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Telling The Tri-Countys Story Since 1869

75 daily

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Vol. 145 No. 145

Delphos, Ohio

Ottoville nixes sidewalk ordinance

Library offers

DHI Media Staff Writer

OTTOVILLE After a public discussion expressing concerns for the proposed sidewalk ordinance 2015-1 a project
that has been on the table for the past four months council
Are your preschoolers
members struck down the ordinance 4-1 during the Wednesday
Hooked on Books? The
night council meeting.
Delphos Public Library
Public comments surrounding the need for a sidewalk down
is angling to fill up the
State Route 66 from Sunset Drive to Monterey Street focused
Storytime and Toddlertime
on safety for pedestrians crossing S.R. 66 at the cemetery as
groups for its winter/spring
well as walking down the roadway.
session. Sign up is required
Council member Karen Hoersten said she drives S.R. 66
and will begin Monday.
four times per day and spring, summer or fall, she always sees
Storytime is designed for
someone (a pedestrian or cyclist) coming out onto the road and
children ages 3-6 and will
a vehicle comes close to hitting them.
include music, motion, stoIve seen it far too many times. If there would have been a
ries in all forms and once a
truck, some of these pedestrians would not have made it, she
month, Family Night, where
said emotionally. Its a safety issue. Citizens opposing the
children of all ages are welordinance commented on the unnecessary cost and need for the
come with their families.
proposed walkway, citing there were no objective measures or
It is held at 10:30 a.m.
safety incidents documented.
Tuesdays and at 6:30 p.m.
After the vote, council member Randy Altenburger thanked
Thursdays beginning Jan. 27.
the residents for their participation in the discussions concernToddlertime is geared for
ing the sidewalks.
the 18-months-to3-year-old
You folks have been great, Altenburger said. Wed like
crowd and these children are
to see if we can find another way to get a pathway in that area.
accompanied by a caregiver.
Ottoville village council members voted down a much-talked-about sidewalk
Council member Carl Byrne told residents the project can
Toddlertime also includes
ordinance during Wednesday nights meeting. President Randy Altenburger, be revisited at a later date.
lots of music and motion
above, expressed his gratitude to residents for their participation during
and stories using books,
See SIDEWALK, page 10
the council meetings while discussing the ordinance. (DHI Media/Stephanie
puppets and flannel board.
It is held at 10 a.m.
or 11 a.m. every other
Thursday beginning Feb. 3.
Call the library at 419695-4015 to register.

Noftz supports fellow officers in New York City

Bus trip benefits

baseball team

DHI Media Editor

DELPHOS Cory Noftz cant remember

a time when he didnt want to be a police offiThe Ottawa Legion
cer. Hes always been aware of the dangers
baseball team is sponof his job but the execution of two New York
soring a fundraiser bus
City police officers in December brought it to
trip to San Antonio,
the forefront.
Texas, March 14-22.
The 2003 Jefferson High School graduate
The cost is $769 per
said the news of his fallen comrades sickened
person and includes
transportation, lodging,
That was gut-wrenching to hear, Noftz
14 meals and tours.
said. It doesnt deter me from doing my
Cruise the famous riverjob. I know the drill: watch your back, watch
walk and visit the Alamo,
other officers backs and back each other up.
the San Antonio Missions,
You cant be complacent. Each call could be
LBJ Ranch, El Mercado,
dangerous no matter how it starts out.
The Sixth Floor Museum
This past weekend, Noftz and fellow
in Dallas and more.
patrolman Aaron Rode attended the funeral
For more information or of NYPD Det. Wenjian Liu, one of the two
to sign up, call Cheryl Kersh police officers killed execution-style. The
at 419-890-8565 or email
32-year-old officer had served for seven years
and was married just two months before he
was killed along with partner Officer Rafael
Ramos on Dec. 20.
I have a relationship with the New York
Police Department, Noftz said. My greatgrandfather was an NYPD officer and I have
two cousins who retired from the department.
I was glad to show my support and the support
of the Lima Police Department for a fellow
officer. It was a great experience but I hope I
dont ever have to do it again.
The support I felt was overwhelming. I
St. Johns is selling tickwas
standing beside cops from Canada and
ets for the following games:
Florida. Thousands of officers from around
St. Johns at Coldwater
the world showed their support. I am even
6:30 p.m. Friday; and
St. Johns at home vs.
LCC at 1 p.m. Sunday.
Tickets are $6 for adults
and $4 for students and will
be sold in the high school
office during school hours
until noon on Friday.
All tickets will be
$6 at the door.


Blue Jay tickets

on sale now

more proud and honored to do my job every
Noftz said he hopes communities can learn
to put their trust back in their law enforcement.
Theres a lot of tension even in Lima,
Noftz said. Im always having cell phones
pushed in my face with someone recording
and thats OK. I have nothing to hide and Im
just doing my job. I welcome the scrutiny.
The majority of the time, a police video or
voice recording will prove out that the officer
was just doing his or her job. I wear an audio
recorder that backs up the camera in my patrol
car. If they want me to wear a body camera,
Im OK with that, too.
Noftz hopes he is doing the people he
serves justice.
See NOFTZ, page 10


Mostly sunny this

morning, with wind
chills 20 below to
30 below zero, then
becoming mostly
cloudy. Highs 10
to 15. Cloudy with
a chance of snow
tonight. Lows 5 to 10
above. Wind chills
5 below to 15 below
zero. See page 2.


Comics and Puzzles
World news


Van Wert County Foundation kicks off YMCA/Camp Clay Splash Pad
with a donation of $20,000. Pictured (from the left): YMCA Executive
Director Hugh Kocab, Camp Clay Director Clint Myers, Van Wert County
Foundation Executive Secretary Seth Meyers, YMCA Executive Board member Krista Schlemmer, VWCF/YMCA Board member Gary Taylor, Splash Pad
Committee member Sara Zura and Van Wert County Foundation Trustee Andy
Czajkowski. Plans and designer drawings are available for viewing at the
YMCA. (Submitted photo)

Lima Police Officer and Delphos resident Cory

Noftz, left, and fellow patrolman Aaron Rode stand
in front of the 62nd Precinct in New York City. The
pair traveled to New York to show support for the
two officers killed execution-style in December.
(Submitted photos)

Camp Clay to add splash pad

Information submitted


YMCA of Van Wert
County will be adding a
3,600-square-foot splash
pad to its Camp Clay Aqua
Park this spring. Work will
begin in April and the new
attraction will be complete
by May 15, 2015.
Plans for the splash pad
have been in the works for
nearly two years, a splash
pad committee has been
formed and fundraising has
begun. The splash pad at
Camp Clay will be similar
to the one in Rockford;
however, it will be about
three times the size.
With the number of
children and families that
utilize the Aqua Park, we
felt it would be best if we
made the splash pad large
enough to accommodate
the growing use rate, said
Clint Myers, Camp Clay
The splash pad will
consist of many water
features, including 24
ground-spray nozzles,

a liquid jail, two liquid

tunnels, and three intermittent activator nozzles.
The splash pad will also
include a six-foot water
umbrella, a seven-foot triple bucket dump feature,
and two additional turtle
and ladybug features for
smaller children.
The entire splash pad
will be covered with a slip-
resistant coating and the
small child area will have
rubber fall zones.
In addition to the water
activity area, the splash pad
will also have four parent
seating/sunbathing areas
attached. The splash pad
will be centrally located
between the pavilion, Aqua
Park and swing set area.
The splash pad will be
available to all patrons of
the Aqua Park including
Business Days at Camp
Clay. Like all of the buildings, ropes course, cabin
and Aqua Park, the splash
pad will be available for
private party rentals.
See SPLASH, page 10

2 The Herald

Thursday, January 8, 2015

For The Record

VAN WERT The following
individuals appeared Tuesday and
Wednesday in Van Wert County
Common Pleas Court:
The following cases were heard
by retired Judge Charles Steele on
Lewis Buckner Sr., 57, Van Wert,
admitted violating his bond by testing
positive for alcohol and being arrested for OVI. His bond was revoked
and he was ordered held in jail until
his sentencing on Feb. 2.
Jerry Dominique, 49, Haviland,
appeared for sentencing on a charge

of trafficking drugs, a felony of the

fifth degree. He was sentenced to 12
months prison with credit for one day
William Crutchfield, 42, Van
Wert, was granted Judicial Release
on his original charge of felonious
assault. He was placed on community
control for three years under the following conditions: up to six months
at WORTH Center, 30 days jail at
later date, 200 hours community service, two years intensive probation
and pay court costs. The balance of
his prison sentence was deferred.
Tawnie Johnson, 25, Van Wert,
changed her plea to guilty to traffick-

ing drugs, a felony of the fifth degree.

She then requested and was granted
Treatment in Lieu of Conviction and
her case was stayed pending completion of the treatment program.
Wayne Toth, 51, Elyria, changed
his plea to guilty to attempted grand
theft, a felony of the fifth degree,
reduced from grand theft, a felony of
the fourth degree. The court ordered
a pre-sentence investigation and set
sentencing for Feb. 2.
The following cases were
heard by Judge Kevin Taylor on
Jill Diller, 40, Van Wert,
changed her plea to guilty to two

charges: trafficking counterfeit

controlled substance, felony of the
fifth degree; and aggravated trafficking drugs in vicinity of a juvenile, a felony of the fourth degree.
Another count of aggravated trafficking was dismissed for her plea.
The court ordered a pre-sentence
investigation and set sentencing
for Feb. 18.
Roger Hibbard, 38, Paulding,
changed his plea to guilty to two
counts of telecommunications harassment, each a felony of the fifth
degree. The court ordered a pre-sentence investigation and set sentencing
for Feb. 18.



One Year Ago
Van Wert Lodge No. 1197,
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
recently made a donation to the Student
Ambassadors at Vantage Career Center
in the amount of $150. The Student
Ambassadors have undertaken the project of placing an American flag in each
of the 54 classrooms.
25 Years Ago 1990
The Shawnee Indian mascot failed
to catch an elusive Blue Jay Saturday
evening before their game with the
visiting St. John Blue Jays. It proved an
indication of what was to come as the
Indians were 81-71 victims of one of
the Blue Jays best games of the season.
Steve Jettinghoff and Matt Otto were
especially strong both offensively and
defensively all night. Both outstanding
players ended up with 20 markers after
16 minutes of play.
A Van Wert family and a Lima family were recently selected as two of
12 outstanding families of the Ancient
Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Toledo.
The Delbert Springer family was nominated by William Wise, an ambassador
of Van Wert Lodge 218 of Free and
Accepted Mason. The Philip Gordon
family of Lima was nominated by David
Ridinger, an ambassador of Kalida Lodge

28 of Free and Accepted Masons.

Poor foul shooting plagued the
Jefferson Wildcats girls basketball
team Saturday night as they traveled
to Convoy and lost a tight 48-44 decision to Northwest Conference rival
Crestview Knights. Jefferson, falling to
4-4 and 2-1 in the conference, shot just
30 percent from the charity stripe, making three of 10 attempts.
50 Years Ago 1965
Delphos Court Catholic Daughters of
America will hold its annual library benefit card party Jan. 12 at the Knights of
Columbus club rooms on Elida Avenue.
Proceeds from the party will be used to
purchase books for both the Delphos
Public Library and St. Johns School
library. Merchants wishing to contribute
door awards may do so by contacting
either Mrs. Charles H. Myers or Emma
Good Hope Circle of St. Peter
Evangelical Lutheran Church met
Wednesday afternoon in the parish hall.
Mrs. Howard Meyer was a guest. Mrs.
Herman Buchholtz opened the meeting
with prayer. Devotions were given by
Mrs. York Powell. Leader of the lesson
was Mrs. Norman Mayer.
Mrs. Alfred Allemeier was hostess to the members of the Past Chiefs

Association Tuesday evening in her

home on Moening Street. Jeannette
Zimmer was assistant hostess. In a contest held, prizes went to Mrs. O. J.
Truesdale and Mrs. Charles Wolph. A
lunch was served by the hostesses at the
close of the evening.
75 Years Ago 1940
Mrs. Peter Backus, South Washington
Street, was hostess to the members of
the Christian Aid Society at her home
Wednesday afternoon. Clara Evick had
charge of the scripture lesson. A hymn
and a prayer led by Libby Evick concluded the meeting. In the contests, the
honors were awarded to Katie Wilcox
and Billy Wilcox.
The district Prince of Peace
Declamation Contest in which Carl A.
Lewis, Venedocia, the winner in Van
Wert County, will compete, will be held
Jan. 7 at the Disciples Church in Ada.
The winner will receive a gold medal
and will become eligible to enter the
state contest in Columbus.
Fort Jennings High School students
will present three one-act plays at Fort
Jennings on Feb. 4. Marie Ulrich is
directing. Music will be rendered by the
orchestra under the direction of John
Mooney, supervisor of music in the
schools at Fort Jennings.

