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Open Source Software

(OSS) And Learning About

Nor Hanisah Binti Abdullah (A150339)
Norafazira binti Royal (A149295)
Fionna Anak Jeffery ( A151239 )
Tuan Nur Afzan Binti Tuan Nazam ( A150980 )

Open Source Software - software whose source code is available for
modification or enhancement by anyone without being charged or having to pay
any royalties.
Learning Information And Communication Technology- learning process
which involves technologies and at the same time, it is a learning process to
enhance ones communication skills.

can use,copy or prototyped and sell the software without paying any
charges or taxes
source code distribution- code of product must be easily modified
during absence of the source code, product must be reasonable,lower
price resource where other users can obtain it
quite similar as Information Technology (IT)
give more focus on communication skills
ICT Learning is high exposure to knowledge regarding ICT to learners

To know the kind of software used by students.
To test the students knowledge about Open Source Software.
To find out the knowledge of students about ICT.
To know how far these students are exposed to the usage of ICT.
To figure out how significant ICT has been used in the students lives for
formal and informal matters

Use the same topics - Open Source Software and ICT
Find the objectives of doing this survey and brainstorm any related ideas to
be asked.
Create related questions that come out from our mind.
The questions were then sorted off from simple to complex ones as well as
according to the type of questions whether it is a yes no question, scale,
multiple choice or subjective answer.

These methods were done by using Google Docs.

Finalise all the questions that we wanted to ask

Transfer all the questions into Google Form and create the survey form.

Our survey link then was spreaded by using different social websites such
as Weebly forum, Facebook and Whatsapp group.

Type Of Software Used By Students

As we have observed, from the diagram we can say that almost all of the
participants of the survey are familiar of using the search engine of Mozilla
Firefox which is one of Open Source Software with the total of 95% while the
rest with the total 3% never use the software at all.

Based on Diagram 13, the majority of respondents use Open Office aside from
Firefox by 64% compared to other OSS like Gnome, Moodle, Linux and
Apache, the users are less than 20%. Less exposure to OSS is the factor of the
low usage of the softwares.

Students Knowledge About Open Source Software

The diagram above shows that most participants who had taken this survey
which about 61 percent of them are aware or have come across the term Open
Source Software (OSS) with only 32 participants are not aware of it.

The diagram above shows that 51 percent which is a little more than half of the
participants know what is Open Source Software while the rest do not know
anything about this software.

The diagram above shows that generally respondents (min=3.717) dont have much
knowledge about OSS hence 39% agreed that OSS is free product while the rest
are not sure of the fact. OSS is both free and charged as programmers can charge
money for the open source software they create or to which they contribute but in
the end becomes free for end users.

Many of the respondents do not sure that the source code is needed. The
(mean=2.867) concluded that the respondents do not know source code is
needed before using OSS.

Knowledge Of Students About Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)

Based on our observation of the chart above, it stated that over 59 respondents
which is 67 per cent of the chart are aware of the differences between IT and
ICT while the rest thought that ICT and IT are basically the same things. We
can assume that most of university students are confused about the two terms
as they are closely almost having the same meaning.

Has brought about revolutionary advances in distance learning

Based on the diagram, we observe that 70 respondent which means 90 per
cent agreed with the statement above and only 6 respondents which is 7 per
cent do not agree that the statement is not the benefit of using ICT in this

From the Diagram, we can get different answers about purposes of learning
ICT which most of the respondents agrees with the purposes are to gain
knowledge in wider range and also to assist in education purposes.

Students Exposure On ICT

Based on the diagram, it seems that the answer yes dominating over the answer
no. This chart obviously shown that most university students have experienced ITrelated subject in their school as it is well chosen by 77 respondents which took up
over 88 per cent of the chart above while only 9 respondents have not at all. From
the diagram, we can assume that either the school that respondents are attending
or had attended a school with poor facilities or the school did not offer an IT-related

Based on Diagram 35 above, they may use more than one kind of ICT where
80 respondents love to use social networks compared to instant messages
which is 39 respondents and email, 49 of them.

From Diagram 40, (min=3.430) we can see that the respondents learn ICT by
exploring it themselves which about 51 percent agrees with the statement and
only 23 percent does not agree with it.

Significance Of ICT Usage In Students Lives

As we can observe in the diagram above, 90 per cent of the respondents which
is 79 people agreed about the usage of ICT in helping them communicating
with people even better while 7 per cent respondent which is 6 people have
disagree with the question.

Diagram 53 shows that most of the respondents (min=3.814) agree that ICT is
useful for learning purposes and only 9 percent do not agree with it.

Based on Diagram 49, it can be said that the students (min=3.291) have no
problems having flipped-learning class. Flipped learning is one of the
advancement of using ICT in education.

There is only a small number of students who have information on Open
Source Software (OSS) but fortunately for Information and Communication
Technology, most of the feedbacks were positive due to the factor of their early
exposure to ICT in homes and schools.
It is advisable for schools to expose more to students on computer literacy
which encompasses ICT.
21st learners should be equipped with all the necessary skills to prepare for
more challenging future.

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