aviation Servis Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS 13 Us Unserviceable UTC ‘Co-ordinated Universal Time VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator VFR Visual Flight Rules VHF Very High Frequency MC Visual Meteorological Conditions VOR VHF Omni-ranging VSTOL, Very Short Take-off and Landing WEF With effect from wir, Work in Progress Wot Waypoint DEFINITIONS The student must be able to identify the correct definition from a list of offered alternatives. Advisory Airspace. An airspace of defined dimensions, or designated route, within which air traffic advisory service is available. Advisory Route. A designated route along which air traffic advisory service is available. Aerial work aireraft means an aircraft (other than a public transport aircraft) flying, or intended by the operator to fly, for the purpose of aerial work. Aerial work undertaking means an undertaking whose business includes the performance of aerial work. Aerobatic manoeuvres includes loops, spins, rolls, bunts, stall turns, inverted flying and any other similar manoeuvre; ‘Aerodrome means any area of land or water designed, equipped, set apart or commonly used for affording facilities for the landing and departure of aircraft and includes any area or space, whether on the ground, on the roof of a building or elsewhere, which is designed, equipped or set apart for affording facilities for the landing and departure of aircraft capable of descending or climbing vertically, but shall not include any area the use of which for affording facilities for the landing and departure of aircraft has been abandoned and has not been resumed; Aerodrome control service means an air traffic control service for any aircraft on the ‘manoeuvring area or apron of the aerodrome in respect of which the service is being provided or which is flying in, or in the vicinity of, the aerodrome traffic zone of that aerodrome by visual reference to the surface; 1-5 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Aerodrome flight information unit means a person appointed by the Authority or by any other person maintaining an aerodrome to give information by means of radio signals to aircraft flying or intending to fly within the aerodrome traffic zone of that aerodrome and aerodrome flight information service shall be construed accordingly; Aerodrome A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft. Aerodrome Control Tower A unit established to provide air traffic control service to aerodrome traffic. Aerodrome operating minima in relation to the operation of an aircraft at an aerodrome means the cloud ceiling and runway visual range for take-off, and the decision height or minimum descent height, runway visual range and visual reference for landing, which are the minimum for the operation of that aircraft at that aerodrome. ‘Aerodrome Traffic. All traffic on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome and all aircraft flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome. Aerodrome Traffic Zone Airspace of defined dimensions established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic. UK Definition: Aerodrome traffic zone means the airspace specified below being airspace in the vicinity of an aerodrome which is notified for the purposes of the Rules of the Air: a) im relation to such an aerodrome other than the one which is an offshore installation: i) at which the length of the longest runway is notified as 1850 metres or less; 1) subject to sub paragraph ii, the airspace extending from the surface to a height of 2000ft above the level of the aerodrome within the ared bounded by a circle centred on the notified midpoint of the longest runway and having a radius of 2 nautical miles. 2) where such an aerodrome traffic zone would extend less than 1% nautical miles beyond the end of the runway at the aerodrome and this sub paragraph is notified as being applicable, sub paragraph (ii) shall apply as though the length of the longest runway is notified as greater than 1850 metres. 1-6 {© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW DEFINITIONS ii) at which the length of the longest runway is notified as greater than 1850 metres, the airspace extending from the surface to a height of 2000 frabove the level of the aerodrome within the area bounded by a circle centred on the notified midpoint of the longest runway and having a radius of 2% nautical miles; b) in relation to such an aerodrome which is on an offshore installation, the airspace extending from mean sea level to 2000ft above mean sea level and within 1% nautical miles of the offshore installation; except any part of that airspace which is within the aerodrome traffic zone of another aerodrome which is notified for the purposes as being the controlling aerodrome; Aeronautical ground light means any light specifically provided as an aid to air navigation, other than a light displayed on an aircraft. Aeronautical radio station means a radio station on the surface, which transmits or receives signals for the purpose of assisting aircraft. Aeronautical station A land station in the aeronautical mobile service. In certain instances, ‘an aeronautical station may be located , for example, on board ship or on a platform at sea, Aeroplane. A power driven heavier than air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight. Aircraft Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air ‘other than the reactions ofthe air against the earth's surface. Aircraft category Classification of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics e.g. aeroplane, helicopter, glider, free balloon. Aircraft certified for single pilot operation A type of aircraft which the State of Registry has determined, during the certification process, can be operated safely with a minimum crew of one pilot. Aircraft -type of All aircraft of the same basic design including all modifications thereto except those modifications which result in change in hiandling or flight characteristics Air Traffic All aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome. Air Traffic Advisory Service A service provided within advisory airspace to ensure separation, in so far as practical, between aircraft which are operating on IFR flight plans. (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Air Traffic Control Clearance Authorisation for an aireraft to proceed under conditions specified by an air traffic control unit. Note 1 - For convenience, the term “air traffic control clearance” is frequently abbreviated to “clearance” when used in appropriate contexts. Note 2. - ‘The abbreviated team “clearance” may be prefixed by the words “taxi”, “take-off”, “departure”, “en-route”, “approach” or “landing” to indicate the particular portion of flight to which the air traffic control clearance relates. Air Traffic Control Service A service provided for the purpose of: a) _ preventing collisions i) between aircraft ii) on the manoeuvring area between aircraft and obstructions; and b) expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic Air Traffic Control Unit A generic term meaning variously, area control centre, approach control office or aerodrome control tower. Air Traffic Services Airspaces Airspaces of defined dimensions, alphabetically designated, within which specific types of flights may operate and for which air traffic services and rules of operation are specified. Air Traffic Services Reporting Office A unit established for the purpose of receiving reports, concerning air traffic services and flight plans submitted before departure. Note.- An air traffic reporting office may be established as separate unit or combined with an existing unit, such as another air traffic services unit, ot a unit of the aeronautical information Air Traffic Services Unit A generic term meaning variously, air traffic control unit, flight information centre or air traffic services reporting office Air transport undertaking means an undertaking whose business includes the undertaking of flights for the purposes of public transport of passengers or cargo; Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) An aircraft system based on secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponder signals which operates independently of ground-based equipment to provide advice to the pilot on potential conflicting aircraft that are equipped with SSR transponders. Airway A control area or portion thereof established in the form of a corridor equipped with radio navigation aids Alerting Service A service provided to notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and to assist such organisations as required {© Oxford Aviation Servis Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Alternate Aerodrome An acrodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at, the aerodrome of intended landing. Alternate aerodromes include the following: a) Take-off alternate. An altemate aerodrome to which an aircraft can land should this become necessary shortly after take-off where it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure. b) _En-route alternate. An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land after experiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while en route. ©) Destination alternate. Analternate aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed should it become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing Note.- The aerodrome from which a flight departs may also be en-route or a destination alternate aerodrome for that flight. Altitude The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean to sea level. Annual costs in relation to the operation of an aircraft means the best estimate reasonably practicable at the time of a particular flight in respect of the year commencing on the first day of January preceding the date of the flight, of the cost of keeping and maintaining and the indirect costs of operating the aircraft, such costs in either case excluding direct costs and being those actually and necessarily incurred without a view to profit; Annual flying hours means the best estimate reasonably practicable at the time of a particular flight by an aircraft of the hours flown or to be flown by the aircraft in respect of the year commencing on the first day of January preceding the date of the flight; Approach Control Office A unit established to provide air traffic control service to controlled flights arriving at, or departing from, one or more aerodromes, Approach Control Service Air traffic control service for arriving or departing controlled flight. Approach to landing means that portion of the flight of the aircraft, when approaching to land, in which itis descending below a height of 1000 ft above the relevant specified decision height or minimum descent height; Appropriate ATS Authority The relevant authority designated by the State responsible for providing air traffic services in the airspace concerned. 1-9 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Appropriate Authority a) Regarding flight over the high seas : the relevant authority of the State of Registry. b) _ Regarding flight other than over the high seas: the relevant authority of the State having sovereignty over the territory being overflown. ‘Apron A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for the purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance Area Control Centre means an air traffic control unit established to provide an area control service to aircraft flying within a notified flight information region which are not receiving an aerodrome control service or an approach control service; ‘Area Control Service Air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas. Area navigation equipment (RNAV) meas equipment carried on board an aircraft which enables the aircraft to navigate on any desired flight path within the coverage of appropriate ground based navigation aids or within the limits of that on-board equipment or a combination of the two. [ATS Route A specified route designed for channelling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services. Note.- The term “ATS route” is used to mean variously, airway, advisory route, controlled or uncontrolled route, arrival or departure route, etc, Authorised person means; a) any constable; b) any person authorised by the Secretary of State (whether by name, or by class or description) either generally or in relation to a particular case of class of cases; and ©) any person authorised by the Authority (whether by name or class or description) either ‘generally or in relation to a particular case or class of cases. Beneficial interest has the same meaning as in ‘Section 57 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1984. Cabin attendant in relation to an aircraft means a person on a flight for the purpose of public transport carried for the purpose of performing in the interests of the safety of passengers duties to be assigned by the operator or the commander of the aircraft but who shall not act as a member of the flight crew; Captive flight means flight by an uncontrollable balloon during which it is attached to the surface by a restraining device; {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS ‘Cargo includes mail and animals. Certificate of release to service issued under JAR - 145. Certified for single pilot operation means an aircraft which is not required to carry more than one pilot by virtue of one or more of the following; Change-over point The point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges (VOR) is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the aircraft. Note. - Change-over points are established to provide the optimum balance in respect of signal strength and quality between facilities at all levers to be used and to ensure a common source of azimuth guidance for all aircraft operating along the same portion of a route segment. Clearance Limit The point to which an aircraft is granted an air traffic control clearance. Cloud ceiling in relation to an aerodrome means the vertical distance from the elevation of the aerodrome to the lowest part of any cloud visible from the aerodrome which is sufficient to ‘obscure more than one-half of the sky so visible; Commander in relation to an aircraft means the member of the flight crew designated as commander of that aircraft by the operator thereof, or, failing such a person, the person who is. for the time being the pilot in command of the aircraft. Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) A licence held by a professional pilot which permits the holder to: a) Exercise all the privileges of a PPL b) Actas PIC in any aeroplane engaged in operations other than commercial air transport ©) Actas PIC in commercial air transport in any aeroplane certificated for single pilot operation; and 4) To act as co-pilot in commercial air transport in aeroplanes required to be operated with a co-pilot Competent authority means in relation to the United Kingdom, the Authority, and in relation to any other country the authority responsible under the law of that country for promoting the safety of civil aviation, Contracting State means any state which is party to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on the 7 December 1944. 1-11 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Control Area A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth. Controlled Aerodrome An aerodrome at which air traffic control service is provided to aerodrome traffic. Note. - The term “controlled aerodrome” indicates that air traffic control service is provided to aerodrome traffic but does not necessarily imply that a control zone exists. Controlled Airspace An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided to IFR flights and to VER flights in accordance with the airspace classification. Note. ~ Controlled airspace is a generic term which covers ATS airspace Classes A, B, C, D and E. Controlled Flight Any flight which is subject to an air traffic control clearance. Control Zone A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth to a specified upper limit. Configuration (as applied to the aeroplane) A particular combination of the positions of the moveable elements, such as wing flaps, landing gear, etc., which affect the aerodynamics of the aeroplane. Co-pilot A licenced pilot serving in any piloting capacity other than as pilot-in-command but excluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight instruction. CPL (Current Flight Plan) The Flight Plan, including changes if any, brought about by subsequent clearances. ‘Crew means a member of the flight crew, a person carried on the flight deck who is appointed by the operator of the aircraft to give or to supervise the training, experience, practice and periodical tests as required and in respect of the flight crew or as a cabin attendant. Critical Power- Units(s) The power-unit(s), failure of which gives the most adverse effect on the aircraft characteristics relative to the case under consideration. Cruise Climb An aeroplane cruising technique resulting in a net increase in altitude as the aeroplane mass decreases. Cruising Level A level maintained during a significant portion of a flight. Danger Area Anairspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified times. Day means the time from half an hour before sunrise until half and hour after sunset (both times exclusive), sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level. 1-12 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Decision height in relation to the operation of an aircraft at an aerodrome means the height in ‘precision approach at which a missed approach must be initiated ifthe required visual reference to continue that approach has not been established; Declared distances has the meaning which has been notified; Design landing mass The maximum mass of the aircraft at which, for structural design Purposes, it is assumed to be planned to land. Design take-off mass ‘The maximum mass at which the aircraft , for structural design purposes, is assumed to be planned to be at the start of the take-off run Design taxiing mass The maximum mass of the aircraft, at which the structural provision is, made for load liable to occur during the use of the aircraft, on the ground prior to the start of take- off. Destination Alternate An alternate aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed should it become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome of intended landing, Dual instruction time Flight time during which a person is receiving flight instruction from a properly authorised pilot on board the aircraft. En-route Clearance Where an ATC clearance is issued for the initial part of a flight solely as ‘a means of expediting departing traffic, the subsequent clearance to the aerodrome of intended landing is an en-route clearance. Estimated Off Blocks Time The estimated time at which the aircraft will commence movement associated with departure, Estimated Time of Arrival For IFR flights, the time at which itis estimated that the aircraft will arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is associated with the aerodrome, the time at which the aircraft will arrive over the aerodrome. Expected Approach Time The time at which ATC expects that an arriving aircraft, following aa delay, will Ieave the holding point to complete its approach to landing. Note.-The actual time of leaving a holding point will depend on the approach clearance. Final approach and take-off area/FATO (except helicopters) A defined area over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or landing is completed and from which the take- off manoeuvre is commenced and, where the FATO is to be used by performance class | helicopters, includes the rejected take-off area available. 1-13 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Filed Flight Plan The flight plan as filed with an ATS unit by the pilot or a designated representative, without any subsequent changes. Note.- When the word “message” is used as a suffix to this term, it denotes the content and format of the filed flight plan data as transmitted. Flight Crew Member A licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the operation of an aircraft during flight time. Flight Information Service A service provided for the purpose of giving advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights. Flight Level A surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum, 1 013.2 hPa, and is separated from other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals. Note. 1.- A pressure type altimeter calibrated in accordance with the Standard Atmosphere: a) —_ when set to QNH altimeter setting, will indicate altitude; b) when set to QFE altimeter setting, will indicate height above the QFE reference datum. ©) _ when set at a pressure of | 013.2 hPa, may be used to indicate flight levels. Note 2.- The terms “height” and “altitude, used in Note 1 above, indicate altimetric rather than geometric heights or altitudes. Flight Plan Specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft Flight Procedures Trainer See Synthetic flight trainer. Flight Simulator See Synthetic flight trainer. Flight recording system means a system comprising either a flight data recorder or a cockpit voice recorder or both, Flight Time The total time from the moment an aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off until the moment it first comes to rest at the end of the flight. Note 1. - Flight time as here defined is synonymous with the term “block to block” time or “chock to chock” time in general usage which is measured from the time an aircraft moves from the loading, point until it stops at the unloading point. Note 2.- Whenever helicopter rotors are engaged, the time will be included in the flight time. Flight Time as Student Pilot In Command Flight time during which the flight instructor will only observe the student acting as PIC and shall not influence or control the flight of the aircraft Flight Visibility The visibility forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight. 1-14 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Free balloon means a balloon which when in flight is not attached by any form of restraining, device to the surface. Free controlled flight means flight during which a balloon is not attached to the surface by any form of restraining device (other than a tether not exceeding 5 metres in length which may be used as part of the take-off procedure) and during which the height of the balloon is controllable by means of a device attached to the balloon and operated by the commander of the balloon or by remote control. Ground Visibility The visibility at an aerodrome, as reported by an accredited observer. Government aerodrome means any aerodrome in the United Kingdom which is in the ‘occupation of any Government Department ot visiting force. Heading The direction in which the longitudinal axis of an aircraft is pointed, usually expressed in degrees from North (true, magnetic, compass or grid). Height The vertical distance if level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from. a specified datum, IFR The symbol used to designate the instrument flight rules. IFR Flight A flight conducted in accordance with the instrument flight rules. IMC The symbol used to designate instrument meteorological conditions. Instrument Approach Procedure A series of predetermined manoeuvres by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if landing is not completed, toa position at which holding or en-route clearance criteria apply. Instrument Meteorological Conditions Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, less than the minima specifies for visual meteorological conditions. Note In a a control zone, a VER flight may proceed under instrument meteorological conditions of and as authorised by air traffic control. Instrument flight time Time during which a pilot is pi instruments and without external reference points. ing an aircraft solely by reference to Instrument ground time Time during which a pilot is practising, on the ground, simulated instrument flight in a synthetic flight trainer approved by the Licensing Authority. Instrument time Instrument flight time or instrument ground time, {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS JAA means the Joint Aviation Authorities, an associated body of the European Civil Aviation Conference JAR means a joint aviation requirement of the JAA bearing that number as it has effect under the Technical Harmonisation Regulation and reference to a numbered JAR is a reference to such a requirement. Landing Area That part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft Landing surface That part of the surface of an aerodrome which the aerodrome authority has declared available for the normal ground or water run of aircraft landing in a particular direction. Level A generic term relating to the vertical position of an aircraft in flight and meaning variously, height, altitude or flight level. Lifejacket includes any device designed to support a person individually in or on the water; Log book in the case of an aircraft log book, engine log book or variable pitch propeller log book, or personal flying log book includes a record kept either in a book, or by any other means approved by the Authority in the particular case; Manoeuvring Area That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing. of aircraft, excluding aprons. Maintenance Tasks required to ensure the continued airworthiness of an aircraft including any ‘one or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement, modification or defect, rectification, Medical Assessment The evidence issued by a Contracting State that the licence holder meets specific requirements of medical fitness. It is issued following an evaluation by the Licensing Authority of the report submitted by the designated medical examiner who conducted the examination of the applicant for the licence. Minimum descent height in relation to the operation of an aircraft at an aerodrome means the height in a non-precision approach below which descent may not be made without the required visual reference. ‘Multiple Pilot Aeroplanes Acroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, Mutti-crew Co-operation The function of the flight crew as a team of co-operating members led by the pilot-in-command. Movement Area That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron(s). 1-16 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Nautical mile means the International Nautical Mile, that is to say, a distance of 1852 metres. Night The hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise, as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority. Note. - Civil twilight ends in the evening when the centre of the sun's disc is 6 degrees below the horizon and begins in the morning when the centre of the sun's disc is 6 degrees below the horizon. Non-precision approach means an instrument approach using non-visual aids for guidance in azimuth or elevation but which is not a precision approach. Private Pilot's Licence (PPL) The licence held by a pilot which prohibits the piloting of an aircraft for which remuneration is given. (To) Pilot To manipulate the flight controls of an aircraft during flight time, Pilot-In-Command The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft during flight time. Power-unit A system of one or more engines and ancillary parts which are together necessary to provide thrust, independently of the continued operation of any other power unit(s), but not including short period thrust-producing devices. Precision approach means an instrument approach using Instrument Landing System, Microwave Landing System or Precision Approach Radar for guidance in both azimuth and elevation; Pressure altitude An atmospheric pressure expressed in terms of altitude which corresponds to the pressure in the Standard Atmosphere. Proficiency Check Demonstration of skill to revalidate or renew ratings, and including such oral ‘examinations as the examiner may require. Prohibited Area An airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial waters ofa State within which flight of aircraft is prohibited. Rating An authorisation entered on or associated with a licence and forming part thereof, stating special conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to such licence. Renewal The administrative action taken after a rating Rendering a Licence valid The action taken by a Contracting State, as an alternative to issuing its own licence, in accepting a licence issued by any other state as an equivalent of its own licence. 1-17 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS Repetitive Flight Plan (RPL) A flight plan related to a series of frequently recurring, regularly operated individual flights with identical basic features, submitted by an operator for retention and repetitive use by ATS units. Reporting Point A specified geographical location in relation to which the position of an aircraft can be reported, Restricted Area An airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial waters of a State within which flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. Re-validation The administrative action taken within the period of validity of a rating or approval that allows the holder to continue to exercise the privileges ofa rating or approval for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements. Runway A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft Runway visual range in relation to a runway means the distance in the direction of take-off or landing over which the runway lights or surface markings may be seen from the touchdown zone as calculated bu either human observation or instruments in the vicinity of the touchdown zone ‘or where this is not reasonably practicable in the vicinity of the mid-point of the runway; and the distance, if any, communicated to the commander of an aircraft by or on behalf of the person in charge of the aerodrome as being the runway visual range for the time being, ‘Scheduled journey means one of a series of journeys which are undertaken between the same ‘two places and which together amount to a systematic service. Signal Area An area of an aerodrome used for the display of ground signals. Skill test Demonstration of skill for licence or rating issue including such oral examinations as the examiner may require. Solo flight time Flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant of an aircraft. Special VER Flight A VER flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below VMC. 1-18 © Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW Standard atmosphere (general concept only) An atmosphere defined as follows: a) the air isa perfect dry gas; b) the physical constants are; i) sea level mean molar mass: Mo = 28.964420 x 10° kg mot" ii) Sea level atmospheric pressure: Po= 1013.250 hPa iii) Sea level temperature: to= 15°C To= 288.15 K iv) Sea level atmospheric density: Po = 1225em M™" v) Universal gas constant: RY = 8.31432 JK"'mol ©) the temperature gradients are: Geopotentia altitude Temperature gradient Gm) ‘(Kelvin per standard ae zy geopotential kilometre) 50 110 6s 0 200 00 200 220 +10 320 a9 8 a0 S10 00 slo no a8 no 00 20 Note 1. - The standard geopotential metre has the metre has the value 9.80665 m? s* Note 2.- See Doc 7488 for the relationship between the variables and for tables giving the corresponding values of temperature, pressure, density and geopotential. Note 3.- Doc 7488 also gives the specific weight, dynamic viscosity and speed of sound at various altitudes. 1-19 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS State of design The state having jurisdiction over the organisation responsible for the type design State of registry The State on whose register the aircraft is entered. Synthetic Flight Trainer Any one of the following three types if apparatus in which flight conditions are simulated on the ground: Simulator b) A Flight Simulator. Which provides an accurate representation of the flight deck of a particular aircraft type to the extent that the mechanical, electrical, electronic ete aircraft control functions; the normal environment of flight crew members, and the performance and flight characteristics of that type of aircraft are realistically simulated; ©) A flight procedures trainer. Which provides a realistic flight deck environment, and which simulates instrument responses, simple control functions of mechanical, electric, electronic ete aircraft systems, and the performance and flight characteristics of aircraft ofa particular class; 4) A basic instrument flight trainer. Which is equipped with appropriate instruments, and which simulates the flight deck environment of an aircraft in flight in instrument ‘light conditions. Take-off surface That part of the surface of an aerodrome which the aerodrome authority has declared available for the normal ground or water run of aircraft taking off in a particular direction. ‘Taxing Movement of an aircraft on the surface of an aerodrome under its own power, excluding, take-off and landing. Taxiway A defined path on a land aerodrome established for the taxiing of an aircraft and intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another, including: a) Aireraft stand taxi-lane. A portion of an apron designated as a taxiway and Intended to provide access to aircraft stands only. b) Apron taxiway. A portion of a taxiway system located on an apron and intended to provide a through taxi route across the apron. ©) Rapid exit taxiway, A taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle and designed to allow landing aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved on other exit taxiways thereby minimising runway occupancy times. 1-20 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS ‘Terminal Control area A control area normally established at the Confluence of ATS routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes. Total Estimated Elapsed Time For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is, intended than an instrument approach procedure will be commenced , of, if no navigation aid is, associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. For VFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off, to arrive over the destination aerodrome. ‘Track The projection on the Earth’s surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of which path at any point is usually expressed in degrees from North (true, magnetic or grid). ‘Traffic Avoidance Service Advice provided by an air traffic service unit specifying manoeuvres to assist a pilot to avoid a collision. Traffic Information Information issued by an air traffic service unit to alert a pilot to other known or observed air traffic which may be in proximity to the position or intended route of flight and to help the pilot avoid a collision. Transition Altitude The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes. VER The symbol used to designate the visual flight rules. VER Flight A flight conducted in accordance with the visual flight rules. lity The ability, as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in units of distance, to see and identify prominent unlighted objects by day and prominent lighted objects by night. Visual Meteorological Conditions Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visi distance from cloud, and ceiling equal to or better than specified minima, YMC The symbol used to designate visual meteorological conditions. © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW DEFINITIONS 1.4 BIBLIOGRAPHY 14d 1.4.2 References. In compiling these notes, the learning objectives for subject 010 have been followed. However, examination feedback from students has indicated that the learning objectives are very much an outline of the subject matter. Unfortunately, the syllabus taken from JAR-FCL 1 for the subject, is also only an outline. As JAR Air Law does not follow exactly the law of any one state, for instance the Air Navigation Order of the United Kingdom, and as it is a fact that only the requirements of JAR FCL have been embodied into national law of the JAA states, it has been assumed that the majority of the subject references are therefore ICAO publications. The primary references are therefore Annexes 1 - 18; PANS OPS; PANS RAC; JAR-FCL I and 3; JAR-OPS 1 Interpretation, The manner in which ICAO SARPs and PANS are written does not offer explanations for the establishment of rules and procedures, they merely state the standards and procedures, and assume that the reader understands why these are necessary. In many circumstances, this is not the case and where explanatory expansion has been included, this is the considered product of the courseware authors relying on their experience, or from reference to extemal bodies such as ECAC, commercial operators, NATS and Eurocontrol. Of course, in the first instance, help and advice has been sought from the UK Civil Aviation Authority which has always proved invaluable. ‘Where it is considered that no additional expansion is necessary, the SARPs have been copied verbatim. 1-22 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited CHAPTER TWO - INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS Contents 2.1 THE CHICAGO CONVENTION 2.1.2 INTERNATIONAL LAW .... 2.1.3 COMMERCIAL CONSIDERATIONS 2.1.4 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE, AND IMMIGRATION 2.2 INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTED STATES . 2.3. DUTIES OF ICAO MEMBER STATES . 2.4 STATUS OF ANNEX COMPONENTS. 2.5 THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANISATION (ICAO) 2.6 THE ORGANISATION OF ICAO 2.7 REGIONAL STRUCTURE OF ICAO ......... 2.8 REGIONAL STRUCTURE AND OFFICES 2.9 ICAO PUBLICATIONS 2.10 OTHER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS .........00000000000065 2.11 THE CONVENTIONS OF TOKYO, THE HAGUE AND MONTREAL 2.12 EUROPEAN ORGANISATIONS 2.13 THE JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES (JAA) 2.14 EUROCONTROL 2.15 THE WARSAW CONVENTION AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS. 2.16 THE AUTHORITY OF THE COMMANDER 2-10 2-1 2-1 2-12 2-14 2-16 27 218 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OPERATOR AND THE PILOT REGARDING DAMAGE TO PERSONS AND GOODS ON THE GROUND 22h COMMERCIAL PRACTICES AND ASSOCIATED RULES (LEASING) ... 2-27 APPENDIX 1 SUMMARY OF RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 2-33 {© Oxlord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS 2.1. THE CHICAGO CONVENTION 241 24.3 Historical Background, As far as modes of transport is concerned, Civil Aviation has, been the fastest growing and the most technically innovative of any. From the first attempts at powered manned flight to regular space flight we have only just exceeded 100 years of aviation. What is incredible is that the first scheduled intemational air service started in 1919. In this day and age of information technology, computerised ticketing systems and computerised flight plans, how did they cope in those early days? It is probably no co-ineidence that the first International Conference on Civil Aviation also took place in 1919 at Paris, Since then, the field of our chosen profession has been subjected to far more international legislation and agreements, than any other. The overriding need, which is recognised by all, regardless of political inclination, is for higher and higher safety standards. The degree of international co-operation in this, respect is outstanding and shows that where there is a genuine desire to achieve international agreement, it is forthcoming. ‘The Second World War. The Second World War had a major effect upon technical development of the aeroplane telescoping a quarter of a century of normal peacetime development into six years. A vast network of passenger and freight carriage was set up but there were many problems to which solutions had to be found to benefit and support ‘a world at peace, There was the question of commercial rights - what arrangements ‘would be made for the airlines of one country to fly into and through the territories of another? There were other concems with regard to the legal and economic conflicts that might come with peace-time flying actoss national borders such as how to maintain existing airnavigation facilities, many of which were located in sparsely populated areas. Forthese reasons the government of the United States conducted exploratory discussions with other allied nations during the early months of 1944, Subsequently, invitations were sent to 55 allied and neutral states to meet in Chicago in November 1944. The Meeting at Chicago. For five weeks, the delegates of the 52 nations who attended considered the problems of international civil aviation. The outcome was the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the purpose of which wasto foster the future development of International Civil Aviation, to help to create and preserve friendship and understanding among peoples of the world, so as to prevent its abuse becoming a threat to the general security thus promoting co-operation between peoples. The 52 states agreed on certain principles and arrangements so that civil aviation may be developed in a safe and orderly manner and that international air transport services might be established on the basis of equality of opportunity and economically sound operation. ‘A permanent body was subsequently charged with the administration of the principles, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (known throughout the world by the acronym ICAO pronounced eye-kay-oh). 2-1 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. ‘The “Chicago” Convention. The Chicago Convention, consisting of ninety-six articles (legislative items of agreement), accepts the principle that every state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory and provides that no scheduled international air service may operate over or into the territory of a contracting state without that state’s previous consent. It established the privileges and restrictions of all contracting states, to provide for the adoption of International Standards and Recommended Practices for: a Regulating air navigation b. The installation of navigation facilities by contracting states ¢. The facilitation of air transport by the reduction of customs and immigration formalities. 2.1.2 INTERNATIONAL LAW 22d 2.2.2 Applicable law. There is no world parliament or global legislative body so there is no such thing as international law. However, at conventions of states (meetings for the purpose of reaching consensus between states), agreements are made to regulate activities affecting more than one state. The agreements themselves are not legally enforceable as there is no global police force, and all states are entitled to their sovereignty (see definition), What happens is that the national delegation to the convention places before the national parliament (or legislative body) a bill to make the text of the agreement (and any codicils, appendices, protocols etc.) the law of that state This process is known as adoption and subsequent ratification, In this manner what has been agreed inter-nationally, becomes enforceable law by the states concerned. An offence committed against such law would be try-able and punishable under national penal legislation. Terri irspace. The application of national law is only applicable to the territory over which that state has jurisdiction. In aviation, the extent of jurisdiction is limited by the lateral limits of territorial airspace, but unlimited vertically. (An interesting situation regarding satellites and space craft!). Lateral territorial limits have been agreed internationally where such a limit is not coincident with a land boundary. The airspace of Switzerland is easily defined because the country is land-locked. Forthe UK, the limit is defined by the limit of teritorial waters, which was agreed at the Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone (1958). 2-2 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 21.23 2.24 225 21.26 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. High Seas. The early international maritime agreements concerned the right to use the “high seas” unhindered. The right of free aviation operation over the high seas was embodied in the Geneva Convention on the High Seas (also of 1958), in which the high seas are defined as ‘all the seas outside of territorial seas’. In these (and other) conventions, the established privileges and freedoms of mariners, including those of the Flag State (the State in which a vessel is registered and the flag of which the vessel is, allowed to fly), were applied to aeroplanes. The rights of non-coastal states to ply the seas under the flag of that country requires the co-operation of coastal states to allow free access to the sea. In aviation, similar freedoms are embodied in the Chicago Convention to allow contracting states to fly over the territory of other contracting states for the purpose of civil aviation operations. At the subsequent UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) the original agreements were updated and reinforced. Territory, as defined in international legislation, in aviation terms applies tothe airspace existing over the defined limits of a country’s territory at ground level Sovereignty is the right of a country (or contracting ICAO state) to impose national law to users of the State’s territorial airspace. Suzerainty (from the French “Suzerain” - Feudal overlord) is the acceptance by a State of rules and regulations agreed by common consent at international conventions, where there is a requirement for a state to adopt such agreements which previously did not, exist. In other words, for a state to be a contracting member of ICAO, that state “contracts” to adopt the rules and regulations of ICAO and embodies such laws as the law of that State. This is the philosophy that underpins ICAO thus allowing “standard” practices and procedures to be implemented on a truly international basis for the enhancement of safety regarding civil aviation. 2132 International Civil Aviation, A matter to which the Chicago Conference attached great importance was the question of exchange of commercial rights in international civil aviation. The states addressed the subject, resulting in contracting states agreeing, bilaterally, to grant each other certain rights regarding the commercial exploitation of civil aviation, These rights are now known as the Freedoms of the Air, and are detailed at 2.10.2 -2.10.4, The freedoms gave rights to transit the airspace of contracting states, to both scheduled and non-scheduled flights. Bilateral Agreements. It was not found possible to reach an agreement satisfactory to all 52 States, but two supplementary bilateral agreements were set up: a) The International Air Services Transit Agreement (providing for aircraft of any signatory State to fly over or land for technical reasons in the territory of any other signatory) 2-3 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW b) INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. ‘The International Air Transport Agreement (conceming the carriage of traffic between the State of registration and any other signatory state) Definitions. The following definitions are required knowledge. ‘A Scheduled Flight is a flight, for which agreement has been reached between states (at government level), concerning the schedule. For instance, how many flights would be allowed in any period, what aerodromes could be used, what time of day the flights would be allowed, and what reciprocal arrangements were required. No state is obliged to grant permission for an operator to operate a schedule. Non-scheduled flights are those to which a schedule isnot attached. i.e, One-off flights or charter flights that are not flown on a regular basis. It is an embodiment of the freedoms that a state cannot refuse, on political or economic rounds, to accept a non-scheduled flight. Cabotage. In aviation, the term cabotage is used in association with internal (domestic) scheduled commercial air transport. Historically, cabotage means “coastal navigation’ and refers to the right of a state with a coastline to restrict, shipping carrying cargo and passengers between ports on that coastline to ships registered in that state only. In other words, if a French ship brings goods to Southampton destined for Hull, the French ship would have to unload the goods at Southampton; the goods would then be carried to Hull in a British ship, or the French ship would have to go directly to Hull from France. In this case, the UK is applying eabotage. In international aviation, cabotage is permitted and the US. isa typical example. No foreign carrier is permitted to operate internally in the US. ‘In the EC, the treaty of Rome demands free access to territory of all EC states and cabotage in aviation within individual EC states is forbidden. This is why Ryanair (an Irish airline) is permitted to operate scheduled services within the UK (both are EC states). However, the EC applies cabotage and doesn’t permit non-EC states to operate internally within the EC! In accepting ICAO contracting status, a state (State A) agrees not to enter into an agreement with another state (State B) to allow exclusive rights of intemal scheduled operations within state A by an airline registered in State B (article 7 of the Chicago Convention). 2-4 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS 2.1.4 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE, AND IMMIGRATION 214d Fa tation. Under international law, the imposition of customs tariffs and the prohibition of the importation of proscribed items is allowed. In order to allow contracting states to maintain national Customs and Excise regulations, international flights are required to make the first point of landing in a contracting state at a recognised international airport which provides customs, health and immigration facilities. (In the UK these are known as customs airports). Within the EU the removal of restrictions to free trade now allows flights from one EU state to another to make the first point of landing at a non-customs aerodrome providing certain rules are observed. ‘These rules are explored in the section of this manual concerning Facilitation. Other rules apply to immigration 2.2 INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTED STATES 221 222 National and ‘International’ Law. In becoming an ICAO Contracting State, the State agrees to observe the International Standards specified by ICAO. From the standards, the international rules and regulations governing civil aviation are drawn, By accepting. contracted status, each state accepts the responsibility for enforcement ofthe rules and regulations within its sovereign territory and airspace (through national law). Article 38 of the Chicago Convention requires each Sovereign State to notify ICAO of any differences between their national regulations and the International Standards adopted. ‘Thusa situation is recognised where national legislation and regulations have precedent over international rules within the territorial airspace of that State, Where flights are conducted over the high seas, the international rules apply without exception. The International (ICAO) Rules of the Air are promulgated (Annex 2) to standardise the procedures for civil aviation specifically for the safety of aircrew and passengers. Other regulations are established to facilitate the smooth and expeditious flow of air traffic by the adoption of Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS). Right to Prosecute Offenders. Where an offence is committed in an aeroplane contrary to the ‘international’ law, the state, in the airspace of which the offence occurs, has the right to try and punish offenders. If the offence occurs over ‘the high seas’, the state of registration of the aeroplane has the right to prosecute the offender(s). Note: The international agreements oblige states to prosecute. If a state doesn’t want to (for political reasons) another state may do so. For instance (hypothetically): A bomb is placed on an American aeroplane (contrary to the Montreal Convention and Protocols) by 2 Libyans, in Rome, The aeroplane explodes over Scotland. Who has the power to prosecute? The order is as follows: ‘The UK (under Scottish law) ~ the offence happened over Scotland ‘The United States — the aeroplane was registered in the USA ‘The Italians — because the bomb was placed on board in Rome ‘The Germans — because the aeroplane made an intermediate stop in Frankfurt Any other state, the citizens of which were killed or injured, paoge 2-5 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 2.23 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. f Libya ~ because the suspects are Libyan Note: If the UK had not prosecuted, the US most certainly would have. Search and Rescue. In accepting contracted State status, each State specifically undertakes to provide procedures and facilities for Search and Rescue (SAR) within the territory of that state. The provision of SAR services in areas of high seas, and areas of undetermined sovereignty, will be established on the basis of Regional Air Navigation (RAN) agreements. The standards governing the provision of SAR services oblige the state to provide at least the minimum service compatible with the type and frequency of the air traffic using the airspace for which the state is responsible, and that service is to be available 24 hours per day. The requirement also imposes upon the state the need to maintain a degree of co-operation with adjacent states and the readiness to assist with SAR operations if requested. 2.3. DUTIES OF ICAO MEMBER STATES 23. 