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My personality is my identity; it is the sum total of my inherent and acquired characteristics.

The strong factors that can influence personality are:hereditary,environmental,values,selfdevelopment and life-situations.
Firstly,let`s talk abut Hereditary.
Althoughmy personality can be influenced by the genes I may have inherited, it is possible and
well within your grasp, to highlight the positive and underplay the negative factors which I may
have inherited. No doubt, my physical attributes, like height, weight and skin/hair color can play
a critical role in mypersonality ,but most importantly, it is my mental make-up, your positive
Secondly,Environment can also play a significant role on my personality. Right from early
childhood through all thestages of development, myhome and family, school and
teachers, friends and colleagues at work, can all exert influence on the development of your
Thirdly,Personality of an individual is greatly influenced by the values a person strongly believes
in. A person who adheres to high moral standards, is a well-respected member of the society.
Also,Situations in life are constantly changing and these can affect personality in varying
degrees. Some have greater opportunities in life like better amenities, better schools and greater
advantages than others. Competence gained in handling life-situations that can positively
influence the personality of an individual.
~ Conclusion
In life, each of us play many roles- - -husband/wife, mom/dad, son/daughter, teacher/ student,
boss/employee. Each of these roles, have a unique potential to enact different aspects of
personality; each require a set pattern of behavior and action. Developing a fine personality can
be within anybodys grasp. It can be attained through systematic steps in personal development.
It can be the direct result of mans positive attitude combined with all the above factors.

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