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1. Write any two situations where L.P.P is applied.

The most im[portant function of management is decision making. A large number
of decision problems faced by an executive involve optimum allocation of scarce
resources to various activities with the objective of increasing profits or
decreasing costs or both.
The decision problem becomes complicated when a number of resources are
required to be allocated and there are several activities to perform. The problem
an be well handled by the technique of linear programming.
Applied for choosing the best alternative from a set of feasible alternatives.
To help managers in planning,decision making and to allocate the resources.
2. What do you mean by degeneracy?
In the simplex method,if any of the basis variable has a value zero,then it is termed
3. Write a note on sensitivity analysis.
Sensitivity Analysis which is also known as post-optimality analysis,is done when ther
are changes due to unforeseen adverse conditions after getting the optimal solution to the
initial problem. This analysis essentially checks whether the changes affect the optimal
solution or not.
4. List out various applications of OR in management.
Assignment of jobs to applicants to maximize total profit or minimize total
Replacement techniques are used to replace the old machines by new ones.
Inventory control techniques are used in industries to purchase optimum
quantitry of raw materials.
Before executing a project, activities are sequenced and scheduled using
PERT Chart.
5. How do you identity the existence of degeneracy in LPP while solving it by simplex
Degeneracy in LPP may arise
At the initial stage
At any subsequent iteration stage
In case of the initial stage at least one of the basic variables should be zero in the initial
basic feasible solution.
In case of subsequent iteration stage, at any iteration of the simplex method more than
one variable is eligible to leave the basis and hence the next simplex iteration produces a
degenerate solution in which at least one basic variable is zero. i.e the subsequent
iteration may not produce improvements in the value of objective function.

As a result it is possible to repeat the same sequence of simplex iteration endlessly

without improving the solution. This concept is known as cycling (tie).
6. What is sensitivity analysis in LPP?
Sensitivity Analysis which is also known as post-optimality analysis,is done when ther
are changes due to unforeseen adverse conditions after getting the optimal solution to the
initial problem. This analysis essentially checks whether the changes affect the optimal
solution or not.
7. State the assumption of Linear Programming technique?
Proportionality, Additively, Continuity, Certainty, Finite Choices.
8. What is an unbounded solution in LP?
This is a situation wherein we cannot get an optimal solution. Infinite solutions are
possible but none of them is optimal. In the graphical solution, this situation is
encountered when the common feasible area has no upper bound. In the simplex solution
this situation is encountered when optimality is not reached but the outgoing variable
cannot be decided.
9. What is degeneracy in a simplex method?
In the simplex method, if any of the basis variable has a value zero, then it is termed
degeneracy in simplex method.
10. Define alternative optimal solution with respect to an LP solution.
This refers to a situation wherein more than one solution option is available but the value
of the objective function remains the same for either solution options.
11. What are the special cases of Linear programming Problems?
Unbounded Solutions, Multiple Optimal Solutions, Non-feasible Solutions, Degeneracy.
12. What are the major assumptions of LP?
Proportionality, Additively, Continuity, Certainty, Finite Choices.
13. Define alternate optima in LP.
This refers to a situation wherein more than one solution option is available but the value
of the objective function remains the same for either solution options.
14. What are the assumptions in LP?
Proportionality, Additively, Continuity, Certainty, Finite Choices.
15. Define Constraints.
A constraints is a kind of restriction on the total amount of a particular resource required
to carry out the activities at various levels.
In a model there will be many such constraints so thes constraints will limit the levels of
achievement of different decision variable.
16. What is shadow price?
The values of the decision variable of dual of a LPP represents shadow prices of a

