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Ridwan Khan

Good afternoon fellow NHS members. As many of you may or may not know, my
name is Ridwan Khan and I am running for your NHS Treasurer.
The reason I chose to run for NHS Treasurer is because of the positive
experience I have had as Treasurer of Rotary International club throughout this
past year.
As Rotary Treasurer I have not only learned how to handle the funds of such a
large club but also that being treasurer means being a leader.
With the experience I have had as treasurer I have learned how to positively lead
a large group of members and how to keep a positive relationship with fellow
officers and members. I have gained the maturity it takes to make sure members
participate and continue to benefit a club such as NHS.
As treasurer I will make sure that all fundraising events such as bake sales
continue in addition to new events such as sporting tournaments where the
school, students, and faculty can all be involved.
Among all these events I want to make sure our philanthropy is in mind and make
sure we benefit the members, the school, and the community.
I believe that a club as prestigious as NHS needs someone with experience and
maturity as a leader. Please vote for me Ridwan Khan as your NHS treasurer.
A vote for Ridwan Khan isnt a promise for success, its a guarantee.

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