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20 December 2014

Dear Mik,
Mom and I were so very, very proud when we heard you got the Directors Scholarship.
We had no doubt that youd make it to Ateneo; as for the scholarship, we were always
cautiously optimistic.
We have always known you were extra-ordinary, but nothing compares to a parent
learning that the world knows it too. You should have seen us in the car: We were
shouting and screaming, unabashedly thrilled at your achievement. What an
achievement it is: Being in the top 200 of the thousands of applicants to one of the best
educational institutions in our country. Wow.
Ateneo has recognized you as a person who can effect change. That carries its own
expectations and though we know you can handle anything the academe can throw at
you, please do not forget to have fun along the way. If it gets a little hard, we will be
behind you as we have always been with whatever we can offer.
We saw this sculpture this same afternoon and we found it so apt. Trees have always
symbolized nurture and the image of a person reading under its shady leaves is one of
comfort and protection.
You are going to college and with a bang too. You are growing up and we are filled
with both pride and jealousy. Pride because of what a wonderful and brilliant person
you are and jealousy because we will be sharing you with more and more people and
things. Forgive us when we ride you about spending too much time on Facebook or
iMessaging your friends because we miss you already.
We dread the day you leave our shade so indulge us when we ask constant updates of
your itinerary, departures, arrivals, and well-being even for a badminton game, simple
night out, or trip to Tagaytay. We know there will be more of these in the coming years
and as capable as you are, we are parents and we worry.
You already know, but let us say it anyway: Our shade will be there for you for as long
as we are able and we will always be willing.
We love you little girl.
Mama and Dada

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