17. Use an example to show that dual of dual yields the primal.
Maximum z = 6x + 8y
Sub to 5x+2y 20
X+2y 10
X,Y 0 by
Min Z = 20 w1 + 10 w2
Sub to 5w1 + w2 6
2w1 +2w2 8
W1,w2 0.
18. What is adjacent basic feasible solution?
A basic solution to a LPP is called as a basic feasible solution if it satisfies the nonnegative restriction.
There are two types of basic feasible solutions.
Non degenerate: all m basic variables are positive abnd remaining n variables will be
Degenerate: A basic feasible solution is degenerate if one or more basic variables are
19. Define Operations research.
OR is the application of scientific methods to complex problems arising from operations
involving large systems of men, machines, materials and money in industry, business,
government and defenses.
20. Define degenerate solution in LPP.
In the simplex method, if any of the basis variable has a value zero,then it is termed
21. What are the properties of Linearity?
Reduction of a feasible solution to a basic feasible solution.
Replacement of a basis vector.
Unbounded solution.
Conditions of Optimality.
22. What are the assumptions that must be satisfied in order for a problem to be solved
in LP?
Proportionality, Additively, Continuity, Certainty, Finite Choices.
23. List the scope of applications of OR techniques.
Accounting: Cash Flow Planning, Credit Policy Analysis.
Finance: Dividend Policy making,Investment Analysis,Portfolio Analysis.
24. What is sensitivity analysis?
Sensitivity Analysis which is also known as post-optimality analysis,is done when ther
are changes due to unforeseen adverse conditions after getting the optimal solution to the

initial problem. This analysis essentially checks whether the changes affect the optimal
solution or not.
25. Write down the standard form of a LP problem.
Maximize or Minimize Z = C1X1+C2X2+..+Cn Xn
Subject to m constraint
a11x1+a12x2+..+a1jxj+..+amxm (= ) b1
am1x1+am2x2+..+amjxj+..+amnxm (= ) bm
in order to find the values of n decision variables X1,X2, Xn to maximize or minimize
the objective function and the nonneagtivity restrictions.
X1,X2,Xn 0
26. List the applications of OR Model.
Iconic (Physical ) Models : Toy,Miniature model of a building,scaled up model of a cell
in biology etc.
Analogue Models: A network of water pipes to represent the flow of current in an
electrical network or graphs,organizational charts etc.
Mathematical Model : LPP, A system of equations representing an electrical network or
differential equations representing dynamic systems etc.
27. List out the assumptions invoved in LPP.
Proportionality, Additively, Continuity, Certainty, Finite Choices.
28. What are slack and surplus variables?
In an optimization problem, a slack variable is a variable that is added to an
inequality constraint to transform it to an equality. Introducing a slack variable replaces
an inequality constraint with an equality constraint and a nonnegativity constraint. By
introducing the slack variable

, the inequality

can be converted to the

Surplus Variables : A surplus variable represents the amount by which solution

values exceed a resource. These variables are also called Negative Slack Variables.
Surplus variables like slack variables carry a zero coefficient in the objective function.
it is added to greater than or equal to (>) type constraints in order to get an equality
29. Difference between slack ,surplus and artificial variables.
Slack Variables : Slack variable represents an unused quaintly of resources ; it is added
to less than or equal (<) to type constraints in order to get an equality constraint.
Surplus Variables : A surplus variable represents the amount by which solution values
exceed a resource. These variables are also called Negative Slack Variables . Surplus

variables like slack variables carry a zero coefficient in the objective function. it is added
to greater than or equal to (>) type constraints in order to get an equality constraint.
Artificial Variables : Artificial variables are added to those constraints with equality (=)
and greater than or equal to ( > ) sign. An Artificial variable is added to the constraints to
get an initial solution to an LP problem. Artificial variables have no meaning in a
physical sense and are not only used as a tool for generating an initial solution to an LP
Particulars Slack Variable
Surplus Variable
Artificial Variable

Unused resources
of the idle

Excess amount of
resources utilized.

No physical or
economic meaning.
It is Fictitious.

When used

With < Constraints

With > Constraints

With > And =






Coefficient in
the Z

-M for
Maximization and
+Mfor minimization

As Initial

Used as starting

Cant be used since

unit matrix
condition is not

It is initially used
but later on

In Optimal

Used to help for

interpreting idle &
key resources.

It indicates the
Infeasible Solution

30. Define OR.

OR is the application of scientific methods to complex problems arising from operations
involving large systems of men, machines, materials and money in industry, business,
government and defences.

