Double Integrals in Polar - Sol

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Double Integrals In Polar Coordinates o> Suppose we want to evaluate a double integral ff f(x,y)dA where R is one of the regions shown in Figure 1. In either case the description of R in terms of rectangular coordinates is rather complicated but R is easily described using polar coordinates. FIGURE | (9) R=((, 9) [0 rectangle, we divide the interval [a,b] into m subintervals [7,,.,7] of equal width Ar =(b-a)/m and we divide the interval [or,] in to n subintervals [6,,,0,] of equal width A@=(B—a)/n. Then the circles =n, and the rays @=0, divide the polar rectangle R into the small polar rectangles shown in Figure 4, FIGURE 3 Polar rectangle FIGURE 4. Dividing R into polar subrectangles 21 Double Integrals In Polar Coordinates ‘The “center” of the polar subrectangle has polar coordinates and the area can be found using sectors. A full o-~ description of this process is in your textbook. If we then write g(r,6)= rf (rcos8,rsin), then the Riemann sum can be written as a Riemann sum for the double integral bs JJa(r.9)drao And the following change is accomplished. (For more details refer to your textbook.) 2] CHANGE To POLAR COORDINATES IN A DOUBLE INTEGRAL If fis con- tinuous on a polar rectangle R given by 0S aS r 4 ar 4 — Ie dg = 330 [R31 321 7 2 2 2 ww = 33 2 Example 2 #8 Evaluate the given integral by changing to polar coordinates, , Sf(e+y)aa » Where R isthe region that lies to the left of the y-axis between the circles x?+y?=1 and T % +yrad, & 49 ae a + [se l Mh Vs ‘ ams apps | \. epseu (gud) ) a {x5«50° bh asic: x)} =a aro * yp(x/ uma ff “saqeurpiooo xejod oj SurSmey Aq pexBaymr wants amp ayeMIwAR £14 23190 ah ~ Q € € re OP GE g-4¢ | 79 hy t 2 W ec" a at ay Ay oe N= uk [6 +e 2oeh + 54 Wt h- ns ° a ww? np. 9 ols =npa\%_ © Ome sas\f 9 7 Pe £ (oO Ye t,% econ pus Kp ee ee we. 2{{> t he “soqeutpiooo rejod o} SurSueyo Aq pexBoyur oats oxy ayeENIeag 11 Z3905) 29 th €, Me) Q m2 6 0 aL s ~») \- sence sme 2) Loot H Fueo0 sy op UE = rome ACH ETH H? oe ee OE ( XYZ +] =Z__ Pies woass op zo oumyon ap puy 1 sepeuspiocs sejod asp. zy ¢ durex — soyeuypr00y avjog uy speaBayuy afqnog _ Double Integrals In Polar Coordinates: Got it? #25 Use polar coordinates to find the volume of the given solid. ~ Above the cone z=4/x?+y? and below the sphere x+y? +2? =I) = 2 = = fayvrer #=\- + =? . 3 (x#u7) tee ge Ji th ped 2 a NE, pe 2 an Fy 2h \or* “£ \rdrde » Se ° i (eee -r*larde = $200) ee ° ‘What we have done so far can be extended to the more complicated type of region shown in Figure 7. [t's similar to the type Il rectangular regions Av" considered in section 15.3. In fact, by combining Formula 2 in this section with formula 15.3.5, we obtain the following formula, o any GIF F is continuous on a polar region of the form D={0)|a<0= 8, mo the cipelgr = 3cos0. ane) ore 3 C0S0= > Cavde= See \Y ¥# U\\ cdrde 7 ‘ other . \ 3 paper % ane ' 4098 =30050 T ewe Saco a\'\rardo 25 Th? Example 5 #21 Use polar coordinates to find the volume of the solid enclosed by the hyperboloid a — Sag” fe heel ree B Z7=14 US => 2% br alte iK . Je )rarde Sy “top bation ” See other Sheet Got it? #20 Use polar coordinates to find the volume of the solid below the paraboloid z=18-2x?—2y? and above the xy-plane. 2= Q 3 o= 18-268) a Qasr \ (0-2r*)rardo > A g"]=8h- gt AH © ae ar mo Bldo= Bo | = eS a . 25 Double Integrals In Polar Coordinates atin ms tae | nena ar coordi a noe ae sin(x* + converting to polar coordinates. te 7 Cooney = \ [ome") rdvde = 3 )2mu du a= J, fn i ad 4: = L-com zl eos4-cono de ox tees ; i , . 2 ~4feort- 0] 5 u=2vdr £E #31 Evaluate fF cern pas to ake oer a : 7 \ (oom ceme)rdrde= Ciowxsne] AA oP aS oe po We right -leH- Hf 2a! aserombd= 26 [nec | Axe 3, 3 ke | = oO Got it? WHA swimming pool is circular with a 40-8 diameter. The depth is constant along east-west lines and increases linearly from 2 ft atthe south end to 7 ft a the north end. Find the volume of water in the pool by writing a iterated integral. Trace (0,-20,2 40 C0,20,7) Oe Slope’. U-2. - S=4 pe ao tO de ue at B= T+ b(y-20) = 2= BS YZ | £4 Pia D= Fowpeey =400$ _ ee £(0;20)=2 ao 26 Set { {Foun la oer £(0,20)=7 D arde var e- ee at we 80 ae a are! eae a Hee a CCP ca See EEE Cease 2 | ; a } pts t hy Al Barer epee eH h Beg Saeagr sue yi:sCieeaeseeae Sede : 1 LR rrr hy Pega So ES, i an a + a Ate He x “Eh oe Beet Hos | é se 2 1 ee zt ag mt (0 | Sat sey Bek cc +) t 1 L : H my hh cage at Re epee EEE oe oe Parra 0-0 3 a4 wb + (LB c6(zr) + [SOOT +a0 (is ay a YAS ay

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