23.2 ‘Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) The stated aim of the Convention ‘on International Aviation and subsequently the aims of ICAO, are to ensure safety, regularity and efficiency on international civil aviation operations. In order to achieve this, the contracting states ate required to comply with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). There are 18 annexes to the Convention, 17 of which are applicable to air navigation. The SARPs are established after consultation with the contracting states and interested international organisation finalised by the ICAO Air Navigation Commission and submitted to the Council where a two-thirds majority is required for thei adoption, The SARPs are considered binding on contracting states but if state finds it impossible to implement the SARPs, then it must inform ICAO under the terms of Article 38, of any differences that will exist on the applicability date of the amendment. Such differences will be detailed in the national aeronautical information publication (AIP) and summarised in a supplement to each Annex of the Chicago Convention, ‘Customs Duty and Excise. ICAO has addressed taxation in the field of international aviation and member states are required to follow the resolutions and recommendation of the Council in this respect. States are asked to exempt fuel, lubricants, and other technical consumables taken on an aircraft in a state other than the State of registry, providing such supplies are for consumption in flight, Also to reduce or eliminate taxes ‘on international air transport (fares) and to grant, reciprocally to air transport enterprises of other States, exemption from taxation on income and profits. Within the area of customs duty and excise charges, Annex 9 requires States to apply procedures, which allow expeditious handling of goods and cargo intended for import or which are passing through. The establishment of “free zones’ is encouraged. 2-6 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 2d 23.3 2.3.4 23.5 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS Aircraft Certificates and Licenses. Annex 7 of the convention deals with nationality and registration marks, and requires contracting states to apply standard procedures for registration. It includes the format of registration marks and nationality symbols, including where these are to be displayed on aircraft, The annex also calls for the registration of all aireraft and provides a sample of a certificate of registration for use by States. Annex 8 (Airworthiness of Aircraft) requires States to provide of a Certificate of Airworthiness, for each registered aircraft, declaring that the aircraft is fit to fly. Under the terms of Annex I (Personnel Licensing), SARPs are established requiring each state to apply standardisation in the licensing of personnel involved in international aviation including flight crew members (pilot, flight engineers), air traffic controllers and maintenance technicians. The overriding purpose of such standardisation isto ensure thatall involved in air transport operations are licensed to common standards and able to operate throughout the world, thus generating greater trust in aviation on the part of the traveler. A licence issued by the authority in one state is not automatically valid in another State. In this instance, the Annex requires states to establish procedures for the validation of licences issued in other states and defines the method by which such validation shall be annotated. Carriage of Dangerous Cargo. More than half the cargo carried by all modes of ‘transport in the world is classified as dangerous. Because of the speed advantages of air transport, a great deal of this cargo is carried by aircraft. In Annex 18 (The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air), States are required to accept the SARPs associated with the carriage of dangerous goods and to implement the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. Documentation and Certificates. Other duties of member states include the provisions for the carriage of photographic equipment in aircraft and specification of what documentation is required to be carried. Documentation includes: a) Certificates of Airworthiness b) Flight Crew licences ©) Load sheets 4) Maintenance documentation, STATUS OF ANNEX COMPONENTS: 24.1 2.4.2 Definition. An annex is made up of the following component parts, not all of which are necessarily found in every Annex. They have the status indicated: Standards and Recommended Practices are adopted by the Council and are defined thus. 2-7 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. a _A Standard is any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, materiel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognised as necessary for the safety or regularity of international air navigation and to which Contracting States will conform in accordance with the Convention, In the event of impossibility of compliance, notification to the Council is compulsory under article 38 of the Convention b. A Recommended Practice is any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, materiel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognised as desirable in the interest of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation and to which Contracting States will endeavour to conform in accordance with the Convention, 2.5 THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANISATION (ICAO) 25.1 25.2 Status. ICAO, created by the Chicago Convention, is an inter-governmental organisation, which has become a specialised agency in relationship with the United Nations. The headquarters of ICAO is in Montreal and it provides the machinery to achieve standardisation and agreement between Contracting States of all technical, economic and legal aspects of international civil aviation, ICAO Aims and Objectives. The aims and objectives of ICAO are to develop the principles and techniques of international civil air navigation and to foster the planning and development of international air transport so as to: a. Ensure the safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation throughout the world b, Encourage arts of aircraft design and operation. c. Encourage the development of airways, airports and air navigation facilities. 4. Meet the need for safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport. €. Prevent waste caused by unreasonable competition, f Ensure the rights of Contracting States are fully respected. Avoid discrimination between Contracting States. h. Promote the safety of flight in intemational aviation. i, Generally promote all aspect of international civil aeronautics. 2-8 © Ortord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS 2.6 THE ORGANISATION OF ICAO 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.63 264 ‘The Assembly. ‘The sovereign body of ICAO, the Assembly, meets at least once every three years and is convened by the Council. Each Contracting State is entitled to one vote and decisions of the Assembly are by majority vote of the 185 Contracting States. The Council. The Council of ICAO is a permanent body responsible to the Assembly and is composed of 33 Contracting States elected by the Assembly for a three-year term, ‘The Council is the governing body of ICAO. ‘The Commissions and Committees of ICAO are composed of members, appointed by the Council, from nominations of Contracting states or elected from amongst Council ‘members. They are: a. The Air Navigation Commission. b. The Air Transport Committee. The Legal Committee. 4. The Committee on Joint Support of Air Navigation Services. e. The Personnel Committee. f. The Finance Committee. g The Committee on Unlawful Interference ‘The ICAO Secretariat is divided into sections, each corresponding toa Committee, and supplies technical and administrative aid to the Council. It is headed by a Secretary- General, appointed by the Council, and is divided into five main divisions: a. Air Navigation Bureau, b. Air Transport Bureau. ©. Technical Assistance Bureau. 4. Legal Bureau, €. Bureau of Administration and Services. 2-9 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS THE ASSEMBLY (ALL CONTRACTING STATES) THE COUNCIL (33 CONTRACTING ELECTED BY THE ASSEMBLY) COMMISSIONS AND THE SECRETARIAT COMMITTEES (Each of between nine and (Secretary-General appointed by fifteen members) the council) 2.7 REGIONAL STRUCTURE OF ICAO 2.7.1 Regions and Offices. {CAO maintains seven regional offices: Bangkok, Cairo, Dakar, Lima, Mexico City, Nairobi and Paris, Each regional office is accredited to a group of Contracting States (making up nine recognised geographic regions) and the main function of regional offices is maintaining, encouraging, assisting, expediting and following-up the implementation of air navigation plans. The nine geographic regions are: AFI Africa - Indian Ocean. NAM North America ASIA Asia CAR Caribbean NAT North Atlantic EUR Europe PAC Pacific MID Middle East SAM South America 2.7.2 The Need for a Regional Structure. In dealing with international civil aviation, there are many subjects which ICAO considers on a regional basis as well as on a worldwide scale, In order to facilitate a, the planning of facilities and services b. the formulation of supplementary procedures to support increases in traflie density new air routes 4, the introduction of new types of aireraft 2-10 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 2.8 29 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS REGIONAL STRUCTURE AND OFFICES. 2.8.1 2.8.2 Regional Air Navigation (RAN) meetings are held periodically to consider the requirements of air operations within specified geographic areas. The plan, which emerges from a regional meeting, is so designed that, when the states concerned implement it, it will lead to an integrated, efficient system for the entire region and contribute to the global system. In addition to the duties detailed above, the regional offices are responsible for keeping the regional plans up to date, Financial Assistance. Through the regional offices, financial assistance is provide to assist states in specific circumstances. The provision of air traffic control, navigation aids and meteorological services in Greenland and Iceland are examples of this specific aid, where due tothe intense ar traffic using the airspace of those states such expenditure is disproportionate to the gross national product of those states. ICAO PUBLICATIONS 2.9.1 One of the major duties of the ICAO Council is to adopt International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) and incorporate these as annexes to the Convention ‘on International Civil Aviation, There are now 18 annexes tothe 1944 convention which are constantly under review to ensure that the content realistically meets the requirements of civil aviation now. You are required to be able to identify the annex and content. The 18 annexes are: Annex 1) Personnel Licensing ‘Annex 2) Rules of the Air ‘Annex 3) Meteorological Services for International Air Navigation ‘Annex 4) Aeronautical Charts ‘Annex 5) Units of Measurement to be used in Air and Ground Operations ‘Annex 6) Operation of Aircraft ‘Annex 7) Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks Annex 8) Airworthiness of Aircraft Annex 9) Facilitation ‘Annex 10) Aeronautical Telecommunications Annex 11) Air Traffic Services ‘Annex 12) Search and Rescue ‘Annex 13) Aircraft Accident Invéstigations Annex 14) Aerodromes ‘Annex 15) Aeronautical Information Services Annex 16) Environmental Protection Annex 17) Security - Safeguarding International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference Annex 18) The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air 2-1 (© Oxlord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 2.9.2 2.9.3 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. Other major publications. In addition to the Annexes to the Chicago Convention (above) which detail the SARPS, other publications by ICAO include: a, PANS OPS (Doc 8168). Procedures for Air Navigation - Aircraft Operations. This publication (in two parts) describes the Operational Procedures (Procedures For Air Navigation - PANS) recommended for the guidance of flight operations personnel (Vol 1) and procedures for specialists in the essential areas of obstacle clearance requirements for the production of instrument flight charts (approach plates) (Vol 2). Note: PANS are approved by the Council, unlike SARPS which are adopted by the Council. b. PANS ATM (Doe 4444). Procedures for Air Navigation ~ Air Traffic Management, Used to be called PANS RAC. ¢. Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7030/4). Where navigational procedures, which differ from the worldwide procedures, are deemed necessary for a specific geographic region by the appropriate Regional Air Navigation Meeting, such procedures are recorded in the relevant region section of Doc 7030/4, and are known as Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS). As in the case of PANS, SUPPS are approved by the Council, but only for regional use Information publications, ICAO publishes a variety of other publications in the form of circulars, pamphlets, manuals and the ICAO Journal, which cover technical, economic and legal subjects. In addition to the Annexes, PANS and SUPPS, ICAO also produces Training Manuals and videos, Regional Air Navigation Plans, Aircraft Accident Digests, a lexicon of terms used in international civil aviation, Digests of Statistics and documents of the Legal Committee. 2.10 OTHER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS: 2.10.1 The International Air Services Transit Agreement and the International Air Transport Agreement. The Chicago Convention attached great importance to the question of the exchange of commercial rights in intemational c found possible to reach an agreement satisfactory to all the original 52 states, but the conference set up two supplementary agreements - the International Air Services ‘Transit Agreement, and the International Air Transport Agreement. The first, made provision for aircraft of any participating state to fly over orto land for technical reasons inthe territory of any other participating state. The second provided further, among other things, for the carriage of traffic between the State of registration of the aircraft and any other participating state. 2-12 (© Oxford Aviation Servis Limited AIR LAW 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.104 2.10.5 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS, ‘The Freedoms of the Air. The Air Services Transit Agreement established two technical freedoms of the air (known as the first and second freedoms). In this context the word freedom refers to a privilege conferred by virtue of bilateral agreement. Because the two agreements require bilateral understandings between the parties, ICAO has produced the Chicago Standard Form for Bilateral Agreement for regular Air ‘Transport based on the definitions for the Freedoms of the Air, as defined in the Air Services Transit and the International Air Transport Agreements. ‘The Technical Freedoms a, The First Freedom: The privilege to fly across the territory of another participating state without landing b. The Second Freedom: The privilege to land in another participating state for non-traffic purposes (ie. refueling or repair) but not for uplift or discharge of traffic (passengers, cargo or mail). ‘The Commercial Freedoms. The International Air Transport Agreement established three further freedoms. These are defined as commercial and whilst still bilateral, are subject to inter-government negotiation, a, The Third Freedom: The privilege to put down in another state (for example the USA), passengers, mail and cargo taken on in the state of registration (eg the UK). b, The Fourth Freedom: The privilege to take on in another state (eg the USA), passengers mail and cargo destined for the state of airline registration (eg the UK). The Fifth Freedom: The privilege for an airline registered in one state (eg the UK) and en-route to or from that state, to take on passengers, mail and cargo in a second state (eg Greece) and put them down in a third state (eg Italy). Modern Freedoms. Due to the process of growth in air transport and the evolution of airlines operating on a global basis, further commercial freedoms have evolved. a, The Sixth Freedom: The priviiege for an airline registered in one participating state to take on passengers, mail and cargo in a second state, transport them via the state of registration, and put them down in a third participating state. b. The Seventh Freedom: The privilege for an airline registered in one participating state to take on passengers, mail and cargo ina second participating state and put them down in any other participating state without the journey originating, stopping or terminating in the state of registration. 2-13 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 211 2112 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS The Eighth Freedom. With the establishment of the EU and the associated “open skies” policy which reflects the abolition of land frontiers, customs tariffs and immigration restrictions between EU states, a further freedom became necessary to allow the policy to work. This is the privilege of an aircraft registered in one EU State (eg Eire) to pick up passengers, mail and cargo in another EU State (eg the UK) and carry the same to a destination within that state (eg Ryanair) 4. The Ninth Freedom (Code Sharing): This freedom is a direct result of the IATA conference of Kuala Lumpur, and permits interlining or code sharing. This is a scheduled flight being flown by an operator other than the operator to whom the schedule has been granted or with whom the schedule is shared. In this situation, the flight code (identifying the carrier/operator and the schedule flight) is used by another operator. In this situation, the passenger must be informed who the actual carrier is. 1 THE CONVENTIONS OF TOKYO, THE HAGUE AND MONTREAL, ‘The Tokyo Convention of 1963. This convention provides that the State of Registration of an aircraft is competent to exercise jurisdiction over offences and acts committed on board. Its object is to ensure that offences, wherever committed should not go unpunished, As certain acts committed on board an aircraft may jeopardise the safety of the aircraft or persons and property on board or may prejudice good order and discipline on board, the aircraft commander and others are empowered to prevent such acts being committed and to disembark the person concemed. In the case of an anticipated or actual unlawful or forcible seizure of an aircraft in flight by a person on board, the States party to the Convention are obliged to take all appropriate measures to restore and preserve control of the aircraft to its lawful commander. ‘The Hague Convention of 1970. After a spate of politically motivated tern hijackings of aircraft in the 1960's, the international community, under the auspices of ICAO, resolved to work together to prevent or deter (suppress) such acts. Otherwise known as the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, signed at the Hague in December 1970, the convention defines the Act of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, and lists which Contracting States have undertaken to make such offences punishable by severe penalties. The Convention contains detailed provisions on the establishment of jurisdiction by States over the offence, on the taking of the offender into custody and on the prosecution or extradition of the offender. This convention came into effect on 14 October 1971 2-14 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 241.3 214 21S INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. ‘The Montreal Convention of 1971. This Convention is correctly titled the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation. It makes it an offence to attempt any of the unlawful acts specified or to be an accomplice to such. acts. The Contracting States have undertaken to make these offences punishable by severe penalties. The Convention contains similar detailed provisions regarding jurisdiction, custody, prosecution and extradition of the alleged offender as the Hague Convention of 1970. This convention came into force on 26 January 1973. It is mainly concerned with acts other than those pertaining to the unlawful seizure of aircraft. ie: &. Acts of violence on board which endanger people and property and the safety of the aeroplane b. The destruction of an aircraft in service or causing damage which renders it incapable of flight or which is likely to endanger its safety in flight ¢. Placing in an aircraft any device likely to destroy, damage or render unfit for flight any aircraft d. Destroying or damaging any air navigation facility or interference with its correct operation e. The communication of information known to be false which endangers the safety of an aeroplane in flight ‘The Protocol Supplementary to the Montreal Convention of 1971. This protocol was adopted by a conference, which met at Montreal in 1988. It extends the definition of offence given in the 1971 Convention to include specified acts of violence at airports serving international civil aviation, Such acts include: a. The intentional and unlawful us of any device, substance or weapon in performing an act of violence against @ person at an airport serving international civil aviation, which causes or is likely to cause serious injury or death b, The intentional and unlawful use of any device, substance or weapon to: 1) Destroy or seriously damage the facilities of an airport 2) Destroy or seriously damage aircraft not in service at the airport 3) Disrupt the services at an airport Enforcement. Contracting States have undertaken to make these offences punishable by severe penalties. The protocol also contains provisions on jurisdiction. 2-15 (© Ortord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 211.6 2AL7 218 219 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS: Annex 17. The measures taken by ICAO have resulted in the adoption of the SARPS detailed in Annex 17 - Security. ‘The provisions of the SARPS are applicable to all Contracting States. The Annex requires all contracting States to: a. Establish national civil aviation security programmes commensurate with the ICAO aims of safety, regularity and efficiency of flights; b, To designate an authority responsible for security; c. To keep the level of threat under constant reviews 4. Toco-ordinate activities with other relevant national agencies and liaise with the corresponding authority in other States. Programmes and plans. In order to make such activities workable and efficient, States arealso required to set up training programmes, establish airport security committees and to have contingency plans drawn up. International co-operation. As an on-going commitment to security, each State is required to co-operate with other States in research and development of security systems and equipment which will better satisfy civil aviation security objectives, ‘The Authority of the Commander. The aircraft commander may require or authorise the assistance of other crew members and may request and authorise, but not require, the assistance of passengers to restrain any person he is required to restrain. The aircraft ‘commander may, when he has reasonable ground to believe that a person has committed, or is about to commit, an act which may or does jeopardize the safety of the aircraft or persons or property on board or which jeopardize good order and discipline on board, impose reasonable measures, which may include restraint, necessary: a, _to protect the safety of the aircraft, or of persons or property on board; to maintain good order and discipline on board; or ©. to enable him to deliver such a person to competent authorities or to disembark him in accordance with provision of the Convention. 2.12 EUROPEAN ORGANISATIONS 22d ‘The European Union (EU). The driving force for a common civil aviation policy in Europe (and the European Aviation Authority!) has been the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) set up under the auspices of the EU and ICAO. All the European Commission countries are members of ECAC, the main aim of which is to institute procedures which are consistent with those resulting from the EC Treaty and the Single European Act. In various documents of the European Working Group covering civil aviation (EWG 91/3922; 92/2407; 91/670; 94/56), the recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe define the approach of the EU towards: 2-16 (© Oxford Aviation Servis Limited AIR LAW 242.2 2.12.3 2124 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS a. A general structure for civil aviation in Europe b, Licensing e Safety d, European Regional Air Traffic Control A structure for civil aviation marketing within Europe European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). ECAC is an inter-governmental organisation founded in 1955 from the Conference on the Co-ordination of Air Transport in Europe (CATE), with the aim of promoting the continued development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system. ECAC seeks to: a. Harmonise civil aviation policies and practices amongst its member states; and b. Promote understanding on policy matters between member states and other parts of the world. Aims. Within Europe, because of its established position, ECAC is the only forum for consideration of major civil aviation topics relevant to all European states. The strength, of ECAC is derived from: a. Membership across Europe; b. Active co-operation with institutions of the EU (including the EC and the European Parliament); ©. Close liaison with ICAO; and 4. Established relationships with organisations representing all parts of the air transport industry including consumer and airline interests, Functions. ECAC issues resolutions, recommendations and policy statements, which are brought into effect by member states. Under the auspices of ECAC international agreements have been concluded and fhemoranda of understanding agreed with non- ‘member states and regions. ECAC publishes documents, which describe its aims, work and agreements, Through ECAC news briefings are given and developments discussed. ‘The Constitution and Rules of Procedure are published in ECAC Doe No 20, which also contains the history of ECAC. 2-17 (© Oxford Aviation Services Lined AIR LAW 2125 2.12.6 2127 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS Multi-lateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non Scheduled Air Services in Europe. Again under the auspices of ICAO, the member states of ECAC made an arrangement that supplemented Article 5 of the Chicago Convention which applied to private and non-scheduled commercial flights. In summary, the contracting ECAC states agreed to free movement of aircraft registered in an ECAC State operated by a national of one of the contracting states duly authorised by the competent authority for the purpose of a. Humanitarian or emergency needs; b, Taxi class passenger flights; and ¢. Flights on which the entire space on the aeroplane is hired by a single individual or company Supplementary agreement. It was also agreed that the same treatment shall be applied to similar cargo flights, and to flights transporting passengers between regions which have no direct connection by scheduled air services. The agreement is detailed in ICAO/ECAC doc 7695 Multilateral Agreement Relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraft. Another ICAO sponsored ECAC agreement considered the issue and validation of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft imported from one state to another. ‘The agreement applies only to aircraft manufactured in one member State and imported into another member State. In this situation, the authority of a State into which the aireraft is being imported shall either render valid the existing certificate of airworthiness, or issue a new certificate of airworthiness. Provided a. The aircraft has been constructed in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and requirements relating to airworthiness in the State of construction; b, The aircraft complies with the minimum acceptable standard for airworthiness established by ICAO; €. __Theaireraft complies with the operating requirements of the State of import; and 4. Theaireraft complies with any special conditions notified under this agreement, Note: If the State of import decides to issue a new certificate of airworthiness, it may pending the issue of the new certificate, render valid the existing certificate for a period of six months or for the unexpired period of the existing certificate, which ever is the lesser. The details of the agreement are contained in ICAO/ECAC doc 8056. 2-18 (© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS, 2.13 THE JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES (JAA) 2.13.1 Status. The Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) are an associated body of ECAC representing the civil aviation regulatory author ties ofa number of European States who have agreed to co-operate in developing and implementing common safety regulatory standards and procedures. This co-operation is intended to provide high and consistent standards of safety and a ‘level playing field’ for competition in Europe. The JAA Membership is based on signing the “JAA Arrangements” document originally signed by the then current member states in Cyprus in 1990, 2.13.2 Objectives The JAA objectives and functions may be summarised as follows: a. Objectives: 1 To ensure, through co-operation, common high levels of aviation safety within Member States. ‘Through the application of uniform safety standards, to contribute to fair and equal competition within Member States. To aim for cost-effective safety and minimum regulatory burden so as to contribute to European industry's international competitiveness. b. — Funetions: ‘To develop and adopt common standards -Joint Aviation Requirements GARs), in the field of aircraft design and manufacture, aircraft ‘operations and maintenance, and the licensing of aviation personnel. To develop administrative and technical procedures for the implementation of JARs. To implement JARs and related administrative and technical procedures in a co-ordinated and uniform manner. To adopt measures to ensure, whenever possible, that pursuance of the JAA safety objective does not unreasonably distort competition between the aviation industries of Member States or place companies of Member Sates at a competitive disadvantage with those of non-Member States. To provide the principle centre of professional expertise in Europe on the harmonisation of aviation safety regulations. To establish procedure’ for joint certification of products and services and where it is considered appropriate to perform joint certification. To co-operate on the harmonisation of requirements and procedures with other safety regulatory authorities, especially the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). Where feasible, to co-operate with foreign safety regulatory authorities especially the FAA, on the certification of products and services. 2-19 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 213.3 23.4 2.13. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. ‘Member States. The following countries were the founder members of the JAA: Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg ‘Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom The following states were candidate members: Cyprus Czech Republic Hungary Malta Slovakia Slovenia Turkey Poland Monaco JAA Organisation, The JAA is controlled by a Committee, which works under the authority of the Plenary Conference of ECAC and reports to the JAA Board of Directors General. The Board is responsible for review of general policy and long term objectives of the JAA, The JAA Committee is composed of one member from each Authority and is responsible for the administrative and technical implementation of the Arrangement. ‘The Committee and the Board are supported by a Secretariat, Intention. The intention is eventually to form the European Aviation Authority. This is in keeping with the aims of the EU and the Council of Europe. At that time the EAA. will be the only body in Europe with responsibility for civil aviation, Until that time, the JAA will remain a regulatory body and will require the national authorities to provide the legislative mechanism within the individual member states. The national authorities will, in the interim, also provide the manpower for the JAA to implement and ‘police’ the regulations. 2-20 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS, JAA Board Sssrgr ECAC JAA FAA Joint Steering Harmonisation | Somme Assembly Foundation Executive Joint — Manufacturers Board Board Boards Operators Crows Secretary Administrative General Division Regulation Certification Maintenance Operations. Licensing Research. (Sub-Committees; Working/Study Groups; Joint Teams etc..) 2.13.6 The Structure of the JAA 2-24 (© Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 243.7 2.13.8 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. JAAJFAA Harmonisation. In order to facilitate the reduction in regulatory processes and to align existing procedures of the JAA and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States, an annual JAA/FAA Harmonisation Conference is held. At the 14" Conference held in Berlin, the JAA and the FAA signed and agreed to implement Documents for Type and Post Type Validation Principles, leading toa Joint Validation Procedure, Ultimately, the aim is to make European aviation industry products and services compatible with those in the USA, which will allow greater competition and enhance mutual markets without unfair regulatory control. JAA Documentation. The Authorities agreed to co-operate to produce common comprehensive and detailed requirements and where necessary acceptable means of compliance with and interpretations of them (the Joint Aviation Requirements - JARS), JARs encompass both technical and administrative functions. In developing JAR, the JAA takes into account the duties and obligations under the Chicago Convention; consults the parties to whom the requirements apply and takes into account other aviation codes so as to facilitate exchange of products, services or persons or reliance on organisations, between the JAA countries and other countries in the world. The following table shows the JARs currently adopted: Definitions and Abbreviations Certification Procedures for Aircraft, products and related Parts Normal, Utility, Acrobatic and Commuter Category Aircraft Large Aeroplanes ‘Small Rotorcraft Large Rotorcraft Power Units Propellers Commercial Air Transport (Aeroplanes) Commercial Air Transport (Helicopters) JAR-TSO Joint Technical Standard Orders 2-22 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS: JAR-AWO All Weather Operations JAR-VLA JAR-145 JAR-FCL Pt JAR-FCL Pt2 JAR-FCL Pt3__| Flight Crew Licensing (Medical Requirements) JAR-STD 1A, Aeroplane Flight Simulators JAR Rulemaking Procedures Retroactive Airworthine Requirements Aircraft Emissions Aircraft Noise JAR-66, Certifying Staft JAR-147, Maintenance Training Organisations JAR-STD 3A, Flight and Navigation Procedure Trainers 2-23 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS 2.14 EUROCONTROL 2141 214.2 History and Role. Eurocontrol was founded in 1960 with the objective of providing, ‘common ATC services in the upper airspace of Member States and strengthening co- operation between Member States in matters of air navigation. Eurocontrol was established under the International Convention Relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation signed at Brussels in 13 December 1960. Initially, six countries signed the agreement: Germany (FDR); Belgium; France; United Kingdom; Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In 1999 there were 26 member states and the organisation was greatly reformed through the revised Eurocontrol Convention of June 1997. The Eurocontrol ATCC is at Maastricht, Holland, The role of Eurocontrol is now much wider than originally envisaged. The limit of operations, to just the upper airspace, was abandoned in 1986 and Eurocontrol now has a much wider remit, placed on the Organisation by ECAC, most notably in the area of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) which led to the establishment of the Eurocontrol Central Flow Management Unit (CEMU) in 1988. Eurocontrol has a training centre in Luxembourg and an experimental research centre at Brétigny, France, with a new ATCC being built in Vienna. EATCHIP. In April 1990, ECAC Transport Ministers met in Paris and agreed a programme known as the European Air Traffic Control Harmonisation and Integration Programme (EATCHIP) which was formulated to introduce technology and procedures to take Eurocontrol into the 21" Century. The main aim of the programme is to set a standard for electronic equipment and associated procedures used in ATC throughout Europe. At the outset, each state had its own systems totally incompatible with that of neighbour states. Through software conversion, electronic interfacing and equipment and planned system replacement the common standard is being achieved. On time in 1998, the first digital data-link oceanic clearance was delivered to a KLM 747 en route from Amsterdam to New York whilst in the climb to its assigned level. EATCHIP activity covers 36 States, 65 ACCs and 19 major TMA Control Units. 2.15 THE WARSAW CONVENTION AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS 2181 Liability of the Carrier. The Warsaw Convention of 1929 concemed itself with responsibilities and liabilities of the Carrier and the Agents of aircraft together with ‘matters of compensation for loss of life or injury to passengers. This limited the liability, except in cases of gross negligence, to 125,000 gold Poincar francs (about US$10,000) In 1955 an amendment to the Convention was adopted by a diplomatic conference at The Hague (known as The Hague Protocol) which doubled the existing limits of liability. ‘The Warsaw Convention did not contain particularrules relating to international carriage by air performed by a person who is not a party to the agreement for carriage, Accordingly, as a result of work done by the ICAO Legal Committee, a diplomatic conference held at Guadalajara in 1961, adopted a convention, supplementary to the ‘Warsaw Convention containing rules to apply in this circumstance. The 1971 Protocol signed at Guatemala City, among other things, provides for 2-24 (© Ortord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 2.15.2 2.18.3 215.4 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS a a regime of absolute liability of the air carrier; b. an unbreakable limit of the carriers responsibility in a maximum amount of 1,500,000 Poincar gold francs (US$100,000) per person; ©. a domestic system to supplement, subject to specified conditions, the compensation payable to claimants under the Convention in respect of death or personal injury of passengers. Gold Clause. Three additional protocols to the Warsaw Convention replaced the gold clause but retained it for States that are not members of the International Monetary Fund. A fourth protocol refers to the carriage of postal items and the international carriage of cargo. Issue of a Ticket. The issuing of a passenger ticket, luggage ticket or cargo consignment note forms a contract between the carrier and the person receiving the ticket/note. The contract is defined by the Warsaw Convention including the previously mentioned exclusion or limitation of liabilities. If a carrier accepts a passenger, luggage or cargo without a ticket/note, then the carrier is liable without limit for any loss, which is occasioned. The loss, irregularity or absence of a ticket/not does not affect the existence othe validity of the contract. The operator is required to draw the passenger's attention to the Warsaw Convention where ‘electronic’ tickets are issued. IATA and the Agreement of Kuala Lumpur 1995, The aim of Civil Aviation is to transport people and freight around the world by air. As was found with the early railway systems, standardisation was a major problem. In aviation the wide variety of aeroplanes is not a problem but the variation in ticketing, scheduling, conditions of carriage and the obligations of carriers (operators) has required international agreement firstly to protect the interest of the passenger or freight consignee and secondly, to prevent unfair competition and sub-standard service. Through international conventions, IATA developed, with ICAO, a procedure of standardisation of documentation for the smooth functioning of the world air transport network. Based on the Warsaw Convention of 1929, IATA helped develop the Conditions of Carriage, which is now recognised as a contract between the customer (passenger or freight consignee) and the transporting airline. A process of interlining has been developed where airlines divide the money from multi-airline journeys and settle their accounts with other airlines. This led to an agreement of standard ticketing procedure and agreement of charges. Today, that pioneering work is reflected in the currently applicable [ATA Resolutions. Notable examples being: a. The Multi-tateral Interearrier Traffic Agreements: These are the basis forthe airlines interline network. Nearly 300 airlines have signed the agreements accepting each others tickets and air-waybills and thus their passenger and cargo traffic on a reciprocal basis. 2-25 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS, b. Passenger and Cargo Services Conference Resolutions: These prescribe a variety of standard formats and technical specifications for tickets and air- waybills Passenger and Cargo Agency Agreements and Sales Agency Rules: These govern the relationship between IATA Member airlines and their accredited agents, both passenger and cargo. 2.16 THE AUTHORITY OF THE COMMANDER 2.16.1 2.16.2 Maritime Law. The first meeting of international states to consider matters relating to aviation was held in Paris in 1919. This meeting is known as the Paris Convention of 1919, At the meeting the position of Britain was adopted regarding territorial airspace and the use of airspace over the high seas. In taking the view that the law of the sea de facto applied to the air, the status of an aeroplane was assumed to be that of a ship. In maritime law, the captain of ship is empowered as the legal authority under the law of the Flag State. Thus the law of England extends to any vessel registered in England whilst that vessel is in English waters or is on the high sea (outside of any other territorial water). Once that vessel enters territorial waters of another state (or waters ‘over which another state has authority), the vessel comes under the jurisdiction of that state. Maritime Law gave considerable authority to the Captain and whilst on board, all passengers and crew are subject to this authority. Application of the Law of the State of Registry. Each aeroplane is required to be registered for the purpose of flying passengers and freight, and the registration authority is defined by international law. The law of the state of registration applies to aeroplanes. in the same manner as ships at sea. The operator of an air transport operation is required by law to nominate a commander (captain) from one of the fully qualified and fully licensed pilots of a crew. In this respect the law is quite precise in that the commander must be @ pilot. Annex 6 to the Chicago Convention details the duty of the Pilot in ‘Command and places upon him the responsibility “... for the operation and safety of the aeroplane and for the safety of all persons on board during flight time”.. Flight time is, defined for an aeroplane as the period from when the aeroplane first moves under it own (or extemal ) power for the purpose of taking off, until the time it comes to rest for the first time after landing for the purpose of discharging passengers. For a helicopter it is during the period that the rotors are turning. Protocols to the Warsaw Convention. The protocols to the Warsaw Convention of 1929 (the latest ~ Montreal 1978) include measures to counter the unlawful interference with flight and the perpetration of unlawful acts on board aeroplanes. Each contracting state was required to embody the requirements of the protocols into national law. JAA, JAR-OPS 1.095 states: “An operator shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that all, persons carried in the aeroplane obey the lawful commands given by the commander for the purpose of securing the safety of the aeroplane and of the persons or property carried therein.” 2-26 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 247 218 2.164 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS The Operations Manual. The Commander's authority, his duty and responsibilities are defined in Part | of the Operations Manual, which by virtue of the validation of the ‘Operations Manual by the Authority is confirmed as being that as required by National Law. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OPERATOR AND THE PILOT REGARDING DAMAGE TO PERSONS AND GOODS ON THE GROUND 2A7A The Rome Convention of 1952 dealt with damage caused by foreign aircraft to third parties on the ground. The economic aspects of this were considered by the Air Transport Committee of the Council of ICAO prior to acceptance by a diplomatic conference on private air law in Rome. The convention includes the principle of absolute liability of the aircraft operator for damage caused to third parties on the surface but places a limitation on the amount of compensation. It also provides for compulsory recognition and execution of foreign judgements. COMMERCIAL PRACTICES AND ASSOCIATED RULES (LEASING) 2.181 2.18.2 Introduction. During the second half of the 20" century the global economy has been the subject of many international conferences and the setting up of regional alliances for the promotion of trade. In many cases free trade zones were set up between groups of ‘countries where internal tariff barriers were removed and external barriers reinforced. Organisations like the EEC/EU, ASEAN, the now defunct COMECON, were established to preferentially serve the populations of the member States. On a global scale, this was seen as protectionism and unfair trading by limiting access to markets by non-member States. It was also a major factor in the increasing level of poverty and escalating debt in the “third world”. Inall cases the major economic powers dominated world trade with large multi-national companies evolving to breach local free-trade arrangements. International aviation did not escape this situation, with the highly profitable routes being monopolised by a small number of very large airlines. A major restriction on the growth of small airlines serving regional needs was the escalating cost of aeroplanes ‘coupled with huge increases in the price of fuel resulting from OPEC pricing agreements and international crisis, especially in the Middle East. Economic Considerations. Whilst the cost of fuel has, in real terms, decreased through inflation and competition, the cost of aeroplanes has consistently outstripped the ability of small and medium size air operations'to purchase them, Even the large operators now share the cost of aeroplanes with financial institutions, and leasing of aeroplanes by smaller operations from larger airlines, banks and specially established financial institutions (aviation finance and leasing companies) is now common place. The need to control the leasing of aeroplanes, especially to ensure that the safety regulations are applied, was recognised by ICAO as early as 1948, through the Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft 2-27 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limites AIR LAW 2.18.3 2.18.4 2.18.5 2.18.6 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS Leasing. Leasing, in aviation law, is the situation whereby an aeroplane is used by one operator, whilst the ownership title remains with another operator. The operator using, the aeroplane pays the owner an agreed sum for the use of the aeroplane over a specified period. The type of leases are described below. They can range from an arrangement whereby an airline “borrows” an aeroplane to use whilst one of its own is unuseable, to the situation where an airline doesn’t own any aeroplanes but operates a fleet of leased aeroplanes painted in the company livery, on a long term basis. Terminology. The following terminology is generally used with regard to leasing of aeroplanes a, DryLease, This is when the leased aeroplane is operated under the AOC of the lessee (the operator borrowing the aeroplane). b. Wet Lease. This is when the leased aeroplane is operated under the AOC of, the lessor (the operator lending the aeroplane to the lessee). Leasing Between JAA Operators. The following terminology has the meaning stated in the context of JAA operations a, Wet Lease-Out. This is the situation in which a JAA operator providing an aeroplane and complete crew to another JAA operator, remains the operator of the aeroplane, (The aeroplane is operated under the AOC of the lessor) b. Other Leasing. A JAA operator utilising an aeroplane from, or providing it to another JAA operator, must obtain prior approval from his respective authority. Any conditions, which are part of this approval, must be included in the lease agreement. Those elements of lease agreements which are approved by the authority, other than lease agreements in which an aeroplane and complete crew are involved and no transfer of functions and responsibility is intended, are all to be regarded, with respect to the leased aeroplane, as variations of the AOC under which the flights will be operated. Leasing Between a JAA Operator and Any Other Entity (other than a JAA. Operator) a. DryLease-In,_Beforea JAA operator is permitted to dry lease in an aeroplane from a non JAA source, the approval of the Authority is required. Any conditions of this approval are to form part of the leasing agreement, Where an aeroplane is dry leased-in, the JAA operator is to notify the authority of any ifferences to the requirements of JAR-OPS 1 with regard to Instruments and Communications equipment fitted to the aeroplane, and receive confirmation from the authority that the differences are acceptable. 2-28 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW ce INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. Wet Lease-In, No JAA Operator shall wet lease-in an aeroplane from @ non JAA source without the approval of the authority. Concerning wet leased-in aeroplanes, the JAA operator is to ensure: i, the safety standards of the lessor with respect to maintenance are equivalent to JARs; ii, the lessor is an operator holding an AOC issued by a state which is a signatory of the Chicago Convention; iii, the aeroplane has a standard C of A issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 8, A.C of A issued by a JAA member State other than the State responsible for issuing the AOC, will be accepted without further showing when issued in accordance with JAR-21); and iv. Any JAA requitement made applicable by the lessee’s Authority is complied with. Dry Lease-out. A JAA operator may dry lease-out an aeroplane for any purpose of commercial air transport to any operator of a State which is a signatory of the Chicago Convention providing that the following conditions are met: i The Authority has exempted the JAA operator from the relevant provisions of JAR-OPS Part | and, after the foreign regulatory authority has accepted responsibility in writing for surveillance of the maintenance and operation of the aeroplane(s), has removed the aeroplane from its AOC; and ii, The aeroplane is maintained in accordance with an approved maintenance programme. Wet Lease-out. A JAA operator providing an aeroplane and complete crew and retaining all the functions and responsibilities described in JAR-OPS 1 Sub Part C (Operator Certification and Supervision), shall remain the operator ofthe aeroplane. 2.18.7. Leasing of Aeroplanes at Short Notice. In circumstances where a JAA operatoris faced with an immediate, urgent and unforeseen need fora replacement aeroplane, the approval required to wet lease-in from a non-JAA source may be deemed to have been given, provided that: : the lessor is an operator holding an AOC issued by a State which is a signatory of the Chicago Convention; and the lease-in period does not exceed 5 consecutive days; and the Authority is immediately notified of the use of this provision. 2-29 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 2.18.8 218.9 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS Application of European Standards. Some ECAC member States, those members of the EU, are bound by EC Council Regulation 2407/92 which contains provisions on leasing. Other ECAC member States apply the conditions of ECAC, which are broadly in line with the EC regulations, stating that where leasing is concerned, leases must be consistent with their national and international legal obligations. The aim of ECAC (ECAC Recommendation on Leasing of Aircraft ECAC/21-1) is to harmonise policy on leasing “to the highest possible degree”, so that: a. Inthe case of a wet lease, passengers and other users are entitled to expect an equivalent standard of safety and service from the lessor to that which the lessee would provide; b. The identity of the actual air carrier operating the flight should be identifiable; c. Inthe case of dry leasing: Safety functions and duties of the State of Registry, that can more adequately be discharged by the State of the Operator, should be transferred to the authorities in the State of the lessee; 4. Leases should not be used as a means to circumvent applicable laws, regulations and international agreements; ¢. A framework can be set up for the exchange of information and setting up a data base for the ECAC Action Programme for the Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA); f Common rules can be applied in Member States leading to a uniform and more liberal leasing regime for airlines of these countries. World Trade Organisation and the General Arrangement of Trade and Services for Aviation (WTO/GATS). In recognition of the need to establish a world order to promote intemational trade on a fair basis by the removal of unfair barriers to international trade, the World Trade Organisation was set up and through the negotiated General Agreement on Tariff’s and Trade (GATT) leading to General Arrangements on ‘Trade and Services (GATS), international arrangements have been established to abolish unfair practices and to encourage growth, and thus prosperity, in the global economy. 