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Yanai Perry

One More Dollar Story

The bar had smelled heavily of liquor and ranch hands who had not had a bath for
weeks. It was a putrid smell, as though food had been left out for far too long and began
to spoil. The candles that illuminated the dive let off a faint orange glow. It wasnt bright
enough and much of the bar was dim and some was enveloped entirely by darkness
where candles had burnt out.
Throughout the bar, there were five oaken tables with throngs of drunkards
around them, cheering and singing, and there were two or three people sitting at each
table. They were gambling. They grabbed the discolored yellow dice, took their chances,
and rolled them.
As Hiram had walked through the doors of the bar, he had noticed several things.
First, there were no women. Second, there was a man in one of the dark corners. He
looked rather clean and was wearing a black suit and a bowtie. The mans face was
wrinkled however his sky blue eyes retained a young quality to them. His hair was a dark
black, but shining silver strands of hair could be seen. Hiram noted one more thing. Out
of the corner of his pockets, a gun could be seen.
Slowly, Hiram made his way to one of the tables, taking care not to cut himself on
any of the shards of glass littering the floor. When he finally made his way to the table,
he tapped the most sober looking person on the shoulder.
Hey, you seen that guy in the back wit the gun? Hiram asked.
Yeah I seen im, the man responded
Well who is he?
Thats Aldous Folke, hes one of the richest fellas in town, but he comes here
evernight to gamblen drink.
Hiram paused for a moment to think.
Does he ever use that sidearm of his? Hiram implored.

Only when they deserve it, the man said tepidly. Do you want a drink? He
then quickly said.
Sure, I could use a drink, my days been pretty rough. The foreman at a ranch I
was gonna stay at said there was no work, Hiram said.
Is you one of them migrant workers from the dust bowl? the man asked.
Yeah, I was travelin out here to make some money picking fruit.
Well, you know you can still make money, the man motioned to the gamblers in
front of them.
I suppose I could try it out, Hiram said. He walked over to the table and said
that the next game is his. After several minutes, it was his time.
He sat down at the dark brown chair. It creaked under his weight. Someone
handed him two dice and drunkenly slurred the rules of the game. It was unintelligible,
but that didnt matter, Hiram already knew what they were playing.
Across from Hiram sat a giant of a man. Ape-like in his face and his hands. He
was wearing a black vest, and jeans. His chin was covered in stubble and his eyes a bright
shade of brown. The ape pushed five dollars into the middle of the table. Hiram did the
same. When he saw the money in the middle of the table, he realized it was the last five
dollars he had.
Hiram rolled the ivory dice. When they finished dancing on the table, they had
both landed on sixes. Hiram proudly took the money from the center of the table.
Everyone around the table cheered. They begged for another game and Hiram obliged.
The ape refused and someone else promptly took his place.
Once more, Hiram took the dice and rolled. He did not get sixes this time and
nervously waited for his opponents roll. Hiram feebly assured himself that he had
beaten them. He was intently watching his opponent roll the dice. He had won. He once
more collected his prize. Now the crowd forming around his table was ecstatic and
demanded another game. Hiram listened, drunk on his own confidence.
He played one, two, three more games and each win had given him more money
than the last. Finally, one he had completed his third game, Aldous Folke stood up from
the back of the bar. He slowly made his way to Hirams table and at each step he took,
the bar grew quieter. Finally he reached the table. There was an eerie silence.

Ive noticed that youve won several games and have collected quite a sum of
money, Aldous cheerily said. It would be my honor to play a game against you.
Well sure, Hiram said.
Aldous sat down at the table and pushed twenty dollars into center of the table.
Hiram did the same. They both rolled dice and the crowd all leaned in to see the results.
Hiram had won, he couldnt believe it. Nobody else had believed it either and the bar was
thrown into chaos. Everyone was cheering and screaming. Aldous had just sat for several
moments, in deep thought. He finally leaned towards Hiram.
Say, a gentleman like you wouldnt mind having a rematch, wouldya? He asked
Hiram hadnt thought about his answer before he agreed to it. He quickly
regretted his decision. As they both put their money into the table, he tried to think of an
excuse but his mind was blank.
Finally the moment had come. Aldous rolled first. It wasnt a particularly good
roll. He handed the dice to Hiram. He started to shake. He finally threw the dice. Snake
eyes. Hiram was crushed. He started to panic.
He thought to himself. What am I gonna do? I wont be able to get home! Theres
no work! No way out! What would my mother think? He finally calmed himself down.
There was a moment of silence. Then, suddenly, he grabbed the money in the table and
got up. He started to run. Aldous yelled.
Get back here! Aldous accosted Hiram. He pulled out his gun, aimed, and
pulled the trigger. Aldous missed Hiram and struck one of the amazed bar-goers. The
frightening crack of the gun alone was enough to make Hiram stumble. Aldous aimed
once more and shot, this time striking Hiram in the leg. He fell and Aldous calmly
walked over. The bar was dead silent now. Hirams grip on the money was slowly
loosening and by the time Aldous had gotten next all he had to do was lightly pluck the
money from his hand. Aldous then stood up and viciously kicked Hiram in the stomach.
Hiram, in a half conscious state, recumbent on the floor, thought to himself. What would
my mother think?

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