Emotions Can Affect Health

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Emotions can affect health

By: Milagros Monserrat Morales Gonzlez.

If people know how to handle their emotions to the positive side, theyll have an
excellent health.
As some scientist say Theres a connection between mind and body. For example,
when unlucky events have happened to us, our body can respond in these ways:
Backache, chest pain, tiredness, headache, high blood pressure, gain or lost
weight, etc. As a result of these symptoms quality life decreases.
In my opinion, Depression is the most common mental disease which affects
peoples health. Is scientifically proved that Serotonin (A neurotransmitter) is
the depression cause. For this reason persons who suffer it have to take
medication to deal with their problem and try to live a healthy and happy life.
As I have shown, we have to take care not just our body , also our mind and
handling emotions are very important. As people say: Mind healthy, body

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