Associated Press
Today is Thursday, Jan. 8, the eighth day of 2015. There are
357 days left in the year.
Todays Highlight in History:
On Jan. 8, 1815, the last major engagement of the War of
1812 came to an end as U.S. forces led by Maj. Gen. Andrew
Jackson defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans.
(Given the slowness of communications at the time, the battle
took place even though the United States and Britain had
already signed a peace treaty.)
On this date:
In 1642, astronomer Galileo Galilei died in Arcetri, Italy.
In 1790, President George Washington delivered his first
State of the Union address to Congress in New York.
In 1863, Americas First Transcontinental Railroad had its
beginnings as California Gov. Leland Stanford broke ground
for the Central Pacific Railroad in Sacramento. (The transcontinental railroad was completed in Promontory, Utah, in May
In 1912, the African National Congress was founded in
Bloemfontein, South Africa.
In 1935, rock-and-roll legend Elvis Presley was born in
Tupelo, Mississippi.
In 1959, Charles de Gaulle was inaugurated as president of
Frances Fifth Republic.
In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson, in his State of the
Union address, declared an unconditional war on poverty in
In 1965, the Star of India and other gems stolen from the
American Museum of Natural History in New York the previous October were recovered from a bus depot locker in Miami.
In 1975, Judge John J. Sirica ordered the early release
from prison of Watergate figures John W. Dean III, Herbert
W. Kalmbach and Jeb Stuart Magruder. Democrat Ella Grasso
was sworn in as Connecticuts first female governor. Opera

When submitting a

Please email the original jpg file
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Include the information for the
picture along with a phone number
to contact with any questions in the
email text.
The Delphos Herald charges $32.50*
for any wedding with a photo
There is a $22.50* charge for any
engagement announcement
with a photo.
*must be paid when submitting. Visa or Mastercard accepted*

singer Richard Tucker, 61, died in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

In 1982, American Telephone and Telegraph settled the
Justice Departments antitrust lawsuit against it by agreeing to
divest itself of the 22 Bell System companies.
In 1998, Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the 1993 World
Trade Center bombing, was sentenced in New York to life
In 2011, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was shot
and critically wounded when a gunman opened fire as the
congresswoman met with constituents in Tucson; six other
people were killed, 12 others also injured. (Gunman Jared Lee
Loughner was sentenced in Nov. 2012 to seven consecutive
life sentences, plus 140 years.)
Ten years ago: The United States acknowledged dropping
a 500-pound bomb on the wrong house during a search for
terror suspects outside the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. (The
military said that five people were killed; the houses owner
said 14 people died.) Marty Schottenheimer of the San Diego
Chargers was named The Associated Press NFL Coach of the
Five years ago: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, accused of
trying to blow up a U.S. airliner on Christmas, appeared in
federal court in Detroit; the judge entered a not-guilty plea
on his behalf. Vice President Joe Bidens mother, Jean Biden,
died in Wilmington, Delaware, at age 92.
One year ago: Emails and text messages obtained by The
Associated Press and other news organizations suggested that
one of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christies top aides engineered
traffic jams in Fort Lee in Sept. 2013 to punish its mayor for
not endorsing Christie for re-election; Christie responded by
saying hed been misled by the aide, and he denied involvement in the apparent act of political payback. Greg Maddux,
Tom Glavine and Frank Thomas were elected to baseballs
Hall of Fame.
Todays Birthdays: Actor-comedian Larry Storch is 92.
Actor Ron Moody is 91. Broadcast journalist Sander Vanocur
is 87. CBS newsman Charles Osgood is 82. Singer Shirley
Bassey is 78. Game show host Bob Eubanks is 77. Countrygospel singer Cristy Lane is 75. Rhythm-and-blues singer
Anthony Gourdine (Little Anthony and the Imperials) is 74.
Actress Yvette Mimieux is 73. Physicist Stephen Hawking
is 73. Singer Juanita Cowart Motley (The Marvelettes) is
71. Rock musician Robby Krieger (The Doors) is 69. Rock
singer David Bowie is 68. Movie director John McTiernan is
64. Actress Harriet Sansom Harris is 60. Singer-songwriter
Ron Sexsmith is 51. Actress Maria Pitillo is 50. Actress
Michelle Forbes is 50. Singer R. Kelly is 48. Rock musician
Jeff Abercrombie (Fuel) is 46. Actress Ami Dolenz is 46.
Reggae singer Sean Paul is 42. Country singer Tift Merritt
is 40. Actress-rock singer Jenny Lewis is 39. Actress Amber
Benson is 38. Actor Scott Whyte is 37. Singer-songwriter Erin
McCarley is 36. Actress Sarah Polley is 36. Actor Windell D.
Middlebrooks is 36. Actress Rachel Nichols is 35. Actress
Gaby Hoffman is 33. Rock musician Disashi LumumboKasongo (Gym Class Heroes) is 32.

These Ohio lotteries were
drawn Wednesday:
Classic Lotto
Kicker: 8-3-0-3-1-8
Est jackpot: $1.4 million
Mega Millions
Est jackpot: $221 million
Pick 3 Evening
Pick 3 Midday
Pick 4 Evening
Pick 4 Midday
Pick 5 Evening
Pick 5 Midday
Powerball: 10, Power Play: 2
Rolling Cash 5
Est jackpot: $120,000

The Delphos
Nancy Spencer, editor
Ray Geary,
general manager
Delphos Herald, Inc.
Lori Goodwin Silette,
circulation manager
(USPS 1525 8000) is published
daily except Sundays, Tuesdays
and Holidays.
The Delphos Herald is delivered by carrier in Delphos for
$1.82 per week. Same day
delivery outside of Delphos is
done through the post office
for Allen, Van Wert or Putnam
Counties. Delivery outside of
these counties is $117 per year.
Entered in the post office
in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
Periodicals, postage paid at
Delphos, Ohio.
405 North Main St.
TELEPHONE 695-0015
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The Delphos Herald wants

to correct published errors in
its news, sports and feature
articles. To inform the newsroom of a mistake in published
information, call the editorial
department at 419-695-0015.
Corrections will be published
on this page.

Couple married for 69

years die just 8 hours apart
TIFFIN (AP) An Ohio couple that was married for 69
years died eight hours apart in what their son called an unsurprising end to the love story of two people who did everything
Eighty-eight-year-old Gene Warrington and his 86-year-old
wife, Pat, died Dec. 27 in Findlay, The Advertiser-Tribune in
Tiffin reported.
You could have almost predicted it, said their son, Phil.
They did everything in their life together. They were never
Both had been in hospice care. A few days before their
deaths, Gene Warrington had been able to visit his wifes room
and hold her hand.
Phil Warrington said his father recognized that Pat was in
critical condition and did not have long to live.
He said lifes not going to be fun anymore, the son told
The Associated Press on Wednesday. He went back to his
room. He laid down and decided to die. He did will himself to
die. Im sure of that.
Eight hours after Gene died, his wife passed away.
The couple raised three children and had seven grandchildren and a dozen great-grandchildren. They were nearly
inseparable, even in failing health, their son said.
Gene and Pat met in junior high school and wed secretly as
teenagers while he was home from boot camp before leaving
for World War II.
He told me that when he came back from war, he knew
he never wanted to be away from her again, Phil Warrington

State fire marshal urges

Ohioans to be safe during
extreme temperatures
As the temperatures
across Ohio continue to dip
to extreme lows, State Fire
Marshal Larry L. Flowers is
asking all residents to make
sure their homes are fire safe.
Many fire incidents during
this time of the year are preventable as long as Ohioans
take the right precautions.
It may be tempting to
use alternative heating right
now, but it is also important
to do so safely, said Marshal
Flowers. We ask residents
to make sure space heaters
are working properly and that
anything flammable is kept at

least three feet away.

Another tip to keep in
mind when using a space
heater is to make sure the
device has a tip switch.
These tip switches are
designed to automatically
turn off the heater in the event
they tip over. It is also important to read and understand
the manufacturers instructions and turn off any alternative heating source before
going to bed. Also, under no
circumstances should you use
the kitchen oven range to heat
your home. In addition to
being a fire hazard, it can be
a source of toxic fumes.
See FIRE, page 10

Associated Press
TODAY: Mostly sunny in the morning
then becoming mostly cloudy. Highs 10 to
15. Southwest winds 15 to 20 mph. Gusts
up to 30 mph in the afternoon. Wind chills
20 below to 30 below zero in the morning.
TONIGHT: Very cold. Cloudy with
a chance of snow through midnight.
Then mostly cloudy with a chance of
snow showers after midnight. Patchy
blowing and drifting snow through the

night. Windy. Lows 5 to 10 above.

Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph. Chance
of measurable precipitation 50 percent.
Wind chills 5 below to 15 below zero.
FRIDAY: Partly cloudy in the morning then becoming mostly sunny. A 20
percent chance of snow showers. Patchy
blowing and drifting snow. Highs 10
to 15. West winds 15 to 20 mph. Wind
chills 10 below to zero.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Very cold. Mostly
clear. Lows around 5 below. West winds
10 to 15 mph. Wind chills 10 below to
20 below zero.

SATURDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs

around 10.
cloudy. Lows 5 to 10 above.
SUNDAY: Mostly cloudy with a 20
percent chance of snow. Highs in the
upper 20s.
Cloudy with a 40 percent chance of
snow. Lows in the lower 20s. Highs
around 30.
MONDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy
with a 20 percent chance of snow. Lows
around 20.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Herald 3


New Year resolution: Have

adequate insurance protection

Lieutenant Governor and

Department of Insurance
Director Mary Taylor said at
the top of Ohioans New Year
resolutions list should be setting side time in January to
review their insurance coverage to ensure they have
adequate protection at the
right price.
Now is the perfect time
to conduct an insurance audit
and an insurance agent can be
a great resource in getting the
answers you need, Taylor
said. Insurance touches all
aspects of our lives, it provides a financial safety net
and it also is a big part of the
family budget so it should
be carefully analyzed.
Ohioans are fortunate to
have a competitive insurance
market that produces some
of the lowest priced premiums when compared to other
states, Taylor added.
The process of choosing
and reviewing insurance policies should take into account
many important considerations:
The need for an agent
Whether or not you go
through an agent is completely up to you. You may
buy from an agent who sells
policies for only one insurance company or from an
independent whos licensed
to sell insurance for numerous companies. Some companies do not use agents, but
sell their policies by mail
or online. A list of agents
licensed to do business in
Ohio is available at www.
Get quotes and look for
more than price
Licensed insurance agents
can quote prices over the
phone or by email. Insurance
company websites offer

online quotes. However, your

price wont be firm until the
company investigates your
The policy offered at the
lowest cost may not offer
the level of insurance protection you need. If you
have been satisfied with
your companys service in
the past, it may not be wise
to jump to an unknown company to save a few dollars.
If you have not been satisfied with your company
or if you are shopping for
the first time, ask friends
and relatives for references
about the service they have
received from companies
they have used. For a list
of authorized companies to
do business in Ohio, visit
Discounts are typically
Explore the possibility of
buying all of your insurance
products from the same insurance company. Many companies offer discounts if you
purchase more than one policy from the same company.
Private rating firms provide additional information
Several private firms
specialize in evaluating the
finances and services of
insurance companies. Each
of these firms has its own
methods and standards and
grades a company based on
the firms determination of
the financial well-being of a
company. Some of the wellknown rating firms are: A.M.
Best Company, Moodys
Investor Service, Fitch, Inc.,
and Standards and Poors.
Keep a home inventory
and coverage up-to-date
Update your home inventory and make sure your
homeowners or renters policy is up-to-date with respect
to any significant changes to
your home or its contents.
Not only can you keep track

of your possessions, but if

you have to file a claim, this
information can be a significant benefit as you navigate
the claim filing process. The
from the National Association
of Insurance Commissioners
(NAIC) can be downloaded
for free from your cell phone
app marketplaces. A paper
home inventory checklist is
available at
Other tips: Consider raising your deductible to lower
your premium. Dont overinsure or under-insure to
avoid a co-insurance penalty. Consider a guaranteed
replacement cost policy.
Most insurance policies have
separate coverage sub-limits
for big-ticket items or multiple items of a particular category like electronics, art,
jewelry or sporting equipment so you may want to
discuss insuring these items
Review the coverages
associated with your auto
Have adequate liability
coverage: Liability coverage pays for injury to persons or damage to property
if you cause an accident. If
liability coverage limits are
too low, it is possible that
you could be sued for any
damages above your liability limits.
Adjusting your comprehensive and collision coverage: Review your deductibles for comprehensive and
collision coverage. This is
the amount you will pay
if your car is damaged or
totaled when a claim is
submitted to your insurer.
Adjusting these deductible
amounts will affect your premium.
See INSURANCE, page 10