31. What is meant by decision variable?

A decision variable is used to represent the level of achievement of a particular course of
action. The solution of the linear programming problem will provide the optimal value
for each and every decision variable of the model. X1,X2.
32. What is meant by an optimal solution.
Any feasible solution which optimizes (minimizes or maximizes) the objective function
is called its optimal solution.
33. What is linear programming?
Linear programming deals with the optimization of a function of variables known as
objective functions.
LP is mathematical technique which involves the allocation of limited resources in an
optimal manner on the basis of a given criterion of optimality.
34. Write down the general mathematical formulation of LP.
Maximize or Minimize Z = C1X1+C2X2+..+Cn Xn
Subject to m constraint
a11x1+a12x2+..+a1jxj+..+amxm (= ) b1
am1x1+am2x2+..+amjxj+..+amnxm (= ) bm
in order to find the values of n decision variables X1,X2, Xn to maximize or minimize
the objective function and the nonneagtivity restrictions.
X1,X2,Xn 0
35. What is dual of a LPP?
For every LPP there is a unique LPP associated with it involving the same data and
closely related optimal solution./ the original problem is then called the primal problem
while the other is called its dual problem.
36. Write down the second duality theorem.
Existence theorem states that, if either problem has an unbounded solution then the other
problem has no feasible solution.
37. Define prescriptive model with an example.
It is one which prescribes or suggests a course of action for a problem.
38. List the characteristics/components of LP model.
The objective function is of maximization type.
All constraints are expressed as equations.
RHS of each constraints is non-negative
All variables are non-negative
39. What is complementary slackness condition in Dual?
If a primal variable is positive, then the corresponding dual constraint is an equation at
the optimum and vice versa.

If a primal constraint is strict inequality then the corresponding dual variable is zero at
the optimum and vice versa.
40. Write any 4 areas of application of OR in management
Assignment of jobs to applicants to maximize total profit or minimize total costs.
Replacement techniques are used to replace the old machines by new ones.
Inventory control techniques are used in industries to purchase optimum quantitry
of raw materials.
Before executing a project, activities are sequenced and scheduled using PERT
41. What is the utility of artificial variable in LPP?
Any non negativity variable which is introduced in the constraint in order to get the initial
basic feasible solution is called artificial variable.
42. What is the purpose of sensitivity analysis?
In many situations the parameters and characteristics of a Linear programming model
may change over a period of time.
43. When is an LPP preferred to be solved by graphical method?
If the number of variables in any linear programming problem is only two,one can use
graphical method to solve it.
44. Define the term infeasible solution in an LPP.
A solution is infeasible if it is meaningless and impractical. In the graphical solution,this
situation is encountered when ther is no common feasible area. In this simplex solution
this situation is encountered when optimality is reached but an artificial variable is in the
45. What are the essential characteristics of a LP.
The objective function is of maximization type.
All constraints are expressed as equations.
RHS of each constraints is non-negative
All variables are non-negative
46. What is the principle of duality in LP?
If the objective function of the primal is to be maximized then the objective function of
the dual becomes minimization and vice versa.
For maximinization primal with all less than type constraints there exists a mini dual
problem with all greater than type constraints and vice versa.
Each constraint in the primal corresponds to a dual variable in the dual and vice versa.
The matrix of the coefficients of variables in dual is the transpose of the matrix of
coefficients of variables in primal and vice versa.
47. What are the situations where OR will be applicable.
The most important function of management is decision making. A large number
of decision problems faced by an executive involve optimum allocation of scarce

