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Formative Assessment-III (2014-15)

Subject: English
Class: -------Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------R.No: -------Name of the task: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nature of the task: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson/Poem related to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: --------------------

Marks and Grade allotted: ----------------------------

Teachers Signature: --------------------------------------

To enable the students to:
brainstorm and write appropriate content in keeping with the character
of Quelch
develop non-verbal aspects of giving oral presentations, i.e. gestures,
intonation and body language
Imagine you are Private Quelch and have been assigned the cookhouse
duty. In keeping with
Your character, you inspect the kitchen before resuming the duty next
day. You are horrified at the unhygienic condition of the kitchen and so
you decide to bestow knowledge upon those around you and administer a
lecture to the cooks and helpers before the work begins.
Approximate Time: 1 Period

As an enabling activity the teacher can help the students list out
appropriate words
and phrases under the following headings:
Items found in the kitchen(chopping board, clean implements, utensils
Items used to maintain cleanliness and hygiene (kitchen cloth/spongy
hot soapy water, antibacterial kitchen spray, liquid detergent)
The Do's and Don'ts while in the kitchen (wash your hands, keep your
surfaces clean and clutter free, wear an apron, cover your hair etc)
Ask the students to get into groups.
They will brainstorm within their groups and prepare the draft/notes of a
speech that
Quelch may have made to the cooks and the helpers.
The students may be instructed to use the language appropriate to the
character of

The group leaders would then make an oral presentation.

Criteria for Assessment
Content should be relevant
Appropriate language is used
Ideas are presented in a coherent manner
Proper diction, modulation and pronunciation
Group Dynamics displayed(team spirit, respecting each other)

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