E - The Environmental
Dear EarthTalk: Whats the skinny on
fat these days? I saw a major magazine
cover image recently that was suggesting
fat wasnt so bad for us after all?
Marcy Bellwether, Taos, NM
Going fat-free might seem like an effective, safe way to lose weight when considering that fat contains nine calories per gram,
compared to four calories per gram in carbohydrates and proteins. But if you take into
account the fact that approximately 60 percent
of human brain matter consists of fats, eating
reduced fat or fat-free foods high in sugar
and refined carbohydrates no longer seems as
appealing for our health.
The brain thrives on a fat-rich, low carbohydrate diet, which unfortunately is relatively
uncommon in human populations today,
reports David Perlmutter, author of Grain
Brain. Mayo Clinic researchers showed that
individuals favoring carbohydrates in their
diets had a remarkable 89 percent increased
risk for developing dementia as contrasted
to those whose diets contained the most fat.
Having the highest levels of fat consumption
was actually found to be associated with an
incredible 44-percent reduction in risk for
developing dementia.
Granted, certain types of fats are more
beneficial than others. Good fats include
monounsaturated fats, found abundantly in
olive oil, peanut oil, hazelnuts, avocados
and pumpkin seeds, and polyunsaturated fats
(omega 3 and omega 6), which are found in
flaxseed oil, chia seeds, marine algae oil and
In the 70s and early 80swe were not
talking about low-fat diets. We were talking
about replacing saturated fat with a healthy
fat, polyunsaturated fat, says Walter Willett,
professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the
Harvard School of Public Health. But somewhere in the mid-1980s, we lost that message.
Its perhaps partly because some nutritionists
felt it was too complicated to talk about different types of fat, and developed the notion

we should just reduce all types of fat across

the board.
With over five million Americans currently
living with Alzheimers disease, researchers
are examining which dietary fats may help
prevent dementia. Olivia Okereke at Brigham
& Womens Hospital tested how different
types of fats affect cognition and memory
in women. Over the course of four years,
she found that women who consumed high
amounts of monounsaturated fats had better
overall cognitive function and memory. A
study by researchers from Laval University
in Quebec revealed similar findings: Diets
high in monounsaturated fats increased the
production and release of the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine, which is critical for learning
and memory. The loss of acetylcholine production in the brain has been associated with
Alzheimers disease.
Unfortunately, canola oil, which is high in
monounsaturated fats in its natural form, is
often hydrogenated so it can stay fresh longer
in processed foods. Partially hydrogenated
oilsalso known as Trans fatswere shown
to be detrimental to memory in a recent
University of California San Diego study.
Trans fats increase the shelf life of the food
but reduce the shelf life of the person, reports
study author Beatrice Golomb.
Of course, a well-rounded diet with plenty
of fruits and vegetables may still be the best
way to stay healthy. But its good to know
that a little fat here and there wont kill you.
In fact, it might well help you live a healthier,
more productive life.
EarthTalk is written and edited by
Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental
Magazine ( Send questions to:

Avocado is one of the superfoods

which contain good fat that is crucial
for brain health. (Submitted photo)

ALS Association to host meeting for patients and caregivers

Association Central and Southern
Ohio Chapter will host its second ALS Meet and Greet session
in Bluffton on Jan. 22.
The gathering is designed for
people with ALS, their families
and caregivers, and others who
have been caregivers in the past
for someone with ALS.
The purpose of the meeting is to share information and
resources that can be helpful to
those who are impacted by ALS

and to share insights gained as

part of the ALS journey.
The meeting will take place
on the third floor of the Bluffton
Town Hall at 154 N. Main St.
from 6-8 p.m. Parking is available on the street or in the lot on
Grove Street, across Elm Street
from the Town Hall. There is
an elevator in the Town Hall for
those who need it. Light refreshments will be provided.
All those who plan to attend
should RSVP to Wilma Beckner
at 937-525-0930 or wbeckner@

Second Chances

2016 Donate Life

Transplant Games
coming to Ohio
Director of Community
Services, Life Connection of Ohio
Its official the 2016 Donate Life
Transplant Games of America will be
held June 10 15, 2016, in Cleveland!
The biennial Transplant Games are an
Olympic-style competition for transplant
recipients that showcase the success of
transplantation and honor donor families
whose loved ones gave the gift of life.
Eighteen sporting events open to recipients of all ages will be featured, ranging from volleyball and
swimming to cornhole and darts. There will also be opening
and closing ceremonies, donor tributes, workshops and more.
We are thrilled to bring the Transplant Games to
Cleveland. We cant think of a better community to host this
event which serves to bring tremendous awareness to the
amazing miracle of organ, eye, and tissue transplantation,
said Bill Ryan, president and CEO of the Transplant Games.
Raising awareness about the importance of organ, eye
and tissue donation will translate to an increased number of
registered donors in Ohio and nationwide. That commitment
could not come at a more crucial time. Last year, more than
24,000 people received life-saving organ transplants in the
U.S., including over 900 Ohioans. But there are currently
more than 123,000 people on the national transplant waiting
list in the U.S., including over 3,300 Ohioans.
The organ shortage continues to grow at a staggering
rate, as another person is added to the waiting list every 10
minutes. Sadly, 21 people die each day before they are able
to receive their second chances at life. The good news: One
person has the power to save eight lives through organ donation and enhance the lives of 50 more through tissue donation.
For more information about the Transplant Games, visit To register as a donor,

In case of inclement weather

on Jan. 22, the meeting will be
held on Jan. 27 in the same location at the same time.
Formed in 1983, The ALS
Association Central and Southern
Ohio Chapter serves patients
and families in 56 counties. The
chapter provides services to
the ALS community, promotes
awareness of the disease, raises
funds for chapter programs and
advocates for people with ALS.
Patient services offered
through the chapter include

consultations with experienced

healthcare professionals, an
equipment program, monthly
support groups, newsletters,
information, referral sources and
ALS advocacy in the local community and on Capitol Hill.
These services are provided
to people with ALS and their
caregivers free of charge thanks
to generous donations from individuals, businesses and foundations in the community.
The ALS Association is the
only national not-for-profit
health organization dedicated

solely to the fight against ALS.

The ALS Association covers all
the bases patient and community services, research, public
education and advocacy in
providing help and hope to those
facing the disease.
Its mission: Leading the fight
to treat and cure ALS through
global research and nationwide
advocacy while also empowering people with Lou Gehrigs
Disease and their families to
live fuller lives by providing
them with compassionate care
and support.

Police fatally shoot man at airport

A man who tried to buy
an airline ticket using a
fake ID was fatally shot
Wednesday after returning
to his illegally parked car,
where he lunged at an airport police officer with a
knife during a confrontation,
police said.
The man had multiple

knives on him and suspicious items in his car that

led to a bomb squad investigation, Columbus police
Sgt. Rich Weiner said. The
man was identified only as a
Columbus-area resident in his
early 40s pending notification
of his relatives.
See AIRPORT, page 10

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4 The Herald

Thursday, January 8, 2015


FAA grants permits for agriculture, real estate drones

Federal Aviation Administration
on Tuesday issued permits to use
drones to monitor crops and photograph properties for sale, marking
the first time permission has been
granted to companies involved in
agriculture and real estate.
The exemptions to the current
ban on commercial drone flights
were granted to Advanced Aviation
Solutions in Star, Idaho, for crop
scouting, and to Douglas Trudeau
of Tierra Antigua Realty in Tucson,
Advanced Aviation Solutions
plans to use its 1.5-pound, fixed-

wing eBee drone to make photographic measurements of farm

fields, determine the health of crops
and look for pests. The aim is to
save farmers time walking through
fields. The drone also can carry
sensors that pick up information
invisible to the naked eye, which
can help determine which fields
need watering.
Trudeaus exemption authorizes
him to fly a Phantom 2 Vision+ quadcopter to enhance academic community awareness and augment real
estate listing videos, the FAA said.
Real estate companies have been
eager to gain permission to use

drones to photograph and make

videos of pricey properties.
The permits require that drone
operations include both a ground
pilot and an observer, that the
pilot have at least an FAA private
pilot certificate and a current medical certificate, and that the drone
remains within line of sight of the
operator at all times.
Before these approvals, the FAA
had granted 12 exemptions to 11
companies involved in the oil and
gas, filmmaking, landfill and other
As of today, the FAA has received
214 requests for exemptions from

commercial entities.
The agency is under pressure
from Congress, the drone industry
and companies that want to use
drones to provide broader access to
U.S. skies. FAA officials had said
they hoped to propose regulations
to permit general commercial use of
small drones by the end of 2014, but
that deadline has slipped.
Industry forecasts predict drones
will create tens of billions of dollars in economic development and
create thousands of new jobs once
commercial use is permitted, but an
Associated Press poll conducted in
early December found Americans

are skeptical of the benefits of heralded drone revolution.

Americans oppose using drones to
monitor or spray crops, while another third support it. Only 27 percent
of Americans favor using drones
for aerial photography. Privacy and
safety are key concerns.
FAA officials say preventing potentially deadly collisions
between drones and manned aircraft
is their top priority. The agency
receives reports nearly every day of
small drones flying in the vicinity
of manned aircraft and airports even
though thats not permitted.

A look back at agricultural events of 2014
to cause damage in
Midwest wheat belt
Putnam County Extension Ag Educator

As we start a new year it is often prudent to review the

major events of the previous year.
Ed Lentz, OSU Extension Educators with revisions
by Jim Hoorman, offers a year-end review of agriculture
for 2014.
Crop Yields: In 2014, crop yields were very good with
2014 being one of the better years for corn yields. Most
crops survived the early wet period in May. The northern
part of Putnam County had a drier year than the southern
part. In Putnam County, soybean yields overall did fairly
well but not as good as the corn. Too wet early, then too
dry late season hurt soybean pollination. Tomato yields,
however, set new records in Putnam County.
Grain Prices: Grain prices for 2014 were at the lowest
levels seen in five years. This year may be the first time
since 2005 that farm payments may be made because of
low commodity prices. Input costs need to decrease for
farms to stay profitable at these lower grain prices.
CAUV (current agriculture use valuation): Area
land owners have seen a large increase in property taxes
as a result of updated CAUV assessments. Owners of
farm land cannot just raise land rental rates since markets
are resisting increases because of declining farm income.
Many farmers and landowners may be squeezed financially this year.
Toledo Drinking Water Ban: Toledos alert to not
drink their water on Aug. 2 because of high levels of the
toxins from algae raised the urgency that something needs
to be done to insure Lake Erie water quality. Algae outbreaks have occurred more frequently in recent years in
Lake Erie. Scientists do not know why the toxin forming
algae species has become more prevalent in recent years.
A long list of potential causes does exists; however, phosphorus has been selected as the main culprit.
An increase of soluble phosphorus entering the lake
has been documented. There is a long list of potential
sources but agriculture has been identified by the non-ag
community as the main source, even though the amount
of phosphorus fertilizer used by farmers has significantly
dropped the past decade. Weather and increased precipitation in the form of heavy intense rains may be the main

culprit for the increased soluble phosphorus in surface

water. However, since the Toledo water ban, political
groups have been looking for something to blame, and
agriculture appears to be the target.
Senate Bill 150: The passage of this legislation in
2014 requires farmers over the next three years to become
certified to apply fertilizer to production fields. For certification farmers will have to initially attend training
programs on nutrient management and maintain available
fertilizer records. Farmers will have to receive continuing
education hours in the future to renew certification.
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv): Pedv
virus affected many hog producers in the area, decreasing
the number of hogs for market in 2014. Pork industry is
beginning to recover from the first wave of the disease.
However, the virus is more of a problem during the winter; thus the occurrence of another outbreak lingers on the
minds of pork producers. The virus does not affect people.
New Farm Bill: Congress and the President finally
agreed on a New Farm Bill. The New Farm Bill offers
farmers a choice of options and it is one of the most
complicated government programs that a farmer will have
to sort through. Farmers will have to wisely select their
options since they will be locked into a selected program
for the duration of the Farm Bill.
Flood Mitigation: The Army Corps of Engineers
released their tentative plan for future flood control projects on the Blanchard River late in 2014.
Extension Celebrates 100 Years: May 8, 2014
marked the date that Extension has served the public for
100 years. Extension is an example of local, state, and
federal levels of government working together for the
common good of all people. The primary goal of Ohio
State University Extension is to strengthen families and
communities, prepare youth for success, enhance agriculture and the environment, and advance employment and
income opportunities.
These are only some of the 2014 events that affected
agriculture in our area. Farmers face new challenges each
year, such as the weather and pests. However, instead of
weather and pests, government regulations and the general publics response to anti-agriculture organizations
may be the greatest challenge for 2015. It may give new
meaning to the phrase biting the hand that feeds you.
Happy New Year!

