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Ruqaya Saleh 201102843

Market Yourself GSP 5203 - 003

Assignment 1: Reflection Part 2
Tutor: Ms Eman AlShamlawi

o Give and support your opinion about whether or not you found the whole
experience valuable (writing CV, letter and interview) and articulate how you
would approach the interview process in the future. (LO #3)
Although I have been interviewed for jobs in the past, this particular interview is the one I not
only enjoyed going through and preparing for but also benefited from the most. Utilizing tips
from the slides and Ms Eman clarifications regarding my curriculum vitae, cover letter and the
interview has contributed to my knowledge on how to present myself in a particular way that
will interest the interviewer. For example, discussing the right posture, handshake, dress code,
information to be mentioned in the CV and cover letter and standard or common interview
questions have definitely gave me a clear idea regarding what to expect during an interview
which will increase my confident during any interview or even when engaging in a conversation.
Moreover, discussing what the interviewer expect to see in an applicant CV and cover letter
helped me gain understanding of how to present myself on pieces of paper in the best way
possible through highlighting the impressive traits, past experiences and tasks handled and
education that will set me apart from all the other candidates applying for the same job.
Furthermore, discussing the fact that the interviewers looks for answers that show relevancy
to the job, personality and fit for job traits when he/she asks questions sheds light on what kind
of answers I should give during the interview. For example when an interviewer asks about the
weaknesses in the interviewee personality whom is applying for a managerial job, a weakness
that will be beneficial in the job applied for must be given like being a perfectionist as it will
show that the interviewee will deliver given tasks with high standards. Added to that,
examining common questions in most interviews like Tell me about yourself? has given me
the chance to prepare good answers and that will increase my feeling of self-assurance during
any interview as it will give the feeling of knowing what to expect and having self-control
Even though the interview went relatively well, I believe that there are things I am not very
pleased about and would definitely improve for my next interview. I have used the term As I
said several times when asked questions, which was considered as a bit offensive to the
interviewers even though it was not my intention to be rude or offend the person I am talking
to. In fact, I believe I must instead of using the term As I said, I shouldve use the chance to
re-shed the light on things that are impressive to the interviewers and also elaborate on them.
More to that, in my upcoming interviews I will try to make eye contact with all the interviewers
in case I am being interviewed by more than one person. Given the fact that only one of the
two interviewers were asking the questions, at the beginning of the simulated interview I was
making eye contact with only the one asking question without considering that the other
person is also there to mark me and that might have resulted in the interviewer feeling
disengaged and not seeing or sensing my enthusiasm and sincerity.

o Connect the Simulated Interview to events in your life and to who you are. (LO
This simulated interview has not only taught me to market myself to employers/interviewers
and increased my understanding of the nature of work but it also impacted me on a personal
level. I have always been not as self-assured during conversations or talking to people as I am
supposed to be however the journey of preparing for the simulated interview, exploiting the
instructions given in class and being interviewed have taught me some tips that unquestionably
changed and my increased level of confident. Discussing the importance of body language
during interviews and practicing it gave me the sense of confident due to giving me the feeling
that the person I am talking to is actually listening to me and interested in hearing what I have
to say and that is something I will from now on bear in mind and practice more and more in
order to be as prone to nervousness as I want and also self-assured.
Additionally, as I tend to lack confident and ability to control my nerves during conversations
this particular simulated interview helped me understand the importance of first impression
when trying to hide nervousness and that is something in reality I seek to hide. As discussed in
class and the slides a good firm handshake and eye contacts when you walk in a room can tell
not only interviewers but also normal people a lot about your strong and relaxed personality
and break the ice by giving a mutual sense of relaxation and relief. More to that, a good first
impression will build the idea you seek to build about yourself in the mind of the other person,
even thought it might not be the real image. In my case I seek to draw an image of a confident
and strong personality, although that is not how I usually feel inside, through using a firm
handshake, eye contact and a warm smile during 10 seconds of first impression.

o Connect the Simulated Interview to any texts that you have read, see or heard
(film, music, articles, books, poetry, art, etc.) (LO #3)
Couple of months ago I have read a book called The Interview Book: Your Definitive Guide to
the Perfect Interview Techniques by James Innes which I believe have highly benefited me in
passing and doing relatively well in this simulated interview. In the book, common interview
scenarios are examined with clear explanations on how to act during these interviews, what the
interviewer is looking for and what to say. The book also looks at various mistakes interviewees
do which I found very helpful as it gives you an idea of what are the things that are considered
unacceptable to say or do during interviews like answering the phone, chewing a gum or
showing the interviewer that you do not have a clear idea about the job applied for. Also the
writer explains how the interviewee should end the interview by asking questions that will
show the interviewer that he/she is really interested in the job like asking about the day-to-day
activities for a person filling the applied for job (Innes, 2009).

Innes, J. (2009). Interview Book: Your Definitive Guide to the Perfect Interview Techniques .
Prentice Hall Business.

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