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STATE OF NEW YORK i ADOPTED. (iN SENATE, YAN =7 2015 a The Pegislature In Senate SENATE RESOLUTION to sdopt he Rules ofthe Sonate forthe yoars 2015-2016 rset SKELOS ee au Aseeinbly INTRODUCTION OF ALL RESOLUTIONS twp dsl nahn th compe an sedans 2 90178-065 Leper) 017-5 ESN VED, That he los of the Senate for tha yours 9048.2018 am heen aad to read 25 fooWs: RULES OF THE SENATE (OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 2016-2016 RULE! ‘THE PRESDENT ‘Section 1, The Lieutonant Governor of the Sate shal be Prosidnt ofthe Senate, but shall have only a casting vole theron, a co170-00-5 RULEW ‘SENATE COMPNSITION Section +. The Senate shall be composed of three conferences; the Republican Coaterence, the Democratic CConferonce and the indaperdent Democratic Conference. Designation ofthe leaders and mombers of each con forence shal be fad inthe Senate Journal. The leaders of such conferences, rofrad io in those rules 3s Con ference Leaders, shall not serve in thor respective capacities for longer than sight yoars. The Republican ‘Conference and the Independent Democratic Centeence shal together comprise the Coalon. The Republican Conference Loader an the independent Democratic Conference Leader shall together be the Colton Leaders. 455 The Independent Democratic Canteonce Leader. a. The independant Democratic Conlerencs Leader may lay aside one bill on an activ st. is ai ade by the Indopendent Damocratc Conference Leader shall continue 10 rtan their place in the gular order of business unica for dabate by the Temporary Pasion », Te Independent Democratic Confrence Leader may request bills be placed on an actve Est. Any such bill placed onan active fist shall be stared as appearing thereon pursuant to his or her ceques ‘ 0173.06 AULEM HE TEMPORARY PRESIL Section 1. Tho Senate shal be the judge ofthe elections, returns and quaiestons ofits own members andthe ‘Senate chal choate a Temporary Preside, by solution adopted ypen the vote ofa marty ofthe member of the Sense elected, who ahall be the majaty leader and who shall preside, or designate some other membe' 9 preside, in case ofthe ebsonce frm tha Chamber or impeachment ofthe Lieutenant Governor, or when he ore Shall else tact a8 President, or shal act as Governor, The Temporary Prsident shal exercise such powers an Cuties ae given by law or thase rules sng the 2075-2016 sassion. The Temporary President may not serve in such eapaciy longer than eight years. 52. He or sho shall appoint and desgnato tho Orficers of the’ Senato, he chair, vicechsir and mamors ol ‘committges and sub-commites, except when the Senate shal otherwise order. {§ 8. He or she chal be Char of the Committe on Rus. {§4. He or she shall appoint, in conjunction with the Speaker ofthe Assombly and the Legislative Liberian. an ‘Assistant Legictatve Librarian, to have charge and custody of al legislative document, as defined in is secton, ho shal be respensibe for collecting, numbering indexing are rotinng the same in the Legislative Library in an ‘area designated fo such use by the Legislative Liberia. Atleast two copies of al such documents shall be Keatn ‘such fray at all tmes and mace avatle fo Members ofthe Legislature and lopstatve employees for public _speeton and duplication dung liber hous. “The function of he Legislative brary isto sure the information and resvarch needs of Members ofthe Leis: ‘ature and opislatva staff a2 definad bythe Legislative Law, The sanvces proved shal include protessional rene, access to standard commercial ening databases and the avalaby of rocorésof the Library's Holng on the Legislative Ratioval Systam (LAS). Te Library i charged with the collection and custody fall Legislative and ‘State documents c= defined by th secon, Agcoss tothe collection shal be provided by the Legislative Lirary ‘State Documents (.LSD) database on LAS. Documents may be cetainedin paper, microform, laser ciskr any cher rmadéum approved ‘or archiving documents. “To oflectuste th purposes ofthis section, the Assistant Legislative Lbraranin charge of lagisatve docuents ‘may request from any commitee, commission, tsk force or offic ofthe Legisiature, andthe same are auhorzad to provice, such assistance, services and data as wll enabla such Noraran to carryout his or her duties as pre- setbed in is secton. For purpates ofthis section, the (rm lgislaive document shall mean aed include the Rules of the Sento, the los ofthe Assenibly, reports ofthe Legiitura and reports of every lgislatve commits, subcommittee, task farce or other adjuret of tho Legislature anda reports and documents requied by iw or regulation to Be subrnitod to the Legistatue by any department, board, bureau, commission or other agency ofthe State. ‘The provisions a this section and paragraph fan of subdivision ¢ of section one of Rule tof the Assembly are Intended to resut inthe appointment of a engle Assistant Legsstatve Lbraian o sorve both Houses fe Legis lature {§8.He or she shall present the Senate, or engage logal representation on behalf ofthe Senate, in any lag action or proceeding involving tho itorpretaion or eect of any law of the federal, state or oral government oth: 5 90179.06-5 consiutonaity threo! or with roged tothe enforcemant or defense of any Hah. prvlege or prerogative of the Senate ‘ so17e-0es RULE PRESIDING OFFICER ‘Secton The Presiding Omer oF ine Senate shal preserve order ana Gecorum me Senate Chambur; ese that debate ie germane to the question under discussion; in case of disturbance 0” ésoréey conductin the lobby ‘or galeries, he or she may cause the same to be cleared he or she shall decide at questions of order, subject _ppealto the Senate. On evary appeal he or she shall have the ight, is or her place, to assign hs orher reasons fortis ocr decision. § 2. mmediaialy upon th fal passage by the Sanat of any bil, or oncurentesalution proposing amondiments to the Constiuton of the Stale, nd concurrent ecoutions proposing o rallying amendiments to the Constitution ‘ofthe United Stats he or sha al cary that the sama has basn uy passed, wih the date theroo,togothor wih ‘he fact whothar passod as a mjortyo° two-thirds bilo resolton, of with tvee-iths ofthe members present, 35 the case may be, as required by the Constiuton and laws ofthe State, end dever sed bil or resolution to the Secretary. § 9. When the Presiding Oticer i othor than the President of the Senate, such Prosicing Ofer shall be vested ‘with al of he powers ard duties confered by those rls and by any other rule o law upon the Present a 90178-065 RULEV ‘THE SENATE AND ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Section 1. The Senate shall nt discriminate because of race, creo, color, a3, $84 asa status, sexval OF eniaton, or sabi in judging the alecions, tons aed qualifications of its ow members, or i the appoint Of any member to commitee e ether afc, orin the sppcintment of any ofits oficers or employees. § 2. The administration and oporatons of he Senate shall be conducted in fa and nonpartisan manner in luting arracs in sarviens narsaty tall mambers and thee ofices, wihout regard tothe members conference § 3. The Conterance ladars shall not serve n such capacity longer than eight yea § 4. The Senate may choose a Secretary, a Sergeant at Arms and an Oficial Stonograper who shall be elected {or the term of the Senate. Sueh employees may be appoinlad as sha be provided for By appropriation, in the manner provided by law. Each oficer and employee of the Senate shal perform such duties 2s may be prescribed bylaw, or by these rales, or as may ba incumbent upon them in ther respective postions 45. shal be the duty ofthe Secretary to have the journals, bis, calondars, messages and aher documents rnd and istrbted inthe manaer peowided by law He or she shal present tothe Governer, and enter upon the Journal, such bil a8 shall have arignatd in the Senate and shall have been passed by both houses. He or she ‘hal subject tothe Rules ofthe Sanat, ransmitto the Assembly al bls or concurrent resolutions which have passed the Senata, Tho Secretary ofthe Senate shall designate the parsons ented to admission to the oor as reporters fr the ews maa ¢. The Secretary of the Senate shal have general control, except as otherwise provide by law o in these rus, of te Senate Chamber and the lobbies and galries thereof, nd of he roms, coors and passages in that part of he Capitol and Legislative Oes Builing aeigned to tho use ofthe Senate, and any oer propery leased or uted bythe Sonate 4. The Secretary ofthe Senate shall, othe exent practicable, use We Intenat and other electronic media © provide access tothe public policy debates, decision making process and lgisitive records ol the Senate, 46, The Sergoant at Arme, under the jection ofthe Secretary, shalbe the security office ofthe Senate, an6, except when absent in the discharge otis or her duties, shall bein constant atendsnce upon the sessions ofthe ‘Sanate and shall assign Assistant Bargeona at Arm to act a= deorkoapors and, ander the direction af tha Presiding Officer, aid in eoforing order on ta floor ofthe Senate, in tha lobbies, and n the rooms sdoiing the Senate Chamber, and also se that no parson remains on the Noor unas ened to the priveges of te same. He or she hal ls assist in maintaining order a earings ofthe Senate and in thal part the Capitol and Legislative Office Buiding assigned to the use ofthe Sanale and on sites in New York Slate where members are conducting the ‘business ofthe Senate and socurty is deemed necossary by the Secretary § 7. The Oficial Stenographer or designee shall atlond every session of he Senate and take stonographic notes: ofthe debates ofthe Senate. He or she shal make a stenographic record ofthe proceedings and make copies ‘valbl to the Secretary of the Sansa, In addon, tho Official Sonographer shall be