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The name is unique and clearly shows that this is a musical magazine because
medley is a musical term. The name itself is chilled yet modern, reflecting the
genre of R&B. The name also proved the most popular in the questionnaire.

I have chosen this genre because it is popular and has a wide audience base. It is
also popular amongst my target audience. I also personally enjoy R&B and am
familiar with its concept.

Target Audience
16-18, college students, male & female
My target audience is college students both male and female. I am a college
student myself, so know what this age group look for. R&B is not stereotyped to
one gender either, so I want my magazine to appeal to both males and females.

Front cover

Coverlines: four coverlines, about content of magazine.

Pug: pull-outs with information on feature artist.
Footer: barcode, issue no, price, date. Advertisement.
Main coverline: about the feature artist on the cover.
Layout: picture of artist dominating cover with coverlines both to the left and
Font: large font that stands out for the masthead, sans-serif style for
coverlines and other text on page.
Colour scheme: Purple, gold, black. (Preferred colours of participants in

Contents page

Layout: list of page titles with page numbers, picture of main artist. Include an
Font: large font for the title, smaller font for page titles in the style of sansserif.
Quotes: few words, short and snappy.
Issue no/date: top of page.

Double page spread

Article: interview with feature artist.

Title: related to artist.
Subtitle: more information on the artist.
Layout: column format, including picture of artist.
Font: Large font for title, subtitle slightly smaller and main text smaller than

Cover page: Main image - female artist with direct address, medium shot.
Contents page: Main image - artist in a specific location.
Double page spread: Main image - artist in a location related to the article.

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