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Web Design Course

This course is intended to give you an introduction into web design so that you can build upon this knowledge using the
Internet into futures.
Websites and Apps are how products and services are being bought and sold more and more nowadays.
It cuts down your costs when you sell directly to customers online 24/7.
Setting up your own business and web presence is essential in the dynamic world Students are facing today and is a great
life skill to be able to make money for yourself. Plus, if you loose your job, want to impress your manager and improve his
or her model, want to promote anything or simple want to work in the area of business and computers this is for you

The aim of the course

To be able to build your own first webpage.
To learn about basic web design programming.

To be introduced to App Development languages

Project : To further your research online and to build the best possible website or App to your ability.

Units 1-5
Overview and software options
Hyperlinks will take you to the Unit you want by double clicking when in slide show view.
Unit 1 : Introduction and set up . Slide 8
Unit 2: HTML Programming Notepad Slide17
Unit 3: Unit 4: Graphics and Images 30
Unit 4: The law and Security 33

The Internet means

The Physical structure (servers, routers, cables, fibre optics and satellite connections)
A global network of networks that allows people, business and communities to communicate with each other.

Software used for web designing

Weebly is free for schools to use as well
Scoilnet blogs is free for schools to use
Dreamweaver easiest to use and expensive
Frontpage is arguably one of the best but difficult to use
Coffee cup is cheapest ( 30 day separate trial)
Microsoft freeware/shareware can be reaearched

Different Devices use different types of coding for


Unit 1 of EDCL Webstarter

Uploading Web Pages
Advantages of Web Publishing
Registering Web Space

Unit One Quiz

Web Concepts
TCP/IP- stands for transmission control protocol/ internet protocol and is the method computers use to communicate
on the internet. E.g : www or ftp or email or chatrooms
FTP- File Transfer Protocol- language that helps you upload and download files from the Internet hosting companies/
E.g. using File Zila to upload to Hosting365 ( Hosts web names )
Hyperlinks click on them and they bring you other locations on the website
Webserver is a type of server dedicated to storing Web Based Files

Web Concepts
Web page is a page that can contain a mix of text, images, sound and video. A number of webpages and home
(index pages) together make a website. Browser e.g Internet explorer
HTTP/S: language that enable communication on the www and S adds higher security
URL: Uniform Resource Locater : Full web address in words
HTML: Hypertext Mark Up Language codes and programming language behind the web. Plain text but needs
software. E.g the Java programming language

Copy Codes from Websites

Click tools on a website and view source
Word wrap and consider the width of the browser or youll find your texts wont fit on to your webpage properly so
plan ahead.
Free Web design
Can copy and edit tags, tables and pages etc

Step one before you create a new website

Check to see if your website name has been already taken by clicking on a domain registration website such as or
This website also gives you an option to pay for hosting , e.g. about 180 p/y annual service free. However, there are
free hosting companies available too. With some you may have to insert their address or advertise a banner for them.

Free Hosting Companies

When uploading web pages you need a space on a hosting company e.g Eircom then an FTP e.g File Zila to upload and edit

Step 2
Create your webpages maybe starting with a template from web software such as coffee cup. Or for a more basic
website and to get used to writing code use notepad, with a browser ( internet explorer), and next step is to save youre

work to a yellow folder on your own P.C before uploading.

Step 3
Register with a Hosting Company
There will be a step by step guide on most websites
You will need to create a new email account and also you will be creating a hosting account or mywebspace with a
username and password. Always write down usernames and passwords so you dont forget them. In the username field
type your address or wherever it asks you to depending on the website you have entered,

Test to see if registered

It will say this is a test if not registered or page cannot be found.
You may need to go back to start and click update your site and also click refresh on your browser or youve made a
typo error somewhere and not followed their step by step guides properly so start again.

WebDesign Programming

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