responsible, under the d= rection ofthe Secretary, for making @stnogranhic record of public hearings al the request ofthe Standing Com ioe Cheiror appointed oficer and mske copies availabe to the Commitee Car and the Secretary PROCEEDINGS. ‘Section 1. The Journal. The Sonata shall kagp aural ofits proceedings and publish the same, except such paris 86 ay eonuire secrecy, The leicaive and axacuive proceedings of he Sanat shal each be recorded ina ‘separate journal, ». Video of Senate raceadings. The Senate shal video recor its proceedings and mke such video avaiable through the Senate web ste 5 2 Hours in session, No sesion shal be held batwacn 12:00 A.M. and 8:00 AW: provided, however, thatthe ‘Senate may remain in session complete acton on a measure or measures upon which debate was begun pit to 1200 AM. orto act on a maasuro or maasues for which a message of necessiy has been ceceived fom the Governor or upon a msjoriy vote o al ofthe members elocted tothe Sena, § 9. Odor of Busines. a. Th Prosiing fcr shal ako tho Chair atthe hour to which the Senate shall nave _djourned and folowing 2 recs! of the pledge of slogiance tothe flag, the fst business ofthe day shall be the eating ofthe journal ofthe preceding day, tothe end that any mistakes therein may be comectd, ‘Alter the reading ard aporovng ofthe journal, he order of business shall be as flows: (1) Presentation of potions (2) Messages from the Assonbly (@) Messages trom tha Governor. (4) Reports of standing comitoos. (6) Reports of select commits. (8) Communications and reports from State oie. b. A quorum being present the Sonate shall proceod te: (01) Motions and resoluons. (2) The calender. (2) Potion or chambor consideration. Al questions relating tothe priority of business shallbe decided without debate § 4, Messages. Messages rom the Governor and Assembly, communications and repos fram State officers, reports froma committee avelvng the right ofa Senatorto his or her sea, anc repos om the Committee on ules shall be roceived at any time. ° 90179085 45. Spec orrs, Whenaver any bor ther mata is made a special err fra particular day, and it stl rot be completed on at cay, hal unless otharwiss ordered, retin space on the calendar asa special orden the ‘order of businass which it was considered. Wan a special ordr is under consideration it shall tke precedence ‘over any special eer fr @ subsequent hour af the sama day, but sch subsequent order may be taken upimma- lataly ater disposal ofthe provious specs order. {56 Canna.» Temata pa the Senata Calendar shallbe sranged and acd uoon i the floing oer (1) Rozohisone (2) is on cer rst rap. (0) ison oder of se00nd repo. (6) Bison oder of speciarepo. (6) its sare ater por. (©) Bits on trdreading calendar em speci report. (7 iso idea, (0) Bis stanodon tid reatng. (©) Resoltion to amend the Sonate Rules. (10) Moons for chamber consiteraton Bis lacie bythe Temporary Posidant shall continue to retin the place in thelr gular order of business nti call for debate by the Temporary President. c, Except for bls reported from a standing committoe end placed on that part ofthe calendar designated 2s “cxdae of special rope” bis reported trom a standing Commitee shal be placed onthe Wt report calondar and, unless stared, shal be automaticaly advanced tothe sacond ropet part ofthe calendar after one calender legis lative day. Bilson sacond report shal unless slared, be advanced othe order of hi reading ater one calender legisla day. No debate shall ba alowed onthe advancement of ils on tho order of fist or sacond rapt of special repo. The order of spiel rept sll be ated wi an asterisk to ngieate that such bia wl be subst {0 debate onthe naxt calendar logisitve day. nthe event that such bis are ot dobated on such day, they shall ‘be removed tom the order of special report an placod on that part the calendar designated “ison order of rst repo §§7, Exeoulve Session, The Senate shal go into consideration of executive business at such times asmay be ‘ordered by vote of the majonty of the Senators present. On moton to close the doors of the Senate, onthe dis ‘cussion of businase which inthe opinion af any Senator may require secrecy, and during the consideration ofa business in erecuve session, the Prascing Ofcer shal directa persons, except the Serafors, the Counsel tothe: respective conferences, Secretary of the Senat, his or her messanger, the Joumal Clerk and Sergeant at Arms, ofthe Senate to withdraw; ane during the cfacussion of ead motion the doors shal remain shut; and every Senator and ofc ofthe Sonate shall keep secret a such matters, proceedings and things which shall transpire who tho, ‘doors remain closed. 10 90175-06-5 |§8. Motions. a. When 2 question is befor the Sato, only te fllowing matons shal be made by a Senator, and such mations shall nave procodence inthe cre her stated, vi (1) For an adjourment. (2) For aca atthe Sonate (@) For the provous question. (4) To lay on tho table. (6) To postpone tos coin day. (6) To commit to a standing committer (7) To commit toa select common, (6) To.change calendar arrangement. (9) To amond. The motion fo afourn, or for 2 eal of the Senate, or forthe previous question, ort lay onthe tab, hl cided without debate, and shal always be in order excopt as provided in ules sir, eight and ten. «2. Excapt forthe mations enumerated in subdivision a hereot, all other motions sha be reduced to wing, # dosed by the Presiding Offcar or any five Senalors,deveredt the Secretary, and read before tho same shallbe ‘debated; and ary mation may be withdrawn at any tie before decision or amendment £4. Ammotion forthe rovious question, oF amotion to postpone to & certain day, orto commit, or refer a standing cor select commit, unt itis decided, shal preclude a debate of the main question. «6, A motion forthe previous question shall oly be in ordee whan mado by the loaders of tha respective conter- ences or their designee. The “previous question” shallbe putas follows: "Shalthe main question now be pu betore the house?" and units decided, shall preclude sll amendments or debate. When ontsking the previous question, the Sonate chat decide thatthe main question call ow be put, tho main cpination shale puto an immediate voto. \non, on taking ha previous question, tha Sonata shall decide thatthe main quoston shal nat aow be pu, the main question shal bo considered a8 stil remaining under debate. The “main question” shall be the advancement or ‘passage ofthe bil, resolution or other matty under consideration. Such motion shall equ the afative voto oh 2 majority ofthe Sonatrs elected. |§9. Reconsideration, a, Whon a question has once boon put and decided it shal bein order for any Senator 6 move for the reconsideration thereof; but ne motion forthe reconsideration of any vote shall bein order etter the ‘bil resolution, massage, report, amendment, amination or motion, upon which he vote was taken, shall have gone ‘ut ofthe possassion ofthe Sonate; nor shall any maton fr reconsideration be in order unless made on the seme ‘ay on which the vole was taken, or witha the next three days ofthe actus session ofthe Senate thereafter. Nor ‘shall any question be reconsidered more than once; but when a bill or resolution sha have been recalled from the ‘Assembly, a matin fr reconsideration may be made at any time thoroafter wl the same isi the possession of " 90170-0655 the Senate, nd all resolutions rcaling bil or resolution from the Assembly shai te regarded as privileged. No ‘vote shale considered upon ether of he folowing motions: Toadjoun. Tolayon te table, »b. The vote on the final passage of any bil appropriating manays or property. oF cvating, continuing altering or removing ary body politic or corporat, shall not be reconsidered whenever any suc bil shal be lost unlass by a ‘oto ofa majority of all the Senators elated, but el other ils, when the same shall ave been lost, may be recon ‘Sidored by 2 vote ofa majority ofa he Senators present and voting 2 0178.05.85 RULE Vi INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. ‘Section 4. Inkeduction. Bs and resolutions shall be invoducad by a Senator, oF on thé reat of a committe, for by message fiom the Assembly, or by order of the Sena, or by the Governor pursuant to Arico Vl of the Constitution. Eve bil introduced shal be in dopcate and shall have endorsed therscn ato and the name of he b's sponsor and shall be accompanied by th introduces memnorandym in quadrupicate, Such memorandums shall contin ststemant ofthe purpases and intent ofthe lan, ithe membor dooms it ppropito, may stfrth ‘seh other stterents that the member fels necessary inctuding, but nt ited to, siatoments relay to eco- ‘omic impact, endonmental impactor the impact on ta judicial syste ofthe Bil A Commitee, where it deems necossary, may requee thal he inreduce's memorandum be amended to include such appropriate statements Bite introduced by Senators chal bo dapoitod with the Revision Crk forthe purpose af having such lat ex ‘amine and cocrect bist avoid repetition of inraduction and ensure accuracy inthe tex and afernces. Upon in lroduction, each bit shal be doemod to have had ts fist and sacond reading, unless otherwise ordered and shill ‘be given & number. The Temporary President in consutaton with the Independent Demcaic Conference Leader ‘hall rater bis or dosignato an ofcar to roe bls tothe appropriate standing committee, Bils shal be refered in ‘accordance wih a set of guidelines to be pubhed annuaty by the Temporary President in consultation with the Independent Oemocratc Conference Leader soting forth the respective statutes vor which each of th stancing commmitlees shat have subject meter usdicson for purposes of rferal. Such rofercals shal elect tte subject ‘matter having predominance in th bill as determined by the Temporary President in consultation with te leader ‘ofthe Independert