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SKG Bread Maker

BASIC WHITE BREAD - Bread Maker Recipe


Water 255ml

Bread flour 375g

Sugar 23g

Salt 6g

Unsalted butter 30g

Dry yeast 5g
1) Make sure the kneading blade is properly attached, and add water to the baking
bucket. Add flour and make a small indentation in the flour with spoon, and place
the yeast there. Make sure the yeast does not touch with salt and liquid. Follow by
sugar, salt and butter to the baking bucket.
2) Place the baking bucket in the bread maker, close the lid and plug the power
cord into the outlet
3) Select the MENU No. 1 BASIC setting, set the weight 750g, the desired
darkness LIGHT and press START.
4) When baking completes, press and hold the START/RESET to turn off the bread
maker and unplug the power cord. Take out the baking bucket using oven mitts and
gently shake the loaf out. Let bread cool and serve.
**Reminder : Please make sure the yeast does not touch with any salt and water.

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