Monsanto earnings fall 34 percent

Monsanto said Wednesday
that its earnings fell 34 percent in the first fiscal quarter
as South American farmers
cut back on planting corn,
reducing demand for the
companys biotech-enhanced
U.S. farmers harvested
record crops of soybeans and
corn last year, sending prices
on those food staples to their
lowest levels in years. That
has resulted in farmers in

South America and elsewhere

reducing the number of acres
they dedicate to corn. The
company said lower corn
plantings in the U.S. will
likely reduce second quarter
results by 5 to 10 percent
compared with the prior year.
The long-term demand
fundamentals for corn and
soybeans are intact, said
Brett Begemann, chief commercial officer, on a call with
analysts. However, the currency and acreage headwinds

from fiscal year 2014 continue into fiscal year 2015.

Begemann said corn acres
were down 20 percent in
Argentina and 10 percent in
Brazil from the prior-year
The company said its
business was also affected
by reduced cotton planting in
Australia and a shift in timing
for its chemical business.
The St. Louis-based company reported a profit of $243
million, or 50 cents per share,
down from $368 million, or
69 cents per share, in the
prior year period. Earnings,
adjusted to account for dis-


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continued operations, came

to 47 cents per share in the
most recent quarter.
The results topped Wall
Street expectations. The average estimate of analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment
Research was for earnings of
34 cents per share.
The agricultural products
companys revenue fell more
than 8 percent to $2.87 billion in the period, on lower
sales of corn seeds and herbicide. Analysts expected $2.96
billion, according to Zacks.
Monsanto expects fullyear earnings in the range of
$5.75 to $6 per share.


Quotes of local interest supplied by

Close of business January 7, 2015

TheGoodyearTire&RubberCompany 28.13




Arctic air pushing into the
nations Midwest wheat belt
this week is expected to cause
some winterkill damage to
wheat fields.
About a third of the
nations wheat belt will likely be affected, agricultural
meteorologist Don Keeney
of MDA Weather Services
said Tuesday. Some damage
is expected Wednesday, but
the coldest conditions and
bulk of the harm is expected
Thursday morning, he said.
Wheat fields in areas
without a protective covering of snow when the subzero temperatures hit are
the most vulnerable. Crop
damage is anticipated in
eastern Nebraska, southwestern Iowa, northern and
eastern Missouri, southcentral Illinois, southern
Indiana and southern Ohio,
according to Gaithersburg,
which provides agricultural
weather data for commodities trading and other industries.
Kansas should be pretty
much spared, Keeney said,

adding that just two counties

in far northwestern Kansas
may be affected.
Frigid temperatures are
expected to return for the
weekend, with additional
minor damage possible in
the south-central Midwest on
Saturday morning, the company said.
Agricultural Statistics Service
reported Monday that 49 percent of Kansas wheat is now
in good to excellent condition. The agency rated 42 percent of the states wheat crop
in fair shape, with 9 percent
in poor to very poor condition.
Kansas farmers are headed
into this winter in far better
shape than a year ago.
In its latest snapshot,
NASS also reported that hay
and roughage supplies are
at adequate to surplus levels across 90 percent of the
state. Stock water supplies
also were reported to be adequate in 71 percent of Kansas.
Topsoil moisture conditions
were adequate in 62 percent
of the state.

104 Ohio farms added to list

of historic family properties
(AP) The state of Ohio
says that last year it added
104 historic farms to the list
of those that have been in
the same family for at least
100 years.
The state Department of
Agriculture says the Ohio
Bicentennial and Century
Farms program list now
tops 1,100. Each new family registered for the list
received a certificate signed
by Gov. John Kasich.
The Ohio Bicentennial
and Century Farms program
has since 1993 recognized families that have owned their
farms for at least a century. In 2013, the agriculture department
began recognizing farms that reached their 200-year anniversary of same-family ownership.
Anyone who can verify that a currently owned farm has
remained in their family for at least 100 consecutive years can

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Member SIPC

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Herald 5


Middle Point
Welcome Sign


9-11 a.m. The Delphos
Canal Commission Museum,
241 N. Main St., is open.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The
Delphos Museum of Postal
History, 339 N. Main St., is open.
11:30 a.m. Mealsite
at Delphos Senior Citizen
Center, 301 Suthoff St.
3-7 p.m. The Interfaith
Thrift Store is open for shopping.
8 p.m. American Legion
Post 268, 415 N. State St.
7:30 a.m. Delphos
Optimist Club, A&W DriveIn, 924 E. Fifth St.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The
Delphos Museum of Postal
History, 339 N. Main St., is
11 a.m.-4 p.m. Interfaith
Thrift Store is open for shopping.
11:30 a.m. Mealsite
at Delphos Senior Citizen
Center, 301 Suthoff St.
8:30-11:30 a.m. St.
Johns High School recycle,
enter on East First Street.
9 a.m. - noon Interfaith
Thrift Store is open for shopping.
St. Vincent dePaul Society,
located at the east edge of the
St. Johns High School parking lot, is open.
Cloverdale recycle at village park.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Delphos Postal Museum is
12:15 p.m. Testing of
warning sirens by Delphos
Fire and Rescue.
1-3 p.m. Delphos Canal
Commission Museum, 241 N.
Main St., is open.
7 p.m. Bingo at St.
Johns Little Theatre.
1-3 p.m. The Delphos
Canal Commission Museum,
241 N. Main St., is open.
1-4 p.m. Putnam County
Museum is open, 202 E. Main
St. Kalida.
11:30 a.m. Mealsite
at Delphos Senior Citizen
Center, 301 Suthoff St.
6 p.m. Middle Point
Village Council meets
6:30 p.m. Shelter from
the Storm support group
meets in the Delphos Public
Library basement.
7 p.m. Marion Township
trustees at township house.
Middle Point council meets
at town hall.
7:30 p.m. Delphos City
Schools Board of Education
meets at the administration

Bonifas first-grade class at St. Johns Elementary School

St. Johns Elementary School first-grade students in Gina Bonifas class include, front from left, Ian Fairchild, Aubrey Metzger,
Grady Holdgreve, C.J. Kemper, Colton Clark and Aubrey Fairchild; middle, Jake Hemker, Macayla Williams, Austin Shafer, Callie
Wieging and Carson Feathers; and back, Austin Arnold, Alaina Flanagan, Bonifas, Trevor Lirot and Maisy Friedrich. Absent was
Jacob Moenter and Holden Radebaugh. (DHI Media/Stephanie Groves)


Follow along with me on a
journey of recipes from each
of our 50 United States. I
hope you enjoy the delicious
selections and history, starting
with Alabama. Some of the
official state foods of Alabama
are wild turkey, pecans,
blackberries and peaches.


Fresh Herbed Turkey Breast

1/8 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup fresh sage, minced
1/4 cup fresh tarragon, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 pounds split turkey breast
1-1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
Mix together the butter, sage, tarragon, garlic, pepper and salt. Rub the butter mixture all over the turkey
breast. Place the turkey breast in the slow cooker. Cover
and cook on low for 8-10 hours or on high for 4-5 hours
or until done. Remove the turkey breast. Turn the slow
cooker on high and slowly whisk the cornstarch into
collected juices. When the sauce is thick and smooth,
pour over the turkey breast. Slice to serve.

JAN. 9
Barry Eickholt
Alexander Miller
Kristy Siefker
Brooke Brinkman
Sheena Eickholt

JAN. 12-16
MONDAY: Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, peas and onions,
fruit, coffee and 2 percent milk.
TUESDAY: Chicken breast, oven-browned potatoes, peas,
roll, frosted Jello, coffee and 2 percent milk.
WEDNESDAY: Baked ham, sweet potatoes, cabbage,
bread, margarine, pineapple, coffee and 2 percent milk.
THURSDAY: Beef steak with gravy, mashed potatoes,
stewed tomatoes, wheat bread, margarine, peaches, coffee and
2 percent milk.
FRIDAY: Baked fish with tartar sauce, redskin potatoes,
peas, bread, margarine, fruit cocktail, coffee and 2 percent

Check us out online:

We Fetch You More


Alabama Mud Cake

1 20-ounce can crushed pineapple, with juice
1 21-ounce can cherry pie filling
1 package devils food cake mix (dry)
1 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup butter, sliced
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a
9x13-inch pan.
Pour pineapple with juice into prepared pan, spreading evenly to make the first layer. Spread cherry pie filling over the pineapple layer, then sprinkle the dry cake
mix over the cherry pie filling. Sprinkle the cake mix
layer with pecans and chocolate chips, then distribute
the sliced butter evenly over the top.
Bake for 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted
into the center of the cake comes out clean. Allow to
If you enjoyed these recipes, made changes or have
one to share, email

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6 The Herald

Thursday, January 8, 2015


College Playoff title
game, here we come! Griffey, Hoffman and Wagner


DHI Media Sports Editor
Just some reflections about Monday
nights College Football Playoff
Championship game between Ohio State
and Oregon inside Jerrys World.
Actually, the first one is about the
Buckeyes beating of the unbeatable
Alabama yeah, the Crimson Tide are
human after all.
Yet, no one be fooled: they and the
SEC, though I think they all were knocked
down a slight peg after bowl season are
still the measuring stick in college football.
If you are going to be a player for the
national title, you are going to have to go
head-to-head with the Tide/SEC, not only
on the football field but in the recruiting
For Urban Meyer heck, for any Big
Ten, Big 12, C-USA or any other non-SEC
team to get the kinds of athletes he
needs to restore the Buckeyes to the bluest
chip of the blue-chip programs in college
football, he is going to have to get a good
number of the 5-star athletes Alabama
or Florida, Georgia, LSU, basically the
SEC is coveting from under their noses
from football-gold states like Florida,
Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana, as well
as from Texas and California.
That win on the field New Years Day
will be an immense boon to Meyers
recruiting in the near future; a loss would
have set it back a pace and a blowout loss
for years!
The second isnt necessarily about the
game, either, though it is part of the first.
When Jim Harbaugh agreed to leave
San Francisco and eventually yeah,
yeah, we know what his intent really was!
settle in at his alma mater in Ann Arbor,
I wondered if it was a mistake to go after

the so-called Michigan Man.