2.18.10 Rights in Aircraft on Air Traffic. The ownership, financial title and possession of aircraft subject to a leasing, finance agreement or mortgage, is the subject of international legislation which recognises the law of the State of Registration as the law applicable to such contracts. Before the Chicago Convention addressed this subject, the Conference for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Precautionary Arrest of Aircraft (1933) permitted the arrest of an’aircraft for contravention of national law by the ‘operator, or arrest to facilitate possession in the case of default by the operator in respect of the loans with which the aircraft was purchased. In 1948, the Council of ICAO adopted the Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft. This is the intemational law concerning ownership of aircraft and the rights of the ender/mortgagee. 2-30 © Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS. Under the agreement, the member states undertake to recognise: 1. the ownership of aircraft 2, the right to acquire aircraft by purchase and the subsequent right of possession 3. the right of possession of aircraft leased for six months or more 4. mortgages and other charges over aircraft which are contractually created as security for loans Providing that such rights: 1. have been constituted in accordance with the laws of the State in which the aircraft was registered; and 2. are recorded in a national register of aircraft, the aircraft is properly registered and changes in ownership are recorded twas also agreed that nothing in the Convention would prevent the recognition of rights in aircraft under the law of any contracting State providing the rights of possession had. priority. In effect, this means that the operation of an aircraft is subject to the laws of the State over which it is being flown or on the ground, but the aircraft (including any equipment) cannot be seized and sold as a penalty. The Convention also covers: 1. the recording of aircraft details in registers 2. the content of a certificate of registration 3. public right of access to registration documents 4. the right of the mortgagee to levy interest on any recovered debt after the sale of a repossessed aircraft 5. which national law applies to sile of repossessed aircraft 6. appeals where the provisions of the Convention have not been complied with 7. the rights of other creditors 2-31 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 1 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND ORGANISATIONS the rights of persons entitled to indemnity arising from injury or damage to property responsibility for costs the inclusive sale of equipment (parts) with the sale of the aircraft and the recognition of the right of the owner of equipment supplied for use on the aircraft on rental or lease terms the right to enforce national law relating to immigration, customs or air navigation the exclusion of mi ry, customs or police aircraft. 2-32 {© Oxlord Aviation Services Linvted Appendix 1 to Chapter 2 SUMMARY OF RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND AGREEMEN DATE October 1919) ‘October 1929) May 1933 May 1933 Sepiember 1938, December 1944 December 1944 December 1944 Tune 1948 PLACE, Paris ‘Convention Relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation Warsaw Rome Brussels, ‘Convention on International Civil Aviation International Air Transport Agreement Geneva TITLE ‘Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Intemational Carriage by Air ‘Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Damage Caused by Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface ‘Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Precautionary Arrest of Aircraft Protocol Supplementing the Convention’ for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Damage Caused by Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface Tnternational Air Services Transit Agreement Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft ‘CONTENT. Sovereignty over airspace. Standards for airworthiness. Certificates ‘of competency for crews. Definition of ‘aircraft’, ‘Carrier's liability for damage caused to passengers, baggage and goods. Damage caused by delay Recognised the liability of carrier for damage caused on the ground. Led to the Brussels Insurance Protocol of 1938 Replaced by the Rome Convention of 1952 (drafted by ICAO) Specified which aircraft can be arrested or ‘attached’. Excludes: government aircraft (incl postal transport), aircraft in service on public transport (and back-up aircraft) aircraft apportioned for the carriage of persons or goods for reward. ‘Obligation of carrier to arrange third party insurance. This is what eventually killed off Pan Am! Regulation of Civil Aviation. Led to the creation of ICAO, 18 Annexes to the Chicago Convention The two technical freedoms of the air ‘The three commercial freedoms of the Air (Known as the 5 freedoms agreement ; 2 +3 = 5) Note: The other freedoms 6, 7 and 8 are really ‘no more than minor variations of these 5 To protect the rights of the seller where aircraft are bought on HP, mortgage or lease. October 1952] Rome Convention on Damage by Foreign Replaced the 1933 Convention. Poor ratification. (USA, UK, Canada, Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface | Germany and many other major players) refused to ratify because compensation too low; National Law more powerful. El Al crash in Holland, neither states contracting. ‘September The Hague | Protocol to Amend the Convention for ‘a. Removed exemptions for all except military aireraft 1955 the Unification of Certain Rules b. Raised compensation limit to 250 000 gold francs Relating to International Carriage by Air ] _c. Simplified the requirements for tickets and baggage checks d._Made carrier liable for ‘pilot error’ ‘April 1956 Multilateral Agreement on Commercial | An ECAC convention. Covers international flights within Burope of a Rights of Non-Scheduled Air Services in | non scheduled nature: Humanitarian and emergency; taxi class Europe services (seating limited to 6 and not to be re-sold); hiring by a single person (or company): single flights ‘April 1960) Mulilateral Agreement relating to ECAC agreement. Allows states to render valid an existing C of A or Certificates of Airworthiness for issue a new one. Imported Aircraft September Guadalajara | Convention Supplementary t0 the ‘Covers charter services and “wet-leasing’. Defines who the 1961 Convention for the Unification of contracting carrier and the actual carrier is in a charter or wet-lease Cerfain Rules Relating to International _| situation. Defines the liability of the carrier(s) Carriage by Air Performed by a Person Other than the Contracting Carrier September ‘Convention on Offences and Certain | a. Determines who's penal law is applicable 1963 Other Acts Committed on Board b, Defines the rights and obligations of the aireraft Commander December 1970 | The Hague Aircraft ‘Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft ¢. Defines the rights and obligations of the authorities of the state in which the aircraft lands after ._Defines unlawful seizure of aircraft “Applicable to domestic and international flights. Defines “in Might. Allocates jurisdiction after offence committed: a State of Registration b.State of landing if offender still on board ¢.State of Operator 4 State in which offender is apprehended if that state does not, wish to extradite March 1971 ‘September 1971 ‘September 1971 ‘September, 1975 ‘September 1978 Guatemala City Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Intemational Carriage by Air ‘Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation ‘Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation ‘Additional Protocols (I - 4) to Amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air Protocol to Amend the Convention on’ Damage by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface Makes the carrier absolutely liable. Replaces “fault” liability with ‘risk’ liability i.e. in the case of death or injury caused by sabotage or hi-jacking. Limits liability to $100 000 for passengers and baggage including negligence. Exceptions: i) self inflicted or wilful damage by the claimant ii) death or injury resulting from ill health of passenger Deals with a person who: i) acts violently on board an aircraft destroys or damages an aircraft in service places an EOD or similar on board an aircraft iv) destroys or damages a nav aid or interferes with operation false information thus endangering an aircraft Deals with offences committed at an airport serving international aviation ‘a, Allows payment to be made in IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR) b. Replaces limits in Hague Protocol with SDRs cc. Replaces limits in Guatemala Protocol with SDRs d._Changes liability regarding goods - applies SDRs Extended Rome 1952 to include damage caused by an aircraft registered, the state of Operator is, or the operator lives or his place of residence is - in another contracting state. December 1982 | Montego] UN Convention of the High Seas ‘Air Piracy an offence Hot pursuit permitted Territorial waters extended to 12 nm 200 nm economic zone respected - freedom to overfly Right to transit straits without permission no longer allowed - freedom to transit straits under 1* freedom reinforced f, Established the authority of the Hamburg Court regarding disputes of overflying rights in territorial waters, contiguous zones, etc.. Established the JAA September 1990 October 1995 The Convention of Cyprus Koala TATA Inierearrier Agreement on Passenger Liability ‘Agreement by IATA members to waive limitations of lability and recoverable damages established by the Warsaw Convention Damages to be awarded by reference to the law of domicile of the passenger. CHAPTER THREE - AIRWORTHINESS OF AIRCRAFT Contents 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 AIRWORTHINESS . (© Oxlord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIRWORTHINESS OF AIRCRAFT 3a 32 INTRODUCTION 3.1 Standards. The Airworthiness standards of Annex 8 of the Chicago Convention are related to the Standards of Annex 6, part 1 dealing with aeroplane performance operating limitations. An element of the safety of an operation is the intrinsic safety of the aircraft. That is, the level of its airworthiness. The level of airworthiness of an aircraft is not fully defined by the application of the airworthiness Standards of Annex 8, but also requires the application of the Standards of Annex 6 that are complimentary. In other words, Annex 8 deals with airworthiness from the engineering point of view, whereas Annex 6 deals with the safety standards necessary for any operation. The standards apply to performance and flying qualities. 3.1.2. Applicability. The Standards of Airworthiness, detailed in Annex 8 Part 3 are applicable to aeroplanes of over 5 700kg maximum certificated take-off mass, intended for the carriage of passengers, cargo or mail in international air navigation. Unless specifically ‘exempted, the standards apply to the complete aeroplane including power-units, systems and. ‘equipment and for the standards to be applicable, the aircraft is to have at least two engines. AIRWORTHINESS 3.2.1 Certificate of Airworthiness. A Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) is issued by the State of Registration when satisfactory evidence is provided that the aeroplane complies with the appropriate airworthiness requirements. ICAO has specified standard form of C of A which isto include the nationality and registration marks, manufacturer and designation of the aircraft (ie Boeing 747-400), aircraft serial number (ie the airframe number like a car chasis number). 3.2.2, Continuing Airworthiness. The state of registry is responsible for determining if an itcraft continues to be airworthy. The state is required to maintain a system for recording faults, malfunctions, defects or other occurrences which might affect the airworthiness of aircraft of more than 5 700 Kg maximum take off mass. For these aircraft, the state of design is required to ensure that a structural integrity programme exists to ensure the airworthiness of such aircraft The programme is to include information concerning corrosion control 3.2.3, Validity of C of A. The C of A will be renewed or will remain valid provided that the continued airworthiness of the aircraft has been determined by a periodic inspection. The period between the inspections is to be such with regard to the type of service and elapsed period, or in accordance with a system of inspection (schedule of inspections) established by the state. Where an aircraft is damaged, it is the responsibility of the State of Registry to judge whether the damage is of such a nature that the aircraft is no longer airworthy. 3.2.4, Aireraftlimitations and information. Each aircraftis required to have a flight manual (or other means) in which the approved limitations are defined and additional information is contained necessary for the safe operation of the aeroplane. 34 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited CHAPTER FOUR - AIRCRAFT NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS Contents 4.1 INTRODUCTION ........ cece e eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeees seceded 4.2 NATIONALITY, COMMON AND REGISTRATION MARKS ........ 4.3 CERTIFICATION OF REGISTRATION 4-2 4.4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NATIONAL REGULATIONS ............ 4-2 4.5 CLASSIFICATION OF AIRCRAFT ........ 000000000 cseeeeeeeeee 4-2 4.6 AIRCRAFT MARKINGS : 4-4 {© Oxford Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW AIRCRAFT NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS 41 42 INTRODUCTION 4.1.1 Annex 7. The Paris Convention of 1919 requires all aircraft to be registered and to carry a nationality mark and a registration mark. Annex 7 of the Chicago Convention covers Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks. ‘The Annex contains only Standards without any recommendations. An authority may temporarily exempt an aircraft from registration (test flying of a prototype) or the carriage of markings (an historic aircraft or ex-military aeroplane). NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS. 4.2.1 Markings. The nationality and registration mark is to consist of @ group of characters. In this case the G is the nationality and is always to precede the registration mark, which in this case is AWFY. When the first character of the registration mark is a letter, itis be preceded by @ hyphen. The nationality mark is to be selected from the series of nationality symbols included in the radio call signs allocated to the State of Registry by the International Telecommunications Union, The nationality mark is to be notified to ICAO. The registration mark may consist of letters, numbers or a combination of both and is to be that assigned by the State of Registry. 4.2.2. Common Mark, A common mark is a prefix to a registration where the aircraft is operated by an international operating agency. In this case, one of the establishing states, is to perform the function of the State of Registry. A common mark is assigned by ICAO tothe common mark registering authority which is responsible for registering the aircraft of an international operating agency. Such registration will not be on a national basis. ‘The common mark 4YB has been issued by ICAO to Jordan and Iraq for registering itcraft operated by Arab Air Cargo. The state of Jordan performs the function of the State of Registry 4.2.3. Exclusions. Certain combinations of leters are not permitted to be used as registration letters. ‘These are those combinations of letters used for specific distress traffic prosigns: SOS (Distress) PAN (Urgency) XXX (Urgeney — morse) TIT — (Safety /Securité — morse) Combinations starting with Q implying a *Q’ code and 5 letter combinations used in the international Code of Signals, are also proscribed. 41 {© Oxford Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW AIRCRAFT NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS 43 44 45 CERTIFICATION OF REGISTRATION 4.3.1 Status and Content. The certificate of registration is an official document certifying that the State of Registry has registered an aircraft. It details: a the Nationality or Common mark, b. the registration mark, ¢. the manufacturer's designation of the aircraft, 4. the serial number of the aircraft, the name and address of the owner, £ _acertificate that it has been entered on the register of the State, 2. the dated signature of the registering officer. h. The certificate is to be carried in the aircraft at all times. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NATIONAL REGULATIONS 4.4.1 National Supplement, The supplement to Annex 7 contains information regarding aircraft nationality marks, which have been notified to ICAO at part B (alphabetically by state and alphabetically by nationality marks). Part A details the differences which contracting states have notified to ICAO. In this respect, each contracting state is recorded to have either notified that: a Differences exit; b. No differences exit; c No information has been received. 4.4.2. Notified Differences. The final part of the Supplement contains a summary of the differences notified by State (alphabetically), Each State is required to list the differences notified to ICAO at section GEN 1.7 of that State’s AIP. CLASSIFICATION OF AIRCRAFT 4.5.1 Table of Classification. The following table classifies aircraft and is used to determine where nationality (or common) marks and registration marks are displayed on aircraft. You do not need to know where marks are required to be displayed. The table is included for information only. 4-2 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIRCRAFT NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS [Feta | | === — iE Teresere footer] Sere cape atoon | cor [oot ton) ‘ect ‘and ae i ‘cat (teins) —= (Cesare || [sons Aron) | [_seomeeree] ca : [anon ove] Leeaetreea Rotorcrat — | Po) [ hac Seareiconer@) | tensor) ] [Anon ice] none ceaommoper ta) | 1. Generally designated “kite-balloon.” 2°"Float of boat may be added as appropriate 3. Includes aircraft equipped with skitype landing gear (substitute “ski” for “land"). 4 For the purpose of completeness only Table 4.5 Classification of Aircraft 4:3 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIRCRAFT NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS 46 AIRCRAFT MARKINGS 4.6.1 Location of Nationality and Registration Marks. The nationality or common mark and registration mark are to be painted on the aircraft or shall be affixed by any other means ensuring, a similar degree of permanence. The marks shall be kept clean and visible at al times. Heavier than Air Aireraft. The required markings are to appear on the lower surface (underside) of the wing, the fuselage between the wings and the tail, or on the upper half of the vertical tail surface Size of Markings. The markings on the wings are to be at least 50cm high, and on the fuselage and vertical surfaces, 30cm high. 44 © Ortord Aviation Services Limited CHAPTER FIVE - PERSONNEL LICENSING Contents SL INTRODUCTION «20.0.0... eee eeeeeee a is 5.2 JAR-FCL FLIGHT CREW LICENSING 5.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............ cevtteeeeeeeee Se 5.4 JAR-FCL 1 - COMMERCIAL PILOT’S LICENCE (AEROPLANES) - CPL(A) 5-3 5.5. JAR-FCL 1 - AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT'S LICENCE. (AEROPLANE) - ATPL(A) 5.6 JAR-FCL 1 - RATINGS 5-5 5.7 JAR-FCL3 - MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS .. 5-9 APPENDIX 1 ANNEX I (PERSONNEL LICENSING). cesceseeeeeseseensesesnaseesS= 12 APPENDIX2 ANNEX 6 (OPERATION OF AIRCRAFT)... APPENDIX 3. ICAO (ANNEX 1) & JAA (JAA FCL 1) LICENCE REQUIREMENTS (SUMMARY) : oe : REVISION QUESTIONS CHAPTERS | - 5 oe ceeeveees S27 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING 51 52 53 ‘TRODUCTION ICAO Personnel Licensing rules and regulations are contained in Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention, Under the heading of general information, the status of Annex Components is discussed and is a standing reference to all the Annexes. The rules and regulations for the issue of @ JAA licence are applicable to the licence you hope to obtain, However, the syllabus is based on ICAO SARPS and PANS which you are required to know to pass the exam, The Learning Objectives require knowledge of both JAR-FCL and Annex 1 JAR-FCL FLIGHT CREW LICENCING The JAA document, which contains the regulations concerning flight crew licensing (FCL), is JAR-FCL, In deciding a basic structure for JAR-FCL, Annex I to the Chicago Convention (as amended by the various protocols) was chosen as the definitive document. Additional sub- divisions have been added where considered necessary. The content of Annex 1 has been used and added to where necessary by making use of existing European regulations. The document, JAR-FCL is divided into three parts: a, JAR-FCL Part I contains requirements for Aeroplane pilots (JAR-FCL 1) b. _ JAR-FCL Part 2 contains requirements for Helicopter pilots (JAR-FCL 2) c. _ JAR-FCL Part 3 contains Medical requirements (JAR-FCL 3) 4. JAR-FCL Part 4 contains requirements for Air Engineers (JAR-FCL 4) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 53.1 Requirement for Licence. It is a requirement of JARs, that no person shall act as a flight crew member of a civil aeroplane registered in a JAA Member State, unless that person holds a valid licence and rating complying with the requirements of JAR-FCL appropriate to the duties being performed, or in accordance with an authorisation under JAR-FCL 1.085 (student pilots) and/or 1.230 (special authorisation). The licence must be issued by: JAA Member State; or b. another ICAO Contracting State and rendered valid in accordance with JAR- FCL 1.015 (acceptance of licences) 5.3.2 Validation and revoeation. A JAA Member State may, at any time in accordance with national procedures, act on appeals, limit privileges, or suspend or revoke any licence, rating, authorisation, approval or certificate it has issued in accordance with the requirements of JAR-FCL, ifit is established that an applicant or licence holder has not ‘met, or no longer meets, the requirements of JAR-FCL or relevant national law of the State of licence issue. If this situation exists where a licence has been issued by a non JAA Member State and validated by a JAA Member State, then the Member State is to report the situation to the State of licence issue and the JAA, after which the licence 5-1 © Osford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 53.3 53.4 53.5 53.6 PERSONNEL LICENSING holder may not pilot an aircraft registered in that State or pilot any aircraft in that States airspace. A licence issued will be valid for a period of 5 years (1.025). Within this period, the licence will be re-issued by the Authority: After initial issue or renewal of a rating; ‘When paragraph xii in the licence is completed and no further spaces remain; For any administrative reason; ot At the discretion of the Authority when a rating is re-validated apse Validity of ratings. ‘The validity ofa licence is determined by the validity of the ratings contained therein and the medical certificate.(1.025b), a, Instrument Ratings. An instrument rating is valid for a period of 12 months. It may be renewed before the expiry of the period, but if the candidate fails the test he/she may not fly in any capacity for which the rating is required until successfully passing a subsequent test. b. Type Rating. A type rating is valid for one year, and remains valid subject to successful Pilot Proficiency Checks. 1. Annex 6 Requirement. To remain valid, two checks are required in any 12-month period separated by a period of not less than 4 months. 2. JAR-FCL 1 Requirement. Rating is valid for one year from date of issue or the date of expiry if revalidated within the validity period. To validate, one check is required to be completed within three months of the expiry date. Medical Certificate. In order to apply for or to exercise the privileges of a licence, the applicant is to hold a medical certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of JAR-FCL 3 and appropriate to the privileges of the licence. (1.035) Medical Fitness. Licence holders or student pilots are not to exercise the privileges of their licences when they are aware of any decrease in their medical fitness, In such situations they are to seek the advice of the Authority or an Aeromedical Establishment (AME). Age 60 and Over. The holder of a pilot licence who has attained the age of 60 years is not permitted to act as the pilot of an aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport except: a. Asamember ofa multi-pilot crew; provided that; b. Hes the only pilot in that crew 60 years of age or over. 5-2 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 53.7 53.8 53.9 5.3.10 PERSONNEL LICENSING Age 65. The holder of pilot licence who has attained the age of 65 years is not permitted to act as the pilot of an aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport. In France the proscription is effective from the age of 60, and in the Czech Republic from the age of 62. State of Licence Issue. If an applicant has demonstrated satisfactory completion of all the requirements for the issue of a licence to the Authority of a State, and that State issues a licence to the applicant, that State is subsequently referred to as the State of Licence Issue. Normal Residency. JAR-FCL frequently refers to the place of normal residency. This is defined as the place where an individual usually lives for atleast 185 days per calendar year because of personal and occupational ties or, in the case of a person with no ‘occupational ties, because of personal ties which show close links between that person. and the place where she or he is living. Flight Crew Licence specification. A valid licence and a valid medical certificate has always to be carried by the pilot when exercising the privileges of his/her licence. A document containing a photograph shall be carried for the purpose of identification of the holder of the licence, Where a State issues such a document, a crew member certificate shall suffice to identify a person as qualified aircrew when engaged on aircrew duty in accordance with the terms of employment issued by the operator of an air transport undertaking. Any medical endorsements (e.g. use of spectacles, etc..) will be entered on the medical certificate and the licence. The authority in this respect, is the Authority of the State of Licence Issue. The following are the specific requirements: a. Each page shall not be less than 1/8th A4 and not more than the size of a European Community passport. b. The licence number will always commence with the UN number of the country code of the State of Issue. ©. Standard date format is to be used e.g. day/month/year in full (e.g 20/11/1999) 4. Only abbreviations specified in FAR-FCL are to be used ©. The re-issue date is to be not later than 5 years from the date of initial issue. £ A passport will suffice to provide photographic evidence of the identity of the holder 8 All additional licencing information/requirements of ICAO is to be included at item xiii 5.4 JAR-FCL 1 - COMMERCIAL PILOT'S LICENCE (AEROPLANES) - CPL(A). 5.4.1 5.4.2 ‘Medical Requirement. An applicant for this licence ora licence holder for the purpose of exercising the privileges of the licence, is required to hold a valid class 1 medical centificate. Minimum age. The minimum age for the issue of a CPL(A) licence is 18. 5-3 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 55 8.4.3 PERSONNEL LICENSING Privileges. The holder of a CPL(A) may act as pilot-in-command (PIC) of any aeroplane engaged in operations other than commercial air transport (1.150), or any single pilot operation aeroplanes in commercial air transport. This licence also allows the holder to act as co-pilot in commercial air transport. JAR-FCL 1 - AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT'S LICENCE (AEROPLANE) - ATPL(A) 5.5.1 55.4 Medical Requirement, An applicant must hold a valid class 1 medical certificate for the issue of a licence and for a holder to exercise the privileges of the licence. Mi imum age. The minimum age for the issue of an ATPL(A) is 21 Privileges. The holder of an ATPL(A) is permitted to exercise all the privileges of a holder of a PPL(A); CPL(A); IR(A) and to act as PIC or co-pilot of aeroplanes engaged in air transportation. Hours requirement. An applicant for an ATPL(A) shall have completed at least 1500 hours of flight time as a pilot of aeroplanes of which not more than 100 hours may have been completed in a flight simulator. The total is to include: 500 hours in multi-pilot operations in transport category aeroplanes or commuter category or equivalent code. b. 250 hours as either PIC or at least 100 hours as PIC and 150 hours as co-pilot performing under the supervision of the PIC duties and functions of the PIC assuming that the method of supervision is acceptable to the Authority. ©. 200 hours of cross country flight of which 100 shall be as PIC or as co-pilot performing under the supervision of the PIC duties and functions of the PIC assuming that the method of supervision is acceptable to the Authority. 4, 75 hours off instrument time of which not more than 30 hours may be instrument ground time, and. e 100 hours of night flight as PIC or as co-pilot. Credits, Holders of a pilot licence or equivalent document for other categories of aircraft will be credited with flight time in other categories as set out in JAR-FCL 1.155, except that flight time in helicopters is credited up to 50% of the 1500 hours required. Holders of a flight engineers licence will be credited with 50% of flight engineer flight time up to a maximum of 250 hours. This may be credited against the 1500 hours total required and the 500 hours requirement of (1) above provided that the total credit given does not exceed 250 hours. 5-4 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING 5.6 JAR-FCL 1- RATINGS 5.6.1 Class or Type Rating. The holder of a pilot licence is not to act in any capacity as a pilot of an aeroplane, except as a pilot undergoing skill testing or receiving flight instruction, unless he/she has a valid and appropriate class or type rating. If any such rating is limited to acting as co-pilot only or in accordance with any other limitation of the JAA, such limitations are to be recorded on the rating. JAR FCL 1 requires successful completion of a flying performance check and a written (or oral) examination. The ongoing validity of a type or class rating is dependant upon regular skill testing. Class Ratings (A) Divisions. Class ratings are established for single pilot aeroplanes not requiring a type rating. These are: all single engine piston land aeroplanes all single engine piston sea planes all touring motor gliders each manufacturer of single engine turbo-prop land aeroplanes each manufacturer of single engine turbo-prop sea planes all multi-engine piston land aeroplanes all multi-engine piston sea planes Type Ratings (A) Divisions. ‘Type ratings foraeroplanes are established for: a. Each type of multi-pilot aeroplane; or b. each type of single pilot multi-engine aeroplane fitted with turbo-prop or turbojet engines; or c. _ each type of single pilot single engine aeroplane fitted with a turbojet engine; or 4. any other type of aeroplane if considered necessary. Listings. Class and type ratings for aeroplanes will be issued according to the list of class of aeroplanes (listed in JAR FCL-1 {AMC FCL 1.215}). In order to change to another type or variant of the aeroplane within one class or type rating, differences or familiarisation training is required. Privileges. The privileges of.a type or class rating are to act as a pilot on the type or class of aeroplane specified in the rating. There is no limit to the number of ratings that may be held at any one time. JAR OPS may restrict the number of ratings that can be exercised at any one time, 5-5 © Osford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING Variants, Ifthe variant has not been flown within a period of 2 years following difference training further difference training or a proficiency check in that variant will be required. Difference training requires additional knowledge or training on an appropriate training device or the aeroplane. Difference training is to be recorded in the pilot's og book and signed by a CRI/TRI.SFI(A) or FI(A) as appropriate. Familiarisation training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge. Validity and Revalidation. ‘Type ratings and multi-engine class ratings (aeroplane) are valid for one year from the date of issue, or the date of expiry if revalidated within the validity period. The following is required to revalidate a type or class rating: a. a proficiency check in the relevant type or class of aeroplane within three ‘months immediately preceding the expiry date of the rating; and. b. at least 10 route sectors as pilot of the relevant type or class of aeroplane, or one route sector as the pilot of the aeroplane with an examiner during the period of validity of the rating, ¢. The revalidation of an IR(A) should be combined with the type/class rating proficiency check. 4. Single pilot single-engine class ratings are valid for a period of two years from the date of issue, or date of expiry if revalidated within the validity period. €. An applicant who fails to achieve a pass in all sections of a proficiency check before the expiry date of a class/type rating shall not exercise the privileges of that rating until the proficiency check has been successfully completed. Type Rating Multi-pilot Con: rating shall: ions. An applicant for a multi-pilot type a have at least 100 hours as PIC of aeroplanes; b. havea valid multi-engine IR(A) c. hold certificate of MCC 4. have completed a theoretical knowledge course and passed the appropriate examination, Type Rating Single Pilot Conditions. An applicant for a first type rating on a single pilot multi-engine aeroplane shall have completed at least 70 hours as PIC of aeroplanes, 5-6 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 5.6.2 5.63 PERSONNEL LICENSING Class Rating Conditions. An applicant for a class rating fora single pilot multi engine aeroplane shall have completed at least 70 hours as PIC of aeroplanes. Instrument Rating (IR). The holder of a pilot licence shall not act in any capacity as a pilot under IFR except as a pilot undergoing skill testing or dual training, unless the holder has an instrument rating appropriate to the category of aircraft. In states where flight in VMC at night is not permitted holders of a PPL or CPL shall in order to operate in VMC at night under IFR in that state, hold at least a night qualification as set out in JAR-FCL 1.125. States may impose restrictions to flight visibility for SVFR for holders of PPL and CPL more restrictive than for ATPL. An IR is valid for 12 months. Instructor Rating. Five categories of instructor are recognised, These are: Flight instructor rating - aeroplane (FI(A)) ‘Type rating instructor rating - aeroplane (TRI(A)) Class rating instructor rating - aeroplane (CRI(A)) Instrument rating instructor rating. - aeroplane (IRI(A) Synthetic flight instructor authorisation - aeroplane (SFI(A)) Prerequisites. All instructors shall hold at least the licence, rating and qualification for which instruction is being given (unless specified otherwise) and shall be entitled to actas a PIC of the aircraft during such training. Instructor ratings are valid for 3 years. Flight Instructor Rating - Aeroplane (FI(A)). An applicant for an FI(A) shall beat least 18 years of age. Until the holder has completed 100 hours of flight instruction and has supervised at least 25 student solo flights, the privileges of the rating are restricted to a supervised state. To conduct flight instruction for the issue of a PPL(A), class and type ratings for single-engine aeroplanes, the FI(A) is to have completed not less than 15 hours on t he relevant type in the preceding 12 months. For the issue of a CPL(A) the FI(A) must have completed 500 hours of flight time as a pilot of aeroplanes including at least 200 hours of flight instruction. For night flying instruction, the FI(A) must hold a night qualification. IRI(A).For the issue of an IR(A) the applicant must have at least 200 hours flight time in accordance with the instrument flight rules, of which up to 50 hours may bbe instrument ground time, and have completed, as a student, at least 5 hours of flight instruction in an aeroplane or flight simulator, and passed the appropriate skill test. 5-7 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 5.6.4 PERSONNEL LICENSING Revalidation of FI(A) Rating. For revalidation, a FI(A) shall fulfil two of the three following requirements: ‘completed at least 100 hours of flight instruction on aeroplanes as an FI, CRI, IRI or as an examiner during the period of validity of the rating, including at least 30 hours of flight instruction within the 12 months preceding the expiry of the FI rating, 10 hours of this 30 hours shall be instruction for an IR if the privileges to instruct for IR are to be revalidated; attended a FI reffesher seminar as approved by the authority within the 12 months preceding expiry of the FI rating; passed a proficiency check within the 12 months preceding expiry of the FI rating. Examiners. Five roles of an examiner are recognised: Flight examiner (FE(A)). ‘Type rating examiner (TRE(A)/Synthetic flight examiner (SFE(A)). Class rating examiner (CRE(A)). Instrument rating examiner (IRE(A)). Flight instructor examiner (FIE(A)).. Requirement. Examiners shall hold a licence and rating at least equal to the licence or rating for which they are authorised to conduct skill tests or proficiency checks and, unless specified otherwise, the privilege to instruct for this licence or rating. Period of V: ity. An examiners authorisation is valid for not more than three years. Examiners are re-authorised at the discretion of the Authority, 5-8 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 5.7 PERSONNEL LICENSING JAR-FCL 3 - MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS S11 5.12 8.13 5.14 Requirement. In order to apply for, or to exercise the privileges, of a licence, the applicant or the holder shall hold a medical certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of JAR-FCL 3 (Medical) and appropriate to the privileges of the licence. The holder of a medical certificate shall be mentally and physically fit to safely exercise the privileges of the applicable licence. Aeromedical Disposition. After completion of the examination the applicant shall be advised whether fit, unfit or referred to the Authority. The authorised medical examiner (AME) shall inform the applicant of any condition(s) medical, operational or otherwise) that may restrict flying training and/or the privileges of any licence issued. In the event that a restricted medical certificate is issued which limits the holder to exercise pilot command privileges only when a safety pilot is carried, the authority will give advisory information for use by the safety pilot in determining the function and responsibilities Periodic Medical Examination. A medical certificate remains valid fora period of one year, assuming as successful medical examination every year, until the holder reaches the age of 40, after which the period of examination decreases to 6 months. The annual medical examination is effectively a health check and takes into account the aging process since the issue of the original certificate. Providing the pilot has a medical examinations at the required intervals, the aging process will be taken into account. Under the JAA regulations, extensions (departments) of medical certificate validity are not permitted, Decrease in Medical Fitness. Licence holders are not to exercise the privileges of their licences if they are aware that they are unwell. In such circumstances they are to seek the advice of the Authority or AME. Such circumstances are: Hospital or clinic admission for more than 12 hours Surgical operation or invasive procedure The regular use of medication ‘The need for regular use of correcting lenses aege 5-9 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 575 5.1.6 5.0.7 PERSONNEL LICENSING Medical Conditions. Every mice holder who is aware of: Any significant personal injury involving incapacity to function as flight crew b. Any illness involving incapacity to act as flight crew throughout a period of 21 days or more Being pregnant shall inform the authority in writing of such injury or pregnancy, and as soon as the period of 21 days has elapsed in the case of illness. The medical certificate shall be deemed to be suspended upon the occurrence of a - ¢ above. In the case of injury or illness, the suspension shall be lifted on being pronounced fit after a medical examination. The authority may exempt the holder from such an examination. In the case of pregnancy, the suspension may be lifted for such period by the Authority and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit and shall cease upon the holder being medically examined after the pregnancy has ended and being pronounced fit. If this procedure is complied with, the medical certificate shall be suspended (cannot expire) during the period of illness or injury and will be reinstated once the crew member becomes fit. (1.040), Suspension of Medical Certificate. Provided the authority is notified immediately in the event of injury or when pregnancy is diagnosed, or on the 21* day of prolonged illness, the medical certificate of the holder will be suspended until the holder is passed as fit to resume aircrew duty. At this point the certificate will be reinstated with a remaining validity period equal to that extant at the time that it was suspended. After a female pilot has been diagnosed as pregnant, she may be permitted to continue flying duty until such a date as the medical authority deems that itis no longer prudent for the health of the embryonic baby or the mother to continue to be engaged in flying duty. After delivery and after a medical examination, she will then be declared fit to resume duty at which point the certificate will be reinstated. Validity of Medical Certificates. A class | medical shall remain valid as long as the preceding aeromedical examination has been performed within the last 12 months (6 months for age 40 -64), and, the preceding extended aeromedical examination (or initial examination) has been performed within the last 60 months (24 months for age 40 - 64). Ifa licence holder allows the certificate to expire by more than 5 years renewal will require initial or extended aeromedical examination (at AMEs discretion). Such an examination shall be carried out at an AMC which has obtained the certificate holder's ‘medical records. If the certificate has expired by more than 2 but less than 5 years a standard or extended examination will be required at an AMC or by an AME (if approved by the AMS) subject to the records of medical examinations being made available. Ifthe certificate expires by more than 90 days but less than 2 years, a standard or extended examination performed at an AMC or by an AME (if approved by the AMS). If a certificate has expired by less than 90 days, renewal shall be possible by standard or extended examination as prescribed. 5-10 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING S.7.7.1 45 Day rule. If the medical revalidation is taken up to 45 days prior to the expiry date, the validity of the new certificate extends from the previous certificate expiry date. In other words, if your certificate expires on 31 December and you have your annual medical no earlier than 15 November, the new certificate will be valid from | January until the next 31 December. However, if you have a medical on 1 November, the certificate will be valid from 2 November until the following 1 November. 5-11 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING APPENDIX 1 - ANNEX 1 (PERSONNEL LICENSING) ALL AL2 INTRODUCTION AL.L.1 Requirement. The learning objectives for the JAA ATPL(A) examinations are not based solely on the requirements of JAR FCL. The question bank contains many questions relating to ICAO Annex | (Personnel Licensing). However, the limit of the extent of the inclusion of questions from Annex 1 is not defined and all the author has to rely on is the extent. of the questions fed back from students. Atthe time of writing this appendix, new questions from ‘Annex I are still appearing, and the authority (or its agent- the CAA) can give no indication of ‘what isin the question bank in this respect. The following is the basic information contained in ‘Annex 1, which is hopefully sufficiently comprehensive and adequate. ALL. International Standard. Each Annex to the Chicago Convention includes a supplement, which is a summary of the changes notified by each state (in alphabetical order) under article 38 of the convention. The supplement for Annex 1 is the biggest of all the annex supplements and signifies the disparity in flight crew licensing around the world. It must be stated that the FAA, the JAA and certainly the CAA have not, and never have, adopted the requirements of Annex | (crew licensing and medical) asa standard. Each authority has specific rules, to which, JAR FCL is the JAA standard applied in Europe. The inclusion of information from Annex 1 in this ‘manual is for information only (to enable you to pass the exam) and must not be relied upon for any matters relating to the issue of a licence. DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Definitions. When the following terms are used in the standards and recommended practices of Annex I, they have the following meanings: a. Co-pilot. A licensed pilot serving in any capacity other than PIC but excluding a pilot who is on board for the sole purpose of receiving instruction. b. Flight Time. The total time from the moment an aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off until it comes to rest at the end of the flight. (Synonymous with ‘block to block’ or ‘chock to chock’.) ¢. Instrument Ground Time. Time during which a pilot is practising, on the ground, simulated instrument flight in a synthetic flight trainer (see def) approved by the authority, d. Rating. An authorisation entered on or associated with a licence and forming part thereof, stating special conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to such a licence. . Synthetic Flight Trainer. Any one of the following three types of apparatus in which flight conditions are simulated on the ground: 5-12 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING A13 i A Flight Simulator, which provides an accurate representation of the flight deck of a particular aircraft type to the extent that the mechanical, electrical, electronic, ete. aircraft systems control functions, the normal environment of flight crew members, and the performance and flight characteristics of that type of aircraft are realistically simulated; A Flight Procedures Trainer, which provides realistic flight deck environment and which simulates instrument responses, simple control functions of mechanical, electrical, electronic, ete, aircraft systems and the performance and flight characteristics of aircraft of a particular class; ili, A Basie Instrument Flight Trainer, which is equipped with appropriate instruments, and which simulates the flight deck environment of an aircraft in ‘light in instrument flight conditions. GENERAL RULES CONCERNING LICENSING. A13.1 Authority to Act as Flight Crew. A person shall not act as a flight crewmember of an aircraft unless a valid licence is held showing compliance with the specifications of Annex | and appropriate to the duties to be performed by that person, The licence shall have been issued by the State of Registry of that aircraft or by any other Contracting State and rendered valid by the state of Registry of that aircraft, AL3.2. Rendering a Licence Valid. A Contracting State may validate a licence issued by another authority, with the proviso that the period of validity is not to extend beyond the original period of validity of the licence. A13.3: Privileges of a Licence. A State is not to permit the holder of a licence to exercise privileges other than those granted by the licence. A134 Medical Fitness. The holder of a licence is to hold a medical assessment issued in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 Chapter 6 (Medical Provisions for Licensing). Holders of licences are not to exercise the privileges of their licences if they are aware of any decrease in medical fitness. Licence holders are not to act in any capacity under their licence whilst under the influence of any psychoactive substance. Licence holders are not to engage in any problematic use (or abuse) of substances. 1.3.5 Validity of Licences. A licence or rating holder is to maintain competence and meet the requirements for recent experience required by the licence or rating, including the maintenance ofa current medical assessment, 5-13 ® Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING 1.3.6 Medical Report Periods. Reports of medical fitness are to be submitted at intervals not greater than: a. 24 months for the holder of a PPL(A) b, 12 months for the holder of a CPL(A) e 12 months for the holder of a ATPL(A) (6 months after the 40" birthday) A13.7 Medical Examination Deferment. If a licence holder is operating in a remote area where medical examination facilities do not exist, at the discretion of the authority the requirement for a medical examination may be deferred as follow: a. Fora period of 6 months for aircrew not engaged in commercial aviation. b. Two consecutive periods of three months for aircrew engaged in commercial air transport providing a favourable report is obtained after examination or where no approved medical examiner is available a favourable report from a medical practising physician. Such report to be sent to the authority of the State of Licence Issue. c. A single period of 24 months for a PPL holder. A13.8 Approved Training, Approved training is to provide at least the minimum experience requirements for personnel not receiving such approved training. Al.4 LICENCES AND RATINGS FOR PILOTS, 14.1 General Requirements. A person is not permitted to act as PIC or co-pilot in the following categories of aircraft unless he/she holds the appropriate licence: a Aeroplane b, Helicopter © Glider 4. Free balloon AL.4.2 Class Ratings. Class ratings are to be established for aeroplanes certificated for single pilot operation and are to comprise: Single-engine, land Single-engine, sea Multi-engine , land Multi-engine, sea 5-14 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING A143 Type Ratings, Type ratings are required for: a. _Each type of aircraft certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, Each type of helicopter certificated for single-pilot operation except where a class rating has been issued under A1.4.1 Any type of aircraft whenever considered necessary by the licensing authority ‘Note: When the applicant for a licence demonstrates skill and knowledge for the initial issue of a licence, the category and the ratings appropriate to the class or type are to be entered in the licence. 4 When Class/Type Ratings are Required. A contracting state having issued a pilot licence is not to permit the holder to act as PIC or co-pilot of an aeroplane unless authorisation in accordance with the following has been received: a. The appropriate class rating b. A type rating (when required) Note 1: When a type rating is issued limiting the holder to act as co-pilot only, the rating is to be so endorsed. Note 2: For the purpose of testing, training , or specific special purpose non-revenue, non-passenger carrying flights, special authorisation may be provided (in writing) to the licence holder, in place of the issue of a class or type rating. The authorisation will be limited in validity to the time needed to complete the specific flight. ALA. Issue of Ratings. An applicant for a rating is required to demonstrate a degree of skill appropriate to the licence, including demonstration of the skill and knowledge required for the safe operation of the applicable type of aircraft relevant to the duties of PIC or co-pilot as specified by the licensing authority. AL4,6 Use of Synthetic Trainers. The licensing authority shall approve the use of a synthetic flight trainer for performing any manoeuvre required for the demonstration of skill for the issue of a licence or rating, after it has ensured that the trainer is appropriate for the task. A147 When an Instrument Rating (IR) is Required. The State of Licence Issue is not to permit a licence holder to act as pilot or co-pilot under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) unless the holder also holds an Instrument Rating (IR) appropriate to the aircraft category. A148 Instructor Rating. A Contracting State, having issued a pilot licence, is not to permit the holder to carry out flight instruction for the issue of any licence ot rating, unless the holder has received the proper authorisation. 