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l\,fl risstsstpptVffrllb)vstateUnriverstty

September 25,24M
Reference Letter forJames Vam:
Dr. Varn has been a great asset to our university. He has served as an Associate
Professor o f English, the director of Faculty Development, the coordinator of

IHL Textbook Policy, and the director of the QEP.

Before Dr.Varn arrived in 2004, there really was not a faculty development
progr{rm in place. They basically gave him a space to create a Center forTeaching
and Learning, and he did everything else. As director of Faculty Development, he
administers research, travel, and tuition grants. His service has always been
efTicient, organized, and professional, and I know ofno complaints from any
faculty members concerning the services they receive.
Dr. Varn conducts faculty development workshops, which I have attended. He
sends outa schedule ofaround five to seven workshops each semester. I have
attended workshops on computer technology and Web 2.0 applications like
biogs,wikis, podcasts, and video editing.
Some of the themes that have developed over the years have been critical

reflection, the learner-centered paradigm, active learning, writing acrossthe

curriculum, action research and outcomes assessment He helped write the
QEP, and he has been stressing the use of portfolios for assessing leaming
outcomes in the composition program.


I+OOO U*y tZ W
ItraBena. MS 38941
Email: farhad@mvsu. edu

As an associate professor in the English department, he teaches two courses a

semester and maintains high ratings on his annual reviews and course
evaluations. Since I was on the committee who approved his tenure and
promotion, I was able to see the wonderful comments his students made about
his teaching.
Dr. Varn possesses excellent interpersonal skills both as a professor and a
director. He is aware of the diverse needs of both faculty and students and works
hard to accommodate these needs. Working with a diverse faculty, he shows no
favoritism toward one group of faculty over another, but treats all faculty with
respect and consideration.

Dr. Varn follows the latest trends in his areas of expertise. He upholds the highest standards and hasmuch
to offeryour institution. I highly recornmend him.

Professor of BusinessAdministration

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