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Jackson Barry

September 4, 2014
Hamiliton Period 2
Descriptive Essay

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

I see the outside of the stadium, with the glowing sign of AT&T Park. I see the
beautiful water sparkle behind the stunning stadium, which is home to the San Francisco
Giants. I walk into the stadium, hearing the chants of Beat LA or Lets Go Giants! I
get to my seat, to see the players warm up. I see the scoreboard with a giants clock
overhead. The game is set to start in less then twenty minutes. I get my lunch in the food
court. The delicious taste of a hot dog and french fries fill my mouth as I head back to my
The players are warming up, swinging bats and taking ground balls with their
gloves. I see the big coke slide above the left field bleachers. I see the arcade wall in
right, towering over the field, with a sign that reads Splash Hits illuminated with
orange light. The water right behind it sits calmly, waiting for a homerun. The Giants
stadium has perfect white lines down the third and first base lines, signaling fair and foul
The game has started. The first batter is up. The first pitch comes and hard, and I
hear the umpire yell, Strike 1. Then, next pitch comes in and Crack! I hear the ball
make contact with the wooden bat, but the shortstop fields it cleanly, and throws it to
first. I hear the umpire yell, Youre out! The next inning the Giants are up, with fans
Finally its the bottom of the ninth, game tied 2-2. Brandon Crawford steps into
the box, thinking hard about the upcoming at bat. I hear the announcers call echo
throughout the stadium. It booms, Now batting, number 35, Brandon Crawford! The
fans go crazy, anticipating the next play that awaits them. The first pitch zips in, but
Brandon Crawford was ready. Crack! He hit it so hard, it sounded like fireworks going
off on the fourth of July. The ball was blasted high into the air, arching towards the wall
in right. As I watched it sail into the water in right, I heard the crowd cheer. Brandon
Crawford had won the game. The fans were screaming and going crazy as Crawford
crossed home plate. I saw the players come out to celebrate the win. The game was over,
and the Giants had won.

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