5-15 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING ALS A1.4.9 Credit of Flight Time, A student pilot (or the holder of a licence) is entitled to be credited in full with all solo, dual instruction and PIC flight time towards the total flight time required for the initial issue ofa pilot licence or a higher-grade pilot licence. When acting as co- pilot of an aeroplane in which a co-pilot is required the pilot is entitled to count not more than 50% of the co-pilot time towards the total flight time required fora higher-grade licence. A pilot. acting as co-pilot performing as PIC under supervision, can count the full hours towards the total flight time required for a higher-grade licence. A1.4.10 Age 60. Pilots are not permitted to act as PIC of an aircraft engaged in scheduled or non-scheduled commercial air transport operations for remuneration or hire, ifthe licence holder has attained his/her 60" birthday. AL4.11 Student Pilot. Licence Issuing States are to ensure that student pilots do not pose a hazard to navigation. Student pilots are only permitted to fly solo under the supervision of, or with the authorisation of, an authorised flight instructor. Student pilots are not permitted to fly solo on intemational flights unless in accordance with an agreement between the contracting states concerned, A student pilot is not permitted to fly solo unless he/she holds at least a class 2 medical assessment. PRIVATE PILOT LIC! NCE (AEROPLANE) - PPL(A) ALS.1 Requirements for Licence Issue. ALS.1.1 Age. An applicant for a PPL is to be not less than 17 years of age. ALS.1.2 Knowledge. An applicant for a PPL is required to have a required level of knowledge of the following subjects: Air Law Aircraft general knowledge Flight performance and planning Human performance and limitations Meteorology Navigation Operational Procedures Principles of flight Radiotelephony rep meas AL5.2 Experience. An applicant for a PPL is to complete not less than 40 hours flight time. ‘Where time in a synthetic trainer is permitted, itis limited to a maximum of S hours as part of the required 40 hours. Flight time as pilot in other categories of aircraft may (with authority authorisation) by credited, The applicant is required to have completed not less than 10 hours solo which is to include 5 hours of solo cross country flight time with at least one flight of not less than 270 km (150 Nm) which must include full stop landing at two different aerodromes. 5-16 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING AL6 ALS.3. Medical Fitness, A PPL holder must hold a current class 2 medical assessment. ALS. Privileges. The holder of a PPL(A) is to act (not for remuneration) as PIC or co-pilot of any aeroplane engaged in non-revenue flights. Ifthe privilege is to be exercised at night, the holder is to have received dual instruction in aeroplanes flying at night, including take-offs, landings and navigation. COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENCE (AEROPLANE) - CPL(A) A1.6.1 Requirements for Licence Issue. AL6.L.1 Age. An applicant for a CPL(a) is to be not less than 18 years of age. See A14.10 for curtailment of privileges. A1.6.1.2 Knowledge. An applicant for a CPL(A) is required to have a required level of knowledge of the following subjects: Air Law Aircraft general knowledge Flight performance and planning ‘Human performance and limitations Meteorology Navigation Operational Procedures Principles of flight Radiotelephony remap ee ge ‘1.6.2 Experience. An applicant for a CPL(A) is to complete not less than 200 hours flight time, or 150 hours if completed during an approved course. Where time in a synthetic trainer is permitted, itis limited to a maximum of 10 hours as part of the required hours. Flight time as pilot in other categories of aircraft may (with authority authorisation) by credited. The applicant is required to have completed not less than: a. 100 hours as PIC (70 in the case of approved course) b. 20hours cross country flight time with at least one flight of not less than 540 km (300 Nm) which must include full stop landing at two different aerodromes. °. 10 hours of instrument instruction time of which not more than 5 hours may be instrument ground time. 4, Ifthe privilege is to be exercised at night, 5 hours night flight time including 5 take-offs and landings as PIC. 1.6.3. Medical Fitness. A CPL(A) holder must hold a current class 1 medical assessment. 5-17 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING ALT A164. Privileges. ‘The holder of a CPL(A) is permitted to exercise all the privileges of a PPL(A); to act as PIC of any aeroplane engaged in other than commercial air transport; to act as PIC in commercial air transport in aeroplanes certificated for single pilot operation; to act as co- pilot in commercial air transport in aeroplanes that require a co-pilot. If the privilege is to be ‘exercised at night, the holder is to have received dual instruction in aeroplanes flying at night, including take-offs, landings and navigation. AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT LICENCE (AEROPLANE) - ATPL(A) 1.7.1 Requirements for Licence Issue. AL7.L.1 Age. An applicant for a ATPL(A) is to be not less than 21 years of age, See 1.4.10 for curtailment of privileges. Knowledge. An applicant for a ATPL(A) is required to have a required level, of knowledge of the following subjects: Air Law Aircraft general knowledge Flight performance and planning Human performance and limitations Meteorology ‘Navigation Operational Procedures Principles of flight Radiotelephony rem meangs AL7.2 Experience. An applicant for a ATPL(A) is to complete not less than 1500 hours flight time, Where time in a synthetic trainer is permitted, itis limited to a maximum of 100 hours as part of the required hours provided that not more than 25 hours have been acquired in a flight procedure trainer or a basic instrument trainer. Flight time as pilot in other categories of aircraft ‘may (with authority authorisation) by credited. The applicant is required to have completed not less than: a. 250 hours as PIC which can be made up of not less than 100 hours PIC and the additional hours as co-pilot acting as PIC under supervision provided that the ‘method is approved by he authority b, 200 hours cross country flight time with not less than 100 hours PIC or co-pilot acting as PIC under supervision provided that the method is approved by he authority, ¢. 75 hours of instrument instruction time of which not more than 30 hours may be instrument ground time 4d, 100 hours night flight time as PIC or co-pilot. 5-18 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING ALS. 1.7.3. Medical Fitness. A ATPL(A) holder must hold a current class 1 medical assessment. AL7.4 Privileges. ‘The holder of a ATPL(A) is permitted to exercise all the privileges of a PPL(A) and CPL(A) and of an Instrument Rating (A); to act as PIC and co-pilot of any aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport. INSTRUMENT RATING ~ AEROPLANE (IR(A)) A18.1 Requirements for Issue. The knowledge requirements for an IR(A) are related to the privilege of the rating, specifically, to operations under IFR. The skill requirement also specifically requires the applicant to demonstrate the ability to operate multi-engine aeroplanes solely with reference to instruments with one engine inoperative, if a pilot is to fly IFR in such aeroplanes. The regulations permit the use of synthetic trainers to demonstrate skills AL8.2 Experience. The applicant is to hold a PPL(A) or CPL(A) and have completed 50 hours of cross country flight time as PIC in categories acceptable to the licensing authority, of which not less than 10 hours shall be in aeroplanes, and 40 hours of instrument time in aeroplanes or helicopters of which not more than 20 hours (or 30 hours where a simulator is used) may be instrument ground time under the supervision of an authorised instructor. A183 Medical. Holders of PPL(A) are required to comply with the hearing requirements for class 1 certification and contracting states should consider requiring the PPL holder to pass the physical, mental and visual requirements of class 1. leges of an IR(A). Providing the holder of an IR(A) is also the holder of the appropriate licence and is medically fit (certificated), the holder is permitted to fly aeroplanes under IFR. If pilot holds both an aeroplane and a helicopter licence, the privilege to fly both types under IFR may be conferred by a single instrument rating. 5-19 = Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING ALS FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR RATING AL9.1 Knowledge Requirement. An applicant for an Instructor Rating is required to have the knowledge requirements for CPL as specified as well as demonstrable skills in the following: Applied instructional technique Student assessment ‘The learning process Effective teaching, Student evaluation and testing, training philosophies Training programme development Lesson planning Classroom instructional technique Use of training aids Analysis and correction of students HP and limitations relevant to flight instruction. Hazards involved in simulating system failures and malfunctions in the aircraft AL9.2 Experience. The applicant is to have met the requirements for the issue of a CPL, A1.9.3 Privileges. Providing an instructor's licence remains valid, the instructor rating will remain valid and confer the privilege to: @. Supervise solo flight by student pilots b. Carry out flight instruction for the issue of a PPL, CPL, IR and instructor rating, provided: 1. The instructor holds the licence or rating to which instruction relates; 2. The instructor holds the licence and rating necessary to act as PIC of the aireraft in which instruction is given; 3. the instructor has the instructor privileges granted noted in the licence, 5-20 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PERSONNEL LICENSING APPENDIX 2 — ANNEX 6 (OPERATION OF AIRCRAFT) A2.1 INTRODUCTION A2.1.1 Relevance. Whilst Annex 1 contains the requirements for the issue of licences and ratings, Annex 6 contains the requirements for continued qualification to exercise the privileges of the licences and ratings. ‘2.1.2 Qualifications. Apart from the requirement for an operator to ensure that the PIC is familiar with the route to be flown (must have flown the route at least once in any 12 month period), operators are also to ensure that PICs have within the preceding 90 days made at lease 3 take-offs and landings in the appropriate type of aeroplane. Co-pilots are required to have demonstrated competence at the controls, of the appropriate type of aeroplane as PIC or co-pilot during 3 take-offs and landings or otherwise demonstrated competence in an approved flight simulator, within the preceding 90 days. A2.1.3 Pilot Proficiency Checks. Pilots are required to demonstrate piloting technique and the ability to execute emergency procedures and that such skill is checked, Where flight under IFR is required, the checks required are to be carried out twice a year with any two similar checks not conducted within four ‘months, 5-21 © Ontord Aviation Services Limited APPENDIX 3 ICAO (ANNEX 1) & JAA (JAA FCL1) LICENCE REQUIREMENTS ATPL(A) Annex 1 age: 21 years or over Class 1 medical - renewed every year if under age of 40 and every 6 months over 40 completed minimum of 1,500* hrs flight time comprising of: ‘not more than 100 his in flight simulator (provided not more than 25 hrs on basic instrument trainer) 250 hrs as PIC (not less than 100 PIC and remained as co-pilot acting as PIC under supervision) 200 hrs cross-country of which 100 as PIC or co-pilot acting as PIC under supervision 100 hrs night as PIC or co-pilot acting as PIC under supervision 75 hrs instrument time (not more than 30 hrs instrument ground time) 100 hirs night as PIC or co-pilot * time credits for other categories with approval of the Authority JARFCLI | 5 years age: 21 years or over Class | medical - renewed every year if under age of 40 and every 6 months over 40 completed minimum of 1,500* hrs flight time comprising of: not more than 100 hrs in flight simulator 500 hrs in multi-pilot ops 250 hrs as PIC or at least 100 PIC and 159 hours as co-pilot acting as PIC under supervision 200 hrs cross-country of which 100 as PIC or co-pilot acting as PIC under supervision 100 hrs night as PIC or co-pilot 75 hrs instrument time (not more than 30 hrs instrument ground time) * helicopter flight time credited up to 50% of the 1,500 hrs flight engineers time credited up to a max of 250 hrs against the 1,500 and 500 hrs CPL(A) Annex 1 age: 18 years or over Class 1 medical - renewable every year until the age of 40 then every 6 months. Minimum of 200 hours flight time or 150 hours completed during an approved course (the above to include not more than 10 hours in a synthetic trainer) 100 hours PIC or 70 hours for approved courses 20 hours X - country at least one X - country flight of minimum 300 nms with full stop at 2 different a/d’s. 10 hours of instrument instruction time (not more than 5 hours instrument ground time) if to fly at night - 5 hours night flight time including 5 take-offs & landings as PIC can only fly PIC for commercial transport in single pilot ops JAR FCLI 5 years age: 18 years or over Class I medical - renewed every year if under age of 40 and every 6 months over 40 can only fly PIC for commercial transport in single pilot ops minimum of 200 hours flight time or 150 hours completed during an approved course (the above to include not more than 10 hours instrument ground time) 100 hours PIC or 70 hours for approved courses 20 hours X - country at lest one X - country flight of minimum 300 nms with full stop at 2 different a/d’s 10 hours of instrument instruction time (not more than S hours instrument ground time) ifto fly at night - 5 hours night flight time (including 3 hours dual) and 1 hour's night X-country navigation + 5 solo take-offs & full-stop landings at night. PPL(A) Annex 1 age: 17 years Class 2 - renewable every 2 years under 40 years of age then every 12 months. PIC or co-pilot of any aeroplane engaged in non-revenue flights ‘Not less than 40 hours experience (max 5 hours in synthetic trainer can be credited) ‘Not less than 10 hours solo flight time 5 solo hours cross-country at least one X - country flight of minimum 150 nms with full stop at 2 different a/d’s 5-23 PPL(A) JAAFCLI 5 years age: 17 years Class 1 or 2 if Class 2 - up to 30 years of age renewed every 5 years, 30 - 49 inclusive every 2 years, 50 - 64 inclusive every 12 months, 65 and over every 6 months PIC or co-pilot of any aeroplane engaged in non-revenue flights 45 hours total flight time (to include not more than 5 hours instrument time) minimum 25 hours dual instruction minimum 10 hours supervised solo time 5 hours X - country at least one X - country flight of minimum 150 nms with full stop at 2 different a/d’s if to be used at night - minimum of 3 hours dual night time which includes 1 hour X - country navigation + 5 solo take offs and full-stop landings skill test to be taken within 6 months of completing flight instruction Student Pilot Annex 1 Class 2 medical Student Pilot JAR FCLI age: at least 16 years before first solo Class | or 2 medical certificate (if Class 2 renewed as above) IR Rating Annex 1 If holder has a PPL, must have hearing acuity equal to Class 1 medical requirements if to be exercised are on multi-engined ac, required to demonstrate the ability to operate multi-engined ac with sole reference to instruments with one engine inoperative. To hold PPL(A) or CPL(A) 50 hrs X - country at PIC. Not less than 10 hrs aeroplane instrument time, The remaining 40 hrs to be aeroplane or helicopter instrument time (but of which not more than 20 hours may be instrament ground time or 30 hours ia simulator is used) IR Rating JAR FCLL 1 year 50 hrs X - country at PIC aeroplanes or helicopters but not less than 10 hrs aeroplane instrument time. Instructor Rating Annex 1 must have a minimum of a CPL(A) 5-24 JAR FCLI 3 years Examiner Rating | JAR FCLI not more __| re-authorised at the discretion of the Authority than 3 years ‘Type rating Annex 1 required for each type of ac certified for operation deemed necessary by the Authority 2 proficiency checks a year not within 4 months of each other. Checks to consist of normal & abnormal (emergency) flight procedures + instrument (if necessary) and crew incapacitation minimum crew of at least 2 pilots or as procedures. JARFCLI 1 year proficiency check completed within 3 months of expiry of rating Class Rating Annex 1 | year ‘multi-engined aircraft 2 years single-engined aireraft JAR FCLI 1 year multi-engined aireraft 2 years single-engined aircraft Notes: Medical Examinations (ICAO Annex 1) Deferments Where medical examination facilities do not exist, medicals can be deferred as follows: 6 months, - Aircrew not engaged in commercial aviation 2 consecutive periods of 3 months = -—=—Arcrew engaged in commercial aviation A single period of 2 years, - PPL holder 2 Ace JAAFCLI = —__ 60-65 - no pilot permitted to engage in commercial air transport except: As a member of a multi crew provided he/she is the only pilot in that crew of 60 years of age or over. 65 years - not permitted to act as the pilot of an aeroplane engaged in commercial air transport. For JAA ATPL(A) inclusive age range is 21-59 (unrestricted) 5-25 ICAO Annex 1- Credit time ICAO Annex 1- JAA FCLI No pilot is to act as PIC of an aircraft engaged in schedules or non-scheduled commercial air transport for remuneration or hire having attained 60 years of age. Not more than 50% of co-pilot flight time (in an aircraft requiring a co-pilot) can be credited towards the total flight time required for a higher grade of licence. However total co-pilot flight time can be credited towards the total flight time required for a higher grade of licence when the co-pilot is performing the functions of PIC and under supervision. Total co-pilot flight time can be credited towards the total flight time required for a higher grade of licence when the co-pilot is performing the functions of PIC and under supervision. AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS REVISION QUESTIONS CHAPTERS 1 -5 1, What major advance in Air Transport during WWII led to the calling of the Chicago Convention in 19442 a. Bigger and faster aeroplanes b. The ability to move men and material quickly by air ¢. The establishment of an integrated Air Traffic Control system in Europe d. More use of air power because of the massive loss of shipping during the war 2. What is International Law based on? a. Historic rights of passage b. The ability of the strongest nation to impose its will ¢.- Mutual agreement 4. The law of the closest state to the place where the law needs to be imposed 3. What are the High Seas defined as? pegs Sea areas outside of territorial waters of any state Sea state 6 or above Sea areas where there is more than one state bordering the sea Sea areas more than 12 nm from the closest shore 4. Which of the following concerning aviation, applies in areas where international law is applicable? aose ICAO Law applies ICAN rules apply The law of the state of registry of the aeroplane applies Law as agreed by the Geneva Convention on Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zones applies 5. Incivil aviation, what does Suzerainty mean? ap sPr Where one state has control over the movement of traffic in the airspace of another Where one state applies its law to high seas areas Where one state is granted rights to fly through the airspace of another ‘Where one state accepts intemationally agreed regulation 5-27 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6 10, REVISION QUESTIONS ‘What was the outcome of the Chicago Convention? ICAO PICA The Convention on International Civil Aviation ‘The 18 Annexes to the Chicago Convention What does the International Air Transport Agreement provide for? Free and unhindered transit of aeroplanes over the high seas ‘The freedom for aeroplanes to over fly the territory of any other state without landing ‘The freedom for aeroplanes of one state to land in the territory of another for the purpose of refuelling The freedom for aeroplanes registered in one state to land in another state and drop off passengers What are the ‘freedoms’ granted under the Intemational Air Services Transit Agreement considered to be? Technical Commercial Temporary Enforceable at Law Which of the following correctly relates to scheduled flights? a, b. ©. 4 The schedule must be agreed between individual states ‘There must no duplication of services Once agreed, as many flights as are required may be scheduled The leg room between seats is greater than charter flights ‘What is Cabotage? ‘The deliberate destruction of an aeroplane by terrorists ‘The practice of an aeroplane registered in one state picking up passengers in another state and then landing them at an aerodrome in third state The right of a state to restrict domestic scheduled air services to airline operators registered in that state A freedom not enshrined by ICAO 5-28 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 11, What are the measures by which free movement of aeroplanes, crew, passengers and goods not destined for the state in which the aeroplane has landed in, known as? a. Open skies policy b. Duty free zoning ©. Green Channel operations 4. Facilitation 12. Which of the following statements is true regarding the Rules of the Air over the high seas? There are no rules over the high seas The rules applicable are the rules as defined by the state of registration ‘The rules as defined by ICAO (Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention) apply Rules are only applied where Oceanic Control is applied (ie Shanwick OCA etc..) 13, What is each contracting state of ICAO required to provide? Facilities for SAR operations to be undertaken in its airspace Oceanic control facilities in oceanic areas adjacent to territorial airspace Modern radio navigation facilities for aeroplanes transiting its airspace Details of Aerodrome Operating Minima to each operator using its airspace 14. What is ICAO? a. A specialised agency related to the United Nations b. An organisation of civil aviation operators, limited to 33 members An organisation only permitted to make recommendations which are not binding on ‘member states 4. An organisation constitutionally permitted to formulate and impose international law over each contracting state 15. What does the structure of ICAO consists of? a. A Council; a Secretariat and committees and commissions b. An Assembly, Council, Secretariat, committees and commissions ©. A ruling council ofa small number of permanent states (like the UN security council) with committees and commissions repérting to the Council 4. An Assembly of all contracted states meeting once a year from which the Council of 33, states is elected; a secretariat and committees and commissions. 5-29 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 16, Where is the headquarters of ICAO? a, Paris b. London c.— New York 4. Montreal 17, ICAO has a regional structure. What is the reason for this? Due to the different requirements for air navigation in different parts of the world To reduce the work load on the HQ ‘To make the organisation more acceptable to local authorities ‘To provide local expertise to assist with the formulation of procedures for air navigation 18, What is the purpose of ICAO regional offices? a, To formulate local Standards and Recommended practices b. To provide financial assistance to states which cannot afford to provide the necessary navigation aids To supply and pay for technical assistance with the implementation of programmes to improve air navigation 4. To keep regional plans up to date 19. What/who is responsible for the adoption of international standards? The Assembly The Council The Secretariat ‘The Regional Planning Groups pegs 20. What does the acronym PANSOPS mean? a. Distress traffic operations b. Procedures for RNAV operations ¢. Procedures for Air Navigation, Operations of aircraft 4. Procedural Air Navigation and Sector Operations 21. ‘The Intemational Air Services Transit Agreement embodies the “technical freedoms’. Which of the following is a technical freedom? The freedom to over-fly a contracting state The freedom to land at any aerodrome in a contracting state to drop off passengers The freedom to land in a contracting state and re-fuel and unload cargo The freedom to land in a contracting state for traffic purposes 5-30 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 22, 2 24, 28. 26. ‘What does the “Second Freedom’ permit? The freedom to overfly any state ‘The freedom to land at any aerodrome in a contracting state to drop off passengers ‘The freedom to land in a contracting state and re-fuel and unload cargo ‘The freedom to land in a contracting state for non-traffic purposes eeePe ‘The International Air Transport Agreement embodied certain ‘commercial freedoms’. What are these freedoms concemed with? a, The commercial implications (competition; profitability; market share etc..) of air transport with respect to the carriage of passengers b. Scheduled and non-scheduled operations for public transport Regular air transport between contracting states 4. All international flying where fare paying passengers are carried What is the basis of the Internati al Air Services Transit and Transport Agreements? a. International Law b, Multilateral International Agreements ¢. _ ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices 4, Bilateral agreements between states Why is the 8" freedom of the air particularly applicable to the European Union? a, To prevent non-JAA states operating domestic scheduled services in Europe b. Because the EU is effectively one state as far as the internal movement of people is concerned c. _ Because the Chicago Convention allowsa state to give exclusivity of intemal air services to another state d, Because the EU is primarily a commercial arrangement and it is commercially sensible to prevent non-EU carriers from profiting in Europe Ifa state applied ‘cabotage’, what would be prevented ? @, Internal scheduled operations in state B by aircraft registered in and owned by an operator in state A : b. International operations from state B by aircraft registered in and owned by an operator in state A ‘Non-scheduled operations in state B by aircraft registered in and owned by an operator in state A 4. Privately operated air taxi services 5-31 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS. 27. 28. 29, 30, 31. According to the Tokyo Convention of 1963, who is considered to be competent to exercise jurisdiction over acts committed on board an aeroplane? ‘The Commander The State of Registration The State of the Operator ‘The State over which the aeroplane was flying when the act took place ‘The Montreal Convention of 1971 covered acts against civil aviation other than hi-jacking. Which of the following is not covered by this convention? ‘Taking hostages in an airport Blowing up a VOR beacon Placing a bomb on board an aeroplane that does not go off A drunk demanding more booze whilst the aeroplane is in flight In order to combat terrorism and make access to aeroplanes more difficult, Annex 17 requires each contracting state to adopt common measures and procedures. Among these procedures, states are required to do which of the following? a. Setup an international civil aviation safety programme b. Join the Civil Air Transport Security Protection Awareness Warning System ¢. Co-ordinate activities with other national agencies (Police etc..) and the corresponding agencies in other states, 4. Lock all aeroplanes when on the ground to prevent access One of the flight attendants tells you that a passenger is making a nuisance of himself and is ‘upsetting other passengers and molesting the cabin staff. He is a big lad and has had a bit too much to drink, You ask the First Officer to sort him out but he says he will need help. Can you, as the Commander, order other passengers to help? ‘Yes, but only to apply the minimum force necessary to restrain the offender No, you have no authority to co-opt passengers to help Yes, all persons on board are subject to your authority No you can’t order but you may request and authorise passengers to assist, aes In 1955 an intergovernmental organisation was founded in Europe to promote the continuing development ofa safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system, What is the name of this organisation? Eurocontrol ECAC European Aviation Authority Joint Aviation Authority 5-32 ‘© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS: 32, The commercial freedoms for scheduled operations are covered by the ‘nine freedoms of the air’. ‘Non scheduled air services in Europe are covered by a separate agreement. Which of the following falls into the category of non scheduled air services? a. Multi company charter flights b. Regional airlines operating ‘feeder’ services, ©. Airtaxi services 4. Military flights 33. Another matter that was agreed multilaterally within Europe concerned the airworthiness of imported aeroplanes. What is a European state required to do with regard to certificates of airworthiness? a. Render valid the existing certificate or issue a new certificate b. _Inall cases issue a new certificate in accordance with the EU regulations ©. Accept the validity ofthe original certificate ifit has been issued by an ICAO contracting, state 4, Banall imports of aeroplanes from non EU states 34. What did the Conference of Cyprus in 1990 set up? Eurocontrol ‘The JAA ‘The European Civil Aviation Organisation ECAC 35. Which of the following is one of the objectives of the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA)? To establish the European Aviation Authority To take over the responsibility for aviation regulation in Europe from ICAO To ensure common high levels of aviation safety in JAA states, Toensure through regional legislation that European based aviation industry operations have preference within Europe aesP 36. Is the JAA membership restricted to the members of the European Union? Yes, but non EU member states may apply for associate status No, but only non EU states that have applied for membership of the EU may join No, Switzerland is a member ‘Yes without exception 5-33 (© Oxford Aviation Servis Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 37. What is the relationship between the JAA and ECAC? ‘The JAA is another name for ECAC ‘The JAA is part of ECAC ECAC is a part of the JAA administration division The JAA is an associate body of ECAC 38. Whatis the long term intention of the EU and the Council of Europe regulation? ith regard to civil aviation a. Toexpand the JAA to cover the whole of the European region b. _Torreplace the JAA with the European Aviation Authority (EAA) To unite the JAA with the FAA to create one regulatory body for world aviation regulation 4. Toreplace ICAO in Europe 39. What is the status of the JAA at this time? a. An international aviation legislator in Europe b. The regulatory body for the member states ©. A Burope wide forum for the aviation authorities of the member states 4. The ‘policing’ authority for European aviation regulations 40. Inwhich area of Air Traffic Control in Europe does Eurocontrol have a logical and operationally essential role to play? National airspace management within Europe Regulation of civil aviation in Europe Air Traffic Flow Management in Europe Regional air navigation planning in Europe pegs 41. ‘The Warsaw Convention of 1929 dealt with the liabilities of carriers and their agents. Specifically what was agreed with regard to passengers? ‘That a passenger was carried at his/her own risk ‘That compensation would be payable only in the event of death in a crash ‘Thata limit of liability be applied in all cases where a claim was made against the carrier That claims for compensation, except claims involving gross negligence, be limited to an agreed sum 5-34 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 42, 43. 48. 46. 47, REVISION QUESTIONS Does the liability of a carrier extend to the carriage of mail and cargo as well as passengers? pegs No Yes, but only to scheduled flights (3%, 4" and 5* freedom flights) ‘Yes but only to internal, not intemational flights Yes, but only mail and international cargo Ifa passenger loses his/her ticket, is the carrier still liable for the safe carriage of him/her? apse Yes, the absence of a ticket does not affect the contract Yes, there is no legal reason why a ticket should be issued No, the ticket is the documentary evidence that the contract exists No, without a ticket a passenger is not permitted to board an aeroplane What is the status of IATA? It is a trade association of aviation operators and others involved with intemational aviation It is an associate body of ICAO It represents the air transport operators at ICAO Itis the international legislative arm of ICAO Which of the following has been achieved to the benefit of international passengers by IATA? Provision of feeder services from remote aerodromes connecting with scheduled international flights Acceptance of multi-carrier ‘through’ ticketing Regulated standards of cabin service in aeroplanes on international flights Making aeroplane cabins ‘no smoking” areas ‘The Paris Convention of 1919 defined the status of international airspace and gave the authority to the Commander of the aeroplane to act in accordance with what law? Intemational Law The law of the state of registration ‘The law of the state of the operator ‘The law of the state of the aerodrome of departure The Paris conference also addressed the status of aeroplanes. What was agreed with regard to the registration of aeroplanes? aege ‘That all aircraft are to be registered Allaircraft carrying passengers and freight are to be registered All aircraft over 5700Kg carrying passengers are to be registered All aircraft with 2 or more engines and carrying passengers are to be registered 5-35 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 48. By whom is the commander of an aeroplane appointed? a, The authority of the state of registration. b, The authority of the state of the operator ¢. The rest of the crew 4. The operator 49. What is the basic requirement for appointment as Commander? A minimum of 1500 hours on type Performance of duty to the satisfaction of the operator A minimum of two years flying for the operator and 1500 hours on type A pilot’s licence aes 50. When does “flight time” end? a. Attouchdown b. When the aeroplane first stops after landing to disembark passengers c, _ At engine shut down when the aeroplane has stopped in the parking bay 4. When alll the passengers have disembarked 51. Who is responsible for ensuring that all the passengers are aware of the authority of the commander? a. The Commander hinvherself b. The senior cabin attendant €. The operator d. The authority of the state of registration 52. Where would you, as the commander of an aeroplane of MTM >5700Kg with 2 turbine engines, flying for the carriage of passengers, find your terms of reference and authority to act as commander? a. Inthe Aeronautical Information Publication for the state of regisrty b. In Annex 1 ofthe Chicago Convention ©. Inthe addition to your licence given to you on appointment as Commander d. Inthe Operations Manual 53. What is a JAA operator required to do before he is permitted to ‘wet lease in’ an aeroplane from anon JAA operator? Subject the aeroplane to a major overhaul in accordance with JAR 145 ‘Check that the crew licences are valid Obtain the permission of the JAA Demonstrate that there is no JAA operator who has an aeroplane available for lease apes 5-36 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 34, 58. 56. 37, 38. REVISION QUESTIONS. What must you, as a passenger flying in a wet leased aeroplane, be made aware of? pegs Who the Commander of the aeroplane is Who is the operator of the aeroplane ‘What the normal fare would be for that flight How much the leasing operator was paying for the aeroplane Ifthe JAA imposes strict rules regarding the type of gas that can be used in fire extinguishers, is it permitted to ignore those rules if the aeroplane is leased in? c a. Yes, the rules of the state of registration have priority Yes, providing the certificate of airworthiness states that the aeroplane is airworthy under the authority of the state of registration ‘No, leasing is not meant to allow circumventing of rules and regulations No, but only if the lease is for less than 21 days If. JAA operator (Panair) provides an aeroplane and complete crew for lease to another JAA ‘operator (Maypoleair) (a wet lease-out situation), who is the operator of the aeroplane? aes Panair - providing the functions and responsibilities of JAR OPS 2 are retained Maypoleair - providing they absolve Panair of any responsibility in the manner in which the aeroplane is operated Panair - because itis their crew flying the aeroplane Maypoleair - because they are charging the passengers for carriage responsible for the issue of a certificate of airworthiness? The authority of State of Registration The JAA ICAO ‘The Operator To what types of aeroplanes are the standards of airworthiness detailed in Annex 8 part 3 applicable? All aeroplane that can carry passengers Only aeroplanes with 2 engines or more Aeroplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5700kg or more flying for the carriage of passengers, cargo or mail Aeroplane of MTM >5700Kg with 2 or more engines flying passengers, mail or cargo 5-37 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 59. An aeroplane has a registration mark G-BMYK. Must there always be an hyphen between the nationality mark and the registration mark? Yes, annex 7 requires that format b. Yes, because annex 7 contains standards only an no recommendations c. __Itdepends what the first character of the registration mark is. Ifit isa letter, the hyphen is required; a number it is not d, No the hyphen is an optional item ie N768Y; 6Y-HBT 60. Where must the certificate of registration for an aeroplane be kept whilst the aeroplane is flying? a. _In the registered office of the Operator/owner By the authority of the state of registration On the ground at the point of departure In the aeroplane 61. Where would you look to find out about the requirement for a medical certificate for your licence? a JAROPS3 b. JAR FCL3 « JARFCL1 4 JAR 145 62. Assuming that you are successful in your studies and eventually scrape through the exams and get an ATPL, can you get a job flying in another country with that licence without any more tests? a. No, you will need to pass the local exams first, b. Yes, but only in another fully integrated JAA state ©. Yes, but only in a state that recognises a JAA licence and it has been validated for that country in accordance with the JAR FCL requirements 4. Yes, all countries recognise JAA licences automatically 63. You are detailed to fly on your 60" birthday. What must your operator ensure? a, That you are the only pilot who is 60 or over b, That you are the only crew member over 60 ¢. _ Thatyouhave passed the extended age medical examination and your licence is correctly endorsed d. A birthday cake is part of the crew rations of for the flight 5-38 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 64. How long is a JAA ATPL(A) valid for? Lie bl years e — Syears d. Only as long as the type of aeroplane to which the licence relates remains in service 65. Youare required to have a total of not less than 1500 hours to ‘unfreeze’ your ATPL(A). Of this total, how much must be in multi-pilot operations? a, 100 hours b. 200 hours 250 hours 4. 500 hours 66. Ifa JAA member state validates a licence issued by a non-JAA state, how long is the period of validation? a. The licence is only valid during the remaining period of validity in accordance with the rules of the non-JAA issuing state b. Only one year and must then be replaced by a full JAA licence c. __AJAA member state is not permitted to validate a non-JAA licence 4. A full period of five years just the same as any licence issue by a JAA state 67. How long is an instrument rating valid for? a. 6 months b. 12 months c—18 months 4. The IR is valid providing regular skill tests are completed at interval dictated by the authority 68. Ifyou have a type rating on a 737-200, are you permitted to hold a type rating on any other type of aeroplane? Yes, you can be rated on as many types as your operator requires ‘Yes, but it must not have more than 2 engines No, the authority only permits one type rating to be held at any time No, but you may fly other variants of the 737 aege 5-39 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 69, 70, nL. 72, 3, 74, ‘What defines ‘normal residency”? Where you live for six months of the year or more Where you live for more than six months of the year Where you live more than 185 days but not necessarily in one continuous spell Where you usually live for not less than 185 days per calendar year apse If your licence does not contain a photograph of you, what is required? a. Any other document with a photograph of you that confirms your identity b. A cdriving licence ©. _Accrew member certificate issued by the state of licence issue dA certificate from your operator authenticating the licence ‘When you leave here you will holda CPL(AYIR. Which of the following is one of the privileges of that licence? Fly as PIC in commercial air transport Only to fly as co-pilot in commercial air transport Fly as PIC of single engined aircraft for commercial air transport Pilot a balloon: Once you have achieved 1500 hours as pilot of an aeroplane, your licence is upgraded to ATPL(A). Which of the following is a privilege of that licence? To fly as Commander in all type rated aircraft in commercial air transport To fly as co-pilot in any aircraft for commercial air transport To pilot any type rated aircraft in commercial air transport To pilot a balloon ‘What is the minimum requirement to pilot an aircraft with max take off mass greater than 5700 kg and seating for 20 passengers, in IMC? An ATPL(A) Another pilot must be on board who also has an instrument rating A licence with an IMC rating ACPL(A) How long is an instructor rating valid for? a 3 years b. | 4years ce — Syears a Life 5-40 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 75. Which of the following is not one of the recognised examiners? Synthetic flight examiner ‘Command appointment examiner Flight instructor examiner Class rating examiner 76. The period between aircrew medical examinations for an ATPL(A) decreases to 6 months at what age? a 50 b 60 45 a 40 77. Does JAR-FCL 3 permit deferments of medical examination due dates? No. Yes, but only for a maximum of 3 months Yes, but only if the pilot was fully fit at the last medical examination Yes, but only if the pilot has told the authority that he/she is unwell, 78. Ifyou break your leg on the Ist April, and your medical examination is booked for 15th April, providing you have informed the authority immediately, how much longer will your medical certificate have to run when you are pronounced fit by the doctor? a. 3 months b. The same period as was remaining on Ist April ©. Noneas the injury occurred within 21 days of the due medical date a 15 days 79. Under what circumstances can flight crew wear spectacles? a. When permitted by company uniform regulations b. __Forreading on the flight deck, but not the polychromatic (self darkening ) type c. Only when prescribed by a medical examiner 4. ‘When the use of spectacles is advised the authority 80, What self medication is permitted by aircrew? a None b. Only proprietary brands such as Disprin; Calpol; Advil etc... for colds and flu ¢. Only drugs which do not have side effects incompatible with aircrew duty 4. Only drugs which enhance, not degrade, performance 5-41 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 81 82, 83, 84, 85, 86. Which of the following is a combination of letters not permitted as a registration mark? Charlie Romeo Alfa Papa Sierra Oscar Sierra Juliet Alfa Alfa Sierra Alfa Romeo Can Jersey European (a UK operator) dry lease an aeroplane from Delta Airlines (a US operator) on a short notice basis without prior permission of the UK authority? No, the short notice exemption only applies to wet leasing Yes, but only for 5 days Yes, but JE must have given notice to the authority Yes, providing JE has given notice to the authority and the lease period does not exceed S days Which international convention made air piracy an offence? Cyprus 1990 Montego Bay 1982 Montreal 1978 Tokyo 1963 aese Which international convention required states to implement certificates of competence for Aircrew? a. Paris 1919 b. Warsaw 1929 ©. Brussels 1938 4. Chicago 1944 Which Annex to the CI .g0 Convention deals with Licensing of Aircrew? Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 9 Annex 6 Which of the following documents is required to be carried in an aircraft engaged in commercial air transport? General Declarations Load sheets Interception tables The technical instructions 5-42 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 87. 88. 89, 90. 1 92. REVISION QUESTIONS. Where are the duties and responsibilities of the Commander defined? a, b. ©. 4. In Annex 1 with additional responsibilities detailed in Annex 6 In the Air Navigation Order (or similar document in non UK countries) In Annex 6 with additional JAR-OPS | requirements taking precedence In the Ops Manual Who is responsible when damage is caused by an aeroplane to persons or property on the ground? ‘The Commander is responsible providing that no other person can be held responsible The pilot actually flying or at the controls when the incident happened ‘The Operator ‘The aerodrome manager/authority, if the incident happened inside the boundary of the aerodrome Which Convention defined the contract implicit in the issuance of a passenger ticket/cargo consignment note/luggage ticket? aege Paris Guatemala City Kuala Lumpur Warsaw ‘Which organisation considers aviation issues relevant to all European states? aooe ECAC The JAA The EEC ICAO Which of the following is a function of the ICAO regional structure? aeoe Adoption of local SARPS Arranging financial assistance for the provision of en-route navigation aids Application of internationally agreed procedures Formulation of the Comprehensive Regional Airway Plan For how long are members of the ICAO Council appointed to sit on the Council? ae oP 1 year 2 years 3 years Members are elected to sit for the duration of the period between meetings of the Assembly 5-43 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited ‘AIR LAW 93 94, 98, 96. 97, REVISION QUESTIONS ‘What is the ICAO publication that details the methods of carriage and safety implications of the carriage of dangerous air cargo? Annex 18 - Safe Carriage of Dangerous Goods by air Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft ICAO Manual of Dangerous Operations ‘The Technical Instructions Ifyou fly from Washington DC to New Orleans on a scheduled service, the Operator will be an FAA licenced (US) operator. Why is this? ‘The FAA has determined that only US operators can navigate safely over the USA. US Employment Law prohibits foreign nationals from working in the USA The USA applies cabotage The FAA does not recogni of foreign operators and will not validate foreign licences, or the certification What does ICAO call the process of the handling of passengers and their baggage in international commercial air transport? aege Cabotage Facilitation Application Expedition Britannia Airways fly four times a week during summer, carrying holiday makers for the holiday company SuperSun from Luton to Fuerteventura. Is this a scheduled service? No, because a person who is not a client of SuperSun could not buy a seat on the Britannia flight No, Britannia does not fly to this destination throughout the year, itis only a summer service. Yes, because itis international commercial air transport Yes, because the flight would require agreement between the states concerned Are all aircraft required to be registered and carry registration markings? Yes, without exception Yes, but the authority may temporarily exempt aircraft such as prototypes from registration, and historic aircraft from the requirement to carry markings No, aircraft with maximum take-off mass greater than 5 700kg may be exempt from registration providing they are not flown outside the airspace of the state of the operator No. Gliders and micro-lights (and model aircraft) do not need to be registered 5-44 |© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 98. 99. 100. REVISION QUESTIONS What is a ‘common mark”? A registration mark shared by more than one aircraft ‘A marking on an aircraft indicating where itis safe cut into the airframe in an emergency ‘Where the registration mark of a state includes its flag (ie Switzerland) the marking of the flag is known as a common mark A ‘nationality’ mark for a multi-national operator, issued to ICAO by the International Telecommunications Agency ‘What is wrong with this nationality and registration mark? ‘The continuation of v: aege OTTTE8 | need more information. What is the nationality marking of the state of registration? TIT is a prohibited combination in marking A hyphen (-) is needed between 6T and TTF The mixing of letters and numbers is not permitted ity of a Certificate of Airworthiness is dependant upon what? ‘The continued registration of the aeroplane ‘The continued use of the aeroplane for the purpose stated on the certificate of registration The continued airworthiness of the aeroplane as determined by periodic inspections ‘The establishment of a schedule for servicing and repair of the aeroplane in accordance with JAR 145 5-45 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited REVISION QUESTIONS AIR LAW ANSWERS TO REVISION QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTERS 1-5 16 7 8 i) 80 82 85 87 89 90 om 92 93 96 97 98 100 si 52. 58 37 59 61 62 63 67 68 CG) 70 1m n B 4 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 a 45 47 48 49 50. 