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BP Beginners Outline

Essential Question:
What were the causes and effects of apartheid in South Africa?
For each sub question identify 3 answers, find evidence from your
already found sources for each and cite it. Citation is the last name of
the author and year of publication. Example (McCoy, 2010)
Sub Questions:
(1)What factors prompted the South African government to begin the
practice of apartheid?
Factor 1: 1948 Election of the Afrikaner Nationalist Party
Evidence with citation: After [the election of the Afrikaner Nationalist Party], all South
Africans had to be classified by race. (Forche, 1993)

Factor 1:
Evidence with citation:

Factor 2:
Evidence with citation:

Factor 3:
Evidence with citation:

(2)What effects did apartheid have in South Africa?

Effect 1: Non-whites could only live on reserves
Evidence with citation: The restriction on abode and movement was enforced through
the Pass Laws. (Forche, 1993)

Effect 1:
Evidence with citation:

Effect 2:
Evidence with citation:

Effect 3:
Evidence with citation:

(3)What factors contributed to the abandonment of apartheid in South

Factor 1: End of the Cold War
Evidence with citation:
Defenders of the Apartheid regime, both inside and outside South Africa, had
promoted it as a bulwark against communism. However, the end of the Cold War
rendered this argument obsolete. (Snoxelmin, 1999)

Factor 1:
Evidence with citation:

Factor 2:
Evidence with citation:

Factor 3:
Evidence with citation:

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