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| Understanding the Horror Why did the Holocaust occur? Why did Nazi Germany wage a war against the Jews? Did all Germans support Hitler? Did Europe's Jews resist thelr fate? Even today, the world stil struggles to ind the answers. ‘ByKaren Shawn Thing to understand the Holocaust can teem overwhelming, The event wos 50 ‘neal ha xe sperts ore still abating basle questions such as ‘why and sow ie occured To help You Detter understand the event UPDATE atted noted Holocaust ‘educetar Kareh Shawn answer tome of te mort common! asked questons about the Holocaust The folowing anewers are admittedly brief and Incomplete. The full gniwers vould fill volumes; you ‘Should ust these a atang pet forfiermadicand deca, Under Naz rule illons of European jews ware rounded up and ent! concentration comps acrous the continent. Utimatey, some 6 mon ows petined during the Hlocast. * No; Iratosial batted of Jews, ot fmt-Seasm, was 9 cena belt ‘of Hier ad the Neri and vcore Other scholars date anti- enemy because they refuted t0 ‘nuit of he Holoesust But anti Semitsm’s cigins tothe accura- abandon thei eigion and convert tion by he early Chistian Church 6 Chris. thatthe Tews eneifie Jess, This Throughout history, great sum. ‘Many scolar believe that ant-charge-vas vstrue—-Roman tol: ter o Jews were led becase of Jewish pojuice began a early as dies cavied ou te Cruciien-~ tel elisious belies, especially the fourth centiry nc; in Greece bul thedestruce belie! tat Jews during te Crasaes inthe Tith ceo tnd Egypt, The Jews’ beliet in were "Chris ile” berame a cor. tary, ané during the Spanish ‘Monodeim—or oe Codcashed rove of anifevish Nets and Inston, bepimiee in e134 | withthe prevaing pagan belief in actions for centuries. Many sai) god. ‘Grits alto viewed Jews athe ‘ordered Jews in [aly wrlled in overcrowded neighbor Toots called gheton This seen ton an iolionreforced te ep ve sreoupe of Jews as ciffirent fd vomehow dangers nthe modera er, though Jews ‘were 9 loner fred live im he {on widespread noi Semis comtz- ‘vo fo ent a many egies he Tes ved, eel in Ero Ththoag a onetime Chin aig is flowers tive comet frJews, ienever eacouraged the | peter ta Jews should te Mle sim lv beciisechey were Jews. Ibdid ‘ot offi approve oft flings ‘cared cut daring be Eisin, for ‘hampl Intend, {eeooiraped re flows conversion. Thus, wade Seni pave the wn fr bat {ore fem: hw Nast prtscetion otlews Hatred of Jews was central to Hier pbosophya te so all contin thats lamately led to | the kling oF tie ews. Hitler srongly believed th Jews were planning fo dominat (Ge werd He viewed the wool as Tocked in s struggle between eiperoe” and “inferior” res of peopl, The Stest apd most supe- ‘SCHOLASTIC UPDATE he called the “Aaryan’ race: blond, blve-eye6, strong, and “pere blooded” This uate roe” Hier delaed, was esined orale be wor: All mame clue al the eulist far scene, and technology. ae Slgom exclsively the prodoct fe ‘Agjan,” Hitler wrote in bit 1926 ‘ook; Mein Kampf. Tews, Miler Spot) more meters of aa inferoe Tree poliodag the pasty of te Anas Biers pijosophy combined x joel aatSemiism vith acs Racial ant-Semtnn preached th foyth tha lows were aioe, chat lewuhoes” was beediary, that at Jes tes, whlch were lead ond thus could nevershe ‘hanged. Therefore, even teligions ‘onverson cold not save Je ‘The Naas! twisted thinking led tem to ee Jews a8 tele mortal remy, ‘They alimatly conladed that ony by klling the J's cold they emeles serine, Many bistorians have cll Hitler tev genus, He was « maser at ble speaking and alie, When be took power in 1933, Germany wasia for ney 50 year, Germans have struggled to overcome thelr nation’s pst. ut today, a resurgence of neo- Neal groups and lence Is threaten- | Ing German democracy. | ‘las, Millions were usemployed, ‘sngry. Hite eerie aad =| Seen pe a cod aly fs te ee Siichcieron wks te | Seles bon ep tes ees ptt «iene nd oly spe! spl cs Satie Peeuoe ed concer Seale eras | imac veupe meat’ | | Oc caeipe a Geta pons ties some Goran Sore en SemeshedJoih | ‘fle cl appesncl ie a {Giom dows Cope Comm. Sosaamanh Oomay| Mase coe ese eee asec aren eee Soe hed as hee nenans | ‘cod aa oe He ee Gia ted ovr mpm | seeneqlamue even etn | Gantie | Mary Jes eave: Bat my 7 | SSR owed | dng money of a place'ta go. 1a:1929, tS ro cbt a pet econ Degresion The United States ht cna ts reaietions on immigration (0 belp deal with unemployment, af | ‘i moet oer counties, AS ws, Fedag s new bomeland wa ul foc Jen, Even as Hides murderous Pla foie, ao coun wes il | Tig to open its doors to Jewish | refuges Tbe the Jews were ele | rely tapped. | ‘Some Tews di ot try to leave cma ag Jewi Tete Fes ‘dived in Germany fr