Brady Hoke was supposed to be That
Guy and, well, eh!
We, as Buckeyes fans, should wish evil
incarnate on him and That Team Up North.
That is how it used to be.
That is no more.
With the advent of the 4-team Playoff,
winning a league title becomes ever more
important but who you play in that process
becomes even more vital.
In other words, we choke, gasp,
wheeze!! NEED Harbaugh to rebuild
That Team Up North into a
national power as well as every coach
and program in the Big Ten so when we
beat them like a deck of cards, it gives us a
leg up in the CFP!
Of course, we want to get every 5-star,
4-star and 3-star we go after I speak of
the ones we dont want; let them recruit
them well.
That is also why scheduling of nonleague games becomes more judicious.
I, for one, would love to see more
OSU/Notre Dame, OSU/USC, Michigan/
Georgia, on down the list matchups and
more than one per year if at all possible.
I know I have written this before (if I
write it enough, maybe it will come true!)
and that may be wishful thinking but good
games are better for every fan; blowouts
are, well, lame.
The third is one I think every Buckeye
fan wanted to see: Mark Mays expression
during the OSU/Bama game.
I can imagine he could hardly contain
himself when the Tide were up and was
strutting as if he were a Tide alum but I
guarantee as the Buckeyes came back,
went ahead and eventually won as
that great American philosopher, Foghorn
Leghorn, would shout, Whoa Nelly!
I bet you could hear the smoke coming
out of his ears and his complaints were
nearing a fever pitch.
He still was probably and is still
making excuses about how Alabama
should have had a better opponent to play,
OSU didnt belong, etc.
Think he is doing the same for Mondays
game already, this time for Oregon?
See MUSINGS, page 7



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Associated Press

pitchers in the Hall who were election of Randy Johnson,

primarily relievers. The top Pedro Martinez and John
holdover on the 2016 ballot Smoltz on Tuesday, five
NEW YORK Next will be catcher Mike Piazza, pitchers who were for the
January, the Hall of Fame who received 69.9 percent most part starters were voted
support on his in during a 2-year span,
focus will turn to
third try this year, joined by offensive stars
Ken Griffey Jr.,
28 votes shy of the Frank Thomas in 2014 and
Trevor Hoffman
75 percent needed. Craig Biggio this year.
and Billy Wagner
The only other pitchers
Hoffman held
after an unprecthe career saves elected since Ryan had been
edented domirecord with 601 a trio who made it for bullpen
nance by starting
before Mariano success: Eckersley (2004),
pitchers over a
Rivera topped him Sutter (2006) and Gossage
2-year span.
with 652. While (2008).
When Griffey
And the five pitchers in
Wagner had 422
left the Seattle
saves, his 2.31 the last two elections all
ERA was far bet- made it on their first try.
2010, there was
ter than Hoffmans Before that, the only startno farewell tour.
2.87. Both were ing pitchers elected on the
The 40-year-old
first ballot since
outfielder pretty much drove 7-time All-Stars.
Warren Spahn in
Gossage spent
off into the night: Griffey
1973 had been
got in his car, headed out years
of Seattle in the middle of relievers
a series against Minnesota underappreciated
Palmer (1990),
and telephoned the Mariners especially in his
with his retirement decision era, before closers
(1992), Steve
while en route to his home in were limited mainCarlton (1994)
ly to the final three
Orlando, Florida.
and Ryan.
He started to get a feeling outs.
bullfor ceremonies when he was
year, no starting
inducted into the Mariners pen was kind of
pitcher figures
Hall of Fame in 2013 and a junk pile where
to get substanthen joined his father, Ken starters went that
tial support until
Griffey Sr., in the Cincinnati couldnt start anymore. It wasnt a glamorous Roy Halladay in 2019, when
Reds Hall last year.
place to be like Rivera also will be eligible
The ultimate
it is today, he for the first time.
goal as an indiLee Smith, who received
said prior to his
vidual player is to
election. Now it 30 percent support this year,
be in the Hall of
takes three guys maintains the evolution of
Fame when you
to do kind of what baseball has put the priority
grow up, Junior
on the bullpen over the rotaI used to do.
said then. This
Before Greg tion.
is no different.
You see of any team in
Maddux and Tom
To be in the Hall
Glavine last year, the last 10 years, if they dont
of Fame with my
the only start- have a good closer, they dont
dad is special.
ing pitcher voted go anywhere, he said in
Hoffman and
in by the writ- 2006. If I was going to start
Wagner will seek
ers since Nolan a ballclub, I think I would
to join Dennis
Eckersley, Rollie Fingers, Ryan in 1999 had been Bert start with a closer and go
Goose Gossage, Bruce Sutter Blyleven, elected on his 14th back.
and Hoyt Wilhelm as the only try in 2011. Following the

Column: Time to allow

Pete Rose back in baseball?
Associated Press

agreed to a lifetime ban from the sport for betting on games, and almost that long since the
Hall of Fame adjusted its rules to keep him off
LAS VEGAS Pete Rose didnt want the ballot. Rose thought when commissioner
it to be about him, not on a day when four Bart Giamatti issued the ban that it would
new members were elected to baseballs most include a chance to apply for reinstatement,
exclusive club.
but 25 years later theres been no
Good picks all, Rose said,
sign that baseball will welcome
though he would have liked to
him back.
see Mike Piazza get in, too. He
Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens
believes Piazza was the best hitting
may someday find their way into
catcher ever, which says something
the hall despite being poster boys
because Rose played alongside the
for the steroid era. Time has a
best catcher ever in Johnny Bench
way of healing all wounds, even
on the Big Red Machine.
those that were self-inflicted, and
Lets talk about them, not me,
their monster numbers may impress
Rose said. Why take away from
some more voters a few years down
the four inductees? It would be like
the road.
those policemen turning their backs
But time is running out on Rose.
on the mayor at the funerals in New
Hell be 74 in April and theres been
no indication so far from Rob Manfred that
Invariably, though, the talk returned to he will be any more agreeable to Roses reinbaseballs all-time hit king. Had to, because statement when he takes over from Bud Selig
theres a big gap in Cooperstown where his as commissioner later this month than Selig
Hall of Fame plaque should be.
himself was.
Its been a quarter-century since Rose
See ROSE, page 7

Unsung Cowboys defensive

standout Jethro Pugh dead at 70
Associated Press
IRVING, Texas Jethro
Pugh played alongside Hallof-Famers Bob Lilly and
Randy White in a long career
as a defensive tackle for the
Dallas Cowboys, which may
explain why he was among
the most unsung Super Bowl
winners in the franchises storied history.
Pugh, who played in
the first four Super Bowls
for Dallas and was part of
a Doomsday Defense
that won two of them, died
Wednesday. He was 70.
The team announced Pugh
died of natural causes four
days before the Cowboys
were to play their first postseason game in Green Bay
since the famous Ice Bowl
in 1967. Pugh and Lilly were
side-by-side in sub-zero temperatures in a 21-17 Dallas
loss that sent the Packers to
a second straight title at the
start of the Super Bowl era
with a victory over Oakland.
He was a terribly unsung

person among that bunch of sons. He was on teams that lost

great players he had, said to Baltimore and Pittsburgh.
Gil Brandt, who was the
The final season for Pugh
personnel director when the was 1978, when he played in
Cowboys drafted Pugh in the 13 regular-season games but
11th round in 1965.
missed the playoffs, including
Pugh was the
a loss to Pittsburgh
first Dallas player
in the Super Bowl.
to lead the team in
He would have
sacks five straight
been a top 10-type
seasons (1968-72).
player in the draft
DeMarcus Ware,
the franchise sacks
added. He was big,
leader, was the
long arms, very athonly other to do it.
letic, very fast. Just
Pugh is fifth on the
a great competitor.
teams career list
Smart. He was well
with 99 1/2 sacks.
beyond his years.
Pugh was a 20-yearmade the Pro Bowl
old graduate of
in 14 seasons, while
Elizabeth City State in North teammates Lilly, White, Mel
Carolina when Dallas drafted Renfro, Cliff Harris and Chuck
him. He became a starter the Howley combined for 42 allyear of the Ice Bowl and star appearances. Pugh was
started his 5-year streak of second-team All-Pro in 1968.
leading the team in sacks a
After football, Pugh had
year later.
a successful career as a busiPugh played on Dallas nessman through a company
teams that beat Miami and that runs airport concessions.
Denver in the Super Bowl
after the 1971 and 1977 seaSee NFL, page 7

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Golf Glance
Associated Press

Site: Kapalua, Hawaii.
Schedule: Friday-Monday.
Course: Kapalua Resort, The
Plantation Course (7,452 yards, par 73).
Purse: $5.7 million. Winners share:
Television: Golf Channel (Friday, 4:3010 p.m., 11 p.m.-4:30 a.m.; Saturday, 1-7
p.m., 8 p.m.-2 a.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m.-1:30
p.m., 5-9:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m.-5:30 a.m.;
Monday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 4-8 p.m., 9 p.m.-1 a.m.).
Last year: Zach Johnson beat Jordan Spieth by a stroke,
closing with a 7-under 66.
Last event: Charley Hoffman won the OHL Classic in
Mexico on Nov. 16 for his third PGA Tour title. Shawn Stefani
was second, a stroke back.
Notes: Thirty-four of the 38 qualifiers are entered in the
event limited to winners last year. Top-ranked Rory McIlroy,
No. 3 Adam Scott, No. 6 Justin Rose and No. 12 Martin
Kaymer are skipping the tournament. No. 4 Bubba Watson and
No. 8 Jason are the only players in the top 10 in the world ranking in the field. Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore designed The
Plantation Course on a former pineapple plantation. The
Sony Open is next week in Honolulu, followed by the Humana
Challenge in La Quinta, California, and the Phoenix Open.
Site: Johannesburg.
Schedule: Today-Sunday.
Course: Glendower Golf Club (7,564 yards, par 72).
Purse: $1.24 million. Winners share: $189,400.
Television: Golf Channel (Today, 3:30-10:30 a.m., 12:30
p.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, 5:30-10:30 a.m.; Saturday, 5:30-9:30 a.m.;
Sunday, 5-9:30 a.m.).
Last season: Denmarks Morten Orum Madsen won at
Glendower in November 2013, beating South Africas Hennie
Otto and Jbe Kruger by two strokes.
Last event: South Africas Branden Grace won the Alfred
Dunhill Championship on Dec. 14 at Leopard Creek. He finished at 20-under 268 for a 7-stroke victory.
Notes: Five-time champion Ernie Els tops the South African
contigent along with Grace, Charl Schwartzel, 2-winner Retief
Goosen and past champions James Kingston and Richard
Sterne. First played in 1893, the tournament is the second
oldest national championship behind the British Open. Gary
Player won a record 13 times, the first in 1956 and last in 1981.
The Abu Dhabi Golf Championship is next week, followed
by the Qatar Masters and Dubai Desert Classic.
European Tour site:
Sunshine Tour site:

(Continued from page 6)
Rose understands that. Hes
also figured out by now that
selling signed balls with the
inscription Im sorry I bet
on baseball isnt going to get
him off the banned list.
Yes, he bet on baseball,
though he says it was always
on his team to win when he
was managing the Cincinnati
Reds. And, yes, he continued
to deny it until finally admitting it in a 2004 book that
infuriated many in the sport.
But hed like to hold out
a little hope that his lifetime
sentence wont last the rest
of his life. Hed like to think
that one January day not too
far in the future he will be on
a long overdue Hall of Fame
ballot himself.
Im not eligible, though
Id like to be eligible, Rose
said. Im the one that messed
up, but if Im ever put on
the ballot Ill be very happy
about it.
So would a lot of Pete
Rose fans, who cant help but
wonder why the juicers who
made a mockery of the sport
are still welcome in baseball
while Rose is on the outside
looking in. No matter how
you feel about him betting
on games, no one questions
his numbers as they do those
of several players who were
on the latest Hall of Fame
Those numbers more than
speak for themselves. Rose
played more games (3,562)
than any other major leaguer,
had more hits than any other
player (4,256). He played in
six World Series, winning
three, and hustled every step
of the way.

He didnt pump steroids

into his body to hit more
home runs. He never tried to
fix a World Series; not even a
spring training game.
Yes, his original ban was
rightly imposed as a deterrent
against someone else trying
to fix games themselves. But
after all these years, his punishment no longer fits the
Rose watched the latest
selections Tuesday, applauding the election of Pedro
Martinez, John Smoltz, Craig
Biggio and Randy Johnson to
the hall. He then headed to
work at the Art of Music collectibles store at the Mandalay
Bay where he spends most of
his afternoons chatting with
fans and signing merchandise
they buy.
A signed 8x10 of Rose
sliding head-first into third
base is $75, while the apology baseball goes for $299.
For $199 fans can get another
baseball with the inscription
Hits: 4,256. Steroids: 0 on
Hell be in Cooperstown
this summer as he almost
always is, though not for the
actual induction ceremony
itself. Like many other former
players, he sets up shop that
week to sell his merchandise
to fans and the sons of fans
who once watched him play.
Its good money on a busy
week, and Rose isnt going to
apologize for being there. Its
what he does for a living, and
the reason he finally had to
cut short a conversation about
an induction of his own that
will probably never come.
Ive got two people waiting in line right now, he said.
Could be a busy day.

(Continued from page 6)
What I am saying is this man should be fired or given a serious talking-to to say the least but it wont happen because
as Eric Bischoff of pro wrestling fame observed in the title of
his book, Controversy Creates Cash!
Its why Colin Cowherd remains a fixture his producers
LOVE the hate he generates! He goes after anyone and everyone and that is fair game.
If you want to be taken seriously as an analyst, though, you
cannot play favorites and openly root for or against a particular
team or conference.
For an example, Mr. Mays tag-team partner, Lou Holtz.
We know he has a soft spot for Notre Dame and probably Arkansas but you cannot tell it. I think even HE has a
problem with Mr. May because he is constantly egging him on.
As far as who wins, wait until my Pigskin Picks Saturday.
I know, I know my legion of fans (now up to 120,333) are
waiting excitedly or at least they arent lethargic but I
must ask you to do so!

