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Department of Justice
Eric F. Melgren

United States Attorney

District of Kansas

)0-,,/1 'f


Kan.ras City Office

Suite 360
500 Slate Al'tnut
MIUOS City. Kanicu 66JOJ-U33



Wichita Off'1iI.
1100 Epic Cenlfl
301 N. Mail
Wichita. KQtlrIU 67101481:.

TEL(9/J) 551-6730
FAX(9J3) 551-65-1J'
roD (913) 551-6666

TopekrJ OfficlA
4.(4 QuillC}l

SIC/Ie 1!)(j,




. Unit~d States vs. James McKeighan

.Case No. 06-20666"()1-IWL

'I h~reby acknowledge ~ counsel for the above captioned defendant, that I am in receipt. on
today's date, of discovery consisting ofone'CD with pages which are bates-stamped from 0001
Q\ 'Jq . By signing below, I further agree that I will not shOw the pages ofdiscovery to my client or to
PIQvi<;ie copies to' anyone including l!lY client, in the event that I withdraw from this case. I will ..
return all discovezy to the u.s. Attorney's Office so that it can be properly disseminated to substitute .
cowUe1. This agreement will also appJy to any further 9r fuqu-e discovery provided by the Government
in .this Case.


S.A. Scimeca

Attorney for James McKcighan








U.S. Department of Justice



Eric F. Melgren
United Stales Attorney
District of Kansas
Kansas Ciry Office
500 sial;' Avenue

KAJttas Ciry, &msos 66101-1433


1f'ichita OffICe
1200Epic Center
301 N. Main
Wichita. Krnuas67201-1811

TEL (9J3) 5j1-6730

Topeka OJ}ict

FAX(9JJ) 5Jlo5~1

Suite 190

TDD (9111 551-6666

44" SE QuillCY
Topeka, Kansas 66683-3591

June 5, 2006



Tim Scimeca

313 North Seneca

Wichita, KS 67203


Re: United States v. James McKeighan

Dear Tjm~

, ,":' ::, EilCfosed are page~ ~ich'~r.~ b~te~-sta~ped fr~r:t:) 0129 - 0138 which are provided
'to you as discovery In this' cc(~e; T~e~e af~ provided Myou, ~itf1 the understanding that
you are not td' sfl6yJ~herh tq'you(cJlent 'ddQ"pr6vr~e,~ples'i~ qnyone includlrig your dient.
If yoii h'av~ a prOblentwitll"t~iS1,ple.~:s(;3retiitrl)hem ,to rrieJ: fiithe event that you withdraw
frorh this! case,,' please i( alf" d;sco'v~t}{"tQ' t~i~ 'olft~so that it can be properly
, dis~emih~ted idSLib,~titu~e'CdlJnse'. Pfe~~~~tr.m~'lfy6~; have any questions. ,

":. -:


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. : . .:.

, .

' '

Sincerely.:'. .,. ':,",~: ,," ;' ,



AssistanH:ffiff~d' St~tes Attorney


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