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Abel Gonzlez

Las Ramblas, the road through Barcelona's treasures.

Usually people don't realize that emblematic buildings don't show a city's life, but its streets and
anyone who has walked down Las Ramblas will agree with that.

Las Ramblas were built in 1700, when the firsts buildings at the place were built and grew with the
new buildings. Las Ramblas extends from Plaza Catalua to Columbus' statue and by the way there
are other characteristic buildings and attractions such as the Liceum, the fount of Canaletas or the
Mercat de la Boqueria, so it's like a river through Barcelona's attractions. But Las Ramblas isn't an
avenue that shines for its beauty, but for its life and atmosphere. If New York is The city that never
sleeps, then Las Ramblas it's the street that never sleeps since almost the whole day there's life
there. Mornings are brightened up by urban artists as painters, mages or living statues and nights are
livened by the bars, restaurants and discos, that keep partying until dawn.

There's no doubt that Las Ramblas is one of the most important places to Barcelona's economy due
to the enormous number of restaurants and pubs, always full of tourists seeking for mediterranean
live. Also there are a lot of cultural buildings such as the Liceum or the Club Capitol, that also are
great source of income.

I absolutely recommend visiting Las Ramblas to anyone who wants to take part in Barcelona's live.
The time doesn't matter, there's always something to marvel there!

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