Democratic Conarence. § 2. Muti spontership, Any Senator may ein together in the muit-sponsorship of a bil If two o: more Senators jain together whan able fst introduced and before tis printed, the names ofall u-sponsors shal appear on ‘he print il upon the following conditions: 1. Mult-sponsors shal file a writ request in dupieate to act as such, on forms provided, wih the Reviion Cork ‘ofthe Serato. Th fst name appearing cn the bil shall be doomed the introducer and al overs deeried mul ‘sponsors, '. The invoducar shall at a as retain oxclusve conto ofthe bl uni formaly actad upon bythe Senate and any motionto dscrarge aba out of committee by a member who isnot the introducer ofthe bil shall be out of order ©. After 8 mul-sponsored bil has been printed, any mult-sponsor desiring to withéraw from such mat _sponsorehip shal le writen request on afr provided so that is or her ram wil be sticken as amui-sponsor ftom the records ofthe Revision Clerk. The printed bit, however, shall not be reprinted, 4, Senators and Senators lect may mul-sponsor bis that have been prosfied and bis introduced after the ‘opening of each legislative session ypon th flowing conditions: (1) After abi has bean introduced and printed and beowe it has been reported favorably cut of tho Commitee to which was reforred, any Senator or Senators may flo with the Revision Clerk request on a frm provided to bbecoms a mult-spansor of euch bil. Such forms must be signed by the mul-sponsor. (2) Such bil shal not be reprinted slay for tho purpose of adsing or deleting names of mulh-sponsors 0 90178-06-5 {3 Any Sonatr, having become a mulsponsor of ab, may withdraw fram such by ting @requeston a form _brovided othe Revision Clerk roquesting that ie or her name be steken as a mut sponsor rom the record (4) Any Senator who has bezome a mut-sponscr ofa bln the manner set oth herein shall have Me right <éetbuto sve bil bearing an er corsement by suber stamp cr atherwise tha words "muliesponsored by" and insert his or hor own nama multsponsor. 62. Printing. Ever bi enmeditey upon its introduction shal be prints and placid on the bil les on the desks ofthe Senators, whare it shall emai fr atleast vee calendar legislative days. bis ported favorably oF for ‘consideration reported with amendments, andl bls amended in the Sena, shal bo irmciatlyorinted, ‘opt that any bil which fs amended by restoring ito an erie for, shal not be requis fo be printed again, and tnereafte he printed umber cf the Bilin the form t which thas been so restored shall constitute the final form of such bill unoes futher amended, Whenever abilis mended and printed, alter ofthe alphabet starting with "RE shall be adged tots number. 64. Tile andbody afi. Thee of every il salvo state the subject thereof. The ea every billamencing ‘or repealing any provision ofa consolidated tw shal eer to such aw. The ie of every bil amending 0: repeating ‘any unconsolidated lw shall er to auch law by ts hor ite iit has one; ithas no short ti, the We of such bil shall stato the chapter numter, year of enactment andthe completo We of te ginal il ora short summary cf the provisions ta which the aw ete. such bil amending or repealing a proposed provision of law contained in abl that nas not been enacted into law, the tite shal state the numb ofthe bil contarng the proposed pro Vision of aw tobe amended or opasie, wth suf, here be one, and the subject ofthe provisions to which the amendatory bl eats. No private or local bil ray be passad which shall embrace more than one sutject which shallbe expressed in thet, «fn any bil, each section proposing an amendment (0 oF the repeal of () any consolidated law, or any pat ‘hereto ti) the Fary Court Act, the Court of Gls Act, tho Uniform Distt Cour Act, the Uniform Justice (Court Aet, the Unfrm City Cou Act, the Naw York Cty Chat, the Administrative Code of the City of New York th Sew York Cy Cv Court Act, the New York City Cominal Court Act, oF the Chara of he ity of Bufalo, or any art thereo! shall rele to such lew, sc, charter or code. In any bie, each section proposing an amendment to or the {epeal of snuncensolidated lan having a short io, o ay prt there, shallrefer to such lw by its chapler number ‘and year of enactmont and its stor tte. I an unconsoSdate law shall have no shor tl, each section shel state tha chapter number ad year o' enactment of such law, and a short summary ofthe provisions to which the law {elates or the complate tit of the original Bil. such section amends or repeals apreposed provision of law con tained in abil that has nat bees enacted into law, each section shall state the number of the bill conning such proposed provisions of aw tbe amended or repealed, wth suf, there be one. ie portion ofthe law proposed to be amended has boon addec, renumbered or amended since tho orginal enactment or lst general revision of the law of which tis a part, such section shal also state the chapter number and year of the last act adding, re: ‘umbering or amending the same, asthe case may be, There shal be appended atthe end of every Bil wich proposes the repeal or extonsen of any existing law, oF part thareof, merely by reference thersto, witout setting forth the text hereof, an explanatory te which shal trie and concisely stata the subject matter ofthe law, or part thereat, proposed tobe roped or extended, unless such subject matter i sated inte ta of such bi. The: Revision Clr ofthe Senate shal turn any bilo the Senator nttoducing the samo when itis calla this or her _ttonton tha! the provisions of is section, o of section one ofthis Rule, have not been complied wih, or when ane copy ofa bili lege or incomplete », Evory bill when introduced, and avary amendment therelter made to such bill amending existing fam, must have all new matter underscored, and all matter eiinated by amendment from existing law must appear in its ‘reper place enclosad in brackets In ta printed billsuch iow mater shell be underscored and a matter aiminaled “ 90170.06.6 by amendment rm existing law shal be enclosed in black faced brackets. Whon any exiting lew oF part theract ie proposed repesled ail he word “repeal” ast appears in such bill shall be pented in bold aced type. ‘When a print bal samen by eliminating new mattar em suc il, the eame shal be omits i tho repint of ‘he exginal When amendments are offered t a printed bil the proposed changes, indicating page a tne num bere, shal be ste on four dat sheots and the same changes shat be incrparated and markaé on lwo copies ofthe bil; povided, oweve, that no amendment shall be alowed to any bill whichis not grmane fo the orginal abject or purpose thereat. Furthermore, when a peinad bil is amanded the accompaaying itredsce's meneran- ‘um, required pursuant ta section ons otis ul, shal also be amended to rellect any changes. tshalbe the duty ‘of tha Secretary to cract the Revision Ciek to cause any bel appearing onthe calendar and aot complying wth his section to be immediately smended and printed so as to comply wit the same. 45 Fa date a. The Temporary President in concitation wth the lear ofthe independent Democratic Con- {erence may designate a dats in witing ater which ne bor origina esolton shal be inrodicad except by mes- ‘96 or the Assambly, but dato proto tho fst Tuesday of March shal be so designated: povided, however, that al bis commended bya State departmant or agency must be submited tothe Temporary President rol aor than the fst day a March, Gils preposed bythe Governor, the Attorney General the Compra, the Department ‘of Education or the Office of Court Administration must ba submited to the Temporary Present ter than the Fst Tuesday in Api Albis introduced inthe Sanaa aor the fst Friday in June hal be introduced tothe Commitee an Rules. 4§ 6. Budget ils. When 2 tills subittd or proposed by the Governor by authority of Article Vl of ho Const tution it shall become, for allegslative purposes, a legislative bil, and upon receipt thereo! by te Senate Mt shat ‘be endorsed "Budge Bil” and be given a number by the Secretary and shall be refered tothe Finance Commitee ‘and be printed. Budgot bis may be reportad from the Finance Commitee dect to the third roading calendar § 7. Program, departmental an agency bis. Every bil proposed by the Governr, the Attoney Genera, the CCompirolie or by state dagarments and agencies shall be submited tothe Tomporay Presect and shal be for warded for itroduction purposes tothe appropeata standing commie in accardance with sacta ore of Fle VI [Any such bill whic sot so forwarded within tee weeks ater eceipt by tha Temporary President shall be offered tothe Democratic Confarence Leader whe may in accordance wth section ene of Rule Vl forward suchbils to any member for introduction purposes. § 8: Reinvoduction, Any Senate bill nroduced inthe first yoar ofthe term of the Senate which dung that regula Logisatve Session was not eporad from a Standing Comes ori repered and later recommitod toa Standing ‘Comrntioa is deemed tobe automata rentreciced forthe second year of ho arm ofthe Senso. Ail which remain on the calendar atthe and ofthe est year of the term ofthe Senate shal be rocomvmttedto commie. § 9. Resolutions. All orginal resolutons shal bein quadtusticae, and no original resolution nay be inteduoedt ‘unloss cops thocoo fe shal ave boon lished, to tho extent practicsblo, forty-ight hours rte time for ‘acting on such resolution to respective conference leaders. Al rsolutions, upon invoduction, shal be referred to 8 standing or select committee by the Coalition Leaders oan office desinsted bythe Coaition -caders and shall atall tres remain win the exclusive contol of tho introducer. Notwithstanding any of the foregaing provisions of this section, resolusons recaling bis for or returing bills to the Assembly, oF relating lo adurnment, may be Inoduced at any time for immediate consideration, », A rasoliion supperting er condemning, or proposing oF urging @ change in Federal law wich isnot direct germane tothe afar, business, rights, Benefits and obligations of New York Stato shall be out 2f order and shall "apt be roprted and any resolution racommending uaing, supporting, altering or condemning a fsion or change 6 0178.08 In foreign poly of the Usted States Gavernmant or he domestic o fosign aftars of any other government of he ‘World shal be out of acer and shal ot be reperted. Any rosoluton which recommends, urges, supports the a ‘eration ofthe laws of thi state, resolusons which hoor current olscted ofc holders o resoivions which recog: ‘ize, nar ar support the positions ofa palcal ery skllbe out of order and shal not be reported. 