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January 5, 2015

Taylor Ministry Update!

The kind of fasting I want is this: Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and
let the oppressed go free. ~Isaiah 58:6

Making Progress.!
The buildings are going up quickly! With the many hands of the
local builders and labor, the church and preschool are going up in
no time at all. You can see from the photo above we held the first
church service on Christmas Day. The community joined us for a
meal, fellowship and a service. It was wonderful.!
Matthew and Luke are standing with their dad next to the
preschool. You can see that we will be able to begin classes soon! I
(Jennifer) have already interviewed several women who are
interested in teaching preschool. I had no idea what to expect
would the hopeful teachers have an education? training? experience
with children? I was pleasantly surprised to find a VERY qualified
preschool teacher and several other ladies with ample experience
with young children. This is going to be great! I love that we can
establish a preschool here, where it is so needed, and utilize the
skills of local people. I feel like in many ways we have discovered a

January 5, 2015

gold mine with just a bit of eort, meeting people and brushing
o the dust, we are finding real gems people with a desire to
work hard and a heart for their community. A little infrastructure
and support, (a place for them to put their talents to work) and we
will really see these people shine!!
While Rob has been hard at work as project manager, making sure
that the preschool is completed on-time, I have been busy with the
interviews and writing a training manual. I will train teachers for a
week this January, followed by the opening of Pure Nard
Preschool. Truthfully, I feel like my brain is a swimming pool
right now, full-to-the-brim with information and to-do lists, but I
enjoy the work and I am really looking forward to being with these
ladies. We will open the school with 3 classes: a baby class (3-4
years old), a preschool class (4-5 years old), and reception (aka
kindergarten, 5-6 years old). Pray for me!!
Rob and Wafuka have been working closely together as Rob learns
his new job and Wafuka passes the torch. Learning the culture is
just as big a piece of the work as the building itself, as Rob
discovers how it is done in Zambia. The language and the
cultural awareness are among the things we believe we are called to
do well and Rob is certainly on a crash course. Thankfully he loves

December Break!
The 3 boys have been at home with us. I dont know why the
whirlwind of piled-high laundry, random shoes and socks from one
end of the house to the other, and the black-hole of a fridge
surprises me, its not like I dont know the boys, but man the
Mack truck hit our place! (or should I say dump truck?)!
I do LOVE having them home, and MISS them terribly when they
go to school. We were able to go as a family to Lake Kariba for a
couple of days, which was FANTASTIC. We played Scrabble, ate,
swam, saw more crocodiles than you can imagine, and spent
valuable family time reconnecting. Youll find photos of our trip at
our Picasa (now Google) photo page. "


January 5, 2015

Prayers and Praises!

OngoingWe both really want to learn the language. Pray for the right
language helper and the diligence to do what it takes to learn.!
Please continue to pray for the opening of the preschool. Pray that I
will be an eective trainer and that we will be organized and ready for
the kids!!
Pray for the leadership of this ministry for us, the Kapolesas, and our
new people Daniel our pastor, the new teachers, and new sta at Teen
Challenge. Pray that we all are attentive and listening to the Lord.
Also pray for good communication and developing relationships.!

Pure Nard Ministries!

Building Community, Building Hope

Praise God for the work of ICBC! We are reaching more deeply into
the community and finding that this work is an answer to a
communitys prayers. !
Pray for Rachael and her schooling. She is doing VERY well. but she
also REALLY wants to go to school with her brothers. Pray that we
have good insight and we make the right decision for her.!
Join us in thankfulness for a God who answers specific prayers.

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