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Acruel Battaile the which voeth imparte anv give bata: bahia grates, accopving ag wee needes weakening anddiminithing themeanes. ofthe enimy of hisholp faith ¢ Chyittian religion,wh with al {uch like beljoundss becouly nifpatch inlettethen the twotncke Ying ofanepe, this will mere fuch, but ‘the occafions ofthis ave tovs bnknotone. ‘And if fteh a victopie bach not beene obteined in Europe, opin Affticke, neee rerbntovs, petthe moe is Gav.tobee prapten fop : becaufe anie bictopie: carmot beobteinen , but there ts lofte as tell oft the five of the victozer, ag ofthe fame chag Asbanquiten, : Aud inthe meane while the Turkes, befamuch weaker fop to alfail bs onthis five (as they bab well thought to baue ‘tame this Sommer againe,te the We of Matta) bauing fotte (0 great number-of Imen this battaile,as thatofone hinged and threetoye ehoufand remaine beane bponthe place, which is na marttaile, fo Tach Bonarchies imap prepare ina Tietle time,an atmie of anhundged opttoe bune nedehoufana men, i a gaint the Turke. Gin petbat Gall fe what Diodorus Sieulusdorh witely wpite, halt Ginve, that hen Serxes came to invade Gracias |» swhenas Leonidas Sting of Sparta cauitly fetomen) refitten him atthe draightsof Se bebe nope then one Spite Yionof armed men. na Fnthe battail which .Ladiflaus Ring of Panonnie a againt Amurat Cinpec tour ofthe Turkes,theee mere kilbe ofthe fine of the Turkes (though thep vip gaine. thebattail) fouce bfioyed thoufan, tober Sabellicas esa fatthfull mnie bnto bss ‘The great Alexandet fue one wil Tionof men,inithe bloody battaile again ie cthng of bePefians, Tat ‘taint the Scythians al bis avmic toherttt vere tesa hundzeth thoufandmen , athat swblel herein is found ttrannge (18: this) hatthere teas not one fan {bp 0 tele netoes, oo : herelage itis nottobe wondered none onelp er tharthe Sultan bath cn i : ofeo; there ane

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