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Almost Famous Top 10

By Olivia Boeve

10.Christopher Columbus
Alive from: 1451-1506
Sailed across the Atlantic
Ocean in search of India
but landed in Caribbean
He founded New World,
brought slavery to
America, and the disease

Date: 13th century
An empire that started in
Mongolia. The most impactful
ruler was Genghis Khan
Impacted the world in a bad
way because 90 million
people and a good way
because it increased trade

8.Hammurabis Code
Established in: 1792-50
1st laws written by
Hammurabi in the
Babylonian Empire
1st established laws that
demanded obedience and

7.Printing Press
Invented in: 1439
A machine used to publish
books and documents
more easily and faster
More people could see
these things being printed
and more books and
documents were made.
This was faster and easier

6.Martin Luther
Alive from: 1483-1546
He is upset with the Catholic
Church and goes into hiding
and translates the Bible into
German so more could read
the Bible
People realized that the
Catholic Church was making
things up and lying to them

Date: 9th century
Invented in Asia and makes its
way to Europe and mostly
used in guns
One of the biggest
advancements in weapons
and made war more

4.Black Plague
Date: 14th century
A disease that started in
China and makes its way
to Europe. Transferred by
fleas. You get a fever,
vomit, and buboes
(settling of blood)
Increased trade and
advancements of medicine

Date: 14th-17th century
When Europe got out of the
dark ages and into reading
and writing again
Every society has been
impacted by this because
some of the biggest
advancements of education
came got this event

Date: 3500-3000 BCE
1st form of writing by the
Writing is still very important
and could record events in
history more accurately

1.Neolithic Revolution
Date: 13000-500 BCE
A change from hunting and
gathering to farming and animal
Important because job
specialization, food surplus, and
population growth occurred
This is the most earth shattering
event because without this the
wouldnt be that far in
advancements in civilization and
could still be living nomadically

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