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oceans at 1. A cartan gas oocupie a volume of 6 liters under pressure of 720 mmHg at 25°C. What olune a ets wl dis way under STP conditions of enpettue an presute? (EE Board 972006) Ans. 521. 2. A4OKN tank weighs RN wheo filled with kerosene and 70 KN when ied with he same ‘volume of wate Fin tho spacfc gravity of korosene. (ME Board 42002) ‘Ans. 08 3. A4S-cm cube of ico mel, the liquid watt is placed in ophvial tak ling i IF tho Specific volume of ice at OC is LOO emg and of water is 1-002 ent, detemine the diameter ofthe sperzal vessel used. ‘Ans. 8422 om 4 Two liquids of differant densities (p1~ 1500 kyeum, P2= 500 kufcum) are poured together into w 100-1 tank, filing it Ifthe resulting density ofthe misture is 800 gleam, find the ‘spective quaiis of guide used. (EE Board 4/005) ‘Ans. 45hg, 35k 5. A S0-4g block is being pushed horizontally with a constant force F such tha its acceleration ‘is Imis! The cooficent of fiction between the Black and the surface is .4. What the © ‘aghitode of the constant force Fin Newtons? (CE Bod 11/2008) ‘Ans. 2462N 6 Am object weighs 1500 grams in ir, 1.250 grams in water. Determine the specific gravity of the abject (EE Board 4/2003) Ans. 6 7. ANG mass is moving at 30ems while a d-g mass moves in an opposite direction at $0 ‘emis They code hx! on and stick tgotbr. What is their elcity alter collision? Express answer in ms. (ECE Board 1198) ‘Aas. 0.14mi 8. A G0-ton ri ar moving at Imph isinstantancously coupled fo a stationary 40-on railcar ‘Whats the resultant sped ofthe coupled cas? (ME Board 10%) ‘Ans, 0.6mph 9. A sold cube materi is 0.75 em on each side. It Moats in ol of density 80D kyla? with ‘one-third ofthe blockout ofthe oi, wha is the donsity of he marl ofthe cube? (EEBoad1 06) ‘Ans, 53333 kein? 10. The weight oF « mas of 10 ky ata location whore the acceleration of gravity i 9.77 mis, (ME Boted 1095) 11 The mass of sir in a room SmxSm20m is Known to be 250kg, Find ite density (MEBoard4?8) Ans, L167 ky Se 12A piece of metal weighs 350N in ir and 240N in watt, Determine the Following: volume of th poce of waa cubic mee, at it da tal in Nos ae opie ait ofthemetal (CE Board 11/2000) ‘Ans: 0.01121 31.22 N/m; 3.18 13,100 g of water is mised lo 150g ofaleobol (donsty = 790 kg/m’), Determine the specific ‘avy ad speific volume of he solution. (ME Board 1037) ‘Ans. 0.86251 2em%8 114. What isthe aceleration of block on a fetioness plane inclined at an angle of 30g with ‘the horizontal plane? ‘Ans. 49m? 15. A Skg gun fires 25g bullet at a speed of $00 mis: Whats the recoil speed of the gun? (ME. Board 4/2002) ‘Ans. 2.5 mis 16.A block of wood with uniform horizontal section oats in water with 20 cm projecting above the surface. The same block when placed ina body of ol (SG-0.8) floats wath 18 em projecting above the oll surlace. Determine the spcitie gravity of the wood. (CE Board 572000) ‘Ans. 031 17 The piston A and of the hydraulic jack are onthe same level, Piston As 100 em? while piston B is 500 ent Piston A cates a load of $00 kg Find the required foree a piston B fo cay theload, (ECE Board 11/2000) ‘Ans, 2'5 tons 18 A pressure gage meuures 50 kPa vacuum ina system. What isthe absolute pressure if the ‘atmospheric pressureis 101 KPa? (FE Board 9/2007) ‘Ans. 31000 P 19, Determine the vertical pressure dve to a column of wate m high (BCE Board 11/99) ‘Ans, #234102 20. A 2g piston with 05 meter diameter is acted by a pressurized gas. What should be the pressure oF the gas thst would move the pision upward? (ME Board 102005) ‘Ans, 1014 kPa 2, A close pison-ylinker setup contains liquid and water vapor at 100 degC. The 0.1 meter diameter piston, exposd to the atmosphoros exomally loaded with afres of 20 KN, What pressure of water is edad to push the piste? (ME Board 102005) ‘Ans, 2648 KPa 22. The absolute pressure at th botom of the ocean i 120 KPa How deep isthe water at this point (RDsw = 1.08)? (ECE Board 11/2000) ‘ans 185m a ete en 2. tn aya press mall inde has dameter ofr, whi the lager piston ha 9 Alarcerof 220m I force of ON sap on the sal piston, what te fre on he {sre poo neletngTicvon? (ECE Bard 1/2001), ‘Ans ASSIN 24, A mercury baromtora the bate of Mt Making rads 654mm anda he same ime another barometer atthe tap f the mouniain reads 48mm. Assuming specific weight of arto be ‘constant at 12Nin what isthe approximate height of ML mailing? (EE Board 1096) ‘Ans. 1934 2 Cleat the bottom pressure ofa surge tank in which the dept i 20 meters. (ME Board 1012006) Ans, 1962 kPa 26, The reaing i Conrado was 25 dog, Find tho reading in Fahrenheit (ME Board 42007) ‘Ans. 77 dee 27. Meta temperature 10°F, what i the temperature in Celsius? (ME Board 4/2007) Ans. 822°C 28.A.comiforable room temperatue is 72°F. What is the temperature expressed in K? (@CEBoardh 197) ‘Ans.295 29, What is the equivalent temperature in Kelvin of the boiling point of water (ME Board 1072001) Ans. 373, 30, At what tomporatur isthe °F and °C numesicaly the sams? (ECE Board 4/2001) ‘Ans. 40 51, A Fahrenbit and a Celsius thermometer are both immersed in a fluid. What isthe Hid temperature in Kelvin ifthe Fahrenbet reading is numerically twice that ofthe Celsius reading? (EE Board 9208) ‘Ans. 433K 32. A condenser vacuum gage reads 715 mtg when the barometer stands at 757 mm, State ‘he absolute pressurein the condenser in bar and in kN (ME Board 10/2000), ‘ns 0.056 bar, 5.6 KN

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