10 W 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 2 23, 24 25 {© Oxford Aviation Services Lined 5-46 6.0 6.1 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6.10 6.11 CHAPTER SIX - RULES OF THE AIR Contents HISTORY APPLICABILITY OF THE RULES OF THE AIR GENERAL RULES .. VISUAL FLIGHT RULES INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES SPECIAL VFR DISTRESS AND URGENCY SIGNALS. ..... INTERCEPTION OF CIVIL AIRCRAFT RESTRICTED, PROHIBITED OR DANGER AREAS. SIGNALS FOR AERODROME TRAFFIC. MARSHALLING SIGNALS. TABLES OF CRUISING LEVELS REVISION QUESTIONS {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.0 61 HISTORY 6.0.1 Education. The rules of the air, like the rules of the road, have evolved as aviation has advanced, Initially, aircraft flew without radios (radio hadn’t been invented or when it had, there ‘wasn’t an aeroplane big enough to carry the equipment!). Simple rules evolved to attempt to reduce the risk of collisions. Remember, in 1920 an aeroplane flying at 80 or 90 kts was travelling at a previously unimagined speed. Visual signals were required at aerodromes to convey information to pilots and procedures evolved to allow orderly flight in the vicinity of aerodromes and to permit visual navigation en-route. Between the 1920's and WWII, individual states passed legislation to enforce the rules that had become established in those states. With the expansion of commercial aviation during and after the war, the need for standardisation in the rules was evident and this was one topic that was seriously addressed at Chicago in 1944, It is no coincidence that the annex of the Chicago Convention that cover the rules of the air is, Annex 2 APPLICABILITY OF THE RULES OF THE AIR 6.1.1 Annex 2. Annex 2 of the Chicago Convention details the ICAO Rules of the Air. As ‘mentioned above, the rules were primarily written in the early days for non-radio traffic and some ofthe requirements may now seem out of date. However, there is still a considerable amount of non-radio traffic in general aviation and those airmen are equally entitled to the protection afforded to commercial air transport. The ICAO Rules of the Air apply to aircraft bearing the nationality and registration marks of an ICAO Contracting State, wherever they may be, providing they do not conflict with the rules published by the State having jurisdiction of the territory overflown. The ICAO Council resolved in adopting Annex 2 in April 1948 and Amendment | in November 1951, that the ICAO Rules apply without exception over the high seas. [High Seas are defined as the areas of sea outside the territorial limits of any State]. When an aircrafts flying within the airspace of the state of registration, the rules of the air of that state (in the UK as published in CAP393 - The ANO) are applicable. Indeed, for a UK registered aeroplane, the UK rules apply wherever the aeroplane is flown providing there is no confliction with local rules. Where a UK registered aireraft is flying over a foreign state, the rules of the air of that state apply. The application of the rules can be summarised thus: a. UK registered aircraft over the UK - UK rules apply b. UK registered aircraft over France - French and UK rules apply (French have priority) ¢. UK registered aircraft over the high seas - ICAO rules apply without exception 6.1.2 Types of Rules. The operation of an aeroplane either in flight or on the movement area ofan aerodrome is to be in accordance with the general rules and, when in flight, either: a, The visual flight rules (VFR), or b. The instrument flight rules (IFR) Bacia: ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited 6.14 61S RULES OF THE AIR IFR or VER? A pilot may elect to fly in accordance with the Instrument Flight Rules in VMC (he/she may be required to do so by the ATS Authority in certain circumstances). A pilot must fly in accordance with the IFR in IMC. Ifa pilot elects to fly VFR he/she must do so only in MC. Pilot-In-Command Responsibilities. Definitions: a. Commander: A designated pilot amongst the flight crew who is qualified as Pilot-In-Command who may delegate the conduct of the flight to another qualified pilot. b, _Pilot-In-Command (PIC): A pilot who is responsible for the operation and safety of the aeroplane during flight time, ©. Pilot Flying (PF): The pilot, who for the time being, is in charge of the controls of the aeroplane. Pilot not Flying (PNF): The pilot who is assisting the pilot flying in accordance with the multi-crew co-operation concept, when the required flight crew is more than one. Responsibilities. ‘The commander is responsible for compliance with the Rules of the Air. This applies whether or not he/she is at the controls. The commander has, however, the overriding right to depart from the rules if itis absolutely necessary to do so in the interests of safety. The commander is responsible also for planning the flight. In doing so he/she will study all available weather reports and forecasts, and considering, fuel available, will plan an alternative course of action. The commander of an aeroplane has the final authority as to the disposition of the aircraft whilst in command. Intoxicating Liquor, Narcotics or Drugs. No person is to pilot an aircraft, or act as a flight crew member of anaircraft, whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any narcoticor drug, by reason of which that persons capacity to actis impaired. ICAO does not lay down any restrictions or maximum blood/alcohol levels for aircrew. However, JAR OPS-1 does. Aircrew are not permitted to exercise the privileges of their licences with a blood/alcohol level exceeding 0.2 promille (20mg/100ml) about one quarter of the UK driving limit. ICAO clearly states that no person may act as aircrew if he/she is under the effect of any psycotrophic substance. AAs professional pilots, you are expected to behave in an adult manner commensurate with the responsibility placed ‘on your shoulders concerning the safety of the passengers in your care. This is an onerous duty which, if it is abused, will result in the full force of the law being applied if you are found negligent in that duty. 6-2 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 62 GENERAL RULES 6.241 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 625 Minimum Heights, Except when necessary for take off or landing, or except by permission of the appropriate authority, aircraft shall not be flown over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air gathering of persons, unless at such a height as will permit, in the event of an emergency arising, a landing to be made without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface. No specific heights are mentioned and this rule should not be confused with the minimum height rules for IFR or VER Cruising Levels. For flights at or above the lowest usable flight level or where applicable, above the transition level, flights shall be conducted in terms of flight levels, For flights below the lowest usable flight level or where applicable, at or below the ‘transition altitude, flights shall be conducted in terms of altitude. Proximity and Right of Way. An aircraft shall not be operated in such proximity to other aircraft as to create a collision hazard. The aircraft that has the right of way shall ‘maintain its heading and speed, but the PIC is still responsible for avoiding collisions (including ACAS alerts). Aircraft which are obliged to give way are to do so and avoid passing over, under or in front of the other unless itis well clear, and to take into account the effect of wake turbulence. Approaching Head On. When two aircraft are approaching head on, and there is a danger of collision, each shall alter course to the right. It is generally accepted that where another aircraft is within a sector 20° either side of dead ahead and approaching, that aircraft is approaching head on. Converging. When two aircraft of the same type (see definition of aircraft) are converging at approximately the same level, the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way. In order not to fly over, under or pass in front of the other aircraft, the aircraft that is obliged to give way should pass behind the other aircraft. In order to achieve this the aircraft giving way should turn right. Where the two aircraft are not of the same type, the following order of priority will apply, and again, the method of giving way is to turn to the right: a. Power driven heavier than air aircraft (aeroplanes) shall give way to airships, gliders and balloons. : b. Power driven lighter than air aircraft (airships) shall give way to gliders and balloons Gliders shall give way to balloons 4. Power-driven aircraft shall give way to aircraft which are seen to be towing other aircraft or objects. (Note: A towing combination is considered to be a single flying machine (not [CAO definition) under the control of the pilot in command of the towing aircraft). 6-3 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.28 6.29 6.2.10 6.241 RULES OF THE AIR Overtaking. An overtaking aircraft is an aircraft that approaches another from the rear ona line forming an angle of less than 70° with the plane of symmetry of the latter (at night, the approaching aircraft would see the white tal light of the aircraft in front). An aeroplane that is being overtaken has the right of way, and the overtaking aircraft whether climbing or descending or in horizontal flight, shall keep out of the way of the other aircraft by altering its heading to the right and to maintain this position with regard to the other aircraft until well clear. Landing. An aircraft in flight, or operating on the ground or water, shall give way to aircraft landing or in the final stages of an approach to land (see definition). When two cor more heavier than air aircraft are approaching an aerodrome to land, the aircraft atthe higher level shall give way to the aircraft at the lower level, but the latter shall not take advantage of this rule to “cut in’ in front of another aircraft. In any event, power-driven heavier- than-air aircraft shall give way to gliders. Emergency Landing. An aircraft that is aware that another aircraft is in an emergency and is compelled to land, shall give way to that aircraft Taking Off. An aircraft taxiing on the manoeuvring area shall give way to aircraft taking off or about to take off. Taxiing. An aircraft taxiing on the manoeuvring area shall stop and hold at all lighted stop bars (used in poor visibility) and may proceed further only when the lights are switched off. Surface Movement of Aireraft. In the case of danger of collision between two aircraft taxiing on the movement area (see definition) of an aerodrome, the following shall apply: 4. Approaching head on. Both stop or where practicable alter course to the right to keep well clear. b. Converging. The one that has the other on its right shall give way. (Stop or turn to pass behind). Overtaking, ‘The aircraft being overtaken has the right of way. The overtaking aircraft is to keep well clear of the other aircraft. ‘Note: ICAO (Annex 2 ) states that any vehicle operating regularly on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome must be in two-way radio contact with ATC. The UK ANO (Rules of the Air - Rule 37) requires all vehicles and aircraft moving on the manoeuvring area to give way to vehicles towing aircraft. 6-4 {© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.2.12 Aircraft Lights. ‘The systems of displaying navigation lights, anti collision lights and other lights designed to draw attention to the presence of an aircraft, are covered in Operational Procedures. However, you may be asked questions in the Air Law exam on. this subject. The law in this matter is restricted to when you must have the lights fitted and when they must be on. Lights Displayed by Aircraft. The following lights, required to be shown by aircraft, are to be illuminated from sunset to sunrise (see definition) or during any other period specified by the appropriate authority: 1 Anti-collision lights intended to attract attention to the aircraft 2. Navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to, an observer. No other lights shall be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for these lights. From sunset to sunrise (or during any other period required by the appropriate authority): 1, Allaireraft moving on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to aan observer. No other lights shall be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for these lights. 2. Allaircraft on the movement area ofan aerodrome are to display lights, that indicate the extremities of their structure, unless stationary and otherwise adequately illuminated. (Aircraft parked on the Apron (see definition) will be adequately illuminated because an Apron is required to be lit if it is to be used at night. It is usual to use “glim’ lamps to ‘mark the extremities of aeroplanes parked off the Apron). ines Running. All aircraft on the movement area of an aerodrome are to display lights intended to attract attention to the aircraft. Aeroplanes with engines running are to display lights to indicate that fact. Red anti collision lights will suffice for this purpose. Note: Itis usual to indicate that an aeroplane is manned by operating the anti collision light. This serves to warn pedestrians that the engines may be started. Anti Collision Lights. All aircraft in flight which are fitted with anti-collision lights shall display the lights by day as well as by night. (This is in addition to a. 1 above and is intended to ensure that if anti-collision lights are fitted but are not specifically required by law, then these lights are also to be illuminated by day as well as night, Practically, this means that if an anti-collision light fails itshould be repaired when the aircraft lands, rather than landing for the purpose of fixing it, 6-5 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6.2.13, Simulated IMC. (Definition: Reducing the forward visil RULES OF THE AIR Safety. A pilot is permitted to switch off or reduce the intensity of any flashing lights if they are likely to adversely affect the satisfactory performance of duties, ‘or subject an outside observer to harmful dazzle, lity of the Pilot Flying (PF) 0 that he/she has to rely on instruments for attitude and other flight data. This can be achieved by the use of full or partial flight deck window screens to prevent forward visibility or the use of a visor to “blinker’ the pilot. The most important factor is that simulated IMC is only necessary in VMC. The requirements therefore represent the steps necessary to comply with VFR whilst the visibility of the PF is impaired and he cannot maintain the lookout required by the law). @ —_Amaircraft shall not be flown under simulated IMC unless: 1, fully functioning dual controls are fitted, and 2. a qualified pilot (need not be type rated) occupies a control seat to act as safety pilot (PNF). b. The safety pilot must have adequate forward vision and to each side of the aircraft. If not, a competent observer (requirement: must know what an aeroplane in flight looks like, be able to report any airborne contact clearly and concisely and be able to use the internal communications system of the aeroplane) in communication with the safety pilot, isto occupy a position in the aircraft from which he/she has a field of vision which adequately supplements that of the safety pilot. Flight in the Vicinity of an Aerodrome. (Note: The pilot of an aeroplane is to plan the route to be flown, Atall times he/she is to be aware when flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome). An aeroplane operated on or in the vicinity of an aerodrome, whether or not within an Aerodrome Traflic Zone (see definition) shall: a. Observe other aerodrome traffic for the purpose of avoiding collisions; b. Conform with, or avoid, the pattern of traffic formed by other aircraft in operation; Make all turns to the left when approaching for landing and after taking off, unless otherwise instructed (a right hand circuit!); and 4. Land and take off into wind unless safety, the runway configuration, or air traffic considerations determine that a different direction is preferable. 6-6 © Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.2.15 Flight Plans. (Note: Do not confuse a flight plan with the form CA48 or equivalent. AA flight plan is the means by which an ATCU is notified of your intention to fly and where necessary to request a clearance to fly as a controlled flight. The form CA48 is a convenient (and approved) method of communicating the necessary information orderly form). an A flight plan is to be submitted prior to operating: 1. Any flight or portion thereof to be provided with an air traffic service (a controlled flight - see definition); or 2. Any IER flight within advisory airspace; or 3. Any flight within or into designated areas, or along designated routes, when so required by the appropriate ATS authority to facilitate the provision of flight in information, alerting and search and rescue services; or 4. Any flight within or into designated areas, or along designated routes, when so required by the appropriate ATS authority to facilitate co- ordination with appropriate military units (ADIZ) or with air traffic service units in adjacent States in order to avoid the possible need for interception for the purpose of identification; or 5. Any flight across international borders (not just FIR boundaries). A flight plan shall be submitted before departure to an ATS reporting office (fight planning section, ops room, ATC or FIS office) or, during flight, transmitted to the appropriate ATS unit or air-ground control radio station, unless arrangements have been made for the submission of repetitive flight plans. Unless otherwise required by the ATS authority, a flight plan for a controlled flight is to be submitted at least 60 minutes before departure (additional rules apply to flights entering an Oceanic Control Area - OCA), or if submitted in flight, ata time that will ensure its receipt by the appropriate ATSU at least 10 minutes before the aircraft is estimated to reach: 1, The intended point of entry into a control area or advisory area; or 2. The point of crossing an airway or advisory route. AA flight plan is to contain such of the following as are considered relevant by the appropriate ATS: 6-7 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR Aircraft identification; Flight rules and type of flight; Number and type of aircraft and wake category; Equipment; Departure aerodrome; Estimated off blocks time (EOBT), Cruising speed(s); Cruising level(s); 9. Route to be followed; 10, Destination aerodrome and total elapsed time; 11, Altemate aerodrome; 12, Fuel endurance; 13. Total number of persons on board (POB) including dead bodies; 14, Emergency and survival equipment; 15, Other information; With the exception of inadvertent deviation, all changes to a flight plan submitted for IFR flight or a VER flight operated as a controlled flight, are to be reported as soon as practicable to the appropriate air traffic services unit. For other VER flights, significant changes to a flight plan shall be reported as soon as practicable to the appropriate ATSU. Note: Information regarding fuel endurance or total number of people on board, if incorrect at time of departure constitutes a significant change and must be reported. Closing a flight plan/Arrival Report. Unless otherwise prescribed, a report of arrival is to be made in person, by radio or via data link, as soon as possible after landing to the appropriate ATSU at the arrival aerodrome for any flight, or portion of flight, for which a flight plan has been submitted. On receipt of the arrival report at the ATSU, the flight plan shall be closed. When ‘communications facilities are know to be inadequate and alternative message handling facilities do not exist, a message comparable to an arrival report is to bbe transmitted by the aircraft. Whenever an arrival report is required, failure to comply with these provisions may cause serious disruption in the air traffic services and incur great expense in carrying out unnecessary SAR operations. An arrival report made by an aircraft is to contain the following: Aircraft identification; Departure aerodrome; Destination aerodrome; Arrival aerodrome; Time of arrival 6-8 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6.2.16 6.2.17 6.2.18 RULES OF THE AIR ‘Time. Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) is to be used and is to be expressed in hours ‘and minutes of the 24 hour day beginning at midnight, It is used throughout the world in aviation but you may still find references to either Zulu time or GMT. Where a time check is passed by ATC itis to be to the nearest minute (ie 0941 and 20 sees would be 0941; 0941 and 40 secs would be 0942). ATC Clearance. An ATC clearance is to be obtained prior to operating a controlled flight, or a portion of a flight as a controlled flight. Such clearance shall be requested through the submission of a flight plan to an ATCU. A pilot-in-command may request an amended clearance if the issued clearance is unsatisfactory, and such an amended clearance will be issued if practicable. It is normal practice for an ATC clearance to be passed to the aircraft prior to departure. Usually at busy aerodromes a discrete clearance delivery frequency is established specifically for ATC clearances. The radio operator reading the clearance will in all probability not be the ATCO issuing the clearance. Before commencing the reading the of the clearance you will be asked “Ready to copy’”” ‘Your response should be “Go ahead” when you are ready! The clearance will be read to you and the operator will terminate with “read back”. You are required to read back the clearance exactly as you received it. If your read back is incorrect, the operator will read the entire clearance to you again. This will continue until you get it right. There is nothing unprofessional in asking for a repeat or asking fora place name to be spelled. If you do not read it back correctly, at the subsequent board of enquiry into an accident, it wil be stated that you didn’t understand the clearance as read to you, and you will be held responsible. Don’t assume that the air traffic controllers are infallible, If you think something is wrong - query it! Adherence to Flight Plan. Flight plans are to be adhered to unless an emergency situation arises which necessitates immediate action by the aircraft . In such a case the ATSU is to be informed as soon as possible. If the average TAS at cruising level between reporting points varies or is expected to vary by +/-5% of the TAS given in the flight plan, the ATCU is to be informed. If the estimate for the next applicable reporting, point, FIR boundary or destination aerodrome changes by more than 3 minutes from that already notified. The revised time is to be communicated to the appropriate ATCU. Inadvertent Changes. Controlled flights are required to operate along the centre line of an airway or route directly between beacons if that is how the route is specified. If requested by ATC, re-routing will result in a current flight plan and will require a re-clearance. If specified, changeover from one VOR beacon to another is to beat the specified changeover point unless otherwise directed. Any deviation from these requirements isto be reported to ATC. Ifa controlled flight inadvertently deviates from its current flight plan, the following action is to be taken: 6-9 (© Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6.2.19 6.2.20 6.2.21 RULES OF THE AIR Deviation from Track: If the aircraft is off track, action is to be taken immediately to regain the track as soon as practicable. b. Variation in TAS: If the average TAS at cruising level varies by plus/minus 5% of the TAS specified in the flight plan, ATC is to be informed, ©. Changes in ETA: If the time estimated for a reporting point, FIR boundary or destination aerodrome changes by more than 3 minutes from that already communicated to ATC (or any other period agreed by RAN agreement), a revised ETA is to be passed as soon as possible. Weather Deterioration Below VMC. Ifa VFR flight is unable to maintain VMC in accordance with the current flight plan clearance, an amended clearance may be requested enabling the aircraft to continue in VMC (on another route) to destination or to an altemate aerodrome, or to leave the airspace in which ATC clearance is required If such an amended clearance cannot be obtained to continue to operate in VMC, you must notify the ATCU of the action being taken to either leave the airspace concerned or to land at the nearest suitable aerodrome. If the flight is being operated in a control zone, request special VER clearance. Ifall these measures are inappropriate, request IFR clearance. Position Reports. Unless advised to cease position reporting (what usually happens when under radar control), a controlled flight is to make positions reports at required/designated positions as soon as possible after reaching the reporting point. The report is to contain the time and level of passing the point, together with any other information required. If SSR mode “C” has been verified as accurate, altitude/FL may be omitted from the position report. This is an example of a position report: “London Airways this is GABCD, Pole Hill at 35, FL 170, Dean Cross at 46, Glasgow next” Termination of Control. A controlled flightis to advise the appropriate ATCU as soon as it ceases to be subject to air traffic control services. This will be done automatically ifthe aircraft lands at a controlled aerodrome (one with a control tower). Communications Failure. Aircraft operating in accordance with an ATC clearance where two way radio communication is required, are to comply with the requirements of ICAO annex 10 (Telecommunications) vol II. This specifies the requirement for air- to-ground communications equipment and the radio frequencies allocated to the aeronautical mobile telecommunications network (SELCAL satisfies the requirement to maintain ait-ground voice communications). Where Controller-Pilot Data Link ‘Communications (CPDLC) exists, the requirement for voice communications is maintained. 6-10 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 4, Ifthe communications system of the aeroplane (receiver or transmitter) fails when the aeroplane is flying in the traffic pattern at a controlled aerodrome, a watch shall be kept for instructions issued by visual signals. b. Ifa failure occurs duringaa flight in VMC (regardless of flight rules - VFR/TFR) the aircraft is to continue to fly in VMC, land at the nearest suitable aerodrome and report its arrival by the most expeditious means to the appropriate ATCU. ©. Ifa failure occurs in IMC, the following are to be complied with: 1 Unless prohibited by a regional air navigation agreement (revise ICAO regions), the aircraft is to maintain the last assigned speed and level (or ‘minimum flight altitude if higher) for a period of 20 minutes following the aircraft’s failure to report over a compulsory reporting point, and thereafter adjust level and speed in accordance with the filed flight plan. 2. Proceed according to the current flight plan route to the appropriate designated navigation aid serving the destination aerodrome and, when required to ensure compliance with 3. below, hold over this aid until commencement of descent. 3. Commence descent from the nav aid in 2. above at, or as close as possible to, the expected approach time (BAT) last received and acknowledged. If no EAT has been received and acknowledged, descend at, oras close as possible to, the ETA resulting from the current flight plan, 4, Complete a normal instrument approach procedure as specified for the designated aid; and, 5. Land, if possible, within 30 minutes after the ETA in 3. above or the last acknowledged EAT, whichever is the later. IFR Comms in European Airspace. The European Regional Supps (Doc 7030) defines a procedure to cope with communications failure affecting an aeroplane after departure, but not established en-route. The case refers to an IFR flight in IMC. ‘The procedure requires the aircraft to maintain the last assigned flight level for3 minutes and then proceed as per the filed flight plan. 6-11 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6.2.22 6.2.23 RULES OF THE AIR Unlawful Interference, Where an aircraft is being subjected to unlawful interference (hi-jacking etc.), communication with the appropriate ATC authority is to be attempted tonotify the authority of this fact and any significant circumstances, and of any deviation from the current flight plan, to enable the ATS unit to give priority to the aireraft and to minimise conflict with other aircraft. Attachment B of Annex 2 contains guidance notes for use in this situation, Specifically: @ Unless conditions on the aircraft dictate otherwise, the PIC is to attempt to continue flying on the assigned track and at the assigned level at least until able to notify an ATSU or until within coverage of a radar unit. b. If forced to depart from assigned track/level, without being able to n the PIC should, if possible: 1. Attempt to broadcast warnings on the VHF emergency frequency (121.500MHz), and use other on-board systems (ie SSR - squawk ‘A/7500, data links etc..) when it is advantageous and circumstances permit, and 2, Proceed in accordance with applicable special procedures for in flight contingencies established and published in Doc 7030 - Regional SUPPS; 3. If no regional procedures have been established, proceed at a level different from IFR levels by 1 000ft above FL 290, or SOOR below FL290. Interception of Civil Aireraft. Each Contracting State has the right to establish procedures for the interception and identification of aircraft flying over the territory of that State. In formulating the policy for interception, recognising that itis essential for the safety of flight, any visual signals employed during interception by aircraft of the Contracting State, are to be in accordance with Appendix | to Annex 2 of the Chicago Convention, The Council has also formulated special recommendations to ensure that the procedures for interception are applied in a uniform manner. (See Paragraph 6.7). The PIC of a civil aircraft, when intercepted is to comply with the standards set out in appendix 2 (sections 2 and 3) to Annex 2, interpreting and responding to visual signals and procedures detailed in paragraph 6.7. Carriage of Interception Tables. It is a requirement of national law (UK - ANO; JAA - JAR OPS-1) that aircraft engaged on international flights must carry the interception tables, Clearly, the intent is that in the event of an interception you refer to the tables. You are not expected to lear the content of the tables but you should know ‘what the tables contain. It is suggested that you read the tables to familiarise yourself. (See 6.7.4 and 6.7.5) 6-12 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 63 VISUAL FLIGHT RULES 63.1 63.2 63.3 63.4 ‘Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). With the exception of special VFR (SVER - see paragraph 6.5) , VFR flight is to be conducted so that the aireraft is flown in conditions of visibility and distance from cloud equal to or greater than those specified in table (6.3.1). These conditions are known as the VMC minima. You must be able to recall the VMC minima, ‘Take off Conditions. Except when specially authorised by an ATC unit, VER flights are not to take-off or land at an aerodrome within a control zone, or enter the ATZ or traffic pattern: a) When the ceiling is less than 450m (1 S008) or b) When ground visibility (see definition) is less than 5 km Prohibition of VER flight. VER flight between sunset and sunrise, or such other period between sunset and sunrise as may be detailed by the ATS authority, shall be operated in accordance with the conditions required by such authority. a. Unless specially authorised, VER flights shall not operate: 1. Above FL 200 (in CAS highest VER level is FL195) 2. Attransonic or supersonic speeds. b, Authorisation for VER flight will not be granted to flights above FL290 where RVSM is applied. c. Except where necessary for take off and landing (or approved by the authority), VER flight is not permitted: 1. Overthe congested areas of cities, towns or settlements, or over an open air assembly of persons at a height less than 300m (1 000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600m from the aircraft 2, Inall other areas outside 1. above, at a height not less than 150m (500 ft) above the ground or water. ‘VER Flight Levels. Except where otherwise indicated in ATC clearances or specified by the appropriate ATS authority, VER flights in level cruising flight when above 900m (3 000ft) above ground or water, or a higher datum as specified by the ATS authority (the transition altitude - see definition), shall be conducted at a flight level appropriate to the magnetic track of the aircraft as specified in paragraph 6.11. VER flights are to comply with the requirements of paragraphs 6.2.17 to 6.2.21 inclusive, above: 6-13 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR a. When operating in class B, C or D airspace (in class A, VFR flight is not permitted) b. When forming part of aerodrome traffic at controlled aerodromes, or ‘When operating as special VFR flights 6.3.5 VFR Flight Plan, A VER flight plan is to be submitted for a VER flight operating in or into areas, or along routes, designated by the appropriate ATS authority as areas where a flight plan is required. Such flight shall maintain a continuous listening watch ‘on the appropriate radio frequency of, and make position reports to, the ATS unit providing flight information service. A VER flight plan is to include the letter “V" in item 8 of the flight plan form, Ifthe PIC ofa flight wishes to commence the flight under VER and at some point en-route change to IFR, the letter “Z” is to be inserted in field 8, Where the PIC of a VER flight wishes to change to IFR: a. Ifa flight plan was submitted, the PIC is to communicate the necessary changes to be effected to the current flight plan, or b. He/she is to submit an IFR flight plan and obtain a clearance prior to proceeding under IFR when in controlled airspace. Class of Airspace | Vertical Limits | Visibility Distance from Cloud A,B,CDandE | Atand above 8km and FL 100” FandG 10008t vertical, and (Above 300081 AMSL oF 1500m horizontal above 1 000R above train, from eloud ‘whichever is higher) Below FL 100 Skm FandG Clear of cloud and in sight of [Atand below 3 0008 AMSL or 10008 above terrain Skm® the surface “whichever she higher Table 63.1- Visual Meteorological Conditions for VFR Notes: 1, Where the transition level is above FL100, 10 000R is used 2, When approved by the authority, visbilities to 1S00m may be permitted for flights operating at speeds hich would permit adequate opportunity to observe other traffic and obstacles in sufficient time to prevent collisions {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AT AND ABOVE 10,000 (3,050m) AMSL BELOW : x Fig 6.3.5a Classes: A, B, C, D and E Airspace Minimum Flight Visibility and Distance from Cloud 6-15 AT AND ABOVE 10,000' (3.050m) AMSL t — 3,000" (900m) AMSL a ) om : ed Fig 6.3.5b Classes: F & G Airspace Minimum Flight Visibility and Distance from Cloud 6-16 AIR LAW 63.6 RULES OF THE AIR Classes of Airspace. The classification of airspace and the services and restrictions applied is detailed in Chapter 8 of the notes. 64 INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES. 6.4.1 6.4.2 643 6.4.4 645 IFR. For aircraft to be operated in meteorological conditions less than VMC (IMC exists when VMC does not!), the following rules are applicable. The rules are collectively known as the Instrument Flight rules (IFR). Annex 1 (Personnel Licensing - 2.1.7) states that where a licence is issued by a contracting state, it shall not permit the holder to act as PIC of co-pilot of an aeroplane under TFR unless the holder also holds a valid instrument rating appropriate to the aircraft category. Its also stated that where an IR is included as an integral part of the ATPL(A), this is permitted under the rules of ICAO. Aircraft Equipment. Aircraft are to be equipped with suitable instruments and with navigation equipment appropriate to the route to be flown. The necessary equipment is, detailed in JAR OPS-1 and is covered in Operational Procedures lectures. Minimum Levels. Except when necessary for take-off and landing, or where specially authorised by the appropriate ATS authority, an IFR flight shall be flown at a level which is not below the minimum flight altitude established by the State whose territory is being overflown, or where no such minimum altitude is specified: a, Overhigh terrain or mountainous areas (not defined further), the minimum level must be at least 600m (2 000 ft) above the highest obstacle located within 8 km (5 nm) of the estimated position of the aircraft; b, _Inareas other than in a) above, minimum level is to be 300 m (1 000 ft) above the highest obstacle within 8 km (5 nm) of the estimated position of the aircraft TR Flight Plans. An IFR flight plan is to include the letter I in item 8 of the flight plan form. If the intention is to change from IFR to VER at some point during the flight the letter ¥ is to be inserted in item 8. Changing from IFR to VFR. Where it is elected to change from IFR to VER and a flight plan was submitted not annotated Y in filed 8, the ATS authority is to be notified that IFR flight is cancelled and the necessary changes to the current flight plan are to be passed. The phrase “Cancel my IFR flight” is to be used. When an IFR flight encounters VMC it shall not cancel IFR unless itis anticipated and intended that the flight will be continued for ‘a reasonable period’ of time in uninterrupted VMC. TER within Controlled Airspace (CAS). IFR flights are to comply with paragraphs 6.2.17 to 6.2.21 and instructions issued by the appropriate ATC unit. IFR flights in ‘cruising flight shall be flown at a cruising level, or when authorised to employ cruise climb techniques, between two levels or above a level, selected from: 6-17 (© Oxford Aviation Servis Limited AIR LAW 6.4.6 RULES OF THE AIR a. The table of eruising levels at paragraph 6.11 b. A modified table of cruising levels, if applicable, for flight above FL410. Note: States may apply different criteria for the correlation of levels relating to tracks, (semi-circular 270 - 090 as opposed to 000 - 180) providing such criteria is notified in the AIP of the state, (Usually applicable where traffic is predominantly N/S as opposed to E/W). IER outside Controlled Airspace (CAS). The following rules apply to IFR flights outside CAS: a. Cruising Levels. IFR flights outside CAS are to be flown at a cruising level appropriate to the magnetic track of the aircraft as specified in: 1 The table of cruising levels specified in paragraph 6.11 except when otherwise specified by the appropriate ATS authority for flight below ‘900m (3000 ft) AMSL, or ‘A modified table of cruising levels, if applicable, for flight above FLAIO. In the UK quadrantal levels are applied to IFR flights outside of controlled airspace above the transition altitude. Quadrantal levels are based on magnetic tracks and the compass is divided into four quadrants, in which flight level is allocated in 500 ft increments. i For magnetic tracks between 000 - 089, odd flight levels are allocated. ie FLS0, FL70 ete. ii, For magnetic tracks between 090 - 179, odd flight levels plus 500R are allocated. ie FLSS, FLTS etc. iii, For magnetic tracks between 180 - 269, even flight levels are allocated. ie FL60, FL80 ete, iv. For magnetic tracks between 270 - 359, even flight levels plus S00f are allocated. ie FL6S, FL8S etc. Note: The quadrantal system is UK national law and is not applicable outside the UK. There are questions in the UK JAA question bank concerning quadrantals. 6-18 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR b. Communications. An IFR flight operating outside CAS but within or into areas or along routes designated by the authority as those where the submission of a flight plan is required, shall establish communication and maintain a continuous listening watch with the ATS unit providing a flight information service (FIS). Communications failure procedures are detailed at paragraph 6221 ©. Position Reports, An IFR flight outside CAS and required to either submit a flight plan or maintain a listening watch with the unit providing FIS, is to report position as per paragraph 6.2.20 (position reports). For lights operating off ATS routes (airways) or in a defined operating area, position reports are to be made at intervals of | hour after an initial report has been made 30 minutes after leaving CAS or after commencing the controlled flight. Where a position report is meaningless (prolonged controlled flight operations in a confined area) an “operations normal’ call isto be made at hourly intervals to prevent unnecessary activation of the alerting service. An example of an ‘operations normal’ call is: “London Control this is GADRF operations normal at 1020, 2000ft and below. Will call again at 1120” 65 SPECIAL VFR 6: 65.2 History. With the introduction of airspace restrictions in the late 1960s military acrodromes close to large international aerodromes, specifically Northolt in proximity to the rapidly expanding Heathrow, found that [FR procedures were mandatory in the new control zones when previously VFR procedures were generally accepted, In order to allow aeroplanes to fly into and out of Northolt (in the then Heathrow Special Rules Zone) a procedure based on a corridor in which visual navigation was required was set, up. Providing the pilot could see the ground, he could navigate and provided he remained clear of cloud he could avoid collisions. A system of ‘not quite’ IMC or special VFR was invented. Until the late 1970s this was applied in what was known as the Northolt special VFR corridor. It was expanded to include the general aviation aerodrome at Denham, and its obvious advantages for aeroplanes and pilots unable to comply with IFR were obvious. When the classes of airspace (A - G) were introduced, ICAO also adopted the special VFR as a procedure with appropriate international amendments. : SVER. SVFR is only applicable to flights into, out of or within a control zone (CTR). It is not normally permitted for flights that are transiting through a CTR. It is not permitted for aeroplanes with a max take off mass certificated over 5 700 kg flying for commercial air transport. Itis defined as flight in a CTR in accordance with a clearance in conditions below VMC, in which the aeroplane remains clear of cloud and in sight of the ground, Annex 2 requires that ground visibility of 1 500m and a cloud ceiling of | 008 exists before a SVER flight is permitted to take off from an aerodrome in a CTR. More restrictively, JAR OPS-I requires 3 000m visibility. 6-19 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6.6.3 6.6.4 6.6.5 RULES OF THE AIR 4. Sound Signals: ‘Morse Code: XXX ( 10 = = 002 = 00=) Safety. An aircraft in any form of difficulty that wishes to indicate, by means other than RTF that itis compelled to land, but does not require any other assistance, may use either of the following visual signals: a. Repeated switching on/off of landing lights or b. Repeated switching on/off of navigation lights so as to distinguish from normal flashing operation. Note: In maritime operations (at sea) a third level of distress (securité -say cure ee tay) is used to warn traffic of navigation problems, bad weather or unserviceable aids. The morse code is TTT (mmm). This is not assessable in the syllabus but there is a question which asks about proscribed combinations of letters in registration marks. TTT is one. Emergency Frequencies. The following are dedicated radio frequencies used to communicate Distress, Ungency and Safety messages. You are required to know these. a VHF 121.500Mhz Aeronautical mobile emergency VHF b.-UHF 243.000Mhz Aeronautical mobile emergency UHF (mainly military) Cay 2182khz International maritime distress and calling HF @ SARSAT = 406 Mhz. SAR beacon frequency (also radiates on 121.5) Search and Rescue. SAR procedures and the requirements of the SAR service are covered in chapter 18 of the notes. ‘There are discrete frequencies allocated to SAR operations (VHF, UHF and HF). You are not required to remember these, but if called on to assist in SAR operations you will be required to use the frequencies under direction. 6-21 ‘© Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.7 INTERCEPTION OF CIVIL AIRCRAFT. 67.1 6.7.2 Law. Under Article 9 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, each contracting State reserves the right for reasons of military necessity or public safety, to restrict or prohibit the aircraft of other States from flying over certain areas of its territory. The regulations of a State may prescribe the need to investigate the identity of aircraft. Accordingly, it may be necessary to lead an aircraft of another State, which has been intercepted, away from a particular area (such as a prohibited area) or, an intercepted aircraft may be required to land for security reasons at a designated aerodrome. Adherence to flight plans and ATC procedures and the maintenance of a listening watch on the appropriate ATC frequency, make the possibility of interception highly improbable. Procedures. If the identity of an aircraft is in doubt, all possible efforts will be made to secure identification through the appropriate Air Traffic Service Units. As interception of civil aircraft is, in all cases, potentially hazardous, the interception procedures will only be used as a last resort. The word ‘interception’ does not include the intercept and escort service provided on request oan aircraft in distress in accordance with Search and Rescue procedures. An aircraft which is intercepted by another aircraft. shall immediately: a, follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft, interpreting and responding to visual signals in accordance with the tables 6.7.4 and 6.7.5. b. notify, if possible, the appropriate Air Traffic Services Unit; ¢. _attempt to establish radio communication with the intercepting aircraft or with the appropriate intercept control unit, by making a general call on the emergency frequency 121.500 MHz, giving the identity of the intercepted aircraft and the nature of the flight; and if no contact has been established and if practicable, repeating this call on the emergency frequency 243.000 MHz; 4. if equipped with SSR transponder, select Mode A, Code 7700 and Mode C, unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate Air Traffic Services Unit. Contact with Interceptor. If radio contact with the intercepting aircraft is established but communication in a common language is not possible, attempts shall be made to convey essential information and acknowledgement of instructions by using the phrases and pronunciations as described in table If any instructions received from any sources conflict with those given by the intercepting aircraft, the intercepted aircraft shall request immediate clarification while continuing to comply with the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft. 6-22 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW Notes: 6.7.1 Interception Phraseology RULES OF THE AIR Phrases for use by INTERCEPTING Phrases for use by INTERCEPTED aircralt 1 In the second column, syllables to be emphasised are underlined. 2 ‘The callsign required to be given is that used in radiotelephony communications with ai traffic services units and corresponding tothe aireraft identification in the fight plan, aireratt Phrase Pronunciation’ Meaning | Phrase Pronunciation’ Meaning call KOLSAIN — Whatis | CALL = KOLSAIN My callsignis Sign youreall | SIGN (call sign) sign? (callsign)? Follow FOL-LO Follow me | WILCO Understood Will comply Descend DEE-SEND —Descend. | CANNOT KANNNOTT Unable to comply for landing You YOU-LAAND —Landingat | REPEAT —REE-PEET Repeat your Land this instruction aerodrome Proceed PRO-SEED —Youmay_ | AMLOST AMLOSST —_Position unknown proceed MAYDAY MAYDAY. 1am in distress HUACK' — HIJACK Thave been hijacked LAND LAAND request to land at (place name) DESCEND DEE-SEND __Irequite descent ‘Table 6.73.1 Interception Phrascology Circumstances may not always permit, nr make desirable, the use ofthe phrase “HIJACK” {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.1.4 Signals Initiated by Intercepting Aircraft and Responses by Intercepted Aircraft se] mrencermcannsens J stanme | SHEENA T sere | T [paves wings tom a postin [Youn [ABROPLANES: Oran Sighipsbovcaniteadetandnotatyo foe” [aY-toctngvingsand [tomy itiofteimereped swat ate fp teving tora oe ce ested Sons ania bo, Mn Sane nd ade, Ning astng tea i teva ips anor nels rea erat Sots ocntpclcntes erin ony mete neecping ae wexicorren Sp psn shy sow dead of DAY NG Rosie sia stow berg ofthe mecepe al asting gta po Ate! Ieinercptarent ste tly pr ie copy ah, te bt s cneced Dye sof ste: Adon action euidto ttn tena swine ee yeep aa toe peus tr mee ae sed MAC cen > | bay ocNIGHT-Ansinptteatany [Youmey [AEROPLANES nnn crewing nee ip wexicorrens ore ieneped area DAY NIGHT Reking ai 7 [bav-cicingasctone voiding [ants AEROPLANES: nen Sthindng ibe moped ar oa towing be teeny ah chop vege eon ng aero ye aay ring ad MITTSane ann ado, soving Seat ang is StonSan nin ado, owing Seay nding is fone Da Nt Talowing he - Jing aa nd roseding tun ving ny aig igeutomed Table 6.7.4 6-24 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6.15 INTERCEPTED Aircraft Signals RULES OF THE AIR nals Initiated by Intercepted Aircraft and Responses by Intercepting Aircraft. Meaning INTERCEPTING Aircraft Responds | AEROPLANES: DAY-Raising landing gear whil| passing over landing runway at height exceeding 300 m (1000 ft) but not lexceeding 600 m (2000 f) above the| aerodrome level, and continuing to| circle the aerodrome, |NIGHT-Flashing landing lights while passing over landing runway at a height Jexceeding 300 m (1000 ft) but not Jexceeding 600 m (2000 ft) above the| Jacrodrome level, and continuing to| circle the aerodrome. Ifunable to flash Handing lights, fash any other lights available, |Acrodrome you have designated is inadequate DAY or NIGHT-if itis desired that the intercepted aircraft follow the intercepting aircraft to an alternate aerodrome, the intercepting airraft raises its landing gear and ses the Series 1 signals prescribed for intercepting aircraft. Meaning Understood Follow me ir it is decided to release the interoeptd| aircraf, the intercepting aircraft uses the Series 2 signals prescribed for intercepting aierat Understood, you may |proceed. | AEROPLANES: IDAY or NIGHT-Regular switching on| and ofall available lights but in such a manner as to be distinct from flashing| igh. Jcannot comply. IDAY or NIGHT-Use Series 2 si prescribed for intercepting aircraft als Understood, | AEROPLANES: DAY or NIGHT-Iegular lashing of all available lights HELICOPTERS: DAY or NIGHT - Iregular flashing of all available lights Indistress. DAY or NIGHT-Use Series 2 signals prescribed for intercepting aircraft. Table 6.7.5 68 RESTRICTED, PROHIBITED OR DANGER AREAS. 6.8.1 Specific: Understood . Each state has the right to restrict or prohibit flight in territorial airspace for reasons of security or safety. Such areas are known as danger areas, restricted areas or prohibited areas and are detailed in the AIP. Areas that are not permanently closed are notified by NOTAM when closed. 6.8.2 Visual Warning of Incursion. By day and night; a series of projectiles discharged from the ground at intervals of 10 secs, each showing on bursting red and green lights or stars, are used to wam aircraft that they are flying in or about to enter restricted, prohibited or danger areas. (© Oxford Aviation Serves Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 69 SIGNALS FOR AERODROME TRAFFIC. 6.9.1 6.9.2 Non-Radio Traffic. Non radio traffic on or in the vicinity of an aerodrome is to keep ‘good look out for visual signal from ATC. Aeroplanes with radios are also to comply with instructions given visually. The lamp used by ATC to communicate (aldis lamp) is directional with a narrow beam. If you see a signal light from the tower the signal is ‘meant for you. Visual Signals. The following table gives the light and pyrotechnic signals used from ground to air 69.3 From Aerodrome Control to: Light Aireraft in Flight Aireraft on the Ground Steady Green Cleared to land Cleared or take-off Steady Red Give way to other aircraft and Stop continue circling Series of Green | Return for landing and await Cleared to taxi flashes clearance to land Series of Red Aerodrome unsafe, do not land | Taxi clear of the landing area flashes Series of White | Land at this aerodrome after Return to the starting point on flashes receiving clearance to land, and _| the aerodrome proceed to the apron Red pyrotechnic | Notwithstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time bein; Table 69.2 - Visual Signals Acknowledgement by Aircraft. To acknowledge receipt of a signal as per table 6.9.2 an aircraft may make the following: a, When in flight: i During the hours of daylight, by rocking the aircraft’s wings ii, During the hours of darkness, by flashing on and offtwice the aircraft's landing lights or, if not so equipped, by switching on and off the navigation lights twice. 6-26 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 6.94 RULES OF THE AIR b. When on the ground: i, During the hours of daylight by moving the aircraft’s rudder or ailerons, ii, During the hours of darkness by flashing on and off twice the aircraft's, landing lights or, if not so equipped, by switching on and off the navigation lights twice. ‘Visual Ground Signals. The following signals may be shown on an aerodrome, either in the signals square or at other locations on the apron or movement area. A signals square is usually located in front (aerodrome side) of a control tower (visual room) and is to be visible from the air anywhere in the vicinity of the aerodrome, The purpose is, to convey essential information to pilots unable to communicate by radio. Other signals, applicable to non-radio traffic on the ground are displayed from a signals mast (also in front of the control tower) or by means of indicator boards (information signs) located on or adjacent to the control tower. The absence of a signal square indicates that the aerodrome is not to be used by non-radio traffic. This is the case at Oxford, where due high traffic density and trainee pilots in the circuit, non-radio traffic is considered hazardous. Note 1. The use of any signal by any person, shall only have the meaning assigned to it under the rule. 2. The dimensions of ground markings are subject to a 10% tolerance. (You do not need to know the dimensions of signs) 6-27 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW Signals in the Signals Area RULES OF THE AIR ‘A white "T' as illustrated in 25.1. signifies that takeoffs and landings- shall be in the direction of the shaft of the "I" (as indicated by the arrow), A white disc added to the "T",as shown in 25.2, means that CJ take-off and landing direction do not necessarily coincide. A white dumb-bell indicates that aircraft movement on the ground is confined to paved, metaled or similar hardened surfaces. A white dumb-bell with black stripes signifies that take offs and landings are to be on a runway, but movement on the ground is not confined to pavements. A red and yellow striped arrow signifies that a right hand circuit is in force. 6-28 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR ‘A red panel with a yellow diagonal stripe signifies that the maneuvering area is poor and pilots must exercise special care. A red panel with a yellow cross signifies that the aerodrome is unfit for aircraft movements, and landings are prohibited. ‘A white "H" signifies that helicopters shall take-off and land only within the area designated by the marking, mais ‘A red ‘L’ over a dumb-bell means that light aircraft are permitted to take off and land either ona runway or on the area designated. A white double cross means that glider flying is in progress. Hi 6-29 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW k. RULES OF THE AIR Two or more white crosses indicate that the section of the runway or taxiway (yellow) is unfit for aircraft movement. Orange and white boundary markers will delineate the Jimit of the unuseable ground or runway ‘Two yellow broken lines and two continuous lines signify the holding point closest to the runway. Outside of the notified hours for ATC, this is the closet point an aircraft or vehicle can approach to the runway for the purpose of giving way to aircraft landing or taking off. This is a ‘pattern AY marking A yellow ‘ladder’ marking across the taxiway indicates a holding point other than the closest to the runway. Outside ATC hours it can be ignored. This is a ‘pattern B’ marking A black letter "C" on a yellow background indicates where a visiting pilot should report on arrival Ayellow St George's cross indicates the position on the ‘maneuvering area where tow ropes and banner can be dropped. 