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Your task, after reading your mystery book, is to create a "mystery shoebox book report".
Of course the first thing you will need is a shoebox. If you cannot find a shoebox at home,
let me know. You will need to cover your shoebox with paper. Next you will need to do
the following by:

1. On the cover of the box, illustrate an exciting scene from the book. You can use the
computer if you do not want to draw. Neatly print or type the title and author of your book.
(Remember to underline the title of your book.) Place your name in the bottom right hand
corner of the cover.

2. On one end side panel, type 5 vocabulary words from your book, words that you think

are interesting, challenging or unusual and type the definitions of each word.

3. On the other end side panel, type another 5 vocabulary words from your book, words

that you think are interesting, challenging or unusual and type the definitions of each word.
4. On the backside panel you will need to describe the setting (time and place) and draw
an illustration that conveys the setting. Again, the computer may be used.
5. On the front side panel list all of the main characters; use three words to describe their

physical characteristics and three words to describe their personality (internal and external
traits). This must be typed.

6. On the bottom of the box, type the answers to these questions:

A. What was that case (crime) that needed to be solved?

B. What were some of the clues? (include at least three) Who discovers them?
0. Who solved the case?

D. What are the distractions for the person trying to solve the mystery?
E. How was the case solved?

7. Lastly, place five small objects or pictures inside the shoebox that represents important
elements of your mystery book.

Mystery Shoebox Book Report Rubric


1. Cover:

Did you carefully Illustrate your scene?

Did you neatly present the title and author?
Is your name on the front?
(3 points)
2. End Side panels:
Did you include 10 vocabulary words?
Are the definitions complete and neatly typed?
(10 points)
3. Back panel:
Have you given an adequate description of the time and setting?
Do you have an illustration?
(6 points)
4. Front panel:
Did you list all the main characters?
Have you used 6 interesting words to describe each character?
(12 points)
5. Bottom panel:
Have you carefully described your case?
Have you provided an adequate description of three clues?
Have you revealed who solved the case?
Have you clearly explained how the case was solved?
Is your paragraph neatly written?
(10 points)
6. Inside:

Have you included five mystery objects/pictures?

Does the objects/pictures relate to the book?
(5 points)
7. Overall work:

Neatness, punctuality
(4 points)

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