6, Al resoitors which pronase any amendment othe State Constitution shal be refees to he Attorney Gan ral 3s provided in Atle XX the Constsio, and shall be teat in tho same frm of proceedings as that po ‘vided for bls nd resolutions which ratty any proposed amendment to the Constitution ofthe United States shat be treated in the same form of proceedings as provided lor bis. Aer 2 resolution to amend the Sate Constision shall be advanced to ied reading, no mation to amend the same shal bo in order witout unanimous consent and if such reselution to amend the State Consitton shat be ameidad after the opinion ofthe Atorey General thereon has been rcaived as provided in Article XX of the Constitaion it shall again be refered tothe Attorney Gone. Ary such rasation may be camavited prior otha Fra eading there 4. Al resolutions calling forthe expeniitura of moneys must be decided by a majoriy vote of allo the members lected tothe Senate, upon a cal ofthe ral €@. Al tesolvions deemed proper by the Coalition Leaders other than those mentioned and testo i the re- cecing subdivisions c and dof his section and reported by the committee of refrence designaod by the Coakiton Leaders sha be placed upon the calendar upon tho approval of the Coation Leaders. When in the order of busi ‘ess the resoltions are reached, the Senate may adopt such resolutions 35a group, by one vote upon the question Othe entre calendar of resolution, excepting tht any member may request that any ove or more of the resolutions tn such calonar shall be voted upon of dabatod separately. This subdivision shal not apply to any rolution ce caling bi fem orretuing bills to the Assembly, or relating fo stjourment orto resolutions pertaining to the res lhe Senate oc to those resolutions regarded 25 piviegad. Aresoution shal be deemed privisged ony tits so tesignated by the Temporary President in consuitation withthe leader ofthe Independent Democratic Conference as such 6 90178-0855 sucewm STANDING COMMITTEES Section t. Thore shall be the following standing commits which shal sarve and shal continue Houghout the you: “To consist of thirty-seven Senators: Finance To consist of twonty-ive Senators: Fates To consist of twenty-three Seniors sdiiny “To consi of rinatoan Senators: Higher Eaucation insurance “To consist of soventeon Sonat Heath To consis of sitoon Senators: Codes Labor “To consis of thiteon Senators: ‘crime Vets, Grin and Conecton Envionmental Conservason Cutuea Alfsis, Tourism, Parks and Recreation Veterans, Homelané Secuity and Mary Ass To consist of eaven Senators: sing Ci Service and Pensions Commerce, Economie Development and Sal Busia Energy and Tlacommuncatons src onsumer Protection ‘Meotal Heath and Developmental Oisaitios Racing, Gaming and Wagering To consistat rine Sontes: ections Housing, Constructon and Community Developmant Irastrciore and Capital vestment Invostigstons and Government Operations toca! Government “o-conistol seven Senators: Chiéren and Famitos ties Corporations, Athos ard Commissions Social Snvions “Aecobelsm and Orug Abuse “To consiat of sc Sorter: thes gov7e 18 nov7e-02 5 13. The Republican Conference Leader, te Democratic Conference Leader ad the independent Democratic CConforance Leader and ther Dapiies sll be nonvoting exotic members of a stanaing comes Of We ‘Senate of wlich they are not actual members. As far as practicable, Senators shal be appointed to no more than seven standing commitees. Term trite fr chairs and ranking members. No chair o arking member ota commits shal serve fn such capacity longa than eight consecutive years «. Confererce membership of committe. The membership of all committees, unless otherw'se provided bythe ‘act or esoliton crating ham, shal be compesed, as nearly a8 may be, of Coalion and Democrat Conference {members inthe same proporion as the numberof Coation and Democratc Conference members in te Senate ‘bear to the ttl momborstip ofthe Senate For purposes of commites composi, inthe event tha the proportion of Coaition members woud result ina fractional amount, the nur of Coalition members shall be rounded up tothe next whole umber. Furthermare, the total numer of independant Democratic Conerence membors appointed to al commstses shall bein the sare proportion, 3s neary 2s may be, as the numbor of independent Democratic Conference members in the Senate boars tothe total memberanp othe Senate, Further, inthe case af an excused atsence of any commitee member ‘0n either the Finance er the Rules Commits, the Conference Leaders may designate an alternate member of the ‘conferance fcr mesings a standing commitees provided writen notice is provided and accepted by the Coaiton Leaders atleast one hour pir to tho commencement of such commites meeting 1. The provisions ofthis Rule may be amended by resolution adopted by a mapiy of members elected § 2. Commitoe on ules. The Commitee on uses may sit at ary time and shal reports ot af committee ony it they shall have been duly eportad to the Commitee on Rules from a standing Commitee of origin, oF rom = ‘committe of secondary afeence, ori the chair of such standing commites consents, othe bill was refered to the Commsttes on Rules upon introduction. Other than a maton to hold, a motion discharge, ora mation report. no other motion shall be inorder in the Committeo on Rules wthout the consent ofthe Commits Chair. The re ‘ception and cansidraton fis report sha always be in order; debate on its adoption shallot exceed one and one half hours, one-half hour for each conference, such time to be alotted by the Conference Leaded no other ‘motion, excoplamotion by the Temporary President for calf the Senata, to adjourn oto recess, shal inorder nti the vote o! th Senate shag thereon, ifthe report be adopted, allinconsistnt rules ofthe Senat sha ato: ‘matialy be ssspended untl he subyct of such report has been disposed of, incuing final ation hereon |§3. Open Mestings of Standing Commitee. a, (1 Stonding committes shal old reguar meetings ot such ime land on such dey a8 scheduled by the Temporary Present in consitaton withthe chair and Independent Demo ‘tate Conference Leador and such schedule shal be published che wosk in advance ofthe date of such mesting “ad shall be posta on the Senate commites board, Tho attendance ofthe mombers ofthe commites shal bere ‘corded at each meeting, and a copy of such ceport shal te lod withthe Journal Clerk of the Senate and made. _avalabe to the pubic, Each chal ofa standing cornmitee shall tothe extent practicable, no late than S pam. the ‘Thureday precoding the regular meeting, fumish tothe Conference Leaders, and make available to each member of such committee, a capy ofthe agonda of such regular esting together with 3 copy of tha inroducer’s memo~ randum for each bil listed on such egonda for such regular moeting. in addon, copies of such agenda for such regular meateg shall be mado avaiable to representatives of the news media and to the general publ. Howsver. in case of necsssity, the chair with consent of th ranking Democratic Conference member may add no more than {our tems on the agenda or doete items on the agenda up to 24 hours in advance ofthe scheduled mesting and. ‘members shal be noted of suct additions or delons, Each standing committe car shall deci ai procedure, ‘saues which ers during matings of standing commitoos. 1% 90178-055 (2) Standing committees may hold special mestings in ces of nacessty upon the cal of he chal when the an ‘pauncemnt i mad rom the lear during sassion, or the ranking Democratic Conference member ofthe comeitae ‘consents tharet, or upon the call of amajory of lhe members herent, ony af which fat shal be made on the records of he commitee and announced by the Sacratary ofthe Sonat, (3) Ad meatings of committos shal be open to authorized representatives ofthe news media andthe genera} public a cbservers. (4) Al meetings of commitens shat be recorded by video and tothe extent practicable webcast ve, Video ofa ‘committee meetings sal be made avalable on the Senate website and updated daly (6) Upon the personal vote ofa majoty of the members of a commitee, akan in an open meeting pursuant to a moten identifying the general area or araas of the subject or subjects to be cofisidared, a commites may ‘conduct an executive seesion of which only mambers of such came ar present forthe flowing enuncisted ‘urpeses provided, however, that no action by femal vote shal bs taken to appropriate pubic monies (@) matters which wilimper he pubic safety if disclosed: {() any matter which may diecosa the ently ofa law enforcement agent or ntoemse; {6) information relating to curent or futuro investigation or prosecution of criminal offense which would impr otfctve aw entorcoment i escosed (6) discussions regarding proposed, pending or current iigation; (6) colectve negotiations pursuantioartce fourtoen ofthe Ol Sonice Lam, () te mecical, nancial, crt, character or employment history of any arson or corporation, or matters leading ta the appcinimant, employment, promotion, demotion, disciaine, suspension, cismissal or removal of any person or corporation; (a) he