6-30 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR Signals Mast. The following signals are flown from the signals mast: TY QDM Boards. A yellow board with two black numbers on, situated on the tower, indicates the runway direction in use (QDM). defined, 6.9.44 Boundary markers. Orange and white striped markers indicate the boundary of the maneuvering area where it is not clearly 6-31 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR Wind Sleeve. A wind sleeve(windsock) indicates the wind direction and speed. fap (Large = 40kt; medium = 30kt; small = | 20kt) i | Max wind speed (i.e. 40kt) Half wind speed (i.e. 20kt) Calm calm Hatt wing | Spned le 20K) Maximum wind ‘peed (ie 40x 6-32 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.10 | MARSHALLING SIGNALS. As a reference, CAP 637 is issued to each student. Section 6 Table E covers marshalling signals and signals from the pilot to the marshaller. The following table contains the signals you are required to know: 6.10.1_Marshaller to Pilot: of body, then clench fist, (Not used at night) Tntention Signal CAPO3T Ref Proceed Under further | R or L arm down, other arm moved across the body and ‘Sect 6 Table F(a) uidance extended to indicate position of other marshaller This bay ‘Arms placed above the head in vertical position ‘Sect 6 Table E (m) Move ahead ‘Arms repeated moved upward and backward, beckoning onward | Sect 6 Table E (B) Turn LEFT Rarm down, Larm repeatedly moved upward and backward. | Sect 6 Table E (©) The speed of the arm movement indicates the rate of tum. Tura RIGHT ‘Larm down, R arm repeatedly moved upward and backward. | Sect 6 Table E (e) The speed of the arm movement indicates the rate of turn. Stop “Arms repeatedly crossed above the head. The speed ofthe Sect 6 Table E(@) ‘movement indicates the urgency 10 stop, Engage brakes ‘Raise arm and hand with fingers extended, horizontally infront | Sect 6 Table E(w) Release brakes| Raise arm and hand with fist clenched, horizontally infront of | body, then extend fingers, (Not used at night) Sect 6 Table E(W) ‘Chocks Inserted ‘Arms extended, palms inwards, then swung from the extended position inwards ‘Sect 6 Table E (g) ‘Chocks removed ‘Arms down, palms outwards, then swung outwards ‘Seat 6 Table E (hi) ‘Start Engine(s) ‘A circular motion ofthe R hand at head level, with L arm pointing tothe appropriate engine Sect 6 Table E() ‘up and down several times (Cut Engine(s) Either arm and hand placed level withthe chest, then moved | Seot 6 Table EG) laterally with the palm downwards Slow down “Anns placed down with palms towards the ground, then moved | Sect 6 Table E(k) ‘Slow down engine on indicated side "Arms placed down, with palms towards the ground, then either arm moved up and down several times Sect 6 Table EO) Move back “Arms placed down, palms facing forwards, then repeatedly swept up and down to shoulder level Seat 6 Table EO) ‘Tum ail wo right when backing Point L-arm down, move R arm down from overhead vertical position to horizontal forward position, repeating R arm ‘Seat 6 Table E(w) Tum ail to left when backing Point R arm down, move L arm down from overhead vertical position to horizontal forward positon, repeating L arm ‘Seat 6 Table E(x) All clear arm raised atthe elbow, withthe im facing forward ‘Table 6.10.1 Marshaller fo Pilot. 6-33 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.10.2 Pilot to Marshaller: Intention Signal CAP637 Ref: Brakes engaged Raise R arm and hand with fingers extended horizontally infront | Sect 6 Table F(a) of face, then clench fist Brakes released Raise arm with fst clenched horizontally in front of face, then extend fingers Sect 6 Table F (b) Insert chocks ‘Arms extended palm facing outwards, move hands inwards to cross | Sect 6 Table F (c) ingot of face Remove chocks hands crossed in front to of face, palms outwards, move arms outwards Seot 6 Table F (A) Ready to start en Raise the number of fingers on one hand to indicate engine number of engine tobe stated.* Scot 6 Table F (e) ‘Table 6.1022 Pilot to Marshaller Note* Engines are numbered 1 Port (left) outer 2 Port (left) inner 3 Starboard (right) inner 4 Starboard (right) outer 6-34 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.11 TABLES OF CRUISING LEVELS 6.11.1 RVSM Areas. In areas where on the basis of regional air navigation agreement and in accordance with conditions specified therein, a vertical separation minimum (RVSM) of 300m (1000 ft) is applied between FL 290 and FLK 410 inclusive” TRACKE From 00010179 eee) Frm 10 10359 degrees) tr rahe VR Flghis IR aks VER lights FL Mee Fest_——FL_ Mate Feet FL Mere Feet FL_Meue Feet 301 2000 Se ee 0m 4000 4s 0s Pe ee ee er ee) a 6s 20006500 7m 2150188001800 Ce ) ss tam 8500 wo 25 9009529009800 1030501000 10s 320010500 ho 338 os 380911500 19365012000 es 3M 12500 103950 3000s 0913800 Mo 425014000 6s 440714500 so 45s asaoo ss gra 15500 1490014000 6s sso 16500 1m S200 1700075 8017500 99 ss00 sa as sos 18500 190 S800 190095950 18800 20 610020000 mms 625020500 20 0 21a 215655021500 m0 e700 22000 ms 650 msm 20 100) 2300025 ISD 23800 mmo 73024000 ais 1450 S00 250 T6050 55718025500 240790025000 26s e100 0 r7000 500 mmo ass0 28000 2s 8700 s> 29000 a 9150 30000 310945031000 a0 9180 330 100s 3000 Mo 10350 m0 1130037000 sso 60038000 390 1199035000 Pn 10125001000 40131003000 40st as000 am 188507000 45000 sto, 15580 stov0 1) Except when oa the hass of regions sir navigation agreements a modified table of cruising levels based on a nominal vertical separation minimum of 300m (1000) is preseribe for use under specific conditions by aircraft operating above FL. 410 within designated airspace 2) Magetitrack rin polar attudes and within such extensions to thos areas as may be prescribed bythe appropriate ATS authors, id tack a determined by network of ines pale to the Greenwich Meridian superimposed on apolar sleeographic chart in which the direction towards the pole i employe! asthe Grid North 3) Exceptvwhere, onthe basis of reional sirnavigaton agreements, fom 090 ¢o269 degrees and fom 270 to OR9 degrees is prescribed to aecommodate predominant atic dretions ad appropriate anstion procedures o be associated therewith are specie, Reduced verical separation minima may be applied in noified airspace where IFR Nights ae operated above FL. 300 6-35 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.11.2 In other areas ee _ TRACK! From dod 6 179 dope) From 1800359 deres2) eR Fie VR lige TPR ahs VR Flights FL Mee Fest FL Mave et FLO Meve et FL Mate Pat, 0 30100 20 62000 30 53000 38 0s0 3500 « sas 350800 so 1500000 ss 7m 5500 ry sao stam 7 21507000 1s 207500 0 so as 2500 4500 > 2899000 95200 os00 003080 t01m 0s 52000500 0335011000 Ms 350011500 2365012000 soo 240 130395013000 Bs sta 13500 wo 2501400 oo 14500 Iso 455015000 155 ara 15500 1090016400 s 505016500 79 s290 17000 Ms 3380500 so 5500 toons 565018500 1% ss00 18000 198 $950 9500 200 6100 20000 ans aso.—so0 210 640021000 215659021500 206700 2200022822500 230700023000 ns T1s0 23500 2m 730024000245) s00 250160025000 2s 79925500 240 790026000265 100 26500 20 29 m0 m5 sa 27500 30 8590280002850 200 29000 sa 9150300 3109490 1000 32097) 0 330 1008033000 Mo 03804000 350 1045035000360 t0m50 30 3701130037000 3801160038000 3901180039000 40020940000 S10 2507 41000202800 20001003000 13400 44000 4801370045000 60140006000, 47014380 47000 a8 1465048000 480149509000 soy 15250 000 si 1ss80 stom 52089000 1 Magnetic track, or in polar areas at latitudes higher than 70 degrees and within such extensions to those areas as prescribed by the appropriate ATS authorities, grid tracks as determined by anetwork of ines parallel to the Greenwich Meridian superimposed on apolar stereographic chart in whch the direction tothe North Pole is employed as the Grid North, 2 Except where, on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, from 090 to 269 degrees is prescribed to ‘accommodate predominant traffic directions and appropriate transition procedures to be associated therewith are specified Note- Guidance material relating to vertical separation is contained in the Manual on Implementation of 4 300 m (1000ft) Vertical Separation Minimum Between FL290 and FL410 Inclusive (Doc 9574) 6-36 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW RULES OF THE AIR 6.11.3 Cruising Levels Applicable in European RVSM Airspace The Cruising Levels that will apply within European RVSM airspace, in accordance with ICAO Annex 2, Appendix 3 a), are illustrated below: ‘Track’ from (000 Degrees to 179 Degrees rae (Outside RVSM Airspace) FL4i9 —___» FL 390, > <—— ne FL370, —____» —— FL350 > <—\——_ ris FL 330 > —— FL3t0 <—__—— F300 FL200 > <—________ Fi 200 (Outside RVSM Airspace) * Except where, on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, from 090 to 269 degrees and from 270 to 089 degrees is prescribed to accommodate predominant traffic directions and ‘appropriate transition procedures to be associated therewith are specified. 6-37 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS REVISION QUESTIONS CHAPTER 6 1, Which document contains the ICAO rules of the Air? a JAROPS 1 b. ICAO Annex 2 ©. ICAO Annex 6 4. ICAO Annex 11 2. Ifyou are flying over the Atlantic at 30W (right in the middle), what rules of the air apply? a. None, itis international waters b. The ICAO rules without exception c. The rules of the air applied by the state of registration Instrument Flight Rules 3. Ifyouare flying in an aeroplane registered in the UK, and you are flying over Egypt, which rules of the air apply? a. The rules that are applied by the Egyptian Aviation Authority b. The UK rules of the air in accordance with the ANO c. — ICAO rules 4. If Egypt is an ICAO contracting state, then IFR applies at all times 4, Are you permitted to fly IFR in VMC a Yer No 5. Whois the PIC? a. The Commander b. The Pilot who for the time being is in charge of the controls of the aeroplane ©. The Pilot appointed as captain of the crew 4, Apilot who is responsible for the operation and safety of the aeroplane during flight time 6 To which aircraft do the ICAO rules of the air apply? Allaireraft Aircraft bearing an ICAO contracting state registration mark Aircraft with MTM >5700Kg flying for commercial air transport All aircraft flying over the high seas 6-39 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 7, 10. i When an aircraft is flying, under what flight rules must the fl REVISION QUESTIONS ght be conducted? IFR in IMC and VER in VMC At the commander's discretion In accordance with ATC instructions Either IFR or VFR. ‘A scheduled flight is planned to be flown from London to Cairo. The aircraft has a MTM of 265, 00kg. It has 4 engines and 265 passengers on board. Who is responsible for compliance with the rules of the ar for the various states to be overflown where the local rules are at variance with ICAO rules? a. The Commander b, The Operator ©. The “local” ATC id | ICAG: ‘When may you fly over a town at a height from which it would not be possible to land safely in the event of an emergency arising? eege Never Only to keep clear of cloud and remain in visual contact with the ground ‘Only where the operator has given permission During take off and landing How would you describe your vertical displacement if you were flying below the lowest useable flight level? a. Dangerous b. _Asaheight with respect to the surface c.— Asasub flight level d. As analtitude with respect to mean sea level Ifyou have the right of way, you are still responsible for avoiding collisions. Is this true or false? With the right of way what else must you do? ‘True, Maintain track, speed and altitude False. You must not do anything to confuse the other aeroplane True, Maintain speed and heading and not fly over or under the other aeroplane unless ‘you are well clear and only then with a good look out. False. Observe the other aircraft and if he doesn’t alter course then you must take avoiding action. 6-40 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 12, 13, 15. 16. Ifa balloon is approaching head on to Concorde, who has the right of way? Concorde of course! The balloon because itis not powered The balloon because aeroplanes give way to balloons Neither (they are both ‘aircraft’) pege When two aircraft are converging at approx. the same level, the one that has the other on its right. is required to give way. Is this correct? Yes ‘No, the one that has the other on its left has the right of way Yes, unless the other is an aeroplane towing something It depends who has the priority. This case is only applicable if they are the same type of aircraft eere You are approaching a turning point on a cross country navex where you are required to turn to port. There is another aeroplane ahead of you and you are quite quickly overtaking him. There {sn’t time to pass him on the right and then make the required left turn, What should you do? Ignore the requirements of the navex and delay the left turn until well clear of the other aeroplane b. Quickly climb to 1000 ft above the other aircraft and then overtake him and make the ‘tum at the right point then descent to the original level, Overtake on the left and file a report when you land 4 Tur eft early and avoid the other aeroplane Itis high summer and the Europa airship is approaching Oxford to moor up before the race day at Silverstone, The airship is on a straight in approach at 2miles but at 10008. You are ina Warrior at 600 ft turning base leg. Who has the right of way? You do because you are at a lower altitude The airship does because he is on a straight in approach The airship does because you are in an aeroplane ‘You do because the airship can adjust his speed or hover if required aege Is the higher aeroplane always compelled to give way to the lower aeroplane if both are approaching to land? a. Yes, the rules are quite clear - the one at the lower altitude has the right of way b, It depends what you mean by approaching to land. If the lower one was at a range of greater than 4 nm he would be long final with no priority. ¢. No, if the higher aeroplane is in an emergency, he has priority over every thing esle 4. No. The lower aircraft is obliged to give way only if he is aware that the higher aeroplane is in an emergency 6-41 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 17, When are navigation lights required to be shown? a, From sunset to sunrise or when specified by the authority b. When moving on the movement area of an aerodrome or flying at night c, _ When the pilot in command thinks it sensible to switch them on by day or by night d. __Atnight or when specified by the authority 18. You see an aircraft stationary (without engines running) on the movement area of an aerodrome with its navigation lights on, What does this mean? a, The crew'is in attendance and they are about to start engines b. The aeroplane has temporarily stopped in that position and will shortly restart engines and move to the apron ¢. The idiot has left the lights on and the batteries will probably run down, 4, The lights have been left on to mark the extremities of the aeroplane as a warning to others 19, Itis broad day light and you are about to start engines. Do you need to switch any lights on? Yes, switch the nav lights on to indicate that the aeroplane is manned No, a clear call of ‘clear prop” should be enough If the aeroplane has an anti-collision light that should be switched on On apron yes, elsewhere on the movement area no 20. Ifyouare flying under simulated IMC (your visibility from the flight deck is artificially reduced) ‘you must have a safety pilot on board. What is he/she required to be able to see? ‘Ahead and to either side of the aeroplane The instruments All around the aeroplane All around the aeroplane, but if not possible then a competent observer must be carried who has adequate vision in the impaired sector and a means of communication to the safety pilot aos 21, You have just taken off from an aerodrome for which there is not an ATZ operating. Which direction are you required to tun prior to departure? Left Right There is no set direction of tum. The direction that will put you on track to your destination aoege 6-42 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 22, 2. 24 25, 26, You are flying along W12D, an advisory route between Inverness and Wi to file a flight plan? k. Are you required a. Yes, it is controlled airspace b. Yes, but only if you wish to take advantage of the advisory radar service ©. Yes if you are flying under IFR id No ‘You intend flying from Oxford to Dublin VER at 3000ft. Are you required to file a flight plan? ‘Yes because you will be crossing an FIR boundary Yes because you will cross an international boundary Yes because the flight will involve an over-sea flight of more than 40km No ‘Are all changes to a flight plan are to be reported to the ATSU as soon as practicable? a. Yes, the flight is a controlled flight and subject to an ATC clearance so all changes are to be reported b. No, you can wait for a convenient time to report No but you must report within 10 minutes No, inadvertent deviation is excusable! Are changes to a VFR flight plan subject to the same requirements to report changes as for IFR flight plans? No, you are only required to report significant changes to VFR flight plans Yes, if the flight is to be operated as a controlled flight Yes but only after a clearance has been received No, the requirement is to report only if practicable pegs Once an arrival report has been received for any flight that a flight plan was submitted, what happens then? The aerodrome of departure is informed of the safe arrival The destination alternates are informed The operator is informed by ATC * The flight plan is closed 6-43 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 27, 28, 29. 30, 31 REVISION QUESTIONS Itis five minutes past seven o'clock in the evening at Oxford on the 5 January 2000. What is the correct time for airmen/airwomen? apse 7.05 pm 1905Z, 1905 hrs 190SUTC ‘You receive an ATC clearance that is not as you expected. Can you request another clearance? 4. No, but you may be able to get an amended clearance ‘Yes, providing the original clearance is unsatisfactory ‘Yes, you have the right to demand the clearance in accordance the flight plan you submitted ‘No, that’s it take it or leave it In the flight plan, for the portion of the flight between Dinard and Nice, you had given a speed ‘of 280 kts TAS. Once en route you find that your TAS is actually 295 kts, Should you tell ATC? No it doesn’t really matter No, only speed changes exceeding +/-5% are to be reported Yes all speed changes are to be reported Yes speed changes of +/- 5% are to be reported Ifa controlled VR flight is unable to maintain VMC which of the following courses of action is available to the pilot? Leave controlled airspace and continue to the destination keeping clear of all controlled airspace File an IFR flight plan File a Special VER flight plan Advise ATC what the flight visibility is and let them make the decision When is a controlled flight required to make position reports? pose When the aeroplane is over a mandatory reporting point When crossing an intemational boundary When crossing the coast line of a state When not advised by ATC to cease position reports 6-44 ‘© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 32. 33, 34, 35. 36. REVISION QUESTIONS You are flying in VMC and you suffer a communications failure. What are you required to do? eege Land immediately Continue to fly in VMC and land at the nearest suitable aerodrome ‘Turn round and head back to the aerodrome of departure Fly a triangular pattern making all turns to the ieft for ten minutes and then proceed to the destination If you are flying in IMC and you suffer a communications failure, which of the following is a correct course of action? Fly a triangular pattern for ten minutes making all turns to the right then continue to the destination Proceed in accordance with the flight plan as filed Proceed in accordance with the current flight plan (the flight plan as cleared by ATC and any re-clearances subsequently obtained) Tum around and go home fan aircraft is being unlawfully interfered with, what should the pilot attempt to do? Pretend that nothing has happened and just do as the hi-jacker wants Squawk 7700 and let ATC sort it out Impress upon the hi-jacker that for the safety of all on board you must continue to communicate with ATC and comply with the rules of the air Make false position reports so that ATC get the message that something is wrong Is the interception of civilian aircraft permitted? Yes, each state has the sovereign right to intercept and identify aircraft flying over its, territory No, its too dangerous Yes providing its only for practice and the commander of the civilian aeroplane agrees before hand Yes providing there is an agreement between the states to allow interception of each others aeroplanes ‘What is the basic presumption about VER flight? aoe ‘That the pilot holds the correct rating to allow the aeroplane to be flown under VFR ‘That the flight will be flown in Visual Meteorological Conditions That the flight will only take place in class G airspace (outside CAS) That the flight will not take place above FL180 6-45 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 37, 38. 40, 4. Yoware about to take off from an aerodrome within a control zone. What cloud ceiling and flight visibility limitations apply to VFR flight in this situation? Ceiling more than 1500ft and visibility more than Skm Ceiling 1500ft or higher and visibility more than 5km Ceiling at least 1500ft and visibility not less than Skm. Ceiling not less than 1500 ft or visibility Skm or better Bese In the UK, VER is not permitted at night. Is this a national rule that would require notification. ofa ‘difference’ in accordance with article 38 of the Chicago Convention? No, but the rules under which flight at night is permitted must be specified Yes. The UK AIP would contain details of the notified difference No, as a member of the JAA, the UK does not have to comply with ICAO SARPS Yes because annex 2 to the Chicago Convention says VFR may be prescribed by the ATS authority aege Without special permission, what is the highest flight level that VER flight may be authorised outside of controlled airspace? a FL200 b. —-FL290 c FLI95 4 FL245 Ate VER flights allowed to fly at supersonic speeds? No way Yes, no problem, The pilot is still required to keep a good look out! Yes, but only when specially authorised Yes, but only in controlled airspace In controlled airspace where Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) is applied, what is the highest FL that VFR flight is permitted at? a. FL200 b. Even with special authorisation, not above FL 290 c FL245 d. FL285 6-46 © Oxlord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 42, 43, 44, 4s. Except for take off and landing, what is the lowest that an aeroplane flying VER may fly over a town or city? 500 ft 1000m 1000ft above the highest obstacle within 600m radius of the aeroplane 1500ft above the highest obstacle within S nm of the estimated position of the aeroplane You are flying VFR in class G airspace (the open FIR), what is the lowest you are permitted to fly when well away from towns etc..? a. The minimum safe altitude (obstacle height on QNH plus SOOf) be soon c.— nolimit 4 1000ft above the highest obstacle within 600m radius of the aeroplane Ifyou are flying VFR from Marseilles to Nice above the transition altitude (3000ft) and heading 085° true, and the minimum flight altitude is 4500R, what is the lowest correct flight level you should be flying at? a FLSS b. —- Youdo not have enough information to make a decision (what is the variation, and what is the drift) «FLAS d. Ifyou are VER you can fly at whatever altitude you wish You are flying from Oxford to Northolt (in the northern part of the London CTR - class A airspace) at 3000ft. Are you permitted to fly in the London CTR under VFR? No - VER is proscribed in class A airspace Yes, in accordance with a Special VFR clearance Yes providing Oxford ATC has given you clearance to enter the CTR Yes providing you are being monitored by the military radar at Northolt You filed a VFR flight plan for the flight from Marseilles to Nice but are unable to maintain good VMC. What do you do? Tell ATC what changes you want to the current flight plan and continue as re-cleared Caneel the VFR flight plan and file IFR Wait until you are no longer VMC and squawk 7700 ‘Tur around and return to Marseilles 6-47 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 47. What is the VMC criteria in class B airspace above FL100? Flight visibility 8km or more, clear of cloud Flight visibility 8km or more, 1000ft vertically and 1500m horizontally clear of cloud Flight visibility 5km or more, 1000ft vertically and 1500m horizontally clear of cloud Flight visibility 8km or more, 1000m vertically and 1500ft horizontally clear of cloud pose 48. What is required to fly IFR? a, The aeroplane suitably equipped and the pilot to have a night rating b, The aeroplane suitably equipped and the pilot to have an IMC rating ¢. The pilot to have an instrument rating or IMC rating and the aeroplane to have a full airways communications and navigation equipment fit 4. AnATPL(A) licence 49. Who is responsible for deciding what the minimum flight altitude for IFR operations is? ‘The Operator ‘The Commander The ATC centre for the route The authority of the state being over flown aege 50. You are approaching to land at Catania (Sicily),.Mt.Etna(c 11 000ft) is 28km to the west of the aerodrome, does this dictate what the minimum altitude is for the approach? a, Yes, the minimum altitude is 2000ft above the highest obstacle b. No, because it is more than 8km (Snm) ftom the aerodrome ¢. __ It depends where the aeroplane is because the minimum altitude is based on the highest obstacle within 8km of the aeroplane position 4. Yes, but because the aeroplane is approaching to land, minimum altitude is not important. 51. You are still flying from Marseilles to Nice but now under IFR. Suddenly you pop out of the cloud and there is the Cote d’Azure bathed in sunshine below you. Can you cancel IFR and continue VER again? Yes, but don’t expect any sympathy if you run into cloud again ‘No, you must complete the flight under IFR Yes, but only if you are sure that you can maintain VMC for a reasonable period No, because you will shorily be entering CAS. IFR is mandatory in CAS. pegs 6-48 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 92, 53. 34. 55. 56. You are tracking 165° mag with no drift. What is the next available IFR flight level above FL370? a FL390 b. FL4I0 « — FL400 4d. _Itdepends whether or not RVSM js being applied in the area You are flying IFR outside of controlled airspace. Are you required to maintain a radio watch? a No be Ves ©. Yes, but only in areas designated by the authority as areas where a flight plan is to be submitted 4. Yes, but only in the Upper Information Region (UIR) Youare flying in formation (Ugh!) with your mate Fred. Fred suddenly calls “Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan, engine on fire attempting an emergency landing in a field just north of Woodstock”. ‘You realise that he should, of course, have made a Mayday call because he is grave an imminent danger and needs immediate assistance. Can you upgrade his Pan Pan message to a Mayday? No, but you can relay the message if ATC doesn’t acknowledge Yes, but only after you get his permission to do so ‘Yes, you have the right to declare distress for him No, you can only declare a state of urgency for someone else You see an aeroplane join the visual circuit and then repeatedly switch on and off his landing lights. What does it mean? He has an intermittent fault in his lights He has a problem and needs to land but is otherwise OK He has @ communications problem as well as a more serious problem and requires help He has never been to this aerodrome before and is unsure of the correct procedures pegs If you are intercepted by a military aircraft over foreign territory, on what frequency should you attempt to speak to the military pilot? ‘The ATC frequency in use 243 Mhz (the military distress and calling frequency) 121.500MHz (the VHF distress and calling frequency) No specific frequency. Try the lot until you get contact aege 6-49 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 37. 58. 59, 60. 61. Ifthe interceptor directs you to land ata military aerodrome, but the ATC centre tells you to land at the nearby international aerodrome, with whom do you comply? a, Common-sense dictates that you comply with the instruction from the man with his, finger on the trigger! b. You must comply with ATC instructions, but make them fully aware that their instructions conflict with the signals from the interceptor ¢. Land at which ever is the nearest aerodrome and sort it out on the ground 4. If youare not in communications with the interceptor, tell ATC to sort out the confliction and in the mean time go into a holding pattern You are flying along VFR in super VMC and suddenly you see a series of red and green ‘star burst’ pyrotechnics being fired in your from the ground, What does this mean? a, Somebody on the ground is trying to attract you attention. Descend and try and see what the problem is b, Iti probably a fireworks display. It may be prudent to tum away ¢. Iti probably a military live firing area and they are obviously not aware that you are there 4. tis a military live firing area and they are warning you to go away You are flying VFR non radio in good VMC and you see an aerodrome below you. Its time for cup of tea so you carry out a visual join to land. On the down wind leg you see a flashing red light pointed at you from the ATC tower. What do they want you to do? Land immediately this is a military aerodrome and you have violated the MATZ, Give way to the other aeroplane that has just joined the circuit behind you Go away. The aerodrome is unsafe for use Climb to 1500 ft and hold in the overhead until given a green to land You decide to abandon the cup of tea, but how do indicate to the tower that you understand the light signal and will comply? Fly by the tower and rock your wings Fly directly towards the tower flashing your landing lights, Rock your wings and depart Switch on the navigation lights for ten seconds Ifyou were on the ground (in day light and non radio) and the tower shined a flashing a white light at you, what would it mean and how would you acknowledge? a. Return to the starting point; waggle the rudder b, Taxi clear of the landing area; flash your landing lights ¢. Beware other aeroplanes are taxiing; move the ailerons 4. Give-away to the tractor towing the aeroplane ahead; stop 6-50 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 62. What does a white cross with a line under it on a runway, mean? a, The runway is closed but it is regularly inspected b. This the place where banners are dropped c. It means that the runway is not to be used for instrument approaches 4, It means that there are no designated holding points for this runway 63. What do two red balls hanging from the signal mast indicate? a. The locals are not very friendly b. Take offs and landing are not necessarily in the same direction Aight hand circuit is in force 4. Glider flying is in progress 64. Youare taxiing towards a marshaller and he put out his arms horizontally with palms face down, and then he moves his arms up and down several times, What is he indicating? a. This is where I want you to stop b. Slow down cc. Yow are clear to start shutting down engines 4. Keep coming forward 65. As you taxi out of the parking bay, you see the marshaller raise his right arm bent at the elbow with the palm towards you, (Like a red indian saying “How”) What does this mean? ‘You have left a passenger behind, come back Allclear, have a nice day! Move on to the next marshaller Stop at you convenience whilst {reconnect the nosewheel steering 6-51 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS ANSWERS TO REVISION QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER 6 1 B 2 | D si| ic 16 2 |B 27 | D sz | D 1 3 [A 23 | B 53 8 afta 29 | D sa | A 9 s | D 30 | B ss | B 80 6 |B 31 [| D 36 | Cc 81 7 | dD 32 | B s7 | a 82 a | A 33 | c ss | D 83 9 |p 34 | ic 7 /1EC 84 1 | D 3s | a o [Cc 85 ufc 36 | B a | A 86 2 | D 37 | c o | a 87 B | D 3s [| A 63 | D 88 wi} A zo [ic o4 | B 89. isc 40 | c 65 | B 90, 16 | D a | B 66, 1 7a a2 |c 67 92 1s | D a |B 68 93 w | c 44 [A 9 94 20 | A 45 | B 70 95 aia 46 | A 1m 96. 22 47 |B 2. 7 23 | B 4 | B B 98 24 | D 4 | D 4 99 2 [A so | c 5 100 6-52 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited (CHAPTER SEVEN - PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / 1 72 73 1a 18 76 1 18 19 7.10 TAL 72 73 74 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Contents INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES PANS OPS. DEPARTURE PROCEDURES . APPROACH PROCEDURES . APPROACH PROCEDURE DESIGN TRACK REVERSAL AND RACETRACKS ....00000000565 ARRIVAL AND APPROACH SEGMENTS ..... MISSED APPROACH eee VISUAL MANOEUVRING (CIRCLING) IN THE VICINITY OF THE AERODROME, AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) APPROACH PROCEDURES BASED ON VOR/DME ... HOLDING PROCEDURES .... ALTIMETER SETTING PROCEDURES .............--+ SIMULTANEOUS OPERATION ON PARALLEL OR NEAR-PARALLEL RUNWAYS .. ‘i fe reeen ong SECONDARY SURVEILLANCE RADAR (SSR) TRANSPONDER OPERATING PROCEDURES ..... (© Oxford Aviation Services 7-64 Limited TAS PRECISION AND SURVEILLANCE RADAR AND OTHER NON PRECISION APPROACHES ........ feetee eee e teases 766 REVISIONQUESTIONS 22 ee 7-69 PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPER 1 cece ae penne 7-89 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.4 INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES Taal General Introduction. In order to permit all weather operation (low visibility take-off and landing) procedures are established to provide track guidance and terrain avoidance for aircraft departing, and track guidance, terrain clearance and where special equipment is used, vertical displacement guidance for aircraft arriving at aerodromes. Low visibility operations (ICAO) are defined as take-off and landing operations with RVR less than 800m, Remember, the minima for take off from an aerodrome in a CTR is ground visibility not less than 1 500m and cloud ceiling not less than 1 000f. The criteria for the type of procedure to be employed are defined in terms of RVR and the limit to which a pilot is permitted to descend. Clearly, obstacle avoidance during the procedure is of paramount importance. Prior to commencing any instrument procedure, a clearance must be obtained from ATC. Procedures for departure and arrival are published and you are required to have the necessary plates (printed representations of the procedures) available on the flight deck. If you are required by ATC to divert to an ‘aerodrome with which you are not familiar and do not have the plates, ATC will read the procedure, including the loss of communications and missed approach procedures, to you. We will start by looking at instrument departure procedures. There are, however, many abbreviations used in instrument procedures with which you must be familiar. The following are the abbreviations that you are required to know by the learning objectives. 7.1.2 Abbreviations [ACAS [Airborne Colision TAS [indicated aespecd font [outer marker avoidance systems [ATC _ [Air Traffic como! a oc PAPI_[ Precision app path ndiator TaTIS | Avtomatic terminal rR [Insirument Migheraes [PAR [Precision app radar information service ATS _[Airwalfcsenioe TLS [Insirumcat landing system [PDO _ [Procedure design eradient Ce ss 1C__[Iasirment Met Conditions [RNAV [Area navigation DAI [Decision heighvatinude ISA [Intemational wandard __|RSR | Em-voute surveillance radar mosphere [DER _[Deparure end afranway_[MAPL_| Missed app point RSS| Root sum square [DME [Distance measuring equip MDAMH | Minimum descent SiD [Standard instrament departure height DR__|Dendreskoning MOC |Minimam obstacle cleannce [SOC _ [Stare of clin feris—_Etccuoaic night MSL | Mean sa evel [Ser |Special postion indiator information system FAF | Final approach fix FOB [Now-drccional beacon [SSR _ | Secondary surveillance radar FAP _[Finalapproach point [NOZ [Normal operating one [STAR [Standard instrument avival frais [Fight management system [NTZ__[Notansgrssion zone [TAR | Terminal rca rvellance radar fast | Horizon suas FOCATH [Obwacie clearance Pras [ve airspeed indicator heighvaiude TA [initial approach ix fois Otsacieideniication [TP [Turing point surface 7-1 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 713 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Obstacle Clearance. It is implied that any procedure developed will not require the aeroplane to fly dangerously close to obstacles at any point during the procedure. Clearance from obstacles can be obtained by lateral clearance and vertical clearance. By requiring a pilot to fly the track accurately (within tolerances accepted) the aircraft can bbe guided over a surveyed flight path within the bounds of which, all obstacles can be determined and assessed. Obviously, the area surveyed must have finite limits. It is, however, not acceptable for, say, an area 5 nm wide to be surveyed and then permit aircraft to fly within guidance tolerance, 2.5 nm either side of the desired track, The extremities of the surveyed area must gradually permit higher obstacles until at the limit of reasonable expectations of accuracy (guidance tolerance - both equipment and flight technical), the guaranteed clearance is reduced to zero. This assessment is known as, creation of MOC (minimum obstacle clearance areas). MOC is discussed later in this, chapter. Obstacle clearance could be provided by assessing the highest obstacle to be flown over and by applying a safety margin to the obstacle height. An obstacle clearance height or altitude (OCH/A) can thus be obtained. This is the method of obtaining MSA and with refinements, minimum descent heighvaltitude (MDH/A) for non precision procedures. As precision procedures provide height guidance, an obstacle 1 000 ft high at 10 nm from the threshold is not as significant as an obstacle 150 ft high | nm from the threshold (assuming a 300 ft per mile glide slope). For precision systems, OCHVA is ‘range from threshold’ dependant. It should therefore be obvious that OCH/A for precision procedures are less than OCH/A for non precision. It must be stressed that, from an operational point of view, the obstacle clearance applied in the development of each instrument approach procedure is considered to be the minimum required for an acceptable level of safety in operations. If you have your own aeroplane and it is not used for commercial air transport, you may operate to OCH limits. Operators apply higher criteria resulting in aerodrome operating minima for commercial air transport. 72 PANS OPS 72d Document 8168. The ICAO document that specifies the recommendations for instrument procedures is PANS OPS. The term ‘PANS-OPS’ is commonly used to refer to the content of ICAO Doc 8168. The correct title of the document is ‘Procedures for ‘Air Navigation services - Aircraft Operations’. The document is printed in two volumes; Vol, 1 - Flight Procedures; Vol 2 - Construction of Visual and Instrument Flight Procedures. Volume | describes operational procedures recommended for the guidance of flight operations personnel and we shall limit our considerations of instrument procedures to the content of Vol I. Vol I outlines the various parameters on which the criteria of Vol 2 are based. Volume 2 is intended for the guidance of procedures specialists and describes the essential areas and obstacle clearance requirements for the achievement of safe, regular instrument flight operations. Both volumes present coverage of operational practices that are beyond the scope of Standards and Recommenced Practices (SARPS) but with respect to which, a measure of international uniformity is desirable. PANS OPS considers both departure and arrival procedures and toa lesser extent, en-route procedures where obstacle clearance criteria should be taken into consideration. 7-2 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. 7.3. DEPARTURE PROCEDURES 731 General Criteria, These procedures assume that all engines are operating. The design of an instrument departure procedure is, in general, dictated by the terrain surrounding, the aerodrome, but may also be required to cater for ATC requirements (adjacent ATS. routes, restricted, prohibited or danger areas and the proximity of other aerodromes). These factors in turn influence the type and siting of navigation aids required to provide track guidance for the departure route. Airspace restrictions may also affect the routing and siting of navigation aids, From the pilot and operator point of view, the use of automatic take-off thrust control systems (ATTCS) and noise abatement procedures will need to be taken into account as well. Where no suitable navigation aid is available to provide specific track guidance, the criteria for omnidirectional (any direction) departures is applied. Wherever possible, a straight departure will be specified which is aligned with the runway. Where a departure route requires a turn of more than 15° to avoid an obstacle, a turning departure is constructed. Requirements, Where instrument departures are expected to be used, a departure procedure will be established for each runway to be used, and will define the procedure for the various categories of aircraft based on an all engines running PDG of 3% or an increased PDG if required to achieve minimum obstacle clearance. ‘The procedures assume that pilots will not compensate for wind effects when being radar vectored, and will compensate for known or estimated wind effects when flying departure routes which are expressed as tracks to be made good. 73.1.2 Obstacle Clearance. Obstacle clearance is a primary safety consideration in instrument departure procedures. See fig Unless otherwise stated a PDG of 3.3% is assumed, The PDG is made up of 2.5% gradient of obstacle identification surfaces or the gradient based on the most critical obstacle penetrating these surfaces (whichever is higher), and 0.8% increasing obstacle clearance. Gradients published will be specified to an altitude/height after which the minimum gradient of 3.3% is considered to exist. The final PDG continues until obstacle clearance is ensured for the next phase of flight (en-route; holding or approach). At this point the departure procedure ends and is marked by a significant point. The minimum obstacle clearance ‘equals zero at the departure end of the runway (DER) and thereafter increases by 0.8% of the horizontal distance in the direction of flight, assuming maximum divergence of 15°. In the turn initiation area a minimum obstacle clearance of 90m (295 ft) is provided. Increased obstacle clearance will be provided in mountainous terrain. If DME is available, additional height/distance information is made available. 7-3 © Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS oe This attude / height, K and gradient tobe promulgatedit 4 =0.8% ash ‘more than £60 m (200 ft) (see 223) ‘ w os. ‘2st Sm (16) DER Obstacte ‘Aerodrome elevation Figure - Procedure design gradient Mountainous Terrain, What defines mountainous terrain is not specified. In deciding ifthe mountainous terrain criteria is applicable, the designer takes notice of the prevailing wind conditions. If the average wind speed is 37 Kmph or more and the nature of the terrain produces down draughts, the increased obstacle clearance is applied. criteria 7.3.14 Aircraft category. We have already mentioned that the major consideration in planning a departure route to ensure adequate obstacle clearance and this is dependant upon the maximum speed that an aircraft can fly a departure procedure. Speeds for such departure procedures are defined in table Wherever limiting speeds other than those specified in the table are published, they must be complied with to remain within the appropriate areas. If an aeroplane operation requires a higher speed, then an alternative departure procedure must be requested. ‘Aeroplane category fax Speed kin/h (kt) A 225 (120) B 305 (165) c 490 (265) D 540 (290) E 560 (300) ‘Table Maximum speeds for turning departures 7-4 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.3.2 Standard Instrument Departures. There are two basic types of departure route, straight, or turing. Departure routes are based on track guidance acquired within 20km (10.8nm) from the end of the runway (DER) on straight departures, and within 10km (5.4nm) after completion of tums on turning departures. ‘The design of the instrument departure routes are based on the definition of tracks to be followed along which the pilot is expected to correct for known wind and to remain within the protected airspace. Straight Departure. A straight departure is one in which the initial departure track is within 15° of the alignment of the runway. Track guidance may be provided by VOR, NDB or RNAV. See fig. VOR7S7INBD 103° voR7.8rNBD 10. pee ge wanes area? soon tah oh ; neste Fons, DER = Departure end of runway CL = Ecended runway centre line Figure - Area for straight departure with track guidance 7-5 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 133 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Turning Departure. If the departure track requires a turn of more than 15°, a ‘turning area is constructed and the turn required is commenced upon reaching a specified altitude/height, at a fix and at a facility (VOR, NDB ete..). Straight flight is assumed until reaching an altitude of at least 120m (394 ft) above the elevation of the DER. See fig Splay 7.8°/VOR: 10.3° NDB. J wr 3.7km (2.0 NM) VOR 4.8m (2.5 NM) NDB i i 4g Fix tolerance \isnass/ DER spe! 150m Figure Turning departure - turn at a fix Emergencies. Contingency procedures are required to cover the case of engine failure or an emergency in flight which occurs after Vj. It is the responsibility of the operator to establish the procedures for the operation Omnidirectional Departures. Where no track guidance is provided in the design of a departure procedure, the departure criteria are developed by using the omnidirectional method which basically provides for initial departure tracks to be undefined. In other words, once off the end of the runway and at a safe height, the aircraft can be navigated in any direction required to achieve the initial en-route point. It may be that some sectors of the departure area may contain obstacles which preclude departures in that direction, in which case the published procedures will be annotated to show the restricted sectors. ‘The basic procedure is that the aircraft will climb on the extended runway centre line to 120 m (394 ft) before turns can be specified, and at least 90 m (295 f) of obstacle clearance will be provided before turns greater than 15° can be specified. Where obstacles do not permit the development of omnidirectional procedures, it is necessary to fly a departure route (straight or turing), or ensure that ceiling and visibility will permit obstacles to be avoided by visual means. 7-6 {© Oxford Aviation Servis Limited AIR LAW 134 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. 1d, = distance where the aircraft cimbing at {the minimum gradiont (3.3% or the {tactent specie’ in the procedure, \hicheveris the higher) wil have Teached the specified tum helghatttude, If te tum height ie 120m (940) above tho DER, this de '5.5ke (1.Snm) fora 3.3% gradient ca. 4, 3.5km ag G.dnm) s orless <—150m Figure 7.3.3 Turn Initiation Area for ‘Omnidirectional Departure Published Information. Departure routes and standard instrument departure charts are published in accordance with standards contained in Annex 11 and Annex 4 to the Chicago Convention. Departure routes are labelled as RNAV only when that is the primary means of navigation utilised. For omnidirectional departures, the restrictions will be expressed as sectors to be avoided or sectors in which minimum gradients and/or minimum altitudes are specified to enable an aeroplane to safely overfly obstacles. Figure 7.3.4 shows a typical SID plate. This one details the departures from all the useable runways at Heathrow and specifies that the point of joining the ATS route structure is Compton (CPT). All SIDS start at the departure end of the runway and end at the point of joining the ATS route system, Note that each route has a specific name CPT3G. In the ATC clearance for IFR flights, departure instructions will include 4 SID to the first airways point. The ATCO will refer to the SID by its name. Note the means by which track guidance is applied. In a normal aeroplane fully ‘airways fitted’ for IFR, the SID can be complied with. You will have two VOR/NAV boxes and at least ‘one ADF. The Compton SIDs required you to navigate by the LON and CPT VORsalso the WOD NDB. You also requite a DME receiver. The SID specifies DME distances to or from the facility, and radials from VORs or QDMs for NDBs. The SID will also specify altitude restrictions in the form of “Above ....”, or “At ....”. as well as a diagram of the procedure. A narrative is always given in English, 7-7 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS COMPTON SIDs LONDON HEATHROW iseeeeetes ee 3 ears cere oe ote mere rere eae mr + See gaa eraw ea nae RTE cetera 5 Exttpr mr tecany mario wtbe Yawn Ore 2 SS cow ome a tn et NOTTOSCALE tL VOR SB 3%e woo nos fort s%5, en BOPT VOR Btencrrom at ‘Seg etesin vo LON VOR RaSh wal LONT entero 8 rT 10 SBR nae woo nos {cert men 8 CPt VOR peer Ser On ee on GONE MGDHORTEOD, | naan ‘Saag LONE naan pro GOUT w WOOD IEF Sennen | Figure 7.3.4 a © Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 135 13.6 BIA PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. At the end of the SID you should be well placed to continue en-route climbing in the airway or under radar control. At any time during the procedure, you may be ordered to comply with radar vectoring requiring you to abandon the SID or abbreviate it. In any event you will be told that you are under radar control at that stage and you are required to comply with the instructions issued. Area Navigation (RNAV) Departure Procedures Based on a VOR/DME. The general principles relating to RNAV approach procedures based on a VOR/DME also apply to RNAV departures based on a VOR/DME. These are covered in a later section. Use of FMS/RNAV Equipment to Follow Conventional Departure Procedures. Where FMS/RNAV equipment is available, it may be used when flying the conventional departure procedures defined, provided the procedure is monitored using the basic display normally associated with that procedure, and the tolerances for flight using raw data on the basic display are complied with. GNSS Procedures. Recently, trials have begun for SIDs utilising GNSS(GPS) data for departures. The SID can be downloaded into the FMS and a fully automatic departure completed. As in the case of FMS/RNAV procedures, the pilot is required to monitor the procedure with reference to direct input data from other nav aids (VOR, NDB and DME). PRNAY. Itis the aim to eventually replace VOR/DME with GNSS procedures. These procedures will use precision RNAV (PRNAV) which may be augmented by altimetry cross reference (BAROVRNAY) to give a ‘precision’ element to both arrivals and departures. The aim is to achieve RNPO.3. RNP is covered in chapter 8 7-9 (© Ortord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW TRIAL FMS COMPTON SID PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS, LONDON LUTON 2 ase aeons O46 07 OF. [item care Suse) eshte td AA Coma Care 822 Twarronre GG sta vv omaestorw HiJot ozs {estat Sw son Sew HEN Oe on |e sera veyerome Ge. State sot cot 0 900 CPT VOR cy Procure avant pert approved othe CAA em cre «| 0 ALrTUDes fom era i GW Yoniohw GWa ac 38 WEFT ROT Ton | Com GWi woo vee Gn | vaccrT as rorirdwi(eua Soe worang tbe: ue ose rxreace” | (oy Ore OS) 3 | Sora Se enh wert von oe) Seu auersa a wore |S. Figure 7.3.7 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.4 APPROACH PROCEDURES 14d TAAL Introduction. The design ofan instrument approach procedure is, as we have already discussed, in general dictated by the terrain surrounding the aerodrome. It is also affected by the type of operations to be considered and by the types of aeroplane flying the procedures. These factors influence the siting of, and type of, navigation aids in relation to the runway or aerodrome. As we have already seen for departure procedures, airspace restriction may also affect the design of the procedure, Speed. As with departure procedures, aircraft speed is an important consideration. The critical speed is the speed at which the aircraft crosses the threshold of the runway (V,) but other speeds have important implications. The table below relates speeds to category of aircraft. Aircraft ini approach | visual category | Vy, approach speeds | circling Range of | Rangeof | Max Max speed for missed speeds for final | speed for approach Intermediate | Final A <91 | 90/150(110%) | 70/100 100 100 0 91/120 | 120/180(140*) | 85/130 13s 130 150 12140 | 160/240 Lisi60 180 160 240 taines | — 185/250 1308s 205 185 265 alolals 166/210 | 185/250 155/230 240 230 275 Va Speed at threshold based on 1.3 x stall speed in landing configuration at max certificated landing mass. Maximum speed for track reversal or racetrack procedures, Table Speeds for instrument approach procedures (Knots) 742 ‘Types of Procedure. Broadly, instrument procedures are defined in terms what guidance is provided. There are two types: a. Precision Procedures (runway approach) b. _Non-precision Procedures (aerodrome approach) 7-11 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 74.2.1 Precision. A precision procedure gives accurate track guidance during the final approach phase and information concerning height above the threshold of the runway. Inall cases external equipment is required to provide the necessary data. By flying the required track and glide path (within the required accuracy) the aircraft is kept within a protected area which ensures terrain clearance throughout the procedure. ILS, MLS and. Precision Approach Radar (PAR) are examples of equipment that can be used as part of a precision approach system. In the design of the procedure (track and altitude requirements), obstacle clearance is implicit if the descent path (glide path) is adhered to, Because a precision approach terminates at the touchdown point (or at the ‘commencement of a missed approach) it is often referred to as a runway approach. For precision approach the pilot is required to calculate the height on the final approach at which he/she must make a decision either to land or go around (fly the missed approach procedure). This is Decision Height (Altitude) DH(A). Guidance on the calculation of DH/A is contained in the Operations Manual. DH/A is defined as the specific height (or altitude) in a precision approach at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been established Precision Categories. It must be emphasised that at decision height, if the approach has been flown correctly, the aircraft will be at the place it should be and must be safe, and further descent along track must also be safe (ifthe visibility was perfect, the aeroplane would be at the same place and height, and the approach would be continued anyway!), Except where the ‘system’ (ground equipment and aeroplane equipment) permits “blind” landing, the latter stage of the final approach will be flown visually (you will need visual reference to complete the landing). In order to accomplish this, a minimum RVR is required and a visual means of maintaining the centreline of the runway once on the ground. As technology has advanced, systems, specifically ILS, have become more accurate in track and height guidance. The use of ‘on board’ computer systems (FMS) to interpret received data and to control the aeroplane, means that the visual element can be reduced to the minimum. ILS systems are categorised by accuracy of operation and this results in the specified decision height (or altitude) (DHIA) and minimum RVR requirements. The categories are as follows, but beware, there are anomalies between ICAO requirements and JAR OPS. For Air Law, we are interested only in ICAO requirements. ‘These are: Cath System Minima 60m (2008) DH => 60m (than 200ft), and RVR not less than 550m or ground visibility not less than 800m Catt ‘System Minima 30m (100ft) DH < 60m (200ft) but => 30m (1008), and RVR not less than 350m 7-12 (© Oxlord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Cat HA DH < 30m (1008) or no DH, and RVR not less than 200m Cat IB DH < 15m (S0ft) or no DH, and RVR less than 200m but more than 50m Cat IC No DH and no RVR requirements Visual Approach. Inall cases, once established on final approach, the pilot has the option to continue the approach visually providing, of course, that he/she has the necessary visual criteria. This is not VFR! Itis completing the IFR procedure visually. Unless Cat IIIC applies, you will need some form of visual criteria anyway, so if you have the criteria at 7 miles, what is the difference! 