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Macbeth Essay Questions

Many great people in the world could attribute their success to ambition. However,
if ambition is left unchecked, it can cause people to make rash and selfish
decisions. In a formal essay, prove that ambition was the cause of Macbeths
Guilt often haunts an evildoer. In a formal essay, prove that Macbeth's punishment
is not actually his death, but rather, his life.
In Macbeth, several characters behave and speak in ways that camouflage what they
really are. Evil often wears a pretty cloak. In a formal essay, prove how the
statement, "Fair is foul and foul is fair" applies to Lady Macbeth.
Many scholars argue about Macbeth's destiny; some say that he shapes his own
destiny based on the choices that he makes and the goals that he sets. Others
argue that Macbeth is a victim of fate - that his life unfolds around him and he
has no control over the circumstances. In a formal essay, prove that Macbeth is
either a victim of fate OR a man who shapes his own destiny.

Write a formal literary essay based on Shakespeares Macbeth. The essay length is
1000-1200 words (4-5 pages), typewritten, MLA formatted and double spaced.
This essay should be more than the basic 5 paragraph essay.
Your essay must contain a primary source quotation for each body paragraph and at
least TWO secondary sources (from credible sources- Wikipedia, Sparks Notes,
Coles Notes, Book Reviews etc. are NOT appropriate sources for this
An MLA formatted Works Cited Page must be attached to the back of your essay.
If any part of your essay is plagiarized (using words or ideas of others without
acknowledging those words or ideas) a mark of 0 will be given for both the essay
and the process.
Evaluation =5%

Rubric is the same as ISU on website

Writing Tips- write in the present tense

-use a formal format including proper structure, no personal
pronouns, slang or contractions
-proper insertion of quotations including parenthetical

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