The Herald 7

4 NFL hosts this weekend

are combined 30-2 at home
Associated Press
DENVER Along with great quarterbacks who all own Super Bowl rings,
the four NFL teams hosting playoff
games this weekend have a little something else on their side: an extraordinary
home-field edge.
Seattle has the racket of Century
Link, Green Bay the mystique of icy
Lambeau. Denvers mile-high altitude and NASCAR offense benefit the
Broncos. And the Patriots appreciate the
biting winds and bitter cold of foreboding Foxborough, where that hoodie sure
comes in handy.
The four host teams are a combined
30-2 at home this season; each is at least
a touchdown favorite in the divisional
In the last decade, only two other seasons, 2005 and 2011, featured collective
records that good among the four hosts
who sat out wild-card weekend, according to STATS.
Interestingly, in neither of those postseasons did any of the four win it all.
Sixth-seeded Pittsburgh won in 05 and
the Giants won as a fourth seed to close
out 2011.
This years foursome includes the
Broncos and Packers with perfect home
records but not the top seed, so the road
to the Super Bowl might not even go
through Denver or Green Bay.
Seattles lone home loss was a
30-23 hiccup against Dallas during the
champs early-season stumble. The other
defeat was a giveaway: New Englands
19-7 loss to Buffalo in the season finale
with the No. 1 seed already secured by
the Patriots.
Unnerving, is how Richard
Sherman describes the sound in Seattle,
which can get so loud that the Seahawks
defense has to find creative ways to
make checks and calls.
Panthers tight end Greg Olsen played
at Seattle with the Bears a few years
ago and left with his ears ringing. He
said he expects an even louder stadium
Saturday night: Playoff game, coming


off a Super Bowl, I can only imagine.

Denver quit being such an intimidating place to play after John Elway
retired with two rings. Its a big deal
again since Mannings arrival in 2012.
Our fans have been great I think
they cause problems for other teams,
Manning said, echoing sentiments
in Massachusetts, Washington and
Wisconsin. Players just feed off that
energy when youre playing at home. I
think it makes a big difference.
Throw in the no-huddle and
the lung-searing altitude and
you can see why the Broncos
are 24-3 at home with Manning,
including 17-1 over the last two
Playing up-tempo and then
the altitude out here can really give a defense fits, said
C.J. Anderson, who knows its
working when defensive linemen interlock their knuckles behind their head,
heaving between snaps.
Indy defensive end Cory Redding
argued the altitude effect is all in your
head, adding: its a bunch of uh, stuff.
But Colts coach Chuck Pagano knows
better. He grew up in Boulder, Colorado,
and played at Wyoming, which is about
2,000 feet higher than Denver. So he
knows how the thin air can affect teams.
Still, he decided against flying into
Colorado a day early.
Yeah, we mulled it over, but we figured sticking with the routine and having a normal week was better, he said.
One of Denvers three home losses
under Manning came in the playoffs
two years ago when Joe Flacco heaved a
tying 70-yard rainbow to Jacoby Jones in
the final minute of regulation. Flaccos
seven road playoff wins are the most in
NFL history and includes two triumphs
at Gillette Stadium, plus a 23-20 loss in
which Billy Cundiff missed a short field
goal at the end.
Flacco doesnt get all the fuss over
the home field.
Its tough to tell people why youre
not intimidated, Flacco added. I think
its kind of funny that people would be

(Continued from page 6)

AP source: Ryan, Jackson among Bills coaching candidates
BUFFALO, N.Y. Bengals offensive coordinator Hue
Jackson interviewed for the Buffalo Bills head-coaching
job on Wednesday. And former New York Jets coach Rex
Ryan is on deck.
A person familiar with the teams search process revealed
those two candidates among a number of others to
The Associated Press on Wednesday. The person spoke
on the condition of anonymity because the Bills have not
announced any details of their search to replace Doug
Marrone, who stepped down abruptly last week.
There are at least 10 candidates on the list. Bills defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz has already been interviewed, as was Philadelphia Eagles offensive coordinator
Pat Shurmer, the person added.
A second person familiar with the process also speaking on the condition of anonymity told the AP that the
Bills were granted permission from the Browns to interview
Cleveland offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan. He is the
son of 2-time Super Bowl-winning coach Mike Shanahan,
who is also a candidate after being interviewed by the Bills
in San Francisco last weekend.
The Bills are taking an exhaustive, wide-reaching
approach to the search under new owners Terry and Kim
Pegula, who bought the franchise in October. Both Pegulas
are sitting in on the interviews, along with general manager
Doug Whaley and team president Russ Brandon.
The Bills already met with three assistants currently
working for teams still in the playoffs: Seattle coordinators Darrell Bevell (offense) and Dan Quinn (defense) and
Denver offensive coordinator Adam Gase.
Giants fire DC Fewell and DBs coach Giunta
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. A year after changing
their offense, the New York Giants are remolding their
The Giants on Wednesday fired defensive coordinator
Perry Fewell and defensive backs coach Pete Giunta after
the unit finished among the worst in the league.
Giants coach Tom Coughlin announced the moves on
Wednesday, a little more than a week after the Giants (6-10)
missed the playoffs for the third straight season.
This will be the second straight season the Giants have
changed a coordinator. Kevin Gilbride retired after the 2013
season and Ben McAdoo, a Packers assistant, was hired to
replace him. The offense picked up this past season with
Eli Manning cutting down on his interceptions and rookie
receiver Odell Beckham Jr. providing a big-play element.
The unit finished 10th in the league. The defense was
ranked 29th overall, struggling against the run and being
burned too many for big plays in the pass game.
Beckham going to the Pro Bowl, replacing Megatron
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. Beckham Jr. is going to
the Pro Bowl.
The NFL announced Wednesday that Beckham has been
chosen to replace the injured Calvin Johnson of Detroit in
the Jan. 25 game.
Beckham, who had 91 catches for 1,305 yards and 12
touchdowns in only 12 games, was a first alternate for the
NFLs all-star game. He is the first Giants rookie to play
in the Pro Bowl since tight end Jeremy Shockey in 2002
and the teams first wide receiver in the game since Steve
Smith in 2009.
The 12th pick overall in the draft, Beckham finished the
season with four consecutive games with at least 130 yards
receiving and a touchdown; seven games with over 100
yards receiving total; and nine straight games with 90 or
more yards receiving. The latter tied Michael Irvins NFL
mark, set in 1995.
St. Louis leaders: Rams owner wont return our calls
ST. LOUIS City officials said Wednesday that the
owner of the Rams isnt returning their calls, so they plan to
work directly with the NFL on efforts to keep a team any
team in St. Louis amid speculation the Rams are headed
back to Los Angeles.

intimidated at any point in any game

against anybody. Its just not in our
nature. Weve played in a lot of big football games and this is no (different).
So the Ravens will, as usual, swagger
into their opponents stadium Saturday.
I look around all the time at the
crowd when you first come out of the
tunnel, Ravens receiver Torrey Smith
said. I like the boos. I like to see all
of whats going on, see what kind of
tradition they have. You
would love to be home. But
playing away, just the challenge of trying to quiet down
the crowd is something that
you love as a competitor.
The Cowboys take an 8-0
road record into Lambeau
Field in their first playoff
game at Green Bay since
losing the Ice Bowl in 1967.
Never has an 8-0 road team played an
8-0 host in the postseason.
I would say its like a frozen
mystique, if you could say that, just
because its hard to play in the cold,
Packers DB Jarrett Bush said. Its a
different discomfort out there on the
field, rather than being in Miami or
Tampa, somewhere its really hot. The
cold is totally different. Totally different ballgame.
Of more concern for the Cowboys
than the cold is Aaron Rodgers, who has
thrown 418 times and 36 consecutive
TD passes at home without an interception, both NFL records. He hasnt been
picked off at Lambeau Field since Dec.
2, 2012.
But the Cowboys might be better
off away from AT&T Stadium, anyway.
They were 4-4 there and needed a frenetic fourth-quarter rally to beat Detroit
last week.
On the road, they look like an entirely
different team.
If we can take that same mentality to
Green Bay, safety Barry Church said,
despite all the cold, despite all that,
if we can just take that mentality, us
against the world, then I feel like well
have a good chance.

Rams billionaire owner Stan Kroenke is part of a joint

venture that announced plans Monday for an 80,000-seat
stadium in the Los Angeles suburbs, a move that could
soon return the NFL to the nations second-largest market
and the home of the Rams from 1946 until they moved to
St. Louis in 1995. The move would have to wait at least a
year the NFL has said no team moves would be allowed
in 2015.
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon isnt giving up on the Rams.
But city leaders are hedging their bets, saying the plan
now is to work directly with the NFL not the Rams. The
change in philosophy is due in part to the fact that Kroenke
wont take calls from Mayor Francis Slay or other city leaders, said Maggie Crane, Slays spokeswoman.
If not the Rams, it isnt clear which team St. Louis
might pursue. The San Diego Chargers and Oakland
Raiders play in aging stadiums and have been mentioned
as potential Los Angeles transplants but it isnt clear if
either would consider a move to the Midwest. There is no
talk of expansion.
St. Louis has been through this before. The Chicago
Cardinals moved here in 1960 and stayed until 1987.
Unhappy with sharing Busch Stadium with the baseball
Cardinals, owner Bill Bidwill moved the team to Arizona.
By the early 1990s, a domed stadium was being built
with taxpayer money. St. Louis missed out on an expansion team in 1993 when the league awarded franchises
to Jacksonville and Carolina. But in 1995, Rams owner
Georgia Frontiere took the Rams back to her hometown.
Kroenke bought in as minority owner.
Frontiere died and, in 2010, Kroenke bought the team.
Meanwhile, the dome small and outdated by NFL standards became a point of contention. Negotiations about
improvements have gone nowhere.
Redskins finalizing deal to hire Scot McCloughan as
WASHINGTON The Washington Redskins on
Wednesday were working on the final details of a deal to
hire Scot McCloughan as general manager, a move that
marks a major shift in front-office philosophy under owner
Dan Snyder after 16 years of mostly losing seasons.
McCloughan, a former executive with the San Francisco
49ers and Seattle Seahawks, would give the Redskins
something akin to a traditional structure for the first time
under Snyder a highly respected talent evaluator independent of the head coach to lead the team through free
agency and the draft.
McCloughans arrival means Bruce Allen would be
stripped of the GM title, although Allen would remain team
McCloughan is credited with helping craft championship-level rosters with the 49ers (2005-09) and Seahawks
(2010-13), including the two seasons he served as San
Franciscos GM. But he left both teams due to personal
reasons and spent last season as a private consultant to NFL
Falcons give assistant GM Pioli new responsibilities
ATLANTA Assistant general manager Scott Pioli will
take on pro and college scouting and will have new NFL
draft responsibilities in the restructuring of the Atlanta
Falcons personnel department announced Wednesday.
The Falcons say Pioli will report to general manager
Thomas Dimitroff, who retains responsibility for salary cap
and player affairs, among other duties.
The moves came as the team continued its search to
replace coach Mike Smith, who was fired following a 6-10
The changes appear to weaken the authority of Dimitroff,
whose future was left in doubt by owner Arthur Blank at the
news conference to announce Smiths firing. Blank said
Wednesday the new coach and Dimitroff will report separately to me.
Pioli, the former director of player personnel for the
Patriots, joined the Falcons last year. Dimitroff worked
with Pioli in New England as the Patriots director of
scouting before he was hired by Atlanta in 2008. Dimitroff
recommended Piolis hire last year.

8 The Herald

Thursday, January 8, 2015

11:30 a.m. for the next days issue.