preparation, grading or administration of examinations; and {hy tho proposed acquisition, sale o lease of ral propery, but only when pubic would substantialyafect the valve ofthe property. (6) Attendance at an xecusive session shallbe permed to any member ofthe committe and anyother persons authorized by the commitoe . (1) Minutes shal be taken ata open meetings of committees which shal consist ofa record or surnmary of ‘all motions, proposals, resluions and anyother matter formally voted upon andthe vote thereon. (2) Minutes shal bo taken at executive sessions of any action thats taken by formal vote which shall consist of record or suramary af the fina determination of such action, and the date 2nd vote thereon; provided, however, that such summary shall notinclods any matter whichis not required to be made pubic by "the freedom of infor- ‘mation law’ as adod by Arle sic ofthe Public Officers Law. 2 eovre08s (@) Minutes of meatings of al committe shal te avalable to the public in accordance withthe arovsions of [Aticla si of ha Pub Otficers Law, "ho freedom af iformation tow", and at such te and place as prescrived by the Temporary President in consataton withthe leader ofthe Independant Democratic Confers, provided, however, that minutes for executive session meetings shal be avaiable tothe public win one week from the date of such executive session. «The provisions of this section except paragraph thes of subdivision a and eubdbuisionb shal nt apply to he CCommition on Rules 4. Comittee presertatons. The chai of @ committee may invite interested porsons to offer a presontaton for ‘2.given amount of te on bil on the meeting agenda wih natce provided to the ranking Demacrate Confecence ‘amber no las than 72 hours advance. Whore a commitoe cir makes such an ination, the ranking member hal be forded an equal numberof speakers who may speak for an equal amount of time. nation, the anker, without consent of he ca, shall beable to schade 3 commie presentations with natce provided tothe cha Atleast 72 hoves in advance. Tha char shall be afored an equal number af speakers who may spoak for an equal amount of tin, ‘. Maton for commitee consideration, No motion fr committee consideration shal be in order afer the fest, ‘Monday in May. Inthe course of session year the sponsor of any bil may fie, trough the Jounal Cet, no mere than three motions for commites consideration. Such mations shal bn order forty-ve days ater abilhas been rafecred to such commmites. Once a mation for committe consideration is file, the char ofthe committeo shall place the billon @ committee agenda and schedule avotean tho bil within forty ve days, the fry-ve days shal ‘xpi whl the senate is in racees, the bil shall be placed on the next regulary schaduled commitee meeting's agenda faliowing tho end of he forty-five day period. Inthe caso ofa billtha is refered toa standing commits having secandary reference, the il shall bo considers within the next two commmites meetings. § 4, Hearings, a, Commit hoarings. Chars of standing committoos may cal public hearings to permit ine ‘ested peraons, groups or organizations the opperturiy fo testy orally arin writing on lgislton or issues pending befove such standing commit. Chairs are encouraged to hold public hearings on legislation of important pubte interest, where, outside ofthe budget, significant pute money is allocated, broad conducts vequiated or where the propacal has abroad pubfe impact. Chas may request that the Oficial Stonographor make a stenographic record ‘of a public hearing. Oficial Nasrings may be conducdin accordance with procedure estabished bylaw. No com- ‘mites may take testimony sta hearing unoes a last two of ite mambo are presenta such hearing. Prior notice (ofa public hearing shal be ted by the chair or hisor hor designee with Tho Legislative Bil Drating Commission ‘and the Secretary ofthe Senate and such notice shal contin information as to subject matter, date and place ». Public forums. Notwithstanding the public hearings conducted by standing commitees, any Senator may convene a publi frum on proposed or pending legion within the jurisdiction ofa committee upon which he oc she isa member, provided that any charge incurred attendant to such forum be bore by said Senator or his or her party conference, Prior ntice of such frum shall fod withthe chair ofthe commiton. ©. Committee oversight function. Each standing commitaa is required to conduct oversight ofthe administration ‘of aws and programs by agencies within ts jurado, 4, Each standing commites is requir ta fle wth te secretary ofthe senate an enoual report, dotaling ts eg {slave and oversight actives, Such report shal be aostedto the Senate wed site. «2. Petition for @ public hearing on a bil. By a pion of one-third of the members assigned to a commiter rounded upto the nearest whole number, a public ering shall be scheduled on a specific bil or number of bits ea 90178.06-5 within te uric ofa committee, unless the majoity of members of he commit reject such pstion, Such patons shal ba submited onthe prper frm othe Senate Desk for Operations, who wil forward itt the appr0- ‘rate commites, for presentation a the next committe meeting. Such public hearngs shall be ald they meet the guidaines as promulgated by the Coston Leaders. Pubic hears schedulec by petton wil b eld at east 11465 following he comvmitca meeting at wich th petition was considered f. Hearings of standing commitess shal be video recorded and to tho exont practicable webcast ve, Video of such heaving Hal be posted othe Senate web site within 24 hous. 455. Repors, @ No committe shal vote to roport a bi or other matt unless a majority of a the members thoreot woe ia favor of such reper. Each report ofa committee upon abil shal have the vole ofeach Senator at- tached thereto and such report and vote shal be avaiable for pubic ispecton. & member's vole on any mater before the comsttoo shall bo eaore bythe member on a signed oficial voting shoot delivered tothe Committee cai ‘Any standiag commitos having socondary subject matter jursiction over a bil may request the che of the ‘comnts having primary subject mate jursccton over sid bil (which isthe commites to which he sad bill has ‘boon referred ty the Tompormy Prosident ia consstaion with the loader ofthe Independent Democratic Cone ‘ence pursuan! to Rule Vl} ta comin he blo the committe with secondary subject mater jurisdiction ether when ‘the bil is sti the primary comics or aftr thas been roported tothe calendar. the chai ofthe primary com tte refuses sai request, then the commitan having secondary juisdcton, through ks chair, msy request the “Teenporary Prasient in consutaon withthe leader of the Indepondont Democratic Conference to consider such sacondary referencing, I a secondary olerenc is 80 made, the secondary commit shall consider ths bil foth- with and rtur said Bilt the primary commites or the calendar, as the caso may be, slong withthe secondary ‘commatoe's recommendations ‘At committee reports, after the fist Fay in Juno, shall be made directly to the Committes on Rules, Notwithstanding any provision of Rue VI, the Committee on Flos shal ave the authority to invoducs and efor bil tite ad sha also have the authority to refer to tetany bl rom any stancing commie, Every epot ofa commites upon abil which shall not be considered at ho ime of making the same, or laid on the tabi by avon ofthe Sonate, shal stand upon the calendar inthe oder of est report with he billané be entered ‘upon tho jure Each bil eported by a standing committee shall be accompanied by arepot and the Democratic Conference shal fo a Denccratic Conferace committe report within Seven days ofthe bill teing reported out of commiten ‘and said repre shal ba filed wit ha jours! clerk, The rapor of comentioe upen any matter ofred tit shal ‘upon aquest clude @ brit siatoment ofthe opinion of any member or mernbors c the commits voting in ether the majority or minority. c. Where 2 home rule” request i quired as provided in any section of Article IX ofthe Constitution, such re qos, caticas or message must b fled wth the Journal Clerk ofthe Senate betre final passage of such il 1. Whore a message of necessity is received from the Governor, such massage shall be fled with the Journal Cero he Senate upon final passage ofthe bl 6 6. Nominaions. Unies the Sonate orders otherwise, all pominations sent bythe Governor forthe appointment of any officer shal ba subtest the Temporary President who sal tren reer such nominations simutancoushy to the Finance Comenition, and the appropiato standing commits, for consideration and recommendation and 2 278.065 such standing cemmatoes, other tan the Committee on Jusiiary shal thereat ear such nominabons to the Finance Commie ofthe Senate wna shal ake whatever further actions itdeems necessary and thereafter make Its report onthe rominaions tothe ful Senate. Any Senator may submit a request othe Cai of a Standing Com- mittee considering 3 nomination, fo spask before the commits for not moro than five minutes on the nomination. ‘Tho granting of any such request shel be at tha soe discretion of the Commitee Cha. A nomination sha not be confrrned without reference onthe day on which itis Bcawved except by unanimous consent. The nanes of these |who voted for or against the nomination may be entered siphaboticaly on th journal, i any ve Sensis request § 7. Finance Commitee. bill ar esouton provsing for an appropriation o creating or inereasing a charge upon tho State Treasury sta, won reported by ary commits other than the Finance Commitee, be refered to the Finance Committe, and the commitee reporting such bl o solution shal, atthe time of making such report, recommend the fury relerence thereo! to the Finance Commitee. At the request ofthe Temporary President in Consitaton withthe laader ofthe Independent Democratic Conference ort Cha ofthe Finance Commitee, any ‘ech bi or esoluton shat at any time belo finel easing or adoption, be relered tothe Finence Comraiten, which ‘may consider and report upon any falucesin the bor rsclution creating or incrasing such charge, “The sponsor of bil providing for an increase or decrease instate revenues on the appropriation crexpenditire of state moneys, without lating the amount thereat, mst, Doors such balis ported rom the Finance Comitee brother commits to which referred, fie wih the Fiance Commitee and such other commities a fiscal note which shal stato, s0faras possible, the amount in dollars whereby such stale moneys, revenues oF appropriations would be affected by such bil, together wth a smiar estimate if the same is possible, for future fiscal yews. Such an ‘estimate must be secured by the sponsor from the Dion ofthe Sudget or Ue dapartment or agency of state ‘government charged with tha fecal duties, fenctions or powers provided in uch bil and the name of such depart ‘mentor agency must be slatd in uch note, ‘The Finance Commitee shall keep and maintain fle containing al bis raquting fiscal notes ara the notes anpertaning thereto, which shall be avaiable to Senators and officers ofthe Senate, accredited cepresentatves of the press, and other responsible parsons having a legiimate intrest therein. 