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The Subtle Art Of Seduction

Joseph Matthews (

The ideal man is always looking for the woman who has real romantic tenancies, (which
is most women) because this is the woman who will respond the most to typical male

What men say, what they do - even the smallest things like an offhanded comment or the
casual touch on the arm - can really stimulate a woman's romantic imagination.

The real art of seduction is more than something you're just "born with." Art is
something you can admire and learn from, it has nothing to do with natural talent.

Seduction is at its best when you pay attention to your "target." Learning about her
needs, passions, and desires will give you the leverage you need to make her attracted to

You need to start asking yourself the tough questions - who are you? Do you believe in
yourself? Do you think you're attractive? Allowing yourself to be confident will help
others to see that confidence in you.

By stepping your game up a little, and practicing some confidence enhancing techniques,
you are already well on your way there - there is nothing that a lot of women find more
attractive than a man who is confident (not too confident!) in himself, sexually as well as

Confidence gives you the power to be a "strong man." Strong men can remain calm and
cool when adversity comes their way. Most men are conditioned to turn tail and run due
to fear of rejection. But it's to the guys who throw caution to the wind that get the

Don't forget, a brave man will not live forever, but a cautious one will not live at all!

Look at yourself. What are your attractive features? Everyone has at least three.

You need to learn how to use what you have to your advantage, instead of wishing you
had a better body or better looks, you need to focus on what you DO have, like your
winning smile, great sense of humor, or full head of hair. The lesson here is - take what
you DO have and make it work for you!

We are always more critical of ourselves than others are of us. Think of what women
have previously found attractive about you. Whatever it is you settle on, make that the
forefront of your seduction. If you have a great smile - smile at the girl a lot. This can
mean the difference between a successful seduction and a failure.
After you have pegged down your greatest assets, its time to bring them to the forefront
and use them to seduce the girl you desire. While interacting with her, draw attention to
them. Smile at her, make strong eye contact, throw out a joke or two - whatever you've
determined are your most seductive attributes, use them!

Romance was mentioned in the beginning, and it's not something to be taken lightly!
Some women just love romantic gestures and others don't.

Try and communicate your attraction to the woman without being too obvious. Forcing
your interest on a girl will force her to choose whether or not she feels the same way
before you've had a chance to lay the groundwork. You'll want to come in under the
radar and work on building interest before you make a serious move.

When dealing with women, you got to be brave. Take a chance at getting rejected.
Allow yourself to flirt and joke and have fun with her. This will really separate yourself
from other men.

Seduction is all about taking your thoughts, feelings, actions, and ideas, and making them
work for you to get a desired romantic outcome.

But don't allow yourself to just "let things happen." Proper seduction takes a lot of
planning and premeditation to get right. That's not to say you can rush a seduction, but
you can make it so that things play out to your advantage.

Finally, don't be afraid to make your move when the time comes. If you've done
everything right, she'll be ready for you when you go in for the kiss. If you've mastered
the art of seduction, she may even be the one to make the move on you first!

To discover more about the Art Of Seduction, be sure to visit Joseph Matthew's website
where you can get free tactics and insights on seduction techniques.

Click Here To Visit Now!

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