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The difference between SAY and TELL

Say and tell have similar meaning, but are used in different ways:

John said he bought a new video game.

In the sentence above, only one person is mentioned. There is no dialogue. We used the verb say without to.

John said to Jim he bought a new video game.

John told Jim he bought a new video game.

In the sentences above, two people are mentioned: there is a dialogue. In that case, we use the verb say with to
or the verb tell without to.
More examples:
Your mom told me your birthday is next week.
What did you say to Jack?
Dad said we must stay home tonight.

Exercise: Complete using say, say to or tell (and pay attention to the verb tense).
My mom __________ tomorrow is a Holiday.
Did Miriam __________ to your sister about the party tonight?
Can you __________ me about the accident you had?
What can you __________ to me about this?
Mike __________ me you are disappointed. Why?

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