458. New York City Education Subcemmit, The Committe on education shalt havea permanent subcomm: tes, consisting of six members, on Now York Cty Educaton. Tho chairperson, raking member and membership. ofthe New York City Education subcommites shal be appointed by the Majority Coakion Leaders wit the ranking member and Oemecrate Confrence mambers to be appeinted upon the recommendation of the Democratc CGanference Leader. Any billeleronced othe Education Committse whose subject matter shal soley impact ed cation mattrs in New York City shal be ceorenced by the commiteo tothe New York Cy Educaion subcom- mitt. The New York Cty Ecueation udcommntioe shal bo subject to the same ules and procedures as standing ‘committees with te exception that al ils reported rom the New York ity Education subcommittes wil be ro- ported to the Education Carnie for futher acon. In no instance may abil reported out a the Now York Cy Education subcommites bypass the full consideration of tho Education Commites and be roported direct tothe calendar 2 sn178055 PASSAGE OF BLS ‘Section 1 Bik on desks. No bil shal ba pascad unass it shall have beon printed and upon the desc of each ‘Senator ins inl form at least thre calandar legislative days prior tots final passage, unless the Governor o acting Govemor shal have cote, under his or her hand and the sea ofthe Stata, the fects which in so her ‘inion necassitas an immediate vat hereon, in which case it must nevertheless be upon the desks of aSenators in fal form, nt recessariy prised, before is tna passage. No til stall bo psssed pursuant toa message of ‘cessity uns a maorty of the Senators vote to approve the use of such message, 6 2, Reading obits. 2. Every il shallceceve thee readings previous tis being passed. ~ _b, Upon the hid roading ofa bi the question upon its inal passage shal be taken mediately thereat: po- vided, however, that any bill may be commited pir to the fal reading tered {§9, Third roading calender. 2. The Calendar of bits onthe order of thd reading shall consist of all bis which have been advanced os third veacing fram tha order of second opel othe oder of special epor. All Senate bas, when advanced 10 thi nad shall be veered automatically tothe Jacketing Clerk, who ‘hall cause each such il to be readied fo inal passage inthe came frm as fo lst print copy thereat. All such bils shal be jacketed wih the peopar url forcettiation of inal passage attach. |§ 4. Amendments. 2, non-sponsor may move to amend a bil at any time pio othe completion af its third reading provided that last two hours bofore the time forthe Senate Convane, a copy of tho proposed amend ‘mentor amendments ta any bill an th it of bills complod under subdivision aof section six of this Rule has been Served upon the sconsor ofthe bil, and fled with tha Journal Cer. ta sponsir doesnot avcept such amendment, tie question shallbe put tothe house whether a majaty of members elected vots in favor ofthe non-sponsor M0: tion to amend, an such mation shal pass nly if armajory of members elected vote aye. the sponsor accepts he ‘amendment, such amended bil shall be rere printed without vote, dabate or explanation, and such bil shall retain is place onthe Third Reading Calor. ». ta majority cf mambers elected vol in favor ofthe non-sponsor mation o amend, the sponsor ofthe bill may make a moton to witdraw ther name from sponsorship to be substituted by a co-sponsor or the Senator who ‘moved to amend te bil «6. Tho introduce of any calendar bill may offer an amandment or amndments to such bil and such emendment lor amendments sual be accepted and the bil ordered printed without @ vote, debato or explanation, provided romaver, tat ia such ease such bill may be recomitted by the chair of We stancing commitee thet reported such billand such cacommital shall lee be without a vote, debate or explanation. {55 Substitution. When a bills received as a message fom the Assembly, ort anytime thareater, 2nd @ Senate bil identical therewith, i on the order of hr readhng, or in th order of rst or second report, the Asxembiy bil ‘may be substiutod forthe Sonate bil upon a vote of 2 majrity ofthe Sena. A mation for such substuton shall be inorder under order of businass of messages frm the Assembly, motions and resolutions, oF the order ot businassin which he Senate bil is. |§ 6. Final passa. . Prior othe reading ofthe thie eeading calandar ol any given day, the Temporan Present ‘may fle wi the Journal Cer an activ ito bls onthe thied ceasing calendar which may be acted won on that 2 0170-065 ote and he or she may ay aside any bl upon which no final action may be taken, provided However, that no bil ‘shallbp 20 laid aside for a poriodexceecingfvo calendar legislative days. Such scive list shat be pubtshed to he ‘extent ractieable by 8 p.m. th previous evening or within two hours folowing the end ofthe provaus days’ session, labichever ator +. The question on the tinal passage of avery il shal be taken immediatly after the third eading and without debate On the final passage of evry bill and concurentrolution a fasi rol cal shal be taken bythe Secretary Caling tne names of tive Senator, theo of whom shall be the Conference Leaders provided, However, that each Sonaior’s name shal be eslad ona sow rl calif requastd by fve Senators. Each rll cal including the names ‘ofthe Senators who ware absent shal be entared onthe journal Upon each ol cll vote, the Secretary shal an ounce the names of the Snatorsvating inte negative and the names ofthe Senators who were absent. Such rl ‘cals shal be availabe fr public inspaction upon requestin the office ofthe Journal Cork. When ill orconcuent ‘resolution doos nt receive the numberof vats raged bythe Constitution to pass it shallbe declared lost, ex ‘cept in cases provided tr by subdusion of section two of Rule Xhereot. 5 7, Stared bis. a A il appearing on the calendar may be “stared” only by or on behalf af the introducer, whereupon al frthor sein on such bl shal be susponded,athough it retains is place onthe Calender +. Other han forthe purpose of mencimant ar ecommital, no action may be taken ena bil rom which a star has boon removed unt one day ater such removal 4 8 Recall and concurrence Al Senate bils amonded bythe Assembly, an retuned othe Senet, fr its com currence, andalbils amended by the rapartof a conference commit, shall be subject othe provisions a section ne of his ue, 69. Transmit of bits tothe Governor. All Sonate bils passed by the Senate and sont othe Assemty fraction shall upon paseage and return by the Assembly to the Senate, be tansmited by the Secretary to the Governor {wthin forty ve days alter cet kom tha Assembly; excop that upon the fling of request to hols such bil wth the Secretary by the spcnsor al the bil the bil sal be held unt such time as the sponsor rescnds the request fo hold the Bil and upon such rescission the Seorotary shal tans the bilo the Governor within seven day 25 30178-085 ULEX SENATORS Section 1, Attandanes and vole. a. Every Senator shall be present win the Senate Chamber dung the s0s~ sons of the Sonsto, unless duly excused or acassaly prevented, and shal vote on each queston for which a voto |S required slat from the Chair unless excused by the Senato, or unless he oF she has a direct personal or pecuniary intrest inthe exent of such question. any Senator refuses to vote, unas hear she be excused by the ‘Senate orunlesshe or she be interested, such relves shale doom. contempt. norder to ot®an abil on the conttoversial calendar, a Sato, cher han the Confrence Leaders, must be presentin tie Senate chamber and ‘ote trom his or har requarty signed Seat, except that a Senalor acing as the Presiding Ofice, Temporary President or Conferance Leader may vote from the place assigned to such officer. No Senator absent irom a cot call vote shal be alowed to vote thereon; however within the samo day, a Senator required to attend = pubic hearing or aver meoting ca standing or conferenes commits, or any other masting which te Coalition Leaders designate 25 appropiate, may cast his ore vata at any ime prior to 5:00 P.M, or the adjournment af tho Senate, whichever shall be inter. b.A Senator desiring to be excuse frm voting for a dect parsonal or pecuniary intrestin th issue then before the Senate may, whan bis orher names called, stato such Gesire and if hore be an objection make a trie stale ‘ment, not occupying over wo minutes, of the reasons fr making such request, and the question on excusing him ‘rer shad then be taken wthaut deat and shall be granted by the consent of twosthids of he Sonators present: nd any Senator desing t explain his or her vole upon a bil, may, when hs or her name calles, allowed a ike ‘opportunity. 