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Student Government of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2015 STCN 210 at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Raquel calls the meeting to order at 6:02 PM


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Eric Sype, President _________
Raquel Davalos, Executive Vice President _________
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance _________
Meggie Green, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Luke Larsen, Senior Representative _________
Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative _________
Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative_________
Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative _________
Robert Gavino, At-Large Representative _________
Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative
Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative _________
Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative _________
Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative _________
Jaden Phan, International Representative __ ___
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Jarrod Gallagher, Nontraditional Representative _________
Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative _________
Tanish Bhojwani, Freshman Representative _________


Approval of the Minutes

Motion passes unanimously, with abstention from Robert Gavino.


Public Comment None


Guest Speakers None


Old Business None


New Business
REPA 20150107 Campus Climate Survey Discussion
Eric: Youve heard from several of us about the CCS in the near future. Tonight were giving you more
context regarding the survey. Monica, myself, and Izzy are all ambassadors for the survey. The survey is
not just for students, but for staff, faculty, vendors, etc.
Monica: The CCS comes from the Diversity Task Force. The goals are to gain knowledge about how
people on campus experience campus climate and then seek to improve upon that climate in order to
help everyone succeed. I worked with the group that formed the questions for the survey and I know that
theyre really good.
Jordan: Has there been a survey like this in the past? Like, something that tackles the same issues?
Izzy: No.
Eric: There was a Diversity Task Force in, I think, 2005. The Campus Climate Task Force has come
from the existing Diversity Task Force. Two different task forces. Kind of confusing. Monica Nixon was
a part of that first DTF and she will say that it wasnt as successful because they didnt have the kind of

support that we do now. This DTF has hired an outside firm to conduct the study, Rankin and
Associates, and theyre putting together the survey, theyll analyze the data, and then return it to us.
When Monica Nixon reached out to other universities to ask how they had assessed this set of issues, the
overwhelming response was yes and that they advised using Rankin and Associates. This firm really
knows what theyre doing and that will really make a difference in assessing the climate of our campus
this time.
Monica: The use of the outside firm will be particularly useful regarding faculty and staff. Theyll be
able to answer things in an honest and open fashion without being concerned about backlash from the
administration. Which might not be as big of a concern for students.
Braden: So I read the email and it said that this is a population survey and I was wondering what the
target number of respondents is that we have to get for this to qualify as a population survey?
Eric: You have to have 30% of any subgroup for the data to be able to be generalized and relevant.
There has to be at least five people in a subgroup for this information to be distributed because if there is
less than five people you run into issues of anonymity and confidentiality and things of that nature.
Monica used an example of a member of the DTF who is a black, woman, faculty member of the School
of Law and, because shes the only person who fits that demographic, we will not have any data for the
experience of a person who fits all of those categories.
Jordan: To clarify, her experience will be counted in other categories, correct?
Eric: Yes.
Monica: The survey will be open for two weeks, beginning Jan. 20th. Susan Rankin will inform us if
there are some groups that we just do not have enough numbers for, so that we can reach out to those
groups and ask them to take the survey.
Robert: Who will have access to the data?
Eric: Always an SU person and the firm.
Owen: How much does this outside firm cost?
Monica: $40,000
Eric: SU at large will have access to the information after going through a few steps.
Meg: How soon do these three goals [mentioned on the slides] need to be met?
Eric: One year.
Jordan: Who picks what these goals are?
Monica: Rankin and Associates and the Diversity Task Force.
Manuel: What happens if we dont meet the goals?
Monica: The University will be willing to follow through on the goals because theyre imposing the
survey on themselves.
Myra: Eric, you said youve gone through orientation, have other people?
Eric: Yes, one of the orientations was today. The next is tomorrow.
Robert: Once we get the three goals from Rankin and Assoc., will there be students involved in reaching
these goals?
Monica: Yes.
Matt: You mentioned SGSU funding for marketing of this survey, say more.
Eric: Last year we funded the SUSS with PAB and Publicity budgets, $200. I think we should put as
much money for marketing this survey as well because we usually do this.
Braden: Do we need to change marketing strategies? What was the outcome of last years survey?
Izzy: 38% turnout.
Robert: Do we have a say in how this is going to be marketed?
Eric: Izzy, Monica, and I sit on the marketing team as well as students on the Diversity Task Force.
Braden: How much money are we talking about?
Eric: Well we did $200 last year.
Matt: $200 sounds like a good starting point.
Eric: One thing thats really easy to do would be to reach out to your professors to make a 30 second
plug for the survey in your classes. Ill be sending emails, Izzy is doing some things
Izzy: Yeah, social media, digital signage, posters, stickers, etc.

