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Henali Ramji

Production Log Sound

During week 7, we worked on the different techniques of sound. There were many different
sound techniques and terminologies that we had to learn during this session. We learnt
about diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. Diegetic sound is sound that is visible on the screen
whereas non-diegetic sound is sound that cannot be heard by the character. Examples of
this is the character thoughts and background music. Examples of diegetic sound is sound
made by the objects and dialogues spoken by the character.
I found it very difficult to understand the concept of sound as I wasnt really aware of the
different techniques. However, during our lesson, our teacher gave us different examples of
different sounds which had helped me to understand. Even though I know a few different
techniques of sound, I still have difficulty differentiating between the sounds. This is why I
decided to research a bit more on the different sounds so that I was fully prepared before
my final production.

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