152. Quorum. a, A ajay ofall the Senators elected shal constitute a quorum ta do business. In case a less ‘umber than a quorum ofthe Senate shal convene, those present aro authorized to send the Sergeant at Arms, ‘or any othr person, forthe absont Senators '. The assent of two-hids ofthe Senators elected shat be requista to every bil aparopriaing the fubic moneys cor property for lal or private purposes, and tothe passage obs returned by the Governor wihout his or hee approval «6. On the final passage of any bil which imposes, contnuas or revives a tax, or eretes a debt or charge, or rakes, continuss or rewnes any appropriation af publ oF ust money oF property. oF releases, discharges of Commotes any claim or demand of the State tee- ths ofa the mambers elected tothe Sonate shall be neces: sary to constitute a quorum tein. om taking the final question ona bl it shall appear that a constitutional quorum is nat present oi the bit ‘equies a vota of twosthids of ll the Sonators elated to pass it, and it agpears that such numb is not preset ‘a bil shal retain ts place onthe Calondor end be again taken up inits caguar order 2. When any Bill quiting the concurrence of two-thirds ofthe Senators, or a quorum of thre-fiths theroo, is under consideration, such soncurence or quorum, asthe case may be, shall not be requiste excepton the question ofits final passage. 4.1 at anytime during the session ofthe Senate aquestion shall be raised by any Senstr as othe presence of ‘a quorum, the Presiding Ofer shal frthth dec the Secretary to call th rol, and shall announce the result, and uth proceeding shal be without debate; but na Senator while speaking shall be interrupted by any other Senator 8 90170.065 raising the question ol ack of quocum, ad the question 2s to the presence ola quit shall not be raged me Cte than once in every hour unless te ack ofa quorum shal be disclosed upon aca ofthe ayes and nays 19, Whenaver upon ar cal any Senator who is upon the lor ofthe Sanats Chamtar refuses fo meke response en his orer nama ead, shall bs the dy fhe Prasicing Officer, ear won is oer own motion o upon the suggestion of any Senator, to request the Senator so remaining silent to aspond this er her name, andi auch Senator fasta do 60, the Fact of uch request and reusal shal be entered in the uns, and such Senator shal be counted as present for he purpose of conettuing 2 quoru § 9, Dobato. a. Debate shall only be in oder when iis germane tothe question vader discussion. b. the question in datato contains saver! pints, a Senator may have the same divided, provided the vision caled for embodias a sinet principle or statment of fact. .c. When any bil realton or motion i wader consideration and it appears hat no Sensor desires to be heard further, the Presiding Ofer shall put the question "Does any Senator desire to bo heard furter?” Wf no Senator shal 198 to debata, the Presiding Ofer shall dectare the debate closed; except that thereafter the Conference Leaders may speak once o¢ may ye the foo o ary Senator who may speak once and may be folowed by the “Temporary President whe may ago speak once, or may yield the lor to any Sonar who may speak once. The ‘main question sal hen be put immediatly 4, Debate on motions o resolaons other then concurrent resolutions shale tad to one hour with oneal hur allocated tothe Coston and one-half hour allocate tothe Osmacratc Conference. abate upon any billor ‘concurrent eeotion shal belted o four how, whien sal include sufcenttne x ll Senators to explain thir Votes. No single Senator shall dabate any bi or concurent resolution for more thanthity minutes. When any bit ‘or concurrent resolution shalt have been under consideration for two hours, nung al amendments there, “shall be in ordar foray Senator fo move to close dabat, and the Presiding Oicorshalrecognize the Senator who whee 9 maka such moton. Such motion to close dabate shal not be amendable or debatable and shall be m= ‘madiatoly pu, ant shel receive the afematve vote ofa majority ofthe Senators resent, he pending measure shall taka precedence overall other business 12, The vote shall heregpon be taken upon such bil, resolution oF maton wit sich amendments as may be ‘ending athe time of auch mation, according othe Rules of the Senate, but wihort further debats, except that “non the roles he sponsor of lore tha house may speak, NOt 1 okcSed wo nino, in explanation of Mis (oF her vote, and sy Senate, including co-sponsor ofthe bil bafors the house, may speak not to exceed two ‘minutes in explanation ois or her vote. Alter such motion to close debate has been made by any Senator, no other ‘motion shallbe inorder unt! such matin has boea voted upon by the Senate. 1. Altor the Senate shal have adopted the mation to oso dabate, as hereinbefore provided, no motion shall be in order but one motion to adjourn of fora cal ofthe Senate by the Temporary Prescot, and a mation to commit. ‘Should ssid mation to adeur be cared, the measure under consideration shal be re pending question when the ‘Senate shall agsinconvera, and shal be taken up at the point whore it was tthe tine of such adjournment. The ‘motion to close debate may be ordered ypon 2 Sng motion, 2 sarias of motions allowable under the rues, oF 26 ‘amondmsat or amendnerts, oF may be made to embrace all authorized mations or smendments, anc include th: bil, resolution or maton tots passage or ejecton. AlincXdntal questions of oro, or motions pending a he tins ‘such moton's made to clase debate, whether the same be on appeal or oterwis, shal be decided without debate. 184. Order and daconar. a, Prior to the order of business, the presiding ofcer shal ask those in the chamber to ‘ise and pledge slegiance fo the flag. Thasein attendance shall remain standing during the dally invocation and unt a 9017865 ‘eked to take ther soats by te presiding officer, Senators shal ot terupt tho business of the Senate, read ‘ay newsnaper wa the uals oF pubic papers are being read; o walk ut of or across the Chambr when the Presiding Oftcar ia puting a queston; or when a Senator is spsdking, pass between him o¢ her and the Char. Cola telephones and audible pagers shal ot be Usedin the Charter orin the Senate Galles. No sgn placard oF prop shal bo display, noted or carad the Chamber. Collar tleghones shal rot be used in he lobby by ‘members ofthe gonera! publi. No pecon shal be invoduced by a Senator during the regular business of tho Senate, except that it shal be permisseleto introduce a pecson who has serad asa member ofthe New York State Legisiature or a person who is present the Chamber for he purpose of nomination to an offee fo be confirmed ‘by the Senate, On the nomination of a person to an ofice which i subject to the confmton ofthe Senate ‘norrinating and seconding speeches shal be linited to fiteen minutes por conference Members are expected to uso he highest standards of yn dealing with other members, Dabate should be eign and lacking in personal invectue. A Sanat rising to debe or presenta paper, I give antic, to make ‘motion or report, shal adaress the Presiding Officer and shal not proceed further ntl ecogized by the Chairs he or sha shall spaak onthe same subject but twice the same day without leave ofthe Senate; and when tw or ‘more Senators acérass the Chair, the Pesizing Oficer shall name the Senator who is st to speak. A Senator. tiie speaking ater recegniion bythe Cra, may, upon request ofa Sonor, yet him or her temporary without thereby relinquishing fis or her priori © the floor and, thereattor, may terinate such nterwupton and resume speaking at any im provided, However, thatit shall not bei ordr ora Senator to iso and aquest that a Senator, ‘ther than the one withthe righ to the Hor, yield to a question, Furthermore it shall not be in oder for @ Senator ‘with to right to the Foor, te atk nother Senator 10 yield toa question, unless such Senator has previously spoken ‘rin to debate on the matter. A quasions and respons shal be drectod though the char, and hs resiing ‘officer shal not be interrupted hen speaking. ter completion of he order of business forthe day, and withthe ‘unanimous consant af the Senate, a Seater may make a statomont, ot exceeding fiteen minutes length, com erring a subject or mater not pang ior the Senate for consideration «6. When Senator shal be cated ta order, he or she shalltake his orher seal unl the Presiding Offeer shalt havo determined whether he or she isin oc a not and if decided tobe out of ed, he ox she shal not proceed without the permission of the Seni; nd overy question of order sal be decided by the Presiding Oficr, subject to an appeal to the Senate by any Senator. l shal equie an affematve vote of a majority ofall members elected to overrule a suing of the Chait. No second appeal sal be determined unt the original appeal shal be decided and if a Sonat shal be called to order for words spoken, the words excepted to shall be immediately takon down in ‘weg. § 5, Prosentaton of papers. a. A Snator presenting & paper shall endorse the same with is or her name and a ‘bret witten statement of the subject of ts contents. . When the reading of paper's caled for, excentpaitons, andthe same is objected to by any Seneto, it shall be determined by avots ofthe Senate, wthovt debate. §§6. Call ofthe Senate. For the purpose of securing the altendance of Senators, a cal ofthe Senate may be or- dered at anytime, but such call shal not inorder after ho voting on any question has begun, nor afer the third ‘reading ofa bil has been completed, ner alter the motion to close debate has been ordered pursuant to section three ofthis Rule, unless it shall apaser upon an actual count by the Presiding Oficer hat a quorum i ot present [5 7. Absences, In all cases of absence of Senators during the sessions ofthe Senate, the Temporary Prosidont ca majonty ofthe Senators alacta may take such measuros as they doom necessary to secur the presonce of the absentees, and in addin to suspersion fora given period, may inflict such censure or peally 85 they may ‘doom ust on those who shall ct onder sufiient excuse fr that absonce. 