Raquel: Could you send out some dates regarding the marketing ask?
Eric: Yes.
REPA 20150107 WQ15 Events List (Steering Committee) Action
Raquel: Manuel put this together with a bit of help. This is what we have. Take a look. Ask some
Sarah: The Jan. 14th date is during Rep Assembly.
Matt: Are there any starred events this quarter?
Raquel: Yes, Homecoming.
Owen: Why is Casino Night on there?
Raquel: Because RHA asked and were working together as student groups.
Eric: Why is the internship fair up there?
Manuel: I figured it would be helpful for the representatives and their constituents.
Eric: Are you seeing us as having an informal presence or a booth?
Manuel: Informal presence.
Jordan: Its a networking event and were all about connection.
Owen: Im still confused. How is RHA going to help us?
Raquel: RHA offered to help us advertise things.
Owen: I dont see how this would benefit SGSU.
Robert: It could be beneficial in building relationships between student leaders.
Braden: Is this an advertising opportunity or informal presence?
Raquel: Theres space for both.
Eric: The International Dinner should be on there.
Meg: Should Casino Night be starred?
Raquel: I dont know. I dont think so because we would be volunteering and not participating.
Jaden: The International Dinner will be on Jan. 31st and 6pm. Im in charge of fundraising for this event
and I have a question about funding for this event.
Raquel: Defer to Matt.
Matt: Last year they asked for money, we gave them that funding, and they provided us with tickets. I
dont want to continue this because it feels wrong.
Raquel: Thats a complicated topic.
Monica: I motion to approve the events list.
Luke: I second.
Raquel: The events list passes unanimously.
REPA 20150107 SGSU Project Chart Update Discussion
Braden: This Friday I have a meeting regarding Fair Trade Campus things. Post-Friday, I will have a
future plan for this program.
Matt: For the SPF well have completed guidelines soon. Gift fund things will be more concrete as well.
Monica: I have stickers for the MPF now!
Owen: We emailed the Pedestrian Advisory Council regarding the 10th and Madison crosswalk and they
informed us that, based on a national study, its unsafe to have a crosswalk at that location. So weve hit
a bit of a snag.
Myra: Student engagement forum! We have not met yet, but we will be soon.
Eric: Im making a presentation to Presidents cabinet on Tuesday the 13th regarding Tobacco Free
Izzy: PAB is meeting next Monday to discuss where were going with This is Seattle U
Margaret: Ive sent some emails for SAC, but havent heard anything.
Robert: Chris Johnstone is helping with the Education Abroad project.

VIII. Officer Reports:

Officer Reports:
A) Eric Sype-President:
a. Met with Michelle Murray and Ryan Hamachek, re: Tobacco Free Campus
B) Raquel Davalos- Executive Vice President
a. Nametags are in!
C) Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance
a. Im reconciling the budget.
b. Talking with Advancement about our gift fund.
D) Meg Green- Vice President of University Affairs
a. Nothing to report.
E) Representatives
a. Luke Larsen, Senior Representative:
i. Still looking for photographers.
b. Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative:
i. Junior survey.
c. Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
d. Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative:
i. Ethiopian event, Feb. 12th or 19th during the lunch hour in the hearth area.
e. Robert Gavino, At-Large Representative:
i. Dialoguing with #ReigniteTheMission regarding their demands.
ii. Working on a model for the Education Abroad Assessment.
f. Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative:
i. Constituents are concerned about lack of compost bins.
g. Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
h. Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
i. Jarrod Gallagher, Non-traditional Rep:
i. Nothing to report.
j. Jaden Phan, International Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
k. Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative:
i. Disabilities forum will be in April.
l. Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative:
i. Met with Kelsey to discuss my event, Meet the Redhawks
ii. April 17th or 18th event with Special Olympics of WA.
m. Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative:
i. Met with Owen, re: 12th and Jefferson event.
n. Tanish Bojwani, Freshman Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
o. Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff:
i. Holiday cards!
ii. Website update.
iii. Quarterly report.
iv. Graphics
p. Margaret Quartararo, Internal Chief of Staff:
i. Office hours.
F) Advisors
a. Nichole Robison:
i. Advocacy skills training! Check your email.


Committee Reports
a. Well be meeting Mondays at 3pm.
B. Steering:
a. No set meeting time yet.
b. WQ Progressive Retreat: This coming Sunday at Raquels house at 6pm.
C. Finance:
a. January 24th in CADY 516 at 9am!
D. University Affairs:
a. We dont have a meeting time yet.


Eric: We had a fairly successful quarter!
Raquel: Dinner on Sunday.
Matt: Welcome back everyone.
Myra: Steering will meet after?
Robert: SGSU surveys will be coming at the end of the week.


Adjournment at 7:07 PM

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