seasons and hed contributed greatly to Germany's achievement i every ‘eld Many Bad foes for Gemaay in Work War L They belived they diet fee Tn eter Eutopeas counties, Jews ‘ues te same probes, May ho ‘wanted to leave simply leked tbe money, opportusty, or sarin to {Sve up dete home, way of ie, hte nage, and coun. Yes: Millon of her innocent peo ple were swept up in the net of ‘eath. Those who disagreed with ‘Nad ideology, ssh as Communists nd nde unioiss, weve deported. Snd often Kile. The mentally a hysicaly dstbled, bomosexvaly Jehovah's Wires, ond Vere al categorized by the Nazis undesibles,” also weee targeted 1 some countries, anyone who ‘sssted Joes was alo led, But the Jews ere he mar ets the ‘murderous power of Hider aod Bis fellowes For the vast majority of Jews et armed resistance Was no realistic Fist arms were not avaible the Jews. Second, when lows tied to ot the Genes, hy Fn "ole: ‘ve pishment™ the Geonan poi ey of illiog many Jews fr tho ons ofa fw, The Fewith goal was survival specially a the bgionng of Weld ‘Weel when tee wa al bpe tht fhe war might” end. qotckly Resistance to the Naas ame to Be een a5 anything that gave Jewish omits hope or saved lives, ‘This ince eseving Jewish rl lous observances, call evens, and newspapen.—all of which were ullawed by the Nazis, aad all of ‘whic Met sere fn ghettos ee Eee ‘arquphou rope Even asthe Holocaust wafoded, ‘many Jove dd ot bleve,o wer Stand, hat Hier plead to sa ate them. They sav el pereition by he Nene an ougrowth fad ‘Seoalant-Seaidan, wich they had dred and rived mt peopl for ‘hasan of yous ‘Jewish actions Mighr have been different ned ty known of Hers Plans (0 il ll the Jews, But they ould ot tae own, Besse soc Shornble crime wa imeginabe ‘hl ee war anne Jewish rs: ‘uace, The most wel-kaown act of Feslsance was the Warsaw ghetto ‘peg in Poland a 1943. The Jewe ‘Bd smuggled in seme, made the ‘wn weapons, aod dag oder unk, Te reveled ee weeks “oiay the autanceof concentration compe and races wth as “ene tearing’ nthe Yugosay evil war have caled up haunting memories of ‘the Holocaust Wal te word ence sgain rena sent? before wa rut, isp et ex esistancethoughoat Poland. ‘There were also revals and sbotage tffors ia soaceaation camp, ve inde deat cup of Trbinka, Sobibor and Avec. Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner Ee Wiese! notes tht ive te situation ofthe Jews, the correct question may aot be why there was so ne resistance, bt how thee na 0 och, ‘The Holocaust as roomie Be san: ard by Which exmes aginst buen 4ty ae measred, Is Uaqh dictator Soidar Hussein ss tad as Her? Ls athe clensing” in Yopolvia the | smotera version of the Nex perce oa of foe | “The Holocaust bab aso become the standard by which eee esponses | tne judged What i 0% espoasy to 8 neighbor in need or to 8 Stanger? Will we ooce agua vena Aystances lathe fee of evi? Hom ia We tse ou Knowledge of history {Dee racial and enc tension end teach erase and spect forhunan | viens? | “The Holocenst ad ts legacy ch. lenges all of us to think exefully shoot who We r,s inves and 1 nation, and about who want ‘becom It compels us to lfm ‘our hopes for suse world ad to ‘denify our tole i realising those oes 7 ‘APRIL 2,193 0191 ‘ALLIES: The inion ied asin be Aus poesia ‘iri Wer thes ye US, Gren Brn and USSR ANTISEMITISM: Inaionl salty toward Jeni ‘furcrod by dscaiaaton, ereton salve. ARYAN: The name th Nun ed 6 dente hie sor Jews Geran, peccaly Now ples lt oe a td blo ns wham te Nass ltd were spt ll [AXIS POWERS: The recom Noi Gera, hy nd iphoto Ale aig Wold War. ‘BOYCOTT: Refs! do wisest wi sao, fr polices ‘CONCENTRATION CAMP: A pce of inpctonnent for poli fies memes of mite ps Pio we, ‘fen red by harem bel pr a rte FASCISM A pli plilsophy chaactnae by dt: ‘hip extome gation, and soppresion of epponiton, eck by an agen try: FINAL SOLUTION: Nes! past morder every Je i GESTAPO: The terest secre-police force of Ni ‘ecm, fsa orl tod fw, ighine "24m SCHOLASTIC UPDATE li os wi al ayes {HRETO: Ouyang te em Pre set en wr en oe ty me ps toe Caray sea uecnanl pe! coe by tlre nity oop eer HOLOCAUST he use’ of roi 6 in ee 1) Na Garmay and lit Sevecn 1939 sd 145 cay we ee" fr” KRISTALLNACHT: Geman rm mening “Cyl Ng i | spi hes Guana s a oete ele 108, when wands of few hop yagi ery td Ae we ded 5000 Tah | sectied we rao Gat AZ Aeris a Rar Sosa Geran Wa Poy ey ita wk pve Oo FOGROM Ts spe mance of vis cms | edt tal cae, sly witha eons SS! nib ef de Gomi ward fr pera c” etn pide Nut any gen pale oct, cig rng eens tps. Nh caled-Bist bona obi ck lo SWASTIKA Arce aysied satel oeynet 64 ‘ib am op ye Nese ol "THIRD REICH Hes ane or Grn aig is ean 1 dey, 1334. be ep"

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