2 sorre.08s § 8. Stang, Al Sanators shal receive the same base allocation of funds for sting their offices. Adtions ‘ung for cespaneibitiee associated wih commutes and leadership positions shal be allocated within amounts valable for commits and leadership staff such amounts shallickde, at a minimum, a budge sulicient to ap Poin staff member with experia in ha commite's subject matter. The funding forthe Democratic conference ‘ental staf shal net be las han thetyparcent ofthe fonds aflocated fora cereal stat on aper member bass. §§ 9, Resources, Al Senators shall have equitable accesso the resources ofthe Senate, incucing, but nat ited to, offce supplies, communications snd audio visual resources, mal privileges subject to published quideines, technology, including both hardware and software, and equal access tothe Legislative BN Drafing Commission's Lagisative Retioval System, 410, Cisict Otic, A Senators wil cocaive funds to maintain a district ofoe. Rens of cst oces shal be based on @ cost orm of ota ental costs ofan aqua clase of commercial ice space based onthe prevaling raat inthe community where the Senator chooses to have his ox her district office. A Senator whose dtc has ‘geographic cipartioe such that traversing the dst isa hareship fr hs or her constitvenls, as determined bythe Coaition Leaders, shall recoive supplemental funding to maintain a satelite office, § 11, Allocation for Gommunay Projcts. Esch canforence shall ceive an allocation from ary amounts to be awarded by the Senate for community projets, capil spending, cal assistance or oher similar allocations for ‘member drive initatves. The Coaiton shall receive seventy-ne percent of suct funds andthe Democratic Con- faronce shall receive wenty-ine percent of such funds; provided however that such percentages shall increase ‘2¢ decrease to reflect any changes inthe membership of ether the Coalition or the Democratic Conference 28 90178-085 nye SENATE CHAMBERS ‘Seaton 1. Open door. The doors ofthe Senate shal be kept open, except when the pubic welfare shal require secrecy, {§2. Admission to floor Persons not members ofthe Senate, o lfices or amployoss treet, shall be admites to the floor ofthe Senate ony as flows £2. The Govern, Fis er har secretary and mossenger. 'b, The members and Clark af the Assembly, sod clerks and massangers ofthe Assembly inthe exercise of an ficial day drectly connected with the business ofthe Serato. c. Tha elated Stat ofcers, heads of departments and their depute. 4, Roportes of the Sanate and of the Assembly designated under the rules, unless a designation theretofore Given them hes been revoked. ‘9, Members of a Sanat’ amy, or ofthe family ofthe President of the Senate. 1. Farmer members ofthe Senate. ‘9. Any person not heceinbelore named may be amited tothe for of the Santo, wih te permission ofthe Secretary of tho Sonate. Notwithstanding the prousions of subetuisions a trough 9 ofthis section, ro person shall be admitted to the foos of the Senate wha i intrested in pandiag or contamplatod logilation, or who is employed by or receives ‘campensaton rem any public or private source fr ituencing logistation. |. During he sessions of be Senate, co person othr than a Senator shall occuny the chair of Senator, or stand in or otherwise occupy any prt of the area botweon the lst row of Senators’ chairs on the east and west sides of the Chamber, andthe east and wast walls thereat, respectively. All persons inthe Senate Chamber shall obser proper rules of order and decorum jc It shall be the duty ofthe Sargoant at Arn sty 1 enforce the provisions ofthis section, and it shal be in ‘ordar for any Senator to calla bresch thereo! othe attention ofthe Prosiing Oter. w 90178055 [SUSPENSION OF THE RULES Section 1. Resouion to amend the Senate Rules. No amendment tothe Sensta Rules shall be consiored by the Senate uness 2 resluton for such amendment, together with 2 memorandum specifying the purpose ofthe proposed emendment, suspension, of rescission, shall be introduced tothe Comsities on Files and reported thoreirom fo he Sonate floor. Passing of any such rules chango shall require a afimative vo of tee-fns of alt Senators elected, 652. Mation for Chamber Consideration. a it shal ein order for any Senator, wo isthe sponsor of bil hati ‘onthe Senate's Tied Reating Calendar, o move for chamber consideration of such Bil. Such motion sal requis “an affnnatve vote of tceefiths of members eectod. Where a mation for chamber consideration Is approved, such bil shal be considered by the full Senate onthe fst calendar legislative day ater four days shall have passed Provided however, wher® such motion fs approved within the last fe scheduled days of the regulsleisaive ‘session, such il shall be considered by the Senate no Iter than the next calendar legislative day. On any calondr legislative day, no more than two motions for chamber consideration shal bin andr before the Senate The sponsor ef such mation shal servo writen notice of ion to bring such motion at least one cal cedar legislative day before such motion shall be mado, speciying the date the mation is tobe made. § 8. Petition for Consideration. a. The sponsor of any bill may fle with the Joumal Clerk, no loss than forty ve days eter abil has boon referred fo a commits, a potion requesting tat Sach bw uve othe calendar for ‘consideration, Such pation shal be fed wih tho Journal Clerk, once the peton i signed by at eat toes ofthe members elected. The petiion shall be read during the order of presentation of petions and te bl eportd to the third reacing calendar No petton for consideration shal bain oer on or after the fst Manday nse. a s0178.06-5 Puc x ADJOURNMENT. Section 1. The Senate shal not asourn fr mor than two days without the consent of the Assembly. 2 30178068 ULE XW GUIDELINES FOR A SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROLS ‘Section 1. Pursuant to Atco 6 ofthe Legistive Law as enactod by he New York sate governmental account bility, aut and intemal conc! act of 1987, he follwing guidlines for a Syste a intemal Control are hereby ‘estabishes: a. al financial transactions shall be executed in accordance with the general or specie authorization of the ‘Temporary Prsident or his or her designated representative b. alfinanial transactions shalba racardad in conformity wih generally accepted accounting pinciplos o otter appicableeteria and to maintain accountabity for assets; access to assets shall be permitted only in accordance with te authorization of the Temporary President or tis or har designated representative: 4. he recorded accountablty for assets shall be Compared with the essing assets a reasonable intorvals and appropriate action shal be taken with respect any fences; and «2. he system of internal contrals shal prow reasonable assurance thatthe foregoing ave accomplished. 4 2. Expenture poring, The Temporary President shal establish a systam of expenditure reporting whereby expenditures of ho Senate shal be reported by such catagories as he or she shal dotermine, Repos of expend {ures by suc system shall be published na form tobe proscribed by the Temporary Pesigent 2 AULeXY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ‘Section 1. a, Publication of records eating lo Senate legiolative ad administatve records. Recognizing that leqitative record avaiable by request under the "reedom of information law" ae of important pubic interet, the ‘Senate shall make avaiable thraugh a searchable and sortable database onthe Senate wabsla:cecerds of com rites, agenda, voles, minutes, cpots,atandance, fiscal notes, and records ofthe chamber cos, sctve sts, votes, ranscips, calendars, the Senate payroll roport and expenditure report '. Furthermore all such records std in subdhision a shal be availabia fr public inspection and copying ina ‘cordance with the provisions of Aci 6 ofthe Pubic Offcars Law, "th freedom of information law.” c. The Secretary of the Senate shal be the cepostory for al rules and reguations regarding pubic inspection ‘and copying of Senate records, Such rules and roguations shall pertain fo the times and places such recor a ‘valeba, the persons from whom such records may be obtained, th fees for copies of such recovés and the pro- ‘cedures tobe fotower. 4. Nothing in his secon shal be construed to increas of soction 88 ofthe public officers law. the legislative requiements sot frth in subdivision 2 or a 90172-08-5 RULE Xu TELEVISNNG SENATE SESSION ‘Secon 1. Any tolavised proceedings of sassons ofthe Senate shallbe made avaliable for statewide television broadcast pursuant to the folowing «2. Al televised proceedings ofthe Senate session shall be unodted, except that ony accreted news cxganie=- tons, edvostionalinstituons, and pubic afaire documentary programs may ublize any portion of th Senatotele- vision fed, No penton a the televised proceedings (either live or taped) authorized pursuant to this sation may be utized foe (1) campaign or pots purposes orto peomate or oppese a ballot issue oF the candidacy of any person fer any lective offew: or (2) any paid commercial advertisements § 2. The tlevised proceedings of sessions ofthe Senate as proved form sction ane ofthis Run any Form, halle deemed tho propory ofthe New York State Sonate. RESOLEG SHORT TITLE: Adops the Rules of he Senate for tne 2015 - 2018 Session BLURB: Sonate Rules 2015 -2016 session

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