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Period 6
Ms. Hamilton
The Man With the Money
Larry had been living on the streets for two days strait. Larry is stuck
wearing tattered brown clothes. After spending two long days on the street Larry
skeptically thought that he had a better chance making money betting than he did
on the streets. With the money that he had he could buy a few days of food and
water but he instead walked across the street and took his chances in the bar.
The bartender shouted, Hey Larry.
Larry responded by saying, Hi Sam.
Larry walked over to the slot machines in the gambling area. He then slid
twenty-five cents into the machine. He pulled the lever and prayed. The inside of the
slot machine came to a stop, he had lost. Larry dragged himself away from the slot
machine area and to the poker area where he would take his chances next. When
Larry arrived at the table the person running the table had a scowl on his face.
Larry asked, Why do you look so mad.
The worker replied, A man just stole 139$ right off the poker table.
As Larry ran out the door he yelled, Which way did he go?
There was no reply from the worker. Larry looked left and right then straight
ahead. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a man wearing a black coat, big boots, and
money falling out of his pockets. Larry sprinted after the man until he caught up to
him. Larry tackled him and all of the money he had stolen fell out of his pockets.

Miller, Cole

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 8:04:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time


Where did you get this money? Larry asked the man.
I found it on the ground! the timorous man fabricated.
How could you find all of this money on the ground? Larry exclaimed.
The man didnt respond so Larry walked him back to the bar.
Is this the man that stole the money? Larry asked the person working at the
Yes this is the man The bar worker replied. The bar tender gave Larry back
forty dollars of the money the man had stolen from the bar. Larry left the bar with
the plethora of money he had just received and walked to the nearest train station.
At the train station Larry asked the person selling tickets How much is one
ticket to Oklahoma?
The vendor replied Twenty five dollars.
Can I buy one ticket to Oklahoma? Larry asked as he handed over the
money. The vendor received the money and handed over the ticket. Larry then took
the ticket and looked when the train was arriving.
A few hours later the train pulled slowly into the station. Larry boarded the
train and stat down as a throng of people came in through the hallway.
After multiple days of riding on the train, Larry arrived in his hometown,
Kelly, Oklahoma. He quickly located his home even after all the years of being away.
He quickly moved to the front door with an entranced look on his face as he
knocked on the door

Miller, Cole

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 8:04:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time


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