Due Date: Deposit in Drop Box by 11:59 P.M. On Sunday, June 29

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Henrik Ibsens A Doll House

Due Date: Deposit in Drop Box by 11:59 P.M. on Sunday, June 29.
See MLA Sample .doc on Assignments page for proper formatting of paper.

Writing 1, 4 pts.
Choose one of the following prompts for your 625-word, MLA-formatted paper:
1. Read Ibsens letter to a Danish newspaper. Can you defend what Ibsen did? What do you
make of the critics he was responding to? What do you think todays society or critics
make of the play? (First person is allowed.)
2. Explain why Nora is considered a role model for the Modern Woman. Should she be
considered as such? Why or why not? (First person is allowed.)
3. Watch the interview with Janet Mcteer. What are her most important insights on Nora,
Ibsen, or the play? What did you learn from the interview? (First person is allowed.)

Note on Drop Boxes

For the benefit of all students, and to avoid a particular issue that online instructors can create for
themselves, I subscribe to the following policy: Drop Boxes for all six of the module Writings will
remain open until the last day of class, August 8.
When the Drop Boxes close on Friday, August 8 @ 11:59 P.M. No work will be accepted beyond that
Students, of course, should endeavor to stay on track and meet the assignments prescribed due dates,
particularly in a six-week semester. Turning in a paper past the prescribed due date will automatically
flag the paper as late on your Drop Box page, but there will be no penalty for a late paper. This
allowance is for your benefit, but it is not to be abused because falling too far behind will result in
utter chaos on your part particularly in a six-week semester.
As teachers worldwide like to say, a students lack of preparation does not constitute a teachers
emergency. Therefore, the student is responsible for keeping pace even in six-week semester.

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