resources to various activities with the objective of increasing profits or

decreasing costs or both.
The decision problem becomes complicated when a number of resources are
required to be allocated and there are several activities to perform. The problem
an be well handled by the technique of linear programming.
Applied for choosing the best alternative from a set of feasible alternatives.
To help managers in planning, decision making and to allocate the resources.
48. List down the variants in simplex method
Degeneracy and cycling
Unbounded solution
Multiple solution
Non existing feasible solution
Unrestricted variables.
49. What are the important areas of application of OR techniques in operations
Assignment of jobs to applicants to maximize total profit or minimize total costs.
Replacement techniques are used to replace the old machines by new ones.
Inventory control techniques are used in industries to purchase optimum quantitry
of raw materials.
Before executing a project, activities are sequenced and scheduled using PERT
50. State the purpose of minimum ratio rule in the simplex method.
Step 7 in simplex algorithm.
To find the leaving variable or key row. Compute the ratio (XBi/XKr,Xir> 0)
If the minimum of these ratios be Xbi/Xkr then choose the variable Xik to leave the basis
called the key row and the element of the intersection of key row and key column is
called the key element.
51. Distinguish between feasible solution and optimal solution.
Any solution to a LPP which satisfies the non-negativity restriction of the LPP is called
its feasible solution.
Any feasible solution which optimizes (minimizes or maximizes) the objective function
is called its optimal solution.
52. State some of the applications of OR in marketing.
Product Selection, Competitive strategies, Advertising Strategy.
53. List some of the application of OR in manufacturing.
Inventory Control, Projection Marketing balance, Production Scheduling & Smoothing.
54. What are the limitations of LPP?
o For larger problems having many limitations and constraints the computational
difficulties are enormous even when computers are used.

o Many time it is not possible to express both the objective function and constraints
in linear form.
o The solution variable may have any values sometimes the solution variables are
restricted to take only integer values.
o This method does not take into account the effect of time.
55. Define objective function and decision variable.
Objective function: it is an expression representing the total profit or cost of carrying out
a set of activities at some levels.
It will be either a maximization or minimization type.
Decision variable: while making mathematical modeling of OR problems the variables
which are used and the value of which gives the solution are the decision variables.
56. What are the characteristics of OR?
Its system orientation
The use of interdisciplinary
Applications of scientific method
Uncovering of new problems
Improvement in the quality of decisions
57. List out the scientific method available in OR.
o The judgement phase
o The research phase
o The action phase
58. Why operation research is necessity for industry?
Complexity, Scattered responsibility and authority, Uncertainity, Knowledge explosion.
59. List out the scope of OR.
Industry , Defence, Planning, Agriculture, Public Utilities.
60. List out the phases of OR.
Formulating the problem.
Constructing a model to represent the system under study.
Deriving a solution from the model.
Testing the model and the solution derived from it.
Establishing controls over the solution.
Putting the solution to work.
61. What are the limitations of operations research?
Mathematical models are applicable to only specific categories of problems.
OR tries to find optimal solution taking all the factors of the problem into
Bring a new field generally there is a resistance from the employees to the new
Management who has to implement the advised proposals may itself offer a lot of
resistance due to conventional thinking.

62. What are the advantages of Linear Programming methods?

It helps in attaining the optimum use of productive factors.
It improves the quality of decisions.
It also helps in providing better tools for adjustments to meet changing conditions.
It highlights the bottlenecks in the production processes.
63. What are the limitations of Linear programming model.
For larger problems having many limitations and constraints the computational
difficulties are enormous,even when assistance of large digital computers is available.
Another limitation of linear programming is that it may yield fractional valued answers
for the decision variables,whereas it may happen that only integer values of the variables
are logical.
64. Define Solution.
A set of variables [x1,x2,xn+m] is called a solution to L.P.problem if it satisfies the
65. Define Feasible Solution
A set of variables [x1,x2,xn+m] is called a feasible solution to L.P problem if it
satisfies the constraints as well as non-negativity restrictions.
66. Define Basic Solution
A solution obtained by setting any n variables (among m + n variables) equal to zero and
solving for remaining m variables is called a basic solution. These m variables (some of
them may be zero) are called basic variables and the remaining n variables that have been
put equal to zero each are called non-basic variables.
67. Define basic feasible solution.
It is a basic solution that also satisfies the non- negativity restrictions. All variables in a
basic feasible solution are 0. Every basic feasible solution of a problem is an extreme
point of the convex set of feasible solutions and every extreme point is a basic feasible
solution of the set of constraints.
68. Define Non-degenerate basic feasible solution.
It is a basic feasible solution in which all the m basic variables are positive (> 0) and the
remaining n variables are zero each.
69. Define Degenerate basic feasible solution.
It is a basic feasible solution in which one or more of the m basic variables are equal to
70. Define Optimal basic feasible solution.
It is the basic feasible solution that also optimizes the objective function.
71. Define Unbounded solution.
If the value of the objective function can be increased or decreased indefinitely, the
solution is called unbounded solution.

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