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boyfriend, and I am
unsure what to do.
I have a small child
and it makes me
nervous. I dont know
if my sister knows,
and I dont know how
to bring it up.
I am upset with
my family member
because he didnt say
anything immediately
after finding this
upset at my sister if
she knows and hasnt
been honest with us,
and I am upset with
this man. What should
I do? -- UPSET IN

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Recently, a member
suggested that my
the name of my
sisters new live-in
boyfriend. (Another
family member said
he had done it months
ago.) When Mom
did, she saw that he
is a convicted sex
offender. We were
all shocked as he has
been very good to
my sister and other
members of the
So far, we havent
said anything to
my sister or her

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Online search yields shocking

news about live-in boyfriend
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First let me tell you

what NOT to do. Do
not remain silent and
stew. Tell your sister
everything you have
written to me and ask
if shes aware that
her live-in boyfriend
is on a sex offender
website. If his offense
concerned a minor
child, it is possible
that he is not supposed
to be around children
-- and if he has been
that the authorities
would like to know.
But first, discuss this
with your sister who
may -- or may not -be able to put your
fears to rest.
have been dating a
widower for a year.
While he was eager
to jump into the
dating pool, he still
has a mini shrine of
his late wifes ashes
and belongings in
their house. I cant
bring myself to have
dinner or sleep over
there with that overt
He recently told
her remains to be
his when he dies. It
was among a long
list of her afterlife
described. Hes in
good health. I figure
he has 25 years
-- or more -- life
expectancy before the
big event.
R e a l i s t i c a l l y,
shouldnt I expect
more than second
best in his world?
Is there a time limit
for grieving, or does

Into the Woods

the deceased get to

control her hubby
from the other side?
Realistically, this has
less to do with what
you should expect
the widower must
arrive at on his
own. Ask him in a
way how he FEELS
about carrying out
all of his deceased
wifes wishes -- and
whether he thinks it
is fair to himself or
you. Be prepared to
discuss it without
becoming emotional.
His answers will tell
you everything you
need to know about a
future with him.
him is good, why not
focus on the present
and not worry about
what happens to
his body when hes
gone? However, if
this is a deal breaker,
then dont invest any
more time.
written by Abigail Van
Buren, also known
as Jeanne Phillips,
and was founded by
her mother, Pauline
Dear Abby at www.
P.O. Box 69440, Los
Angeles, CA 90069.

TO Know-it-All
ST. JUDE: Runs 1 day at the
price of $3.00.

GARAGE SALES: Each day is $.20 per

word. $8.00 minimum charge.
hisin dorm
DEBTS: Ad must
be placed
person by

name will Corp.
in the
Dell Computer
ID &by
ad. Do
a when
lar rates
it was? When did the company
start? -- G.K., Joplin, Mo.
A: In 1984, Michael Dell started PCs
Limited in his University of Texas dormitory
room. At age 19, he dropped out of college to
run his business full time. In 1987, the company
name was changed to Dell Computer Corp. In
2003, the name was changed to Dell Inc.
Q: Before Diane Keaton became an actress,
her name was Diane Hall. Did she act under
that name? I recall an actress named Dianne
Hall. Keaton and Woody
Allen were a couple for a
while -- did her last name
have any influence on the
movie Annie Hall? -J.L.B., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
A: Diane Hall took
name, Keaton, to avoid
confusion with the alreadyestablished actress Dianne Woody Allen
Hall. Woody Allen did
adopt her given last name and nickname for
the 1977 movie in which Diane Keaton had the
title role. According to several sources, one of
her childhood nicknames was Annie.
Q: What were Thomas Edisons first and last
patents? -- E.L., Albany, Ga.
A: Edison applied for his first patent on Oct.
28, 1868. It was for an Electrographic VoteRecorder, which he unsuccessfully attempted
to market to the Massachusetts Legislature.
On Jan. 9, 1931, he applied for his final U.S.
patent -- his 1,093rd -- which was a Holder for
Article to be Electroplated. Edison died later in
1931; the patent was issued in 1933.
Q: Years ago, my grandmother often talked
of having freedom steak when she was a kid.
I have often wondered what she was eating. I
cant ask her, but Ill ask you if you know. -A.L.B., Reading, Pa.
A: In the philosophy of having freedom
fries and freedom toast, during World War
I, many Americans had freedom cabbage
(sauerkraut) or freedom steak (hamburger) -or even owned a liberty dog (dachshund).
Q: Where I live, its a custom for people to
set off fireworks during the first minutes of the
new year. Ive been in places where guns were
fired, or bells and horns were used to make
noise. Whats with the noisemaking? -- N.L.,
Troy, N.Y.
A: In some cultures, there was a belief that
making noise would drive away bad spirits.

Distributed by Universal UClick for UFS

Movie Review

Starring Meryl Streep,

James Cordon & Emily
Sondheims award-winning
1987 Broadway play, a
tapestry of several Grimm
fairy tales laced with
decidedly grown-up themes,
debuts on the big screen with
an all-star castand enough
Disney tweaking to make
it marketable to younger
mash-up takes well-known
characters from Little Red
Riding Hood, Jack in the
Beanstalk, Rapunzel and
Cinderella, adds a few
others, and puts them all on
a woodland collision course
of fate and fortuneand
sometimes, alas, misfortune.
Anything can happen in
the woods, goes a line in one
of the songs.
And it certainly does,
as a kindly baker (James
his wife
(Emily Blunt) embark on a
journey to find the magical
ingredients that will break a
generational curse cast by a
witch (Meryl Streep) that has
prevented them from having
a child.
Before they go, they send
Little Red Riding Hood (Lilla
Crawford) traipsing off with
a basket of baked goods to
see her granny. Soon enough,
they come across Cinderella
(Anna Kendrick) fleeing
from an arduous prince
(Chris Pine), and the young
village peasant Jack (Daniel
Huddlestone), whose trade
of a beloved milk cow for
some magic beans will come

to have calamitous effects for

with the musical knows,
Sondheims storyline and
wonderfully clever, crafty
songs work on multiple
levels. They traffic in some
serious, decidedly heavy
topicsparenting, choices,
decisions, guilt, forgiveness,
mortality. But they pack in
some soft, tender moments,
too, and some hilarious
highlights, as well. Younger
kids may think Johnny
Depps two-scene cameo as
The (big, bad) Wolf is just a
howl-y hoot, but adults will
easily catch the sumptuous
carnality in the roles campy
pedophilic undertones. And
you wont come across many
more amusing surprises
than Agony, the preening,
prancing prince-off duet
between Chris Pine and
Billy Magnussen, whose
royal character yearns for the
tower-trapped damsel with
the golden hair, Rapunzel
(Mackenzie Mauzy).
Other recognizable faces
include Tracey Ullman as
Jacks Mother and Christine
Baranski as Cinderellas
stepmother. Everyone sings,

and does a terrific job. You

might have known Streep
and Kendrick, from previous
movies, had the pipes for
their roles, but prepared to
be blown away by everyone
else, especially Blunt (who
during much of the shoot)
and Cordon, who youll be
seeing even more of when
he takes over The Late Late
Show on CBS in March.
This fractured fairy tale
might get a bit grim, especially
for overly sensitive little
ones; it was never intended
as a sweet-dreams bedtime
story. Disney has softened
some of its coarser edges and
made other modifications,
but the Be careful what
you wish for morality-tale
message in the shows notalways-so-happily-ever-after
remains intact.
Yes, anything can happen
in the woods. Who knows,
you might find magic beans,
witches, princes, big bad
wolves, and much more
like the years best, most
delightful, star-packed movie
Neil Pond,
Parade Magazine

Do Just One Thing

by Danny Seo
Many of us like to buy suet balls or birdseed
encapsulated in mesh bags, which helps
keep the birdseed together when you hang it
outside. While our feathered friends can get
a healthy meal or snack from these, there is

also a chance they can get entangled in the

mesh. When the suet or bird food gets low, it
creates air pockets around the mesh bag. This
can lead to birds digging deeper into the bag,
which can lead to their legs and beaks getting
trapped and entangled. Stick with traditional
methods that involve loose feed instead.

Comics & Puzzles


By Eugenia Last



For Better or Worse

Pacing yourself will be

important this year. Taking
on too much, too fast will
be stressful and detrimental
to your mental, physical and
emotional health. Consider an
unusual opportunity that comes
your way, but only accept whats
feasible. If you act quickly and
reasonably, good results will

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19) -- Focus on personal

relationships. Your serious
someone younger with less
experience than you. Participate
in activities that provide good
times and some laughs and
are conducive to making new
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
19) -- A partnership will be
in jeopardy. Uncertainty and
emotional discord will leave
you in a vulnerable position.
Clear the air with a heart-toheart discussion and let your
expectations be known.

Beetle Bailey

The Herald 9

Thursday, January 8, 2015

PISCES (Feb. 20-March

20) -- Keep your mind on the
job. Emotional or relationship
professional productivity. Deal
with personal problems quickly
to avoid a setback that could
alter your standard of living.

Crossword Puzzle

1 Coin factories
6 Troublesome bug
10 Inflection
12 Porter pen
name (2 wds.)
14 Errands
15 Sylvan
16 Sugar
18 Da or ja
19 Small job
21 -- spumante
23 Happy
24 Not sociable
26 Accident
29 Drains, as
31 Really tiny
33 Swiss artist
Paul -35 Felt certain
36 Cen. fractions
37 Football
38 Furrowed
40 Suffix for
42 Crater edge
43 Bearing
45 Initial stake
47 Execs
50 Entertain
52 Antenna
54 Passes the
58 Reduces to
59 Find a
60 Get going
61 Gin partner

6 Poltergeists
7 Opposite of
8 Devine or
9 Bring to bay
11 Sugar amt.
12 Is in debt
13 Fabric meas.
17 Dressing for
hot or cold
19 Express
20 Rockies
22 Gross
23 Inquire
25 Road map
27 Keenly attentive
28 Contradict
30 Do laps
32 Double
34 Nightmare
39 Heated

Yesterdays answers
41 Gavel
44 Sushi fish
46 Cool!
47 Kiosk buy,
48 Wheat -49 Three
51 Pecs

1 Rain slicker
2 I, to Fritz
3 PFC superior
4 Technical
5 Skulks

ARIES (March 21-April

19) -- Dont waste time
brooding over matters that you
cant change. Increase your
knowledge through study or
travel. Proficiency at a new skill
will expand your career options.



Born Loser

Hagar the Horrible

20May 20) -- A compromise
or diplomatic agreement will
be necessary before you can
move ahead with your plans.
Forming an alliance with a
more experienced individual
will open your eyes to new
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
-- Its important to spend time
with people you care about.
A get-together or vacation
will bring you closer together.
Involve everyone in making
arrangements so that no one
feels left out.

21July 22) -- Dont let anyone
persuade you to do something
against your wishes. Financial
investments must be carefully
researched before you make a
commitment. Hasty decisions
will result in a loss.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -Give love and partnerships top
priority. Its time to rid yourself
of people or things that have
been holding you back. Taking
control will bring you closer to
your goal.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.

22) -- Relationship woes will
escalate if you cannot keep
a secret. Someone trying
to discredit you will be
deceptive. Dont believe or
repeat information without
researching the facts first.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
-- Your mind is wandering, but
before you aimlessly follow
your dreams, its vital that you
fulfill your responsibilities.
Neglecting your duties or career
commitments will lead to

24Nov. 22) -- You can ease your
stress and reduce tension if
you speak openly about your
feelings. Trying to hide your
emotions will cause a rift that
will escalate if not addressed

Barney Google & Snuffy Smith

23-Dec. 21) -- Spend quality
time with someone dear to
your heart. A fun outing will
revive your feelings and abolish
any uncertainties you may be
harboring. Dont ignore minor
health issues.
COPYRIGHT 2015 United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.

Answer to Sudoku
Hi and Lois

The Family Circus By Bil Keane

53 Mdse. bill
55 Geog.
56 Yale
57 Dry, as

10 The Herald

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Obama: Americas resurgence is real

WAYNE, Mich. (AP)
Declaring an American economic resurgence, President Barack
Obama opened a three-state swing
Wednesday aimed at claiming credit
for recent growth and blunting the
momentum of the new Republican
congressional leadership.
We are entering into the new
year with new confidence that
America is coming back, Obama
declared at a Ford plant in Michigan,
a state at the center of both the
downturn and rejuvenation of the
U.S. automobile industry.
From Michigan, Obama was
headed to Phoenix, where he was
to announce lower insurance premiums for government-backed mortgages. The White House said the
reduction by the Federal Housing
Administration means new home
buyers and those who refinance
with FHA would pay $900 less a
year than they would otherwise, in
a bid to help more Americans own
their own homes.

