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How the Treasure Got Buried

One day, in March of 1763, a king found roast beef in his oven; he put it
in a treasure chest, and he sent it to Italy. In 1789, a pirate found the
beef in Pisa. He ran to London, England with the treasure chest and the
beef. He buried it under a the cathedral. One day, in 1867, a person saw
his mom at the cathedral where the beef got buried. So, the person fell on
the beef and died. He died because he smelled the rotten beef, and he bit
it. One day, in 1902, Shirley Jones found the person and the beef. She sent
the treasure to Sock Hull Islands, but the chief of the boat understood
Rock Skull Islands. She said to leave it on top of a mesa, but the chief of
the boat misplaced it. He put it in a volcano. Its still there.

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