7.4.24 Completing the Procedure. Once an instrument procedure has been commenced the pilot must complete the procedure as published unless given contrary instructions by ATC. Even if the final approach is flown visually, the requirements of the procedure must be complied with. Non Precision. Where there is no ground equipment that can provide height data to the airerafl, the procedure is defined as non-precision although the track guidance accuracy may be as good as that required for precision. Non precision procedures can be established where track guidance is provided by VOR ot NDB, or by track guidance elements of precision systems ie. ILS localiser only or PAR in azimuth ‘only. Another type of non precision system is surveillance radar on a reduced range scale (SRA). Because there is no reference to touchdown and the procedures always terminate above touchdown, the procedures are sometimes referred to as aerodrome approach procedures. Indeed, some procedures are specified for approach to the aerodrome, followed by a circling manoeuvre complying with defined visual criteria to land in a direction other than that of the straight in approach. This is known as Visual Manoeuvre (Circling) and is discussed in detail later in this chapter. 7-13 (© Oxlord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS, 75 APPROACH PROCEDURE DESIGN 781 Procedure Segments. An instrument approach procedure requires the aeroplane to be flown in safe airspace. In order to remain in safe airspace the required track of the aeroplane must be achievable and the altitude limitations which need to be applied must, be commensurate with what is trying to be achieved. As the procedure takes the aeroplane closer to the runway/aerodrome and closer to the ground, the safety limitations ‘must be increased not relaxed. Until 3-D satellite navigation technology is widely available and proved reliable, the system of guidance in track and glide path will rely on ‘ground based equipment which has inherent errors, Providing the error tolerances are known and the design of the procedure detailing the flight path to be flown take the error tolerances into account, the procedure will be useable. It does of course require the pilot (or the auto-pilot) to be able to fly the aeroplane to the required basic accuracy to keep the aeroplane in the airspace specified. An instrument approach procedure may have five separate segments, each of which has a specific purpose. Each of the five segments begins and ends at a designated fix. It is, however, possible for segments to begin at specified points if no fix is available, For instance, the final approach segment of a precision approach may originate at the point of intersection of the intermediate flight altitude and the nominal glide path, 7.5.11 ‘The Five Segments of an Instrument approach. The five segments are: a Arrival b. Initial c. Intermediate dé. Final Missed approach 78.1.2 Physical Characteristics of Segments. The vertical cross section of each segment is divided into primary and secondary areas. Full obstacle clearances are applied over the primary areas reducing to zero atthe outer edges of the secondary areas, Final 7-14 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 152 183 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.8.13 Straight In Approaches. Wherever possible a straight in approach will be specified which is aligned with the runway centre line (C/L). In the case of non- precision approaches a straight in approach is considered acceptable if the angle between the final approach track and the runway C/L is 30° or less. Ifterrain or other restrictions preclude a straight in approach, a circling approach will be specified. Minimum Sector Altitudes, Minimum sector altitudes (MSA) are established for each aerodrome and provide at least 300 m (984 ft) obstacle clearance within 46 km. (25 nm) of the homing facility (VOR, NDB) associated with the approach procedure at the aerodrome. MSA is specified for each of the cardinal magnetic compass quadrants. Onall approach plates (including Radar Vectoring plates) the MSA is diagrammatically represented. The lowest level permitted for an arrival route will be the MSA for the appropriate quadrant that contains the arrival track. 7.5.15 Track Maintenance. All procedures depict tracks and pilots should attempt to maintain the track by applying corrections to heading for known wind. For ILS approaches, pilots are expected to be able to fly the aeroplane during the final approach with a track accuracy equal to no worse than half full scale deflection of the ILS indicator, Categories of Aircraft. Aircraft performance has a direct effect on the airspace and visibility needed to perform the various manoeuvres associated with the conduct of instrument approach procedures. The most significant performance factor is aircraft speed. Five categories of aircraft have been established based on speed at threshold (V xy = 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing configuration at maximum certificated landing mass). This provides a standardised basis for relating aircraft manoeuvrability to specified instrument approach procedures. See table Obstacle Clearance Altitude/Height (OCA/H). For each individual approach procedure an obstacle clearance altitude/height (OCA/H) is calculated in the development of the procedure and published on the instrument approach plate. The vital factor concerning OCA/H is that the minima can only be deliberately exceeded (descent below) when the visual criteria to continue is achieved. In the case of precision, non- precision and circling approach procedures, an OCA/H is specified for each category of aircraft. OCAJH is defined as follows a. OCAJH for Precision Approach Procedure: The lowest altitude (OCA) or height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold (OCH), at which a missed approach must be initiated to ensure compliance with the appropriate obstacle clearance criteria. (See figure 7.5.3b). 7-15 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS b, OCA/H for Non-precision Approach: The lowest altitude (OCA) or height (OCH) above the aerodrome elevation, or above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold (ifthe threshold is more than 2 m (7 fi) below the aerodrome elevation), below which the aircraft cannot descend without infringing the appropriate obstacle clearance criteria. (See fig 7.5.3a) ¢. _ OCAMH for Visual Manoeuvre (Circling) Procedure: The lowest altitude (OCA) or height above the aerodrome elevation (OCH), below which the aireraft cannot descend without infringing the appropriate obstacle clearance criteria. 7-16 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS ALTITUDE Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) Minimum Descent Height (MDH) Marin or Lower Lint i on Opera onsteration of Ground Argore equipment charectersios, Grow Qvaitietion| Area Performance: conditions: ‘erodrome chrectnss; locaton of guidance af eave fo runway Obstacte Clearance Atitude (OCA) Obstacle Clearance Height (OCH) | a ° c H Pao Doz Minimum Obstacle Clea tm Obstacle Clearance (MOC) Feed mary fr eat ‘80m (296 f) without FAF ‘75m (246 f) with FAF roz Height of the Highest Obstacle in the Final Approach ‘Aorodrome Elevation or Threshold Elevation if more than 2m (7A) below ‘the Aerodrome Elevation Mean Sea Lovet Fig 7.5.38 Method of Determining MDH/A for a Non-Precision Approach Procedure 7-17 {© Oxlord Aviation Services Lined AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. ALTITUDE, Decision Aititude (OA) Decision tone (oH) “obstacle Clearance alude (oc) Obstacte Clearance Height (OCH) | ° c H Poo >o xro Holght of the Highest Obstacle or of the highest Missed Approach. ‘Obstacle, whichever is higher. te raway ‘Threshold Elevation Mean Sea Level Fig 7.5.3b Method of Determining DH/A for a Precision Approach Procedure © Orlord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS ALTITUDE Minimum Descent Altitude for Circling (MDA) Minimum Descent Height for Circling (MDH) a Obstacle Clearance Altitude (OCA) Obstacle Clearance Height (OCH) ‘The OCH shal ot be less than Gata 120m (304 8) CatB 180m (492%) Gate Teo (sot m) Gat 210m (689.0) ‘Cave 240m (787 0) ts A and E “(ast Height of the Highest Obstacle in the circling area. ‘Aerodrome Elevation Mean Sea Level Fig 7.5.3c Method for Determining MDH/A for Circling Approach Procedures 7-19 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. 7.84 Factors Affecting Operational Minima. In general, minima are developed by adding the effect of a number of operational factors to the OCA/H to produce, in the case of precision approaches, decision altitude (DA) or decision height (DH) and, in the case of non-precision approaches, minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/MDH). The general operational factors to be considered are aircraft mass; elevation or the pressure- altitude appropriate to the elevation of the aerodrome, temperature, wind, runway gradient and condition of runway. SYSTEM MINIMA SYSTEM MINIMA. (ft) ILS without glide path 250 ILS back beam (not approved) 250 PAR without glide path 250 VOR/DME 250 SRA terminating % nm. 250 SRA terminating | nm 300 VOR 300 NDB of localiser 300 VDF 300 SRA terminating at 2 nms 350 7-20 ‘© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 188 15.6 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS, Dominant Obstacle. The criteria for deciding DA/H or MDA/H depends upon the type of approach. In the case of a precision approach, the dominant obstacle height is either the height of the highest approach obstacle or the height of the highest missed approach obstacle whichever is the highest. (To calculate altitudes, the elevation of the base of the ‘obstacle above MSL must be added). For a non-precision approach, dominant obstacle the highest obstacle in the final approach, and for a circling (visual) approach it is highest obstacle in the circling area. Minimum Obstacle Clearance (MOC). The MOC is defined for all aircraft asa fixed margin which is to be added to the height of the dominant obstacle in the final approach ofanon-precision approach procedure. Because glide path information is provided for precision approach, it is implicit that the glide path must have sufficient obstacle clearance. Where a final approach fix (FAF) is specified, the MOC is 75 m (247 ft), and without a FAF the MOC is 90 m (295 ft). In mountainous terrain, the MOC may include an additional margin. I is increased for excessive length of final approach segment and for remote and forecast altimeter settings. The minimum obstacle clearance (MOC) is, provided for the whole width of the primary area. In the secondary area, MOC is provided at the inner edges reducing to zero at the outer edges. Secondary area Primary area ‘Secondary area <—“ot_, «___4ot_,. uo _, total ‘otal total Mgea anes ‘pplled : ion with no Final Approach Fix. When the aerodrome is served by asingle facility located on or near the aerodrome, and no other facility is suitably situated to forma FAF, a procedure may be designed where the facility is both the LAF and the MAPt. The procedures will include a minimum altitude/height for a reversal procedure or racetrack, and an OCA/H for final approach. In the absence of a FAF, descent to MDA/H is made once the aircraft is established inbound on the final approach track. In procedures of this type, the final approach track cannot normally be aligned on the runway centre line (the actual case at Oxford using the OX NDB). Whether OCA/H for straight-in approach limits are published or not depends on the angular difference between the track and the runway QDM (also the displacement of the track with respect to the runway threshold). 7-36 © Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 1.16 TIT PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Shuttle. A shuttle is the procedure of climbing or descending in a holding pattem. As part of an instrument procedure, a shuttle may be prescribed at the IAF where to achieve the specified altitude at the FAF/PAP would require excessive rate of descent from the minimum specified altitude at the end of the initial approach. Dead Reckoning Segment, Where an operational advantage can be obtained, an ILS procedure may include a dead reckoning segment from a fix to the localiser. The DR track will intersect the localiser at 45° and will not be more than 19 km (10 nm) in length. The point of intersection is the beginning of the intermediate segment and will allow for proper glide path interception. DME Range VOR/DME Fig 7.7.7 Dead Reckoning Segment 7-37 (© Oxtord Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.1.53 Precision Approach ILS/MLS. Where an ILS/MLS (we only consider the ILS case) precision approach is flown, the final approach segment begins at the Final Approach Point (FAP). This is the point in space, on the centre line of the localiser specified for the final approach track, where the intermediate approach altitude/height intersects the nominal glide path(GP). Generally, GP interception occurs at heights from 300 m (984 ft) to 900 m (2.955 ft) above runway elevation. In that case, on a 3° GP interception occurs between 6 km (3 nm) and 19 km (10 nm). The width of the ILS final approach area is much narrower than those of non-precision approaches. Descent on the GP must never be initiated until the aircraft is within the tracking tolerance of the ILS localiser. The ILS obstacle clearance surfaces assume that the pilot does not normally deviate from the centreline more than half scale deflection after being established on track. Thereafter the aircraft should adhere to the on-course, on GP position since a more than half scale deflection in azimuth and a half scale fly-up deflection (when combined with other allowable system tolerances) could place the aircraft in the vicinity of the lower extremity of the protected airspace. In the event of loss of glide path during the final approach on an ILS precision approach, the procedure becomes a non-precision approach and the OCA/H published for the glide path inoperative case will then apply. In any event, the Final Approach Segment ends either at touchdown or at the Missed Approach Point if a missed approach is flown. 7.7.54 Determination of DA/H for ILS. In addition to the physical characteristics of the ILS installation, calculation of OCA/H considers obstacles in both the approach and missed approach areas. The calculated OCAVH is the height of the highest approach obstacle or equivalent missed approach obstacle, plus an aircraft category related allowance (based on altimeter inaccuracies). The OCA/H values are published on the plate (see fig 7.6.2) for the categories of aircraft for which the procedure is designed. The values assume the following as standard: a. Cat I flown with pressure altimeter b. Cat I flown with radio altimeter and flight director ¢. Wing span not more than 60 m and the vertical distance between wheels and GP ‘Ae no more than 6 m. Missed approach climb gradient is 2.5%; and e GPangle = = minimum 2.5° optimum 3.0° ‘maximym 3.5° (3° for Cat IVIII operations) GP greater than 3.5°. Procedures involving GP greater than 3.5° or any angle when the nominal rate of descent (V,; for the aircraft type x Sin GP angle) exceeds 5 misec (1 000 ft/min), are non-standard. ‘They require increase of height loss margin (which may be aircraft type specific), adjustment of the origin of the missed approach surface, re-survey of obstacles and the application of related operational constraints. ‘They are normally restricted to specially approved operators and aircraft, and with crew restrictions. They are not to be used as a means to introduce noise abatement procedures. 7-38 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.8 MISSED APPROACH 78. 78.2 ‘The Procedure. Ifthe necessary visual criteria is not obtained at decision height (DH/A) ‘or minimum descent height (MDHV/A), or at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the pilot is unable to continue the approach, the approach procedure requires the pilot to fly a missed approach. The procedure is always detailed on the instrument approach plate together with the loss of RT procedure. A missed approach procedure consists of three phases (See Fig 7.8): a. Initial missed approach b. Intermediate missed approach Final Missed approach Initiating the Procedure (The Initial Phase). The initial missed approach begins at the missed approach point (MAPt) and ends where the climb is established. The manoeuvre in this phase necessitates the attention of the pilot on establishing the climb and the changes in aeroplane configuration to get the aircraft away from the ground with increasing altitude. For this reason, guidance equipment cannot normally be fully utilised during these manoeuvres and therefore no turns are specified in this phase. The missed approach is assumed to be initiated not lower than the DAVH in a precision approach, or at a specified point in non-precision approach procedure not lower than the MDA/H. When the MAPt is defined by a navigational facility or a fix (for instance the middle marker), the distance from the FAF to the MAPt is normally published as well, ‘and may be used for timing to the MAPt. In all cases where timing may not be used, the procedure is to be annotated “timing not authorised for defining the MAPt”. The MAPt may be defined in a procedure as: a. The point of intersection of the glide path with the applicable DA/H b. A navigational facility | Afix 4. A specified distance from the FAF. Navigation. If upon reaching the MAPt the required visual reference is not established, the procedure requires that a missed approach be initiated at once in order for protection from obstacles to be maintained. It is expected that the pilot will fly the ‘missed approach as published. In the event that a missed approach is initiated prior to arriving at the MAPK, itis expected that the pilot will proceed to the MAPt and then follow the missed approach procedure in order to remain within the protected airspace. This does not preclude flying over the MAPt at an altitude/height higher than that required by the procedure. Resaaes ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 783 184 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Intermediate Phase. This is the phase in which the climb is continued, normally straight ahead, It extends to the first point where 50 m (164 ft) obstacle clearance is obtained and can be maintained, The intermediate missed approach track may be changed by a maximum of 15° from that of the initial track and it is assumed that the aircraft will begin track corrections (pilots begin concentrating on track as well as configuration and climb). Final Phase, The final phase begins at the point where 50 m (164 ft) obstacle clearance is first obtained and can be maintained. It extends to the point where a new approach, holding or a return to en-route flight is initiated, Tums may be prescribed in this phase. a. Turning Missed Approach. Tums in @ missed approach are only prescribed where terrain or other factors make a turn necessary. When turns greater then 15° are required, they shall not be prescribed until at least 50 m (164 fi) of vertical clearance above obstacles has been ensured. If a turn from the final approach track is made, a specifically constructed missed approach area is specified. ‘The turning point (TP) is specified in one of two ways: 1, Ata designated facility or fix: ‘The turn is made on arrival overhead the fix or facility; or 2. Ata designated altitude: The turn is made upon reaching the designated altitude unless an additional fix or distance is specified to limit early turns. Note: Where limitations to speed are specified for turns, or requirements for turns to be made at specified points, the published plates will contain implicit instructions, Aircrew are expected to comply with such instructions without undue delay, FULL APPROACH SEGMENT t aL sso APPROACH Figure 7.8. Missed Approach Phases 7-40 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.9 VISUAL MANOEUVRING (CIRCLING) IN THE VICINITY OF THE AERODROME 7.9.1 19.2 7.9.2 Definition. Visual manoeuvring (circling) is the term used to deseribe the visual phase ofa flight after completing an instrument approach, to bring an aircraft into position for a Janding on a runway which is not suitably located for a straight in approach. Visual Manoeuvring (Cireling) Area VM(C)A. The visual manoeuvring area for a circling approach is determined by drawing ares centred on each runway threshold and joining those ares with tangential lines (see fig. 7.9). The radius of the ares is related to: a. Aircraft category; Speed: Wind speed (46 km/h (25 kt) throughout the turn) and, 4. Bank angle (20° average or 3° per second - whichever requires less bank) Figure 7.9. Construction of Visual Manoeuvring (Circling) Area Obstacles Within the VM(C)A. It is permissible to eliminate from consideration a particular sector where a prominent obstacle exists in the VM(C)A outside the final approach or missed approach areas. This sector, within the circling area, is bounded by the dimensions (limits) of the instrument approach surfaces. When this option is exercised, the published procedure prohibits circling within the obstacle exists Fig.7.8.2), ‘tor within which the 7-41 (© Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. ELIMINATED SECTOR ANNEXE 14 INST. APPROACH SURPACE x - > misseD APPROACH id FINAL > APPROACH SECTORISED <— VISUAL MANOEUVRING AREA Figure 7.8.2: Sectored VM(C)A 7.9.3 Obstacle Clearance. When the VM(C)A has been established, the obstacle clearance altitude/height (OCA/H) is determined for each category of aircraft Aircraft Obstacle Lowest OCH above aerodrome Minimum Visibility Category Clearance elevation mR) km (nm) mit) A 90 (295) 120 394) 1.9°(1.0) B 90 (295) 150 (492) 2.81.5) ic 120 394) 180 (591) 3.72.0) D 120 394) 210 (689), 4.6 (2.5) E 150 (492) 240 (787) 6.53.5) Table7.9.3: OCAIH for Visual manoeuvring (circling) approach 7.94 MDA/H, When additional margin is added to the OCA/H for operational considerations, an MDAVH is specified, Descent below:the MDA/H should not be made until: a. Visual reference has been established and can be maintained b, The pilot has the landing threshold in sight, and ¢. The required obstacle clearance can be maintained and the aircraft is in a position to carry out a landing. Warning: The procedure does not provide protection from obstacles when the aircraft is below the OCA/H. 7-42 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 7.10 795. 19.6 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Visual Flight Manoeuvre. A circling approach is a visual flight manoeuvre. Each circling situation is different because of variables such as runway layout, final approach track, wind velocity and meteorological conditions. Therefore there can be no single procedure that can cater for conducting a circling approach in every situation. After ial visual contact, the basic assumption is that the runway environment (the runway threshold or approach lighting aids or other markings identifiable with the runway) should be kept in sight while at MDA/H for circling, Missed Approach While Circling. If visual reference is lost while circling to land from an instrument approach, the missed approach specified for that particular instrument approach procedure must be followed. It is expected that the pilot will make an initial climbing turn towards the landing runway and overhead the aerodrome where the pilot will establish the aircraft climbing on the missed approach track. Because the circling ‘manoeuvre may be accomplished in more than one direction, different patterns will be required to establish the aircraft on the missed approach course depending on its position at the time visual reference is lost. AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) APPROACH PROCEDURES BASED ON VOR/DME, 7.10.1 7.10.2 Procedure. RNAV approach procedures based on VOR/DME are non-precision procedures (See fig 7.6.3). Such procedures are assumed to be based on one reference facility composed of a VOR and co-located DME. The reference facility will be indicated. Aircraft with RNAV systems approved by the State of the Operator for the appropriate level of RNAV operations may use these systems to carry out VOR/DME RNAV approaches, providing that before conducting any flight it is ensured that: & The RNAV equipment is serviceable b. __Thepilot has a current knowledge how to operate the equipment so as to achieve the optimum level of navigation accuracy €. The published VOR/DME facility upon which the published procedue is based is serviceable Disadvantages. ‘The main disadvantage of using the VOR/DME RNAV system is that, itrelies on a navigational database to support the computer interpretation of the received navigational information. If this database contains errors, computed position will be in error and the system will be unable to recognise such errors. The factors on which the navigational accuracy of the VOR/DME RNAV system depends are: a. Ground station tolerance b. Airborne receiving system tolerance ©. Flight technical tolerance 7-43 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS, d. System computation tolerance e Distance from reference fi ity 7.10.3 Use of FMS/RNAV equipment to follow conventional non precision approach procedures. Where FMS/RNAV equipment is available, it may be used when flying the conventional non-precision approach procedures defined provided: a The procedure is monitored using the basic display normally associated with that procedure, and b. The tolerances for using flight data on the basic display are complied with. 7-44 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.11 HOLDING PROCEDURES 7.11.1 Introduction, Holding procedures are the equivalent to temporary parking areas for aeroplanes. Clearly (unless you are flying a rotorcraft) you cannot stop, but you can remain (hold) in the vicinity of a radio navigation facility for as long as is required. Providing you can fly the aeroplane accurately (maintain height to the required standard +/- 300 ft) and navigate with reference to a radio nav aid (VOR, NDB) or a fix position, holding is a feasible option for losing time. Indeed, in bad weather or at times of peak traffic flow, you will be lucky to get a ‘straight in’ approach. The majority of arrivals will start from a holding pattem. In ahold, aircraft are stacked up, one on top of another with the necessary vertical separation applied (1 000 fi). AAs the bottom aircraft departs, the hold to fly the approach procedure, the others above are ‘shuttled’ (descended in the stack) to a lower level one at a time. Holding is a procedure you will become very familiar with and it will form an important part of your ability to demonstrate that you can fly the aeroplane, especially during your IRT. 7.11.2. Deviation warning. It must be noted that deviations from the in-flight procedures for holding incur the risk of excursions beyond the perimeters of holding areas established in accordance with the provisions of PANS OPS. The procedures described in PANS OPS relate to right tum holding pattems. For left turn holding patterns, the corresponding entry and holding procedures are symmetrical with respect to the inbound holding track. 7A13. Shapeand Terminology. The shape of holding patterns and the associated terminology is shown in fig 7.11.3 4 MINUTE rarer turn “BEAM (14900 FT AND (OANICANGLE, 4 ayminutes > WHICHEVER Is (ABOVE 14000 FT) LESS Outbound FIX END HOLDING NON-HOLDING SIDE FIX Fig 7.11.3 Holding Pattern Terminology 7-45 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW 7. PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 4 Flying the Pattern, In flying the holding pattern described, all tums are to be made at an angle of bank of 25° or at a rate of 3° per second (rate 1), whichever requires the lesser bank. All the procedures depict tracks and pilots should attempt to maintain the track by making allowance for known wind by applying corrections both to heading and ‘timing during entry and while flying the holding pattern. Outbound timings begin over ‘or abeam the fix whichever occurs later. If the abeam position cannot be determined, start timing when turn to outbound is completed. If the outbound leg is based on a DME distance, the outbound leg terminates as soon as the limiting DME distance is attained. If for any reason, a pilot is unable to conform with procedures for normal conditions, ATC should be informed as soon as possible, Holding patterns are to be flown at speeds given in table 7.11.4. Note: The speeds quoted are converted and rounded to the nearest five for operational reasons and from the standpoint of operational safety are considered to be equivalent. Levels* Normal Conditions Turbulence Conditions up to 4250m (14.000 ft) inclusive 425 km/h (230 kt)? 520 km/h (280 kt)? 315 km/h (170K0)* 315 kmvh (170 kt)* above 4250 m(14 000 ft) to 445 kmh (240 ke)* 520 kmn/h (280 kt) 16100 m (20 000 ft) inclusive or above 6100 m (20 000 ft) to 490 kmh (265 kt)" 0.8 Mach, 10350 m (34 000 f) inclusive whichever is less? above 10350 m (34 0008) 0.83 Mach 0.83 Mach 1 ‘The levels tabulated represent altitudes or corresponding flight levels depending ‘upon the altimeter setting in use. 2. When the holding procedure is followed by the initial segment of an instrument approach procedure promulgated at a speed higher than 425 km/h (230 kt), the holding should also be promulgated at this higher speed wherever possible. 3, ‘The speed of $20 km/h (280 kt) (0.8 Mach) reserved for turbulence conditions shall be used for holding only after prior clearance with ATC, unless the relevant publications indicate that the holding area can accommodate aircraft at these fhigh holding speeds 4, For holdings limited to CAT A and B aircraft only. Is, Wherever possible, 520 km/h (280 kt) should be used for holding procedures associated with airway route structures Table 7.11.4 - Holding Speeds 7-46 ‘© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS, TALS Entry Sectors. The entry into the holding pattern shall be according to heading in relation to the three entry sectors shown in the following diagram. There is a zone of flexibility 5° either side of the sector boundaries. a, Sector I Procedure (Parallel Entry). Having reached the fix, the aircraft is tumed left onto an outbound heading for the appropriate period of time (see 7.11.5a), then turned left onto the holding side to intercept the inbound track or to return to the fix, and then on the second arrival over the holding fix turn right to follow the holding pattern Fig 7.11.a 1 Join b. Sector 2 Procedure (Offset Entry). Having reached the fix, the aircraft is turned onto a heading to make good a track making an angle of 30° from the reciprocal of the inbound track on the holding side, then the aircraft will be flown outbound: a. For the appropriate period of time (see 7.11.56) where timing is specified, or b. Until the appropriate limiting DME distance is attained, where distance is, specified, or ¢. Where a limiting radial is also specified, either until the limiting DME distance is attained or until the limiting radial is encountered, whichever occurs first, then the aircraft is turned right to intercept the inbound holding track , then ‘on the second arrival over the holding fix, the aircraft is tumed right to follow the holding pattern, 70° 7-47 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW TAL ALT PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. Sector 3 Procedure (Direct Entry). Having reached the fix, the aircraft is tured right to follow the holding pattern, Fig 7.11.5 Sector 3 Join ‘Time/Distance Outbound, The still air time for flying the outbound entry heading should not exceed: @ One minute ifat or below 4 250 m (14 000 ft); b. One and a half minutes if above 4 250m (14 000 ft) Where DME is available, the length of the outbound leg may be specified in terms of distance instead of time. Holding. Having entered the holding pattern, on the second and subsequent arrivals ‘over the fix the aircraft is turned to fly an outbound track which will most appropriately position the aircraft for the turn on to the inbound track. Due allowance should be made to compensate for the effects of wind to ensure that the inbound track is regained before passing the holding fix inbound, The aircraft will then: Continue outbound in accordance with 7.11.6 b. Turn so as to realign the aireraft on the inbound track Having been instructed by ATC to hold at the OX beacon at flight level 90, on arriving, over the holding fix for the second time, the pilot should report: “Redair 123 OX holding at FL 90" 7.A1.7.1 Descent in the hold. When cleared to descend in the hold, the aircraft should descend as soon as possible. There is no need to wait until over the fix. The process of descending in the hold is known as shuttling and the pilot will be advised App Control: “Redair 123 shuttle in the hold FL80" 7-48 {© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW TALI TALS. PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS The pilot will acknowledge the order and when established at FL80 over the fix, report: “Redair 123 OX holding FL80" Departing the Pattern. When clearance is received specifying the time of departure from the holding point, the pilot should adjust the pattern within the of the established holding procedure in order to leave the holding point at the specified time. Obstacle Clearance. The holding area includes the basic holding area and the entry area (see fig 7.11.8a). The basic holding area at any particular level is the airspace required at that level to encompass a holding pattem based on the allowances for aircraft speed, wind effect, timing errors, holding fix characteristics etc... The entry area includes the airspace required to accommodate the specified entry procedures. The buffer area is the area extending 9.3 km (5.0 nm) beyond the boundary of the holding area within which the height and nature of obstacles are taken into consideration when determining the minimum holding level useable in the holding pattern associated with the holding area. The minimum permissible holding level provides a clearance of at least: a. 300. m(984 ft) in the holding area b. The following in the buffer area: Minimum Obstacle Clearance Over Low Flat Terrain Distance Beyond the Metres Feet Boundary of the Holding Area 0 to 1.9 km (0 to 1.0 nm) 300 984 1.9 to 3.7 km (1.0 to 2.0 nm) 150 492 3.7 to 5.6 km (2.0 to 3.0 nm) 120 394 5.6 to 7.4 km (3.0 to 4.0 nm) 90 295 7.4 to 9.3 km (4.0 to 5.0 nm) 60 197 Table 7.11.8: Obstacle Clearance Increment (see fig 7.11.86) 600 m (1 969 ft) over high terrain or in mountainous areas 7-49 (© Oxtord Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Fig 7.11.8a Holding and Buffer Areas —}— otone aren > BUFFER * 1 Me | Sperone 5m A | "ntaay Pender owt Horne! Fig 7.11.80 Holding Obstacle Clearance 7-50 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 7A2 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. ALTIMETER SETTING PROCEDURES. TAZA 7122 7423 TAA Objectives. The two main objectives of altimeter setting procedures are to: a, Provide adequate vertical separation between aircraft b. Provide adequate terrain clearance during all phases of flight. 72.1.1 Sub-Scale settings. There are two altimeter sub scale settings that can be applied at any aerodrome. These are : a. QNH. This is the observed barometric pressure at an aerodrome adjusted in accordance with the ISA pressure lapse rate to indicate the pressure that would be observed if the observation was carried out at sea level. If QNH is set on the altimeter sub-scale, the altimeter would read aerodrome elevation at touchdown. b. QFE, Isthe observed barometric pressure at an aerodrome which if set on the altimeter sub-scale, the altimeter would read zero at touchdown. ‘Transition. When flying below the transition altitude, the aircraft is flown at altitudes determined with reference to sea level pressure (QNH) and the vertical position is expressed in terms of altitude, Above the transition altitude, the aircraft is flown along surfaces of constant atmospheric pressure based on an altimeter sub-scale setting of 1013 hPa (mb) and the vertical position is expressed in terms of flight levels. During a climb upon reaching the transition altitude, 1013 hPa is set and the climb continued to the desired flight level. In the descent, upon reaching the transition level, the QNH is then set and descent continued to the desired altitude. Flight Levels. Flight Level Zero (FLO) is located at the atmospheric pressure level of 1013 hPa. Subsequent flight levels are separated by a pressure interval corresponding. to 500 ft in standard atmosphere, Flight levels are numbered as follows: FL30 FL35 FL40 FLdSete. FLIOO — FLIOS FLIIO etc... Transition Altitude. ‘This is the altitude (QNH set) above the aerodrome at which the altimeter sub scale is reset to 1013hPa (mb) and vertical position above that is then reported as a flight level. The transition altitude is to be specified for every aerodrome by the State in which the aerodrome is located. The altitude above the aerodrome of the transition altitude shall be as low as possible but normally not less than 3 000 ft. The calculated height of the transition altitude is to be rounded up to the nearest 1 000 ft Transition altitudes are published in AIPs and shown on charts and instrument plates. A state may specify a general transition altitude (as in the USA). 7-51 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS. 7.12.5. Transition Level. The transition level is the flight level at which the altimeter is reset to the aerodrome QNH and subsequent flight is reported with reference to altitude. The transition level is normally passed to aircraft in the approach and landing clearances. ‘The transition level changes with the QNH. It is calculated by the Approach Controller at regular intervals and when QNH changes. It is defined as the first flight level above the transition altitude. It is calculated as follows: Example 1. Transition altitude = 3.000 ft QNH = 1 018 mB (hPa) QNH~1013=5 mB ‘SmB x 30! per mB = 1508 At Tialt with 1 013 set altimeter reads 3 000 - 150 =2 850" First flight level above 2 850 ft = FL30 = Transition Level NOTE: Wind off pressure, wind off height. Example 2. QNH = 1 005 mB QNH - 1013 =~ 8mB x 30=-240 ft therefore alt reads 3 240 ft thus T/level = FL3S NOTE: Wind on pressure, wind on height. 7.12.6 Transition Layer. ‘This is the airspace between the transition altitude and the transition level. It is usually insignificant. When ascending through the transition layer vertical position is reported as a flight level and when descending, as an altitude. In example 1, at T/Alt with 1013 set, altimeter reads 2850 ft, so T/L is at 3000ft. So TiLayer - 3000 - 2850 = 150ft deep. In example 2, at T/Alt, altimeter reads 3240 and T/L, = 260ft deep. 500. So T/Layer = 3500 - 3240 Max depth of T/L = 500! (QNH = 1013; therefore T/L = FL35) Min depth is less than 30ft (assuming Imb= 308), eeu: ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limites AIR LAW 7127 TAB PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Phases of Flight. ‘The QNH shall be communicated to aircraft in taxi clearances prior to take-off. En-route when flying below the transition altitude the vertical position is reported in terms of altitude (QNH set) and when above the transition altitude, in terms of flight level. If flying below the transition altitude, QNH should be obtained from sufficient locations to permit determination of terrain clearance with an acceptable degree of accuracy. When approaching an aerodrome to land, the QNH will be passed to aircraft in clearances to enter the traffic circuit, Normally, vertical position is reported as a flight level until reaching the transition level in the descent, however, after an approach clearance has been issued, reference should then be made in terms of altitude with the QNH set. This is intended to apply primarily to turbine aircraft for which an uninterrupted descent from high altitude is desirable. Pilot/Operator Procedures. Pilots and operators are required to plan the route and, complying with the rules of a state and the general flight rules, are to select an appropriate IFR ot VFR flight level for the flight. The following are to be taken into consideration: a. In selecting fight levels for a flight, those selected: 1, should ensure adequate terrain clearance at all points along the route; 2, should satisfy ATC requirements; and 3. should be compatible with the table of cruising levels in Chap. 6 b. The serviceability and accuracy of the altimeter should be confirmed prior to the commencement of a flight. With knowledge of the aerodrome elevation in the case of QNH, the altimeter should be set to either QNH or QFE. The instrument should then be vibrated (avoiding tapping the glass) to ensure thatthe instrument has reacted to the mechanical adjustment of setting the sub-scale. A serviceable altimeter will indicate: 1. the height of the altimeter above the reference point (QFE); or 2, the elevation of the position of the aeroplane plus the height of the altimeter above the ground (QNH); ¢. Altimeters are to be checked for correct operation within the following tolerances: : 1, plus or minus 60 ft (20 m) for a test range between 0 - 30.000 ft; or 2, plus or minus 80 ft ( 28 m) for a test range between 0 - 50 000 ft 4. Prior to take-off, one altimeter (if two are fitted) shall be set to the QNH of the aerodrome. (The other altimeter may be set to QFE.) 7-53 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES / AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 7.12.9 Approach and Landing. Before commencing an approach to an aerodrome, the pilot is to obtain the transition level. Before descending below the transition level, the latest QNH for the aerodrome is to be obtained. (This does not preclude a pilot using QFE for terrain clearance purposes during the final approach to a runway.) ATC may clear an aircraft to be operated using QNH when above the transition level if so required for the purpose of descent in accordance with a prescribed procedure (i.e not for level flight). When an aircraft which has been given clearance as number one to land is using QFE to complete the approach, OCH is to be established with reference to height above the aerodrome datum for that portion of the flight. On approach plates all vertical displacement is shown as both AMSL and AGL in the following form: 2000(1485) with the AMSL figure in bold type and the AGL figure in parenthesis. This is a standard format and is used in all publications. 7.13 SIMULTANEOUS OPERATION ON PARALLEL OR NEAR-PARALLEL RUNWAYS, 7.13.1 Introduction. The need to increase capacity at aerodromes handling IFR traffic in IMC ‘can be met by the use of parallel or near-parallel runways. An aerodrome already having INTERCEPT OF G/S ‘ NOTE:- MISSED APPROACH TRACKS 2,500" ‘TO DIVERGE BY AT LEAST 30° & SOUTHERLY HOLD LOW SIDE Fig 7.13.1ai Simultaneous Parallel Approach Operations Mode 1 - Independent 7-55 9g-2 quepuadeg - z epow suoneledo yoeoiddy | eed snooueynuis HeLe1'2 Bid GOH ATwaHINOs <0¢ LSV31 Lv Ag 3ONSAIG OL ‘SHOVEL HOVONddY G3SSIN ~:3LON Can you fly in VMC in class A airspace? eves b. No, ontly IMC is permitted c. No, you must have an instrument rating and the aircraft must be instrument equipped 4. No, IFR is mandatory in class A airspace Which class of airspace permits IFR and VER flights but only offers a Flight Information Service and Alerting Service? oumg What is the main difference between class D and class E airspace? You do not need to file a flight plan to fly in class E airspace Class E airspace is not controlled airspace ‘Non radio VFR traffic is permitted in class E airspace and not in class D In class E airspace, a Flight Information Service is not available Bese 8-26 ‘© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES 11, Why is Class F airspace called ‘advisory airspace"? a, Because advisory control is provided for both IFR and VER traffic b. Advisory contro! is provided to participating IFR traffic c. Because there is no legal requirement to observe the existence of class F airspace, you are just ‘advised’ to call the controller 4, Class F airspace only exists where normal procedural ATC cannot be applied due to remoteness or sparse traffic density 12. Whatis the difference between Class A airspace and Class B airspace? Class B airspace is confined to the Upper Information Region (above FL245) Air Traffic Routes in class B are not airways (ie no defined limits) In VMC you do not need to file a flight plan in class B FL245 exists in class B but not in class A 13. What does RNP10 mean? Air Traffic Route number Papa 10 Required Notice Period is 10 minutes before the aerodrome boundary Routine/Normal Position accuracy suffix is 10 nm Required Navigation Performance standard is 10 nm pege 14, Are all Flight Information Regions (FIR) required to have a Flight Information Centre (FIC)? a Yes Notf the services (FIS and Alerting Service) have been assigned to an ATC unit having, adequate facilities Not necessarily. An FIC is only required if the FIR has airways and control areas/zones 4. An FIC is not required if there are no aerodromes in an FIR 15, What are Air Traffic Control Units (ATCUs) required to provide? ATC within CTAs, CTRs and at controlled aerodromes, ‘Area Control to IFR traffic flying on airways FIS and Area Control in a controlled FIR Area, Approach and Aerodrome control 8-27 (© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 16. 17. 18, 20, AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES What airspace is included in a Flight Information Region? a Airways and Upper routes; CTAs and CTRs and all non controlled airspace within geographically defined limits Airways, CTAs (including Upper CTAs) and CTRs, and all non controlled airspace within geographically defined limits All airspace within geographically defined limits All airspace below FL245 Who determines minimum flight altitude? The authority of the state being overflown ‘The regional ATCU ‘The FIC for the FIR ‘The operator What SSR squawk should be set in an emergency? eege ANTTT 7700 A700 A7600 ‘What is the International Aeronautical VHF Distress and Calling frequency? 123.450MHz 121,500MHz 243.000MHz. 406.000MHz, Ifyou are flying over state A but close to the border of state B and are intercepted by air defence aircraft of state A, what should you do? aege ‘Communicate with ATC and ask the controller to liase with the Air Defence Unit Ignore the signals from the fighters and squawk 7600 Squawk 7700 and try to evade the fighters Try calling the fighters on the distress frequency stating that you are a controlled flight under instructions of the ATCU and cannot comply with the interceptor requirements 8-28 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES 21 23. 24, 28. 26. Itis 1000 hrs British Summer Time (BST) in London. What is the Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC)? a. 0900 UTC b. 1000 UTC c 1100 4 11002 Itis 1000 UTC in London (0° E/W). What is the time in New York (74° W)? Clue: The Earth rotates through 360° in 24 Hours! 1500 UTC. 0500 UTC 1000 UTC 0400 Eastern Standard Time If you request a time check from ATC to what accuracy will it be given? ‘The nearest minute ‘The nearest half minute Accurately on the minute (counting down from 5) Plus or minus 10 seconds eoge In what classes of airspace is ATC is provided to IFR flights? a. All classes of airspace b. Classes A to E only c. _All.classes except class G 4, Classes A —D and in CTR in class E In what classes of airspace is ATC provided to VER flights? All classes of airspace Classes A to D only B; Cand D only Classes B to E Can you fly under a Special VER clearance in Class F airspace? No, because Class F is advisory control only ‘Yes, providing adequate terrain clearance can be maintained No, SVER is only applicable to Classes A, B and C airspace No, because there are no class F CTRs aoe 8-29 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES 20. 28, 29. 30. 31. 32, You are flying for Commercial Air Transport in a B737. Without a specific need, would you be permitted to depart airways at BOVVA and land at Stansted under a SVFR clearance? a, Yes, providing the SVFR requirements are met b. No, SVFR is not permitted under an Air Operators Certificate ©. Not normally. SVER is not usually granted to a/e with a MTM greater than 5700 Kg flying for Commercial Air Transport No, Stansted is in controlled airspace and SVER is not applicable to CAS Do you require an ATC clearance to fly under SVFR? Yes, SVER is defined as “flight accordance with an ATC elearance...ete” No, the idea of SVER is to avoid the need to get ATC clearance It depends on where you are flying under SVFR. In CAS — yes, outside CAS - No Yes, but only where ATC can be provided Apart from the requirements of certain classes of airspace and SVER, where else is ATC required to be provided? a, Outside CAS in Class B and C airspace b. Over the Oceans ©. Inareas where military activity and civilian training activity is higher than normal (ie AIAAs) 4. At controlled aerodromes By whatwhom is Area Control provided? An area control centre (ACC) or by Approach Control in certain CTRs ‘The local Flight Information Centre (FIC) An Oceanic Control Centre ‘The airways radar controller aege Is a dedicated approach controller necessary at an aerodrome? Yes if approach control is required No, approach control can be provided by an Area Control Centre (ACC) ‘Yes, but only in meteorological conditions that preclude visual approaches Yes if the aerodrome is within a CTR. aege How does ATC provide separation between controlled flights under IFR? By radar control By issuing a clearance By requesting position reports By requiring all flights to fly along ATS routes (airways) 8-30 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES 33. 34, 35. 36, 37, 38, How is separation achieved? Vertically, longitudinally and compositely Vertically, laterally and compositely Vertically, horizontally and compositely Vertically, laterally and longitudinally ‘What type of separation is being applied when two aircraft are at the same flight level and are required to report over specific reporting points along the route? Longitudinal Time related Distance related Lateral pese Ifan ATCU cannot issue a complete route clearance ( ie from departure aerodrome to destination) what must be included in the pre-takeoff ATC clearance? ‘Advice to request onward clearance form other ATCUs Specific information concerning the limit of the clearance The flight level allocated if different from that requested The details of any routing diversions ae oe Ifa clearance expiry time has been included in a clearance, what does it mean? a. The time by which the flight (or the portion of the flight) has to have been completed b. The latest off blocks time (OBT) c. The time at which the flight plan will be cancelled 4, That clearance will be cancelled if the flight does not commence by that time Why is it essential that the movement of vehicles and persons on an aerodrome is controlled? a. To prevent injury and damage to property b, On the aerodrome responsibility for avoiding collisions between aircraft and vehicles rests with the air traffic controller To ensure that the rules of the air are complied with 4. Toavoid hazards to aeroplanes ‘To which aircraft is a flight information service (FIS) to be provided? All aircraft flying in a flight information region (FIR) Only aircraft in receipt of ATC All controlled flights from engine start to final shut down Allaircraftin receipt ofan ATC service or known to ATC which are by the information 8-31 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES 39, 41 42. 