Obamas road trip comes amid

a surprising burst of momentum
for the White House following
Democrats disastrous showing in
the midterm elections. Alongside
signs of economic progress, the
president has also unveiled a series
of aggressive executive actions and
seen his low approval ratings start
to creep up.
The president has also talked
optimistically about opportunities
to cooperate with congressional
Republicans on issues like trade
and tax reform. But big clashes
between the White House and the
new Republican leadership will
come first.
The White House has threatened
to veto two priority pieces of legislation for the GOP: a bill approving
construction of the Keystone XL oil
pipeline and another measure that
could increase the health care laws
definition of a full-time worker
from 30 to 40 hours per week.
It seems with every new day

we have a new veto threat from the

president, Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell said Wednesday.
Obama and congressional leaders
scheduled their first meeting of the
new year for Tuesday.
In an effort to counteract the
veto threats with new ideas, the
White House plans to use the coming weeks to outline proposals the
president will discuss in his Jan.
20 State of the Union address. The
approach marks a shift from the
White Houses usual strategy of
staying mum about new proposals
until the annual address to a joint
session of Congress.
I thought Id get started this week,
Obama said. I figured, why wait?
The president said his State of
the Union address would focus on
what steps the country needs to
take over his final years in office
to capitalize on recent economic
gains. While the economic recovery
has been uneven throughout much
of Obamas presidency, there have

been recent surges in growth fueled

by hiring gains, falling gas prices
and rising consumer confidence.
The president cast his 2009 federal bailout of the auto industry as
a key decision that helped set the
recovery in motion. After spending $80 billion to bail out Chrysler
and General Motors, the government reported last month that it had
recouped nearly $71 billion of that
Ford was not part of the federal bailout. Ahead of his remarks,
Obama got a look at the companys
new Mustang and slipped into a
shiny red model on the plant floor.
He later said that while he likes his
current ride a black armored limousine the Mustangs had a little
more style.
The Michigan Assembly Plant
where Obama spoke is temporarily
closed this week because of lack
of demand for the small cars and
hybrids it makes. Falling gas prices
have hurt sales of the Ford Focus,

French police hunt gunmen who

killed 12 at weekly newspaper
PARIS (AP) Police hunted for
three heavily armed men with possible links to al-Qaida in the militarystyle, methodical killing of 12 people
Wednesday at the office of a satirical
newspaper that caricatured the Prophet
President Francois Hollande, visiting the scene of Frances deadliest
such attack in more than half a century,
called the assault on the weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo an act of exceptional barbarism.
France raised its terror alert system to the maximum Attack Alert
and bolstered security with more than
800 extra soldiers to guard media offices,
places of worship, transport and other sensitive areas. Fears had been running high
in France and elsewhere in Europe that
jihadis returning from conflicts in Syria
and Iraq would stage attacks at home.
Two officials identified the suspects
as French brothers Said and Cherif
Kouachi, in their early 30s, and 18-yearold Hamyd Mourad, whose nationality
wasnt immediately clear.
Heavily armed police moved into the
city of Reims, in Frances Champagne
country east of Paris, apparently search-

ing for the suspects. Video from BFMTV showed police dressed in white
apparently taking samples inside an
apartment. It was not immediately clear
who lived there.
One of the police officials said they
were linked to a Yemeni terrorist network,
and Cedric Le Bechec, a witness who
encountered the escaping gunmen, quoted
the attackers as saying: You can tell the
media that its al-Qaida in Yemen.
The officials spoke on condition
of anonymity because they were not
authorized to publicly discuss the sensitive and ongoing investigation.
Cherif Kouachi was sentenced to 18
months in prison after being convicted
of terrorism charges in 2008 for helping
funnel fighters to Iraqs insurgency. He
said he was outraged at the torture of
Iraqi inmates at the U.S. prison at Abu
Ghraib near Baghdad.
The masked, black-clad men with
assault rifles stormed the offices
near Paris Bastille monument in the
Wednesday noontime attack on the
publication, which had long drawn condemnation and threats it was firebombed in 2011 for its depictions of
Islam, although it also satirized other

(Continued from page 1)

Mayor Ron Miller announced that he received Tony

Langhals resignation letter on Dec. 27.
Anybody interested in filling the vacated council seat has
until Jan. 14 to come forward, he said. We have 30 days to
fill the seat and the appointment lasts one year.

(Continued from page 3)

Uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage: Provides financial protection if you have an accident with a
driver that has no auto insurance or has
liability limits that are too low for the
Insurance information and accident: Keep a copy of your insurance
card and your insurance agent or companys number in your cell phone or
car. It is also important to be able to
record details if you are involved in an
accident. The National Association of
Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) free
smartphone app WreckCheck walks you


Power outages are also common during cold and snowy

conditions. If the power goes out, make sure that all electrical
appliances, such as stoves, electric space heaters and hair dryers, are in the OFF position. Generator use may also occur in
the event of an outage. Remember to only use a generator or
other fuel-powered machines outside the home. CO fumes are
odorless and can quickly overwhelm you indoors. Never connect generators to another power source such as power lines.
The reverse flow of electricity or backfeed can electrocute an
unsuspecting utility worker. Also, never run cords under rugs

(Continued from page 3)

After the first shots were fired, the

man got back up and headed back
toward the terminal, at which point a
second airport officer shot him, Weiner
said. It was unclear whether he was shot
by both officers. He was shot multiple
times, Weiner said.
Police are investigating the mans
background and why he was using a
fake ID to buy a ticket.
At this point this is just a violent
encounter between an armed man and

Discussion turned to the village appropriations for 2015.

Fiscal officer Jeanne Wannemacher read through the line items of
the budget explaining how funds were apportioned to each fund.
Council member unanimously approved a resolution for the
total annual appropriations of $1,632,796 for 2015.
The next council meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Jan. 26 in the
municipal building.

through the process of gathering information following an accident. Guard

your personal information and only provide your name and insurance information. You can email your notes directly
to your agent.
Review new insurance cards and
paperwork, check provider lists
Open enrollment: Many families
recently went through the open enrollment process for their health insurance,
either for coverage provided at work,
coverage purchased on their own or
Medicare, which means you may have
new insurance cards and paperwork
coming in the mail.
Make sure to check your provider

(Continued from page 2)


House GOP forcing 2016 debate

on Social Securitys finances
WASHINGTON (AP) House Republicans want Congress
to address the troubled finances of Social Securitys disability
program, setting the stage for a contentious debate that could
affect 11 million people in the middle of the next presidential
The House has adopted a procedural rule that could force
lawmakers to tackle the issue by the end of 2016, when the
program is projected to run out of reserves, triggering automatic benefit cuts.
An easy fix was available. Congress could have redirected
payroll tax revenue from Social Securitys much larger retirement program, as lawmakers have done before.
But Tuesdays procedural rule blocks such a move, unless
as part of a larger plan to improve Social Securitys finances,
by either cutting benefits or raising taxes. The rule only applies
to the House.
Tinkering with Social Security never has been easy, and
factoring in election-year politics makes finding votes even
harder for those alternatives.
Rep. Tom Reed, R-N.Y., said he sponsored the provision to
prevent Congress from raiding the retirement fund to prop
up the disability program.
Reed said lawmakers are working on proposals to bolster
the disability programs finances, but that taking tax money
from the retirement program is a short-term Band-Aid.
We need to do better than that, Reed said.
Added the chairman of the House Ways and Means
Committee, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.: We just want to make
sure we improve the integrity of the Social Security trust fund
all across the board.
Advocates for older Americans say the rule could be used
to help push through benefit cuts, especially because House
Republicans have opposed raising taxes.
This is a blatant attempt on the first day members take
office to sneak a rule into the process that virtually guarantees
devastating cuts for beneficiaries of the Social Security disability system, said J. David Cox, president of the American
Federation of Government Employees.




religions and political figures.

Shouting Allahu akbar! as they
fired, the men used fluent, unaccented
French as they called out the names of
specific employees.
Artist Corinne Rey told the French
newspaper LHumanite that she
punched in the security code to the
Charlie Hebdo offices after she and her
young daughter were brutally threatened by the gunmen.
Eight journalists, two police officers,
a maintenance worker and a visitor were
killed, said prosecutor Francois Molins.
He said 11 people were wounded
four of them seriously.
After fleeing, the attackers collided
with another vehicle, then carjacked
another car before disappearing in
broad daylight, Molins said.
Among the dead: the papers editor,
Stephane Charbonnier.
The staff was in an editorial meeting and the gunmen headed straight for
Charbonnier widely known by his
pen name Charb killing him and his
police bodyguard first, said Christophe
Crepin, a police union spokesman.
Rey said the assault lasted five
minutes. I hid under a desk.

which saw sales drop 6 percent in

2014, and the C-Max hybrid, which
was down 22 percent.
Automakers often close plants
temporarily to make sure their
inventories match demand. Ford
said the plant will reopen Monday.
From frigid Michigan, where
the temperatures barely got above
zero degrees, Obama was headed to
Phoenix, a city that has served as a
symbol of both of the housing markets crash and its slow recovery.
The premium rate reduction was
to be the centerpiece of Obamas
speech there today. Even with the
reduction, the new 0.85-percent premium is higher than historic norms.
The rate was initially increased to
raise FHA capital reserves, which
took a hit during the housing crisis.
Obama returns to Washington
today night, then will hit the
road again Friday. Hell travel to
Tennessee, where he is expected to
tout the states new policy to pay for
community college tuition.

lists to verify visits to your doctor and

any specialists are still covered by your
policy, as in-network or preferred provider lists change from year to year.
Also read through your documents and
make note of your copays for in-network
and out-of-network providers so you are
not surprised later.
More information
Ohioans with insurance questions can
call the Departments consumer hotline
at 800-686-1526. Information, such as
consumer guides addressing different
insurance topics, is also available at You can follow the Ohio Department of Insurance
on Facebook and Twitter.

or carpets where heat might build up or damage to a cord may

go unnoticed.
Finally, check your smoke alarms to make sure they are in
proper working order. They should be installed on every level
of your home and inside and outside of sleeping areas. Also
practice your fire escape plan with all family members and
any guests.
These simple tips can make a big difference for families
all across the state, said Marshal Flowers. Take some time
to check out your home to be certain everything is working
the way it should.
Additional tips can be found at

the officers here, Weiner said.

Surveillance video, which was not
released, will show what happened, he
The incident caused some airport
delays as the ticketing level was put off
limits and passengers were diverted to
a lower-level area to enter the airport,
said Elaine Roberts, president and chief
executive officer of Columbus Regional
Airport Authority.
The confrontation outside occurred
after the officer called a tow truck for
the mans vehicle, which he left illegally

parked in the departures area.

That area was blocked off Wednesday
afternoon, but the airport said flights
were running as scheduled. Departing
passengers were directed to enter
through the arrivals area.
Matt Diehl of Columbus was waiting
to board a flight in a growing crowd.
He had two hours before it took off for
Philadelphia for business, but he wasnt
sure if it wouldnt be delayed.
Im keeping my fingers crossed,
but at this point Im not optimistic,
he said.

(Continued from page 1)

This will be a huge
investment in the Camp Clay
facility and a great asset for
the residents of Van Wert and
surrounding counties, said
YMCA Executive Director
Hugh Kocab. The total cost
of the project was projected to be about $128,000;
however, with the in-kind
generosity of several local
businesses, that figure is now
approximately $102,000.
Our goal is to fully fund

the project through grant

requests, local businesses,
and private donor support,
added Kocab.
Heading into the second week of fundraising,
the Splash Pad committee
has already raised $27,500.
Those with questions about
the splash pad or anyone
interested in supporting
the project, can contact a
committee member: Clint
Meyers, Kocab, Krista
Schlemmer, Gary Taylor,
Sara Zura or Shad Foster.

(Continued from page 1)
I want people to trust in the law enforcement, he said. We
have enough to deal with foreign terrorism and the likes we
dont need to worry about things domestically. If someone
isnt doing their job correctly or following the law, I want them
punished just like the people they are supposed to take off the
streets. I want people to have faith that when they call us to
respond to a problem, well show up and fix things, not make
them worse.
With several years under his belt, Noftz is looking ahead at
a bigger job and desk.
I love my job. Im putting in my time and hope to work
my way up the ladder, Noftz said. Id like to sit in a chiefs
seat some day.
Noftz graduated from the University of Findlay in 2007. He
is the son of Lynn and Rick Miller of Delphos and Keith and
Susan Noftz of Canton.


Answers to Mondays questions:

Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rices golf
handicap was 14 in 2013 when she became one of the
first two women admitted to the exclusive Augusta
National Golf Club. According to the United States
Golf Association, the average amateur female golfer
in the U.S. has a handicap index of 28.9; the average
male amateur golfer, 16.1.
Ten of the most common things people give up for
Lent are Twitter, chocolate, swearing, alcohol, soda,
Facebook, fast food, sex, sweets and meat.
Todays questions:
According to the Chinese zodiac, the Year of the
Sheep begins Feb. 19. What are the 11 other animal
signs in the Chinese zodiac?
What is a flexitarian?
Answers in Fridays Herald.

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