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Runus (18)

Rumus (19)
The overbars denote vertically integrated velocities such as
Rumus (20)
The wind stress components are -<wu(0)>-<wv(0)>, and the bottom stress components are -<wu(-1)>
and -<wv(-1)>. The quantities Fx and Fy are defined according to
Rumus (21a
Rumus (21b)
The so-called dispersion terms are defined according to
Rumus (22a)
Rumus (22b)
Note that, if AM is constant in the vertical, then the F terms in (22a) and (22b) cancel. However, we
account for possible vertical variability in the horizontal diffusivity; such is the case when a Smagorinsky
type diffusivity is used. As detailed below, all of the terms on the right side of (18) and (19) are
evaluated at each internal time step and then held constant throughout the many external, time steps.
If the external mode is executed cum sole, then Gx = Gy = 0.

in the following table, we list the FORTRAN symbols followed by their corresponding analytical symbols
in parenthese and a brief description of the symbols. Not explicitly tabulated are the suffixes b, blank
and f which are appended to many of the variables to denote the time levels n-1, n and n+1 respectively.

I, j (I, j)

horizontal grid indexes

Im, jm

outer limits of I and j

K (k)

vertical grid index; k = l at the top ank k = kb at the bottom

Iint (n)

internal mode time step index


external mode time step index


specifies runtime (days)

Dte (te)

external mode time step, (s)

Dti (ti)

internal mode time step, (s)

Horcon ( C )

the coefficient of the smagorinsky diffusivity


total internal mode time steps


the interval in iint at which variables are printed


dti/ dte

Kappa ( k )

von Karmans constant = 0.4


if mode = 2, a 2-D calculation is performed

If mode = 3, a 3-D prognostic calculation is performed
If mode = 4, a 4-D diagnostic calculation is performed

Nread (0 or 1)

(does not or does) expect an beginning restart file

Rfe, rfw, rfn, rfs

= 1 or 0 on the four open boundaries; for use in BCOND

Smoth ()

parameter in the temporal smoother

Tprni (AH/ AM)

inverse, horizontal, turbulence Prandtl number

R, ad1, ad2

constant in the radiative penetrative equation

Dependent on Jerlov type


background vertical diffusivity

Tbias, sbias

temperature, salinity bias: for 32 bit arithmetic, may reduce roudoff error.

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