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GIS Specialist Newsletter

Unit 3 Grade 5
Learning Objectives: In Unit 3- The students will be able to:
Discover how to make a two dimensional shape into a three dimensional form using oil pastel
blending techniques
Experiment with color theory
Develop ideas for works of art by brainstorming, conducting research, and making preliminary
Use their imagination and experiences to inform their art making
Use the elements of artline, shape, form, color, value, texture, and spaceto express ideas,
images, and emotions.
Use the principles of design, including proportion, rhythm, balance, emphasis, variety, contrast, and
unity, to express ideas and create images
Improve individual brainstorming skills
Where We Are in Place and Time Unit of inquiry: Change Students will study how to change a twodimensional shape into a three-dimensional form using oil pastel techniques. They will complete artwork
displaying a fictional visual story of their life using their imagination in a cubist form. Inspired by Kasimer
Malevich. Various elements of their home country will be included into the story:
Character will be of themselves doing an activity they enjoy
Country/area they are in must be recognizable
Learning Objectives: In Unit 3- The students will be able to:
Compose and play recorder pieces with a partner
Play and read notes B, A, G, C and D in different rhythms on the recorder
Understand musical elements like tempo and dynamics
Read and perform sixteenth note (tika-tika) rhythms on the recorder
Play the Recorder, alone and with others- a variety of songs like Ice in the Air
Identifying and discussing musical elements in a variety of music
Sing multicultural songs like La Pinata and Kalinka
Connection to Who We Are UOI: Perspective- music listening and personal reflections

Learning Objectives: In Unit 3- The students will be able to:
Further develop their skills in a variety of athletic activities, such as sprints, push throw, javelin,
standing jump and triple jump.
Work with partners and in groups to help coach each other as they develop their individual athletic
Further develop their IT skills in PE to help them learn and improve performance in sport.
Use their communication and thinking skills to organize events and record data.
Students will research the techniques covered in lessons and create their own drills to help them
further develop their athletic skills
Students will use technology to record data
Students will use video analysis to allow them to provide accurate feedback to students in their

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