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House Of The Scorpion Timeline

Ages 0-6
-Matt is harvested from a cow by putting an embryo into a cow to grow into a baby. He was
then cut out of the cow.
-Matt lived with Celia until one day he jumped out the window to follow the children, Steven,
Emilia and Maria, and ends up hurting himself so they take him to the big house.
-Rosa kept Matt imprisoned in a room filled with chicken litter for 6 months. She didnt talk to
him and Matt developed lung problems.
-Celia found him locked in the room and promises to get him out.

Ages 7-11
-Celia saves Matt by showing El Patron how Matt has been treated and Matt is given back to
Celia. Matt is mute however, still in shock.
-Matt was given a bodyguard named Tam Lin.
-Matt was given an eegit teacher who repeated lessons and eventually broke Matts silence
when he yelled in frustration.
-At El Patrons birthday party, Furball, Marias dog, was found in the toilet, close to drowning.
Matt suspects Tom did it.
-Matt, Tom and Maria see the MacGregor Clone in the hospital, thrashing around in a hospital
bed. Maria stopped talking to Matt, so he kidnapped her dog and had laudanum he was going to use,
but didnt, in order to blackmail Maria into talking to him. Felicia didnt like Matt, so she poisoned
Furball and Matt got in trouble.

Ages 12-14
-Matt found a passageway, and overheard Felicia admit she poisoned Furball.
-Matt explored the eegit pens, where the eegits sleep, which had a pond full of chemicals that
when you go near it, you cant breathe. He was taken by the Farm Patrol, who were going to turn him
into an eegit until he told them he is El Patrons clone.

Age 14

-Everyone is looking for Matt because he was created so his heart could be given to El Patron. He is the
8th clone so far. El Patron dies, however, because Celia has been poisoning Matt so his heart wasnt
stable enough.
-Matt and Maria tried to escape by pretending Matt was an eegit, but Emilia and Steven catch them.
Matt was taken to be killed, but Tam Lin helped him escape. He walked to the border.

La Vida Nueva New Life

-Matt is taken to an orphanage where the boys are worked until they are 18 making plankton.
They have to recite things and admit to sins.
-Matt refused to admit to sins, so he was beaten by Jorge, a Keeper, for it.
-Jorge was going to beat Fidelito, an 8 year old at the camp, so Matt and Chacho attacked him.
They were tied up and thrown in the boneyard, which is a pit filled with giant whale bones. Matt
escapes, but they get Chacho out when Ton-Ton and Fidelito arrive with a truck that lifts Chacho out.
-They drive to San Luis, where Chacho is put in a hospital at the convent where Maria is.
-The Keepers, Carlos and Jorge are in the hospital and they try to take the boys, but Marias
mom, Esperanza, stops them.
-Matt goes back to Alacran to become the ruler and finds out that everyone, except Mr. Ortega,
his music teacher, Daft Donald, El Patrons body guard, and Celia died from drinking poison at El Patrons
funeral he put in the wine before he died.
-Matt swears to fix the clones and end Farm Patrol.

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