43, Other than SIGMET and AIRMET, which of the following are included in FIS info? Volcanic activity Release of radioactive and toxic material Unserviceability of radio nav aids Changes in aerodrome conditions Unmanned free balloons yeep All the above All except | which is subject of an ASHTAM All except 5 2,3 and 4 only pose When will a flight information service officer (FISO) provide information regarding the operation of other aircraft in your vicinity? When requested to provide separation To IFR traffic in IMC When a collision risk exists Where no ATC facility exists eege ‘What are the three types of Operational Flight Information Service (OFIS) Broadcasts? OFIS, AFIS, ATIS HF OFIS; VHF OFIS; ATIS AFIS; Volmet; AFIS OFIS; AFIS; AFTN What does the abbreviation ATIS stand for? a, Automated Traffic Information System b, Aerodrome Traffic Information Service Active Terminal Information System. Automatic Terminal Information Service ae Why is an ATIS system used at an aerodrome? To cut down VHF chatter To ensure that essential information is available at all times to pilots To allow FISOs to give repetitive information on a broadcast basis To reduce the workload on Air Traffic Controllers 8-32 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 44, 45. 46. 41. 48. AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES On the frequencies of what radio navigation facilities can ATIS be transmitted? pees VOR: NDB, ILS (localiser not glide path) VOR/DVORTAC; NDB VOR; ILS localiser VOR only What type of ATIS information is given on the Oxford ATIS? ae oe Arriving traffic Departing traffic Composite (arriving and departing) Local area You are flying VFR in the London FIR outside controlled airspace. Is the ATCC required to provide you with an alerting service? pegs Yes, all aircraft flying in the FIR are to be provided with the service Yes, but you must have an ATC clearance Yes if you have filed a flight plan, otherwise no Yes if you have made your intention to fly known to the ATCC You are overdue arrival at Oxford on a VER flight from Carlisle. It is now 1525 and your ETA (passed via Birmingham ATC at 1430) was 1500. What phase of emergency should have been declared by Oxford ATC? a. None b. _ INCERFA (uncertainty phase) c. _ ALERFA (alert phase) d. _ DETRESFA (distress phase) When a state of emergency has been declared by an aeroplane, ATC is required to ensure that all aircraft known to be in the vicinity are aware of the emergency situation and either assist or remain clear, What is the one exception to this rule? When the nature of the emergency is unlawfill interference When the aeroplane in distress is carrying dangerous air cargo When the aeroplane in distress is outside of controlled airspace ‘When the aircraft in distress is not flying for commercial air transport 8-33 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES 49, 50. 31 92, 53, ATS routes (airways etc..) are given designation codes to allow them to be uniquely identified. For instance Al (Alfa One). To what type of ATS route would the designator UAI refer? a. An ATS route (desig Al) in an Upper Information Region b. Airway AI ‘one way only’ ie Unidirectional ©. The U indicates that the route is Unclassified. ie it does not form part of the regional rote structure 4. The portion of a designated route at which the minimum level is Unsafe If an airway was given the designator W25F what would the F indicate? The route is an advisory route ‘The airspace is class D It is a subdivision of airway W25. ie W25A; W25B; W2SC etc... It isa temporary route ie weekend only How would a route that is used exclusively by supersonic transports be designated? By use of the suffix S By use of the prefix S By use of the prefix X By use of the suffix X ‘What is the RNP number applicable to routes designated by suffixes Y and Z? al; b.2; 65; d.10 Inallocating a basic route designation letter (ie A1), what does the choice of the letter A mean? A regional ATS route (airway) ‘A regional area navigation route ‘Anon regional ATS route (airway) A non regional area navigation route pegs 8-34 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES ANSWERS TO REVISION QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER 8 1} ic 26 D 51 16 2] 4 21 c 52. n 3] a4 28 A 53 B 4| oa 29 D 54 cc) s| oA 30 A 55 80 6| D 31 B 56 81 7] D 32 B 37 82 8] oA 33 ic 58 83 9} Dp 34 A 39 84 w| Cc 35 B 60 85 nu} B 36 D 61 86 nip 37 D 6 87 B} oD 38 D 63 88 14] B 39 A 64 89 15] A 40 c 65 90, 16| B 41 B 66 on ia 42 D 67 92. 18| B 43 A 68 93 19| B 44 D 9 94 20| A 45 c 70 95 ai oa 46 D 1 96 zl ic a7 A n 97 Bl A 48 A 3B 98 24| B 49 A 4 99 as|_¢ 50. A 5 100 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited CHAPTER NINE - PROCEDURES FOR AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 94 92 93 94 95 96 97 (PANS RAC - DOC 4444) Contents Page INTRODUCTION. - Od FLIGHT PLAN - ol CHANGE FROM IFR TO VFR FLIGHT 9-2 CLEARANCES AND INFORMATION 93 POSITION REPORTING .. 95 AIR TRAFFIC INCIDENT REPORT (ATIR) . . ceeeeee eens 9.9 AIRBORNE COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEMS (ACAS). 99 REVISION QUESTIONS (© Oxford Aviation Services Linited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION 9.1 INTRODUCTION 91d 912 Doe4444, The Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Air Traffic Management (PANS-ATM) (DOC 4444) are the result of the progressive evolution of the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Air Traffic Control (PANS-ATC) prepared by the Air ‘Traffic Control Committee of the Intemational Conference on North Atlantic Route Service Organisation (Dublin, March 1946). Procedures contained in the present documents are complimentary to the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annexes 2 and 11. They are supplemented when necessary by regional procedures contained in Part | of the Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7030). ‘Terrain Clearance. Although the procedures in PANS-ATM are mainly directed to air traffic services personnel, the attention of pilots-in-command is drawn to the following. The objectives of the air traffic control service do not include prevention of collision with terrain, The procedures described in this document, with the exception of radar vectoring of IFR traffic, do not relieve the pilot of his responsibilities of ensuring that any clearance issued by air traffic control units are safe in this respect. 92 FLIGHT PLAN 9.21 Submission of a Flight Plan, A flight plan is defined as ‘specified information provided to ATSUs, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight’. It may be “filed” (submitted to the ATSU), depending upon the circumstance, either before or after departure, Where a FP is submitted to obtain air traffic control the PIC must wait for a clearance before proceeding. If the FP is submitted for advisory ATC the PIC is wait for acknowledgement of the of receipt before proceeding. Prior to Departure. Except when other arrangements have been made for submission of repetitive flight plans (RPLs), a flight plan submitted prior to departure should be submitted in person or by telephone to the air traffic services reporting office at the departure aerodrome. If no such unit exists at the departure aerodrome, the flight plan should be submitted by telephone or teletypewriter, or if these means are not available, by radio to the unit serving or designated to serve the departure aerodrome, a. In normal circumstances, a flight plan should be submitted not less than 1 hr before departure, b. Where clearance to enter an Oceanic CTA or flow management is applicable, the FP should be submitted not less then 3 hours before departure. €. __Inexceptional circumstances, ATC will accept a FP 30 minutes before departure but the PIC must be prepared to accept whatever ATC can offer in the way of a clearance. 4. Foranon-commercial, non-scheduled international flight, the plan isto be filed at least 2 hours before arrival. 1 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION e Where air traffic flow management (ATFM) is applied, usually to scheduled flights with repetitive flight plans (RPLs) the critical time is the estimated off blocks time (EOBT) and this will reflect the taxi, departure and transit time from the point of passenger loading to the time of entry into the managed airspace (the slot time). The ATFMU will calculate the EOBT from the slot time and advise the operator accordingly. Delays to Departure. In the event of a delay of thirty (30) minutes in excess of the estimated off-block time for a controlled flight, or a delay of one hour for an uncontrolled flight for which a flight plan has been submitted, the flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan should be submitted and the old flight plan cancelled, whichever is applicable. 9.2.13 Repetitive Flight Plans (RPLs). RPLs are used for IFR flights operated regularly on the same day(s) of consecutive weeks, and on at least 10 occasions or every day over a period of at least 10 days. The elements of the RPL shall have a high degree of stability (only minor changes accepted). RPLs are the main method of submission of Ps for scheduled air services. The air traffic system will activate the FP for every flight of the schedule automatically. 9.3 CHANGE FROM IFR TO VFR FLIGHT 93.1 93.2 Procedure. Change from IFR flight to VFR flight is only acceptable when a message initiated by the pilot-in-command containing the specific expression “CANCELLING MY IER FLIGHT’, together with the changes, if any, to be made to the current flight plan, is received by an air traffic services unit. No invitation to change from IFR flight to VER flight is to made either directly or indirectly or by inference. No reply, other than the acknowledgement “IFR FLIGHT CANCELLED AT....(time)” should normally be made by an air traffic services unit, When an air traffic services unit is in possession of information that instrument ‘meteorological conditions are likely to be encountered along the route of flight, a pilot changing from IFR flight to VER flight should, if practicable, be so advised, Advice to Other ATCUs. An air traffic services unit receiving notification of an aircraft's intention to change from IFR to VER flight shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, so inform all other traffic services units to whom the IFR plan was addressed, except those units through whose regions or areas the flight has already passed 9-2 ‘© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION 9.4 CLEARANCES AND INFORMATION 9.4.1 9.4.2 943 944 Scope The issuance ofair traffic control clearances by air traffic control units constitutes authority for an aircraft to proceed only in so far as known air traffic is concerned, Clearances are based on known traffic conditions which affect safety in aircraft operation, Such traffic conditions include not only aircraft in the air and on the ‘manoeuvring area over which control is being exercised, but also any vehicular traffic or other obstructions not permanently installed on the manoeuvring area in use. Ifan air traffic control clearance is not suitable to the pilot-in-command of an aircraft, he may request and, ifpracticable, obtain an amended clearance. Clearances issued by controllers relate to traffic and aerodrome conditions only and do not relieve a pilot of any responsibility whatsoever in connection with a possible violation of applicable rules and regulations, Issuance. Air traffic control units shall issue such air traffic control clearances as are necessary to meet the objectives of collision prevention and the expedition and ‘maintenance of an orderly flow of air traffic. Aircraft flying through a terminal control area shall, where possible, be cleared by the most direct route from the entry to the exit point of the terminal control area. Similarly, aircraft arriving and/or departing within a terminal control area shall, where possible, be cleared by the most direct route from the point of entry to the aerodrome of landing or from the aerodrome of departure to the point of exit. Aircraft intending supersonic flight shall, whenever possible, be cleared by the most direct route from the point of entry to the aerodrome of landing or from the aerodrome of departure to the point of exit. Aircraft intending supersonic flight shall, whenever practicable, be cleared for the transonic acceleration prior ro departure. Control of air traffie flow. When it becomes apparent to an air traffic control unit that traffic additional to that already accepted cannot be accommodated within a given period of time (overload) at a particular location or in a particular area , or can only be accommodated at a given rate, that unit is to advise other air traffic control units known, or believed to be concerned. Pilots-in-command of aircraft destined to the location or area in question and operators known or believed to be concemed are also to be advised of the delays expected or the restrictions that will be applied. Altimeter setting procedures. For flights in the vicinity of aerodromes the vertical position of aircraft shall be expressed in terms of altitude at or below the transition level. While passing through the transition layer, vertical position shall be expressed in terms of flight levels when ascending and in terms of altitudes when descending. 9-3 (© Oxford Aviation Services Linvted AIR LAW 945 9.4.6 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION a, Continuous descent. After approach clearance has been issued and the descent to land is commenced, the vertical position of an aircraft above the transition level may be expressed by reference to altitudes (QNH) provided that level ‘light above the transition altitude is not indicated or anticipated. Note:- this is intended to apply primarily to turbine-engined aircraft for which an uninterrupted descent from a high level is desirable and to aerodromes equipped to control such aircraft by reference to altitudes throughout the descent. b. Use of QFE. When an aircraft, which has been given a clearance as number one to land, is completing its approach using QFE, the vertical position of the aircraft shall be expressed in terms of height above aerodrome elevation during that portion of its flight for which QFE may be used. However, vertical position shall be expressed in terms of height above runway threshold elevation: 1 for instrument runways, if the threshold is 2 metres (7 feet) or more below the aerodrome elevation, and 2. for precision approach runways. ©. Enroute. Except where, on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, a transition altitude has been established for a specified area, for flights en route the vertical position of aircraft shall be expressed in terms of: 1. flight levels at or above the lowest usable flight level; 2. altitudes below the lowest usable ight level; Determination of the transition level. Approach control offices or aerodrome control towers shall establish the transition level to be used in the vicinity of the relevant aerodrome(s) concemed. Where a common transition altitude has been established for ‘two or more aerodromes which are so closely located as to require co-ordinated procedures, the appropriate air traffic services units shall establish a common transition level to be used at any given time in the vicinity of the aerodrome concerned. Provision of information, Appropriate air traffic service units shall at all times have available for transmission to aircraft in flight, on request, the information required to determine the lowest flight level which will ensure adequate terrain clearance on routes ‘or segments of routes for which this information is required. a, Area QNH or forecast QNH. Flight information centres and area control centres shall have available for transmission to aircraft on request an appropriate number of QNH reports or forecast pressures for the flight information regions and control areas for which they are responsible. 9-4 ‘© Oxtord Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 94.7 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION b. Transition level. ‘The transition level shall be included in approach clearances when so prescribed by the appropriate authority or requested by the pilot. Aerodrome QNH. A QNH altimeter setting shall be included in approach clearances or clearances to enter the traffic circuit and in taxi clearances for departing aircraft, except when it is known that the aircraft already have received the information. QNH altimeter setting shall be provided to aircraft on request or on a regular basis in accordance with local arrangements. Where reference is made to aerodrome elevation the aerodrome QFE shall be provided (see 9.4.4 b. 1) and 2)). d. Round down. Altimeter settings provided to aircraft shall be rounded down to the nearest lower whole hectopascal (millibar). Indication of heavy wake turbulence and MLS capability. For aircraft in the heavy wake turbulence category the word “Heavy” shall be included immediately after the aircraft call sign in the initial radio contact between the aircraft and ATC prior to departure or arrival. Wake turbulence categories are specified in the instructions for completing Item 9 of the flight plan, The appropriate MLS capability designator (FP item 10 - kilo) shall be included, ‘whenever appropriate, inthe initial radiotelephony contact between such aircraft and the control office, prior to departure or arrival. 9.5 POSITION REPORTING 95.1 ‘Transmission of position reports. On routes defined by designated significant points (reporting points x compulsory, - non-compulsory) position reports shall be made when over, or as soon as possible after passing, each designated compulsory reporting point. Additional reports over other (non-compulsory) points may be requested by the appropriate air traffic services unit by the appropriate air traffic services unit when so required for air traffic services purposes. a, Routes not defined by reporting points. On routes not defined by designated significant points, position reports shall be made as soon as possible after the first halfhour of flight and at hourly intervals thereafter. Additional reports over other points may be requested by the appropriate air traffic services unit when so required for air trafic services purposes. 9-5 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 952 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION b. ‘Omit position reports’. Under conditions specified by the appropriate ATS. authority, flights may be exempted form the requirement to make position reports at each designated compulsory reporting point or interval. In applying, this paragraph, account should be taken if the meteorological requirement forthe making and reporting of routine aircraft observations. Note:- This is intended to apply in cases where adequate flight progress data are available from other sources, e.g. ground radar, and in other circumstances where the omission of routine reports from selected flights is found to be acceptable. ATC will advise pilots to “Omit position reports”. €. Reporting Unit. The position reports shall be made to the air traffic services unit serving the airspace in which the aircraft is operated. In addition, when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority in aeronautical information publications or requested by the appropriate air traffic services unit, the last position report before passing from one flight information region or control area shall be made to the air traffic services unit serving the airspace about to be entered d. Late reporting. If a position report is not received at the expected time, subsequent control shall not be based on the assumption that the estimated time is accurate, Immediate action shall be taken to obtain the report if it likely to have any bearing on the control of other aircraft Contents of position report. A position report shall contain the following elements of information, except that the elements d) c) and f) may be omitted from position reports, transmitted by radiotelephony, when so prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation agreement. Note:- Omission of element d) may be possible when flight level or altitude, as appropriate, derived from SSR Mode C information can be made continuously available to controllers in a labelled form, and when adequate procedures have been developed to guarantee the safe and efficient use of SSR mode C information. a. Aircraft identification b. Position e Time, d. Flight level or altitude, e. Next position and time over. £ _Ensuing significant point. 96 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 953 954 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION Automation dependent surveillance (ADS). A surveillance technique in which aircraft automatically provide, via adata link, data derived from on-board navigation and position-fixing systems, including aircraft identification, four dimensional position and additional data as appropriate a, Transmission of ADS reports. The position reports shall be made automatically to the air traffic services unit serving the airspace in which the aircraftis operating. The requirements for the transmission and contents of ADS, reports shall be established by the controlling ATC unit on the basis of current operational conditions, and committed to the aircraft and acknowledged through an ADS agreement. Air-Reports and Special Air-Reports (Routine Airep and Special Aireps). When ‘operational and/or routine meteorological information is to be reported by an aircraft en route at points or times where position reports are required, the position report is to be given in the form of a routine air-report (airep). Special aircraft observations are reported as special aireps. All aireps are to be reported as soon as possible. When ADS. is applied, para 9.5.3 applies. a, Contents of routine air-reports. Routine aireps transmitted by voice or data link when ADS is not being applied, are to give information relating to such of the following elements as are necessary for compliance with sub para b) below. 1. Position information. i Aircraft identification ii, Position iii, Time iv. Flight level or altitude v. Next position and time over vi. _Ensuing significant point 2. Operational information. imated time of arrival ii, Endurance 3. Meteorological information. air temperature Wind directi Wind speed Turbulence y.Aireraft icing vi. Humidity (ifavailable) 9-7 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW Note: PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION Section 1 of the airep is mandatory except that v. and vi. may be omitted if in accordance with a regional air navigation agreement. Section 2 is only transmitted when requested by the operator (or agent) and when deemed necessary by the pilot. Section 3 is transmitted when requested “report met”. ‘One aircraft per hour flying routes in the NAT area is required to report met. Contents of special air-reports. Special air-reports are to be made by all aircraft when any of the following conditions are encountered or observed: 1. Severe turbulence 2. severe icing 3. severe mountain wave 4, thunderstorms (with or without hail that are embedded, widespread or in line squalls) 5. heavy duststorms or heavy sandstorms 6. voleanic ash cloud 7. pre-eruption voleanic activity or volcanic eruption Additionally, in the case of transonic/supersonic flight: 8. moderate turbulence 9. hail 10. cumulonimbus clouds AIREP/AIREP SPECIAL forms. Airep/Airep special forms (Doc 4444 app 1) are provided for the use of flight crew in compiling the required reports. Instructions for compilation and phraseology are also provided. Special Air-reports for Voleaiic Activity. Reports containing observations of volcanic activity are to be recorded on the special ‘air-report of volcanic activity’ form. 9-8 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 96 97 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION AIR TRAFFIC INCIDENT REPORT (ATIR) 9.6.1 9.6.2 AIRPROX. The code word used in an air traffic incident report to designate air proximity. An air traffic incident report should be submitted, normally to the air traffic services unit concerned, for incidents specifically related to the provision of air traffic services involving such occurrences as aircraft proximity (AIRPROX) or other serious difficulty resulting in hazard to aircraft, caused by ¢.g.: faulty procedures, non- compliance with procedures, or failure of ground facilities. Determination of Risk. Procedures are established for the reporting of aircraft proximity incidents and their investigation to promote the safety of an aircraft. The degree of risk involved in an aircraft proximity should be established in the incident investigation and classified as “risk of collision”, “safety not assured”, “no risk of collision” or “risk not determined”. When an accident/incident investigative authority conducts an investigation of an aircraft proximity incident, the air traffic services aspects, should be included, AIRBORNE COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEMS (ACAS). 974 97.2 973 Definition. ACAS - An aircraft system based on secondary surveillance radar(SSR) ‘transponder signals which operate independently of ground-based equipment to provide advice to the pilot on potential conflicting aircraft that are equipped with SSR transponders. ATC Procedures. The procedures to be applied for the provision of ar traffic services to aircraft equipped with ACAS shall be identical to those applicable to non-ACAS. ‘equipped aircraft. In particular, the prevention of collisions, the establishment of appropriate separation and the information which might be provided in relation to conflicting traffic and to possible avoiding action shall conform with the normal ATS, procedures and shall exclude consideration of aircraft capabilities dependent on ACAS, equipment. ACAS Advisory. When a pilot reports an manouevre induced by an ACAS resolution advisory, the controller shall not attempt to modify the aircraft flight path until the pilot reports returning to the terms of the current air traffic control instruction or clearance but shall provided traffic information as appropriate. Note:- The ACAS capability of an aircraft will not normally be known to air traffic controllers. 9-9 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS REVISION QUESTIONS CHAPTER 9 1, The document ‘Procedures for Air Navigation Services ~ Air Traffic Management’ (PANS- ATM) isalso commonly known by its ICAO document number. What is the document number? a. Doc 8168 b. Doc 1234 c — Doc ddd d. Doc 7333 2. The ICAO Rules of the Air are detailed in Annex 2. Why do we need PANS-ATM? @, Annex 2 doesn’t cover national procedures. PANS-ATM does PANS documents contain far more detail of procedures than can be incorporated in the relevant Annex to the Convention ¢. ATC procedures are covered in Annex 11 and the Rules of the Air in Annex 2. As the ‘two are complimentary, they have both been combined in PANS-ATM 4. PANS-ATM is applicable to pilots and ATCOs, whereas Annex 2 is only applicable to pilots 3. When do PANS-ATM procedures absolve pilots from the responsibility for terrain avoidance? Never During take off and landing When under radar vectoring, When flying a pre-defined instrument approach procedure 4, A flight plan may be filed to the ATCC by: In person By phone By fax By teleprinter Letter E-mail oe Which combination is correct? a. Allthe above b. 1-4 only © 2-4only 4. Allexcept 6 9-11 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 5. 10, REVISION QUESTIONS What does the abbreviation EOBT mean? pese Estimated Out-Bound Time Engine start/On Board Time Estimated Off Blocks Time Estimate Of Brakes off Time What must you do if'a delay in EOBT of 40 minutes is expected? ae or ‘Taxy as soon a possible Ask ATC re issue a revised clearance File a revised flight plan ‘When may a pilot elect to change flight rules from IFR to VER? 4. Ifhe/she is unable to maintain IMC If he/she is able to complete a significant part of the remainder of the flight in uninterrupted VMC If advised to do so by ATC Ifby remaining IFR delays will be incurred in holding patterns Youare givenan ATC clearance which includes flight through prohibited airspace. What should you do? Continue — the ATCOs must know what they are doing! File a revised flight plan for another route Tell the ATCO that you cannot comply and will fly the route as flight planned Request a revised clearance ‘What are the objectives of an ATC clearance? Collision avoidance and air traffic flow management To see how accurately the pilot can read the clearance back and test if he can spot errors To allow a flight to commence and to inform subsequent ATCC that the flight is about to commence To give route and altitude specific information when different from that flight planned The met man records QNH (ie MSL pressure to the nearest 1 decimal place). How is QNH reported if the QNH is 1007.8mb? eere 1008mb 1007mb If Temp is greater than 15° C, 1008 It doesn’t really matter. Either 1007 or 1008 will do! 9-12 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS i 12, 13, 14, ‘Who determines the transition level? a. The pilot b. The ATCO The operator d. The authority of the state in which the aerodrome is situtated ‘Who determines the transition height? a. The pilot b. The ATCO c. The operator 4d. The authority of the state in which the aerodrome is situated When an aircraft carrying out a non precision instrument approach is cleared to land using QFE, height is express with reference to what? The aerodrome elevation The threshold of the landing runway ‘The altitude of the highest point on the manoeuvring area ‘The threshold elevation if 2 metres or more below aerodrome elevation apse ‘An aeroplane has a take off mass of 136,000 kg. What is the wake turbulence category of this, aeroplane? a, Heavy. Any aeroplane with a max take off mass equal to or greater than 136,000 kg is heavy b, Medium, Only aeroplanes with max take off mass greater than 136,000 kg are heavy. ¢. It depends upon the actual take off mass not max take off mass. If actual take off mass js equal to or less than 136,000Kg - medium; more than 136,000 — Heavy d. Aide bodied aeroplane at that mass would be heavy, narrow body would be medium If your aeroplane is wake turbulence category heavy, how do you indicate this to ATC? Suffix your callsign with the word ‘heavy’ at all times Suffix your callsign with the word ‘heavy” on initial contact with a ATCU ‘You do not need to, it is on your flight plan Make a point of telling ATC at some time after initial contact that you are a heavy category aeroplane aege 9-13 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 16. If position reports are required, is it essential to make the report exactly over the position? Yer b. Yes, but as soon as possible after is acceptable ¢. No, but within 2 minutes is required 4. No, it depends upon the RNP number for the route 17, You intend to fly in the open FIR (non airways) under IFR. Without defined reporting points, \where/when should you make position reports? a, b. ©. 4 At significant geographic points (je SON 010W; 50N 020W etc..) At any turning points 30 minutes after starting the flight then hourly thereafter If the route is not a defined ATS route, you do not need to make position reports 18, When are you not required to make position reports on a controlled flight? ae se When advised by ATC to cease position reports If navigating by visual reporting points (VRPs) Outside of controlled airspace If flying under VER 19, A standard position report consists of: aaeene Ident Position Time FL (oraltitude) Next position and ETA Next significant position When are you permitted to omit the FL (or altitude) information? If the ATC clearance specifies a FL or altitude to be flown If under radar control If outside of controlled airspace IfSSR mode C serviceable and advised to omit by ATC pegs 9-14 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS 20. Whentwo aircraft under ATC approach to within a distance between them less than the specified separation minima, something has gone wrong. Both pilots and ATCOs are required to report such instances. What is the name of the form used to report the occurrence? a. AIRPROX report b. Air traffic incident report (ATIR) ¢. _AIRMISS report d.—_Airtraffic violation report 9-15 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW REVISION QUESTIONS: ANSWERS TO REVISION QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER 9 1 c 26 SI 16 2 B 27 52. a 3 c 28 53 8 4 c 29 54 9 5 c 30 38 80 6 D 3 56 81 71 B 2 37 82 8 D 33 58 83 9 A 34 59 84 10 B 35 60 85 uW B 36 o1 86 R D 37 62 87 13 D 38 63 88 14 A 39 64 89 15 B 40 65 90 16 B 41 66 on 17 c 42 67 92 18 A 43 68 93 19 D 44 Cc) 4 20 B 45 70 9s a 46 1m 96 2 47 n 97 23, 48 3 98. 24 49 4 99 25 50 8 100 9-16 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited CHAPTER TEN - AREA CONTROL SERVICE Contents Page 10.1 AREA CONTROL SERVICE .. 10-1 10.2 HORIZONTAL SEPARATION os 10.3 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL CLEARANCES 10-19 10.4 EMERGENCY AND COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE . 10-22 REVISION QUESTIONS 1035 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 10. AREA CONTROL SERVICE AREA CONTROL SERVICE 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 General provisions for the separation of controlled traffic. Vertical and horizontal separation is to be provided by ATC as detailed in a -e below. However, IFR flights in VMC during daylight hours in classes D and E airspace may be cleared to climb and descend whilst maintaining own separation, a, Between all flights in class A and B airspaces b. Between IFR flights in class C, D and E airspaces ©. Between IFR flights and VER flights in class C airspace Between IFR flights and special VFR flights €. Between special VFR flights, when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority Minimum separation. Clearance will not be given to execute any manoeuvre that would reduce the spacing between two airraft to less than the separation minimum, applicable. Larger separations than the specified minima will be applied whenever wake turbulence or exceptional circumstances such as unlawful interference call for extra precautions. Whenever the type of separation or minimum used to separate two aircraft cannot be maintained, action shall be taken to ensure that another type of separation exists, or is established, the previously applied separation becomes insufficient. Vertical separation application. Vertical separation is obtained by requiring aircraft using the same altimeter setting to fly at different levels expressed in terms of flight levels or altitudes. Vertical separation minimum, The vertical separation minimum (VSM) is: a. within designated airspace (subject to regional air navigation agreement (RVSM)), a nominal 300m (1000 ft) below FL 410 or a higher level where so prescribed for use under specified conditions, and a nominal 600m (2000f') at or above this level; and b. within all other airspace : a nominal 300m (1000ft) below FL 290 and a nominal 600m (2000ft) at or above this level. 10-1 © Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 10.1.5 10.1.6 10.1.7 AREA CONTROL SERVICE Minimum cruising level Except when specifically authorised by the appropriate authority, cruising levels below the minimum flight altitudes (established by the State) shall not be assigned. Area control centres shall, when circumstances warrant it, determine the lowest useable flight level or levels for the whole or parts of the control area for which they are responsible, and use it when assigning flight levels and pass it to pilots on request. Unless otherwise prescribed by the State concerned, the lowest usable flight level is that which corresponds to, or is immediately above, the established ‘minimum flight altitude. The portion of a control area for which a particular lowest usable flight level applies is determined in accordance with air traffic services requirements. Assignment of Cruising Level. An ACC will normally allocate only one cruising level to an aeroplane (except where cruise climb is authorised), for flight in the control area or for flight entering another control area a. Level Change. If'a change in cruising level is required, the aircraft is to request a level change en route (after initial clearance received). Aircraft, cruise climb authorised, will be cleared to operate between two levels. On ATS routes (airways) extending beyond the control area, level changes are to be effected over a radio navigation aid (in a hold). If an aircraft has been cleared into a CTA below the minimum cruising level for that airspace, the ACC will issue a clearance to climb even though the pilot has not requested it. When necessary, an aircraft may be cleared to change cruising level at a specified time, place or rate. b. Same destination. If practicable, cruising levels of aircraft bound for the same destination will be assigned to facilitate the correct approach sequence at the destination, Priority. An aircraft at a cruising level will have priority over aircraft requesting that level. When two or more aircraft are at the same level, the preceding aircraft will have priority d. Allocation separation. Anaircraftmay be assigned a level previously occupied by another aircraft after the latter has reported vacating it. In the case of severe turbulence or cruise climb, the assignment will be withheld until the other aircraft has reported at another level separated by the required minimum, e. Table of cruising levels. The levels allocated are to be in accordance with the table of cruising levels in chapter 6 except where a specific level is allocated by ATC. Vertical separation during ascent or descent, Pilots in direct communication with each other may, with their concurrence, be cleared to maintain a specified vertical separation between their aircraft during ascent or descent. 10-2 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE 10.2. HORIZONTAL SEPARATION 10.2.1 Definition. Horizontal separation relates to the distance between aircraft in the horizontal plane. This may be longitudinal (aircraft following the same route) where the separation standard is based on time or distance along track between aircraft, or lateral Lateral separation. Lateral separation shall be applied so that the distance between those portions of the intended routes for which the aircraft are to be laterally separated is never less than an established distance to account for navigational inaccuracies plus a specified buffer. This buffer shall be determined by the appropriate authority and included in the lateral separation minima, Lateral separation of aircraft at the same level is obtained by requiring operation on different routes or in different geographical locations as determined by visual observation, by use of navigation aids or by use of area navigation (RNAV) equipment. Lateral separation criteria and minima, Means by which lateral separation may be achieved include the following: a, Geographical separation, Separation positively indicated by position reports over different geographical locations as determined visually or by reference to a navigation aid, b. ‘Track separation, Used between aircraft using the same navigation aid or method. Itis achieved by requiring aircraft to fly on specified tracks which are separated by @ minimum amount appropriate to the navigation aid or method employed as follows: 1. VOR: track divergence of at least 15 degrees and at a distance of 28km (15 NM) or more from the facility (see fig ; (28 km (15 NM) > Figure 10-3 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE 2. NDB. track divergence of at least 30 degrees and at a distance of 28 km (15 NM) or more from the facility (see fig Noe. 28 km (15 NW) > Figure 3. Dead reckoning (DR). tracks diverging by at least 45 degrees and at a distance of 28 km (NM) or more from the point of intersection of the tracks, this point being determined either visually or by reference to a navigation aid 28 km (15 NM) Figure 10.22.16 Note: When aireraft are operating on tracks which are separated by considerably more than the foregoing minimum figures, States may reduce the distance at which lateral separation is achieved 10-4 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW 10.2.3 AREA CONTROL SERVICE 10,2.2.2 Different navigation aids. Lateral separation between aircraft using different navigation aids, or where one aircraft is using RNAV equipment, is to be established by ensuring that the derived protected airspaces do not overlap. RNAV operations. Within designated airspace or on parallel routes where RNP is specified, lateral separation between RNAV aircraft may be obtained by requiring aircraft to be established on the centre lines of parallel tracks or ATS routes spaced at a distance which ensures that the protected airspaces do not overlap. 10,2.2.4 Oceanic Operations. Track separation between aircraft entering airspace over the high seas, is achieved by requiring aircraft to fly on specified tracks: a, which are separated by an appropriate minimum (for the NAT region see NAT. ‘Ops manual), then b. diverge by at least 15 degrees until the applicable lateral separation is established, and ©. itis possible to ensure, by means approved by the appropriate ATS authority, that aircraft have the navigation capability necessary to ensure accurate track guidance. Longitudinal Separation. Longitudinal separation is the most complex application of separation standards. In procedural ATC (not radar control) the position of the aircraft is that which is reported by the pilot. The positions reported are usually specified reporting points, radio navigation facilities or geographic points for routes not specified by navigation aids. In any event, the position known to the ATCO is only as good as that reported by the pilot. In applying procedural separation, all possible errors must be allowed for and then safety margins applied. The only situation in which the safety margins may be relaxed is where the pilots of aircraft to which separation should be applied have (and confirmed) that they have visual contact with each other and that they can maintain visual contact during the necessary manoeuvre to which separation would e be applied. Clearly, the separation standards assume operations in IMC. The accuracy of pilot position reporting relies on the accuracy of the navigation system in use. In remote areas (over the oceans and desert regions) where RNAV procedures may be used, greater protection needs to be applied. Longitudinal separation applied is either time or distance. otherwi 10,2.3.1 Application. Longitudinal séparation is applied so that the spacing between the estimated positions of the aircraft being separated is never less than a prescribed ‘minimum. Longitudinal separation between aircraft following the same or diverging tracks may be maintained by application of the Mach number technique, when so prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation agreement, Longitudinal separation is established by requiring aircraft to depart at a specific time, to lose time to arrive over a geographical location at a specified time, or to hold over a geographical location until fa specified time. For the purpose of the application of longitudinal separation, the following terms are defined: 10-5 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE a, Same Track. The same track case applies when the tracks of two aireraft that require separation, converge or diverge by an angular difference less than 45. cr more than 315 and whose protection areas overlap(see fig 045° Figure 10.23.14 b. Reciprocal Track. The reciprocal track case applies when the tracks of two aircraft that require separation, converge or diverge by an angular difference more than 135 put less than 225 and whose protection areas overlap (see fig 135° Figure 10-6 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE Crossing Track. Crossing tracks are defined as tracks which intersect at angles other than those defined in a or b above (see fig, Figure¢ Time Based Longitudinal Separation. ‘The separation standards applied depends whether the aircraft concerned are maintaining the same level, or are climbing/descending, a, Aireraft at the same cruising level. In this case the separatios dependant upon the track case. Same track case. The basic standard is that aireraft should be at least 1S minutes apart (see fig If, however, navigation aids for the route being flown permit frequent determination of position and speed the basic standard may be reduced to 10 minutes (see fig ‘The standard my be further reduced to 5 minutes (see fig¢) providing the aircraft have departed from the same aerodrome, or passed over the same en-route reporting point, or reported over a fix that is located relative to the departure point to ensure that 5 minutes separation can be established at the point the departing will join the air route, with the overriding proviso that the preceding aircraft has TAS 20 kts or more faster than the succeeding aircraft. If the speed difference is increased to 40 kts, the standard may be further reduced to 3 minutes (see fig 10-7 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE 2. Crossing track case, The basic standard is 15 minutes (see fig If however, the frequent determination of position and speed caveat applies, the standard may be reduced to 10 minutes (see fig 1023.2 x 15min - Figure vasnoaTion nawoamion "a sa © © <———— 10min > Figure Rami sexopnoue Os Smin Figure 1022.82¢ erogrowe ReroRTiNG Pont oe [— 3 min Figure 10-8 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE Figure @meggnen NAVIGATION NAVIGATION sO ‘x © | 10 min > navgarion (>) ‘ss (+) Figure 10-9 © Orford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE b, Climbing or descending. This a more complex case. Again it depends upon the relative tracks of the aeroplanes but now also involves reciprocal tracks. 1) Same track. When an aircraft will pass through the level of another aireraft_ on the same track, the following minimum longitudinal separation is applied: i 15 minutes while vertical separation does not exist (fig and h); or ii, 10 minutes while vertical separation does not exist provided that navigation aids permit frequent update of position and speed (and approved by the authority) (see fig and k); or $$ rate Figure +1260 FL 250 FL240 Figure 10-10 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE NAVIGATION AID a Figure NavigaTIONAID = Figure iii, S minutes while vertical separation does not exist, provided that the level change iscommenced within 10 minutes of the time that the second aircraft has reported over an exact reporting point (see fig | and m).. Note: If the level change involved is considerable, an intermediate level just above or just below (depending on the case - climb or descend) may be allocated to the manoeuvring traffic, Once at that level, separation will be assessed and if applied, the level crossing manoeuvre approved and executed. Figure 10-11 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE NAVIGATION AIO Figure 2. Crossing tracks. While vertical separation does not exist, the standard is 15 minutes (see fig and p) unless frequent update of position and speed is available in which case the minimum is reduced to 10 minutes (see fig, and 1) Figure FL 40 Figure 10-12 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE —FL 240 NAVIGATION AD Figure F260 =~ FL 250 FL240 NAVIGATION AID Figure 3. Reciprocal tracks. Where lateral separation is not provided, vertical separation shall be provided for at least 10 minutes prior to and after the time the aircraft are estimated to have passed. If it has been established that the aircraft have indeed passed, this minimum need not then apply. (see fig ESTIMATED TIME ‘OF PASSING a nme ; Figure 10-13 (© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE 10,2.3.3, Longitudinal separation based on DME. Where DME information is available, separation is established by maintaining not less than the specified distances between aircraft positions. In this case it is a requirement that direct pilot - controller ‘communication is maintained. Note: in the NAT region using HF, communication is via a radio operator not direct to the controller. a, Aireraft at the same level. The same and crossing track situations apply: 1, Sametrack, The normal standard is 20 nm provided each aircraft uses on-track DME stations and separation is checked by obtaining simultaneous DME readings from the aircraft at frequent intervals (see fig The standard ‘may be reduced to 10 nm provided the leading aircraft maintains a TAS 20 kts ot more faster than the succeeding aircraft (see fig Ft -tt % Figure 37km/h (20 kt) or more faster a Figure 2. Crossing tracks. ‘The standards specified in 1. above apply to crossing traffic providing that each aircraft reports distance from the station located at the crossing point and that the relative angle of the tracks is less than 90 (see figs e and d). 10-14 {© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE be inbound from the shaded area Figure¢ 37km/hr (20kt) or more faster xe ‘Second aircraft not to be inbound from the shaded area Figure 10-15 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE Climbing or descending. The standard separation is 10 nm whilst vertical separation does not exist, providing each aircraft uses ‘on-track’ DME stations; one aircraft maintains a level whilst vertical separation does not exist, and separation is established by simultaneous DME readings from the aircraft (see figs and f) Figure¢ Figure Reciprocal tracks. Aircraft using on-track DME may be cleared to climb or descend to orthrough levels occupied by other aireraft using on-track DME, provided it has been positively established that the aireraft have passed each other and are at least 10 nm apart (or such other value as the authority specifies). Longitudinal separation with Mach number technique based on time. The ‘mach number technique requires turbojet aircraft to fly at the mach number approved by ATC and are to request approval before making any speed changes. Ifit is essential to make immediate temporary changes to speed (eg due to turbulence), ATC is to be informed as soon as possible. If t is not feasible due to aircraft performance to maintain the last assigned mach no during en route climbs and descents, pilots are to advise ATC atthe time clearance to climb or descent is requested 10-16 © Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW AREA CONTROL SERVICE a, Separation. Separation is deemed to exist when the required time interval exists providing: 1, the aircraft concerned have reported over the same reporting point and follow the same track or continuously diverging tracks until some other form of separation is provided, or 2. itis possible to ensure, by radar or other means, that the appropriate ‘time interval will exist at the common point from which they will either follow the same track or continuously diverge, if the aircraft have not already reported over the same point. b. Time intervals. When the mach number technique is applied, minimum. Iongitudinal separation between turbojet aircraft on the same track, whether in level, climbing or descending flight is: 1. 10 minutes providing the preceding aircraft maintains a Mach speed equal to or greater than that maintained by the following aircraft, or 2. between 9 and 5 minutes inclusive, providing the preceding aircraft is maintaining a mach no greater than the following aircraft in accordance with the following: Mach No difference between preceding and following aircraft [a [ronocrier | [x [rochoos ser ines Le [anor ier | 7mines | i a Le. [tachoos tise | Table: Longitudinal Separation standard 9 minutes 5 minutes Longitudinal Separation based on RNAV. This is applicable to RNAV aircraft operating along RNAV routes, or ATS routes defined by VOR. In this case, separation is established by maintaining the specified distance between aircraft positions reported by reference to the RNAV equipment. It is a requirement that direct controlleripilot communications are maintained, RNAV positions are defined as standard way points common to both aircraft subject to separation. The minima is 150 km (80 nm) distance based separation instead of the normally required 10 minutes. It is also essential that the Mach no technique is applied. In the event of equipment failure reducing the navigation capability to less than the RNAV requirement, the normal longitudinal separation will be applied ( 1). The specific separation requirements are: 10-17 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited AIR LAW a AREA CONTROL SERVICE Same cruising level. 150 km (80 nm) providing each aircraft reports position from same point and separation is checked by obtaining simultaneous RNAV distance readings from the aircraft at frequent intervals. Climbing or descending on same track. 150 km (80 nm) whilst vertical separation does not exist, provided each aireraft reports distance from same way point, one aircraft maintains level flight whilst vertical separation does not exist, and separation is established by obtaining simultaneous RNAV d readings from the aircraft ance Reciprocal tracks. Aircraft may be permitted climb or descend through levels, occupied by other aircraft providing it has been positively established by simultaneous RNAV distance readings to or from the same on-track way point that the aircraft have passed each